Chapter 1. Getting Started

In this chapter we will cover:

  • Creating a project for a basic application
  • Creating a project for a screensaver application
  • Creating a project for an iOS touch application
  • Understanding the basic structure of an application
  • Responding to mouse input
  • Responding to key input
  • Responding to touch input
  • Accessing the files dropped onto the application window
  • Adjusting a scene after resizing the window
  • Using resources on Windows
  • Using resources on OSX and iOS
  • Using assets


In this chapter we'll learn the fundamentals of creating applications using Cinder.

We'll start by creating different types of applications on the different platforms that Cinder supports using a powerful tool called TinderBox.

We'll cover the basic structure of an application and see how to respond to user input events.

Finally, we will learn how to use resources on Windows and Mac.

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