Creating springs

In this recipe, we will learn how we can create springs.

Springs are objects that connect two particles and force them to be at a defined rest distance.

In this example, we will create random particles, and whenever the user presses a mouse button, two random particles will be connected by a new spring with a random rest distance.

Getting ready

We will be using the same particle system developed in the previous recipe, Creating a particle system in 2D. Create the Particle and ParticleSystem classes described in that recipe and include the ParticleSystem.h file at the top of the application source file.

We will be creating a Spring class, so it is necessary to create the following files:

  • Spring.h
  • Spring.cpp

How to do it…

We will create springs that constrain the movement of particles. Perform the following steps to do so:

  1. In the Spring.h file, we will declare a Spring class. The first thing we need to do is to add the #pragma once macro and include the necessary files.
    #pragma once
    #include "Particle.h"
    #include "cinder/gl/gl.h"
  2. Next, declare the Spring class.
    class Spring{
  3. We will add member variables, two Particle pointers to reference the particles that will be connected by this spring, and the rest and strengthfloat variables.
    class Spring{
      Particle *particleA;
      Particle *particleB;
      float strength, rest;
  4. Now we will declare the constructor that will take pointers to two Particle objects, and the rest and strength values.

    We will also declare the update and draw methods.

    The following is the final Spring class declaration:

    class Spring{
        Spring( Particle *particleA, Particle *particleB, 
        float rest, float strength );
        void update();
        void draw();
        Particle *particleA;
        Particle *particleB;
        float strength, rest;
  5. Let's implement the Spring class in the Spring.cpp file.

    In the constructor, we will set the values of the member values to the ones passed in the arguments.

    Spring::Spring( Particle *particleA, Particle *particleB, float rest, float strength ){
      this->particleA = particleA;
      this->particleB = particleB;
      this->rest = rest;
      this->strength = strength;
  6. In the update method of the Spring class, we will calculate the difference between the particles' distance and the spring's rest distance, and adjust them accordingly.
    void Spring::update(){
        ci::Vec2f delta = particleA->position - particleB->position;
        float length = delta.length();
        float invMassA = 1.0f / particleA->mass;
        float invMassB = 1.0f / particleB->mass;
        float normDist = ( length - rest ) / ( length * ( invMassA + invMassB ) ) * strength;
        particleA->position -= delta * normDist * invMassA;
        particleB->position += delta * normDist * invMassB;
  7. In the draw method of the Spring class, we will simply draw a line connecting both particles.
    void Spring::draw(){
        ( particleA->position, particleB->position );
  8. Now we will have to make some changes in the ParticleSystem class to allow the addition of springs.

    In the ParticleSystem file, include the Spring.h file.

    #include "Spring.h"
  9. Declare the std::vector<Spring*> member in the class declaration.
    std::vector<Spring*> springs;
  10. Declare the addSpring and destroySpring methods to add and destroy springs to the system.

    The following is the final ParticleSystem class declaration:

        void update();
        void draw();
        void addParticle( Particle *particle );
        void destroyParticle( Particle *particle );
        void addSpring( Spring *spring );
        void destroySpring( Spring *spring );
        std::vector<Particle*> particles;
        std::vector<Spring*> springs;
  11. Let's implement the addSpring method. In the ParticleSystem.cpp file, add the following code snippet:
    void ParticleSystem::addSpring( Spring *spring ){
      springs.push_back( spring );
  12. In the implementation of destroySpring, we will find the correspondent iterator for the argument Spring and remove it from springs. We will also delete the object.

    Add the following code snippet in the ParticleSystem.cpp file:

    void ParticleSystem::destroySpring( Spring *spring ){
      std::vector<Spring*>::iterator it = std::find( springs.begin(), springs.end(), spring );
      delete *it;
      springs.erase( it );
  13. It is necessary to alter the update method to update all springs.

    The following code snippet shows what the final update should look like:

    void ParticleSystem::update(){
      for( std::vector<Particle*>::iterator it = particles.begin(); it != particles.end(); ++it ){
        for( std::vector<Spring*>::iterator it = 
        springs.begin(); it != springs.end(); ++it ){
  14. In the draw method, we will also need to iterate over all springs and call the draw method on them.

