Creating a project

We'll create a small project where we'll implement the basic authentication security to protect the data. A user needs to be accepted by our security system to access the data. Let's create the project with the given steps:

  1. To create the project, go to the and modify the given field with your requirement. You can check our project information in the following screenshot:

Here, we're using Maven Project and selecting the language as Kotlin and the Spring Boot version as 2.1.1 (SNAPSHOT).

We've added the Security, Web, and DevTools dependencies. You can check the list in pom.xml.

  1. When you select Generate Project, you'll get the project as a ZIP file. Unzip and open this project with your IDE. 
  1. It will take a moment to download and update the Maven dependencies. Here's a screenshot of your project's content:


If you need to add new dependencies or update the versions, modify pom.xml. If you want to create kotlin files, you need to create files under the src->main->kotlin->{Package_NAME} folder. 

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