
SpringBoot is a Spring Framework module that has some features to help developers create a production-class application. SpringBoot is a combination of two words—BOOT is from bootstrap, while SPRING is a framework used to build Java enterprise applications. This is a large framework that's also supported by numerous other frameworks. SpringBoot is similar in that it lets you bootstrap a spring application from scratch, which is how it gets the name SpringBoot. According to spring.io, here's the definition of SpringBoot—"Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade, Spring-based applications that you can just run." This means that it helps you to create a runnable project without the help of others. In addition, we showed a production-grade project here, which is a ready-product application. SpringBoot minimizes the pain of setting up an application.

The features of SpringBoot are as follows:

  • It helps to create a standalone Spring application.
  • It comes with Tomcat, Jetty, or Undertow, and so there's no need to worry about setting up the server environment.
  • With the use of SpringBoot, you don't need to deploy WAR files.
  • Third-party frameworks can be imported automatically with their configurations.
  • XML configuration isn't required if you use SpringBoot.
SpringBoot doesn't produce code or make changes to your files. Instead, when you start up your application, SpringBoot dynamically wires up beans and settings, and applies them to your application context.
Let's create a SpringBoot project to learn about its dependencies and features.
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