    The final implementation of the ParticleSystem::draw method should be as follows:

    void ParticleSystem::draw(){
        for( std::vector<Particle*>::iterator it = particles.begin(); it != particles.end(); ++it ){
        for( std::vector<Spring*>::iterator it = 
        springs.begin(); it != springs.end(); ++it ){
  15. We have finished creating the Spring class and making all necessary changes to the ParticleSystem class.

    Let's go to our application's class and include the ParticleSystem.h file:

    #include "ParticleSystem.h"
  16. Declare a ParticleSystem object.
    ParticleSystem mParticleSystem;
  17. Create some random particles by adding the following code snippet to the setup method:
    for( int i=0; i<100; i++ ){
            float x = randFloat( getWindowWidth() );
            float y = randFloat( getWindowHeight() );
            float radius = randFloat( 5.0f, 15.0f );
            float mass = radius;
            float drag = 0.9f;
            Particle *particle = 
            new Particle( Vec2f( x, y ), radius, mass, drag );
            mParticleSystem.addParticle( particle );
  18. In the update method, we will need to call the update method on ParticleSystem.
    void MyApp::update(){
  19. In the draw method, clear the background, define the window's matrices, and call the draw method on mParticleSystem.
    void MyApp::draw(){
      gl::clear( Color( 0, 0, 0 ) );
      gl::setMatricesWindow( getWindowWidth(), getWindowHeight() );
  20. Since we want to create springs whenever the user presses the mouse, we will need to declare the mouseDown method.

    Add the following code snippet to your application's class declaration:

      void mouseDown( MouseEvent event );
  21. In the mouseDown implementation we will connect two random particles.

    Start by declaring a Particle pointer and defining it as a random particle in the particle system.

    Particle *particleA = mParticleSystem.particles[ randInt( mParticleSystem.particles.size() ) ];
  22. Now declare a second Particle pointer and make it equal to the first one. In the while loop, we will set its value to a random particle in mParticleSystem until both particles are different. This will avoid the case where both pointers point to the same particle.
    Particle *particleB = particleA;
    while( particleB == particleA ){
      particleB = mParticleSystem.particles[ randInt( mParticleSystem.particles.size() ) ];
  23. Now we'll create a Spring object that will connect both particles, define a random rest distance, and set strength to 1.0. Add the created spring to mParticleSystem.

    The following is the final mouseDown implementation:

    void SpringsApp::mouseDown( MouseEvent event )
        Particle *particleA = mParticleSystem.particles[ 
        randInt( mParticleSystem.particles.size() ) ];
        Particle *particleB = particleA;
        while( particleB == particleA ){
      particleB = mParticleSystem.particles[ randInt( mParticleSystem.particles.size() ) ];
        float rest = randFloat( 100.0f, 200.0f );
        float strength = 1.0f;
        Spring *spring = new Spring
        ( particleA, particleB, rest, strength );
        mParticleSystem.addSpring( spring );
  24. Build and run the application. Every time a mouse button is pressed, two particles will become connected with a white line and their distance will remain unchangeable.
    How to do it…

How it works…

A Spring object will calculate the difference between two particles and correct their positions, so that the distance between the two particles will be equal to the springs' rest value.

By using their masses, we will also take into account each particle's mass, so that the correction will take into account the particles' weight.

There's more…

The same principle can also be applied to particle systems in 3D.

If you are using a 3D particle, as explained in the There's more… section of the Creating a particle system in 2D recipe, the Spring class simply needs to change its calculations to use ci::Vec3f instead of ci::Vec2f.

The update method of the Spring class would need to look like the following code snippet:

void Spring::update(){
    ci::Vec3f delta = particleA->position - particleB->position;
    float length = delta.length();
    float invMassA = 1.0f / particleA->mass;
    float invMassB = 1.0f / particleB->mass;
    float normDist = ( length - rest ) / ( length * ( invMassA + invMassB ) ) * strength;
    particleA->position -= delta * normDist * invMassA;
    particleB->position += delta * normDist * invMassB;
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