Creating a height map from an image

In this recipe, we will learn how to create a point cloud based on an image selected by the user. We will create a grid of points where each point will correspond to a pixel. The x and y coordinates of each point will be equal to the pixel's position on the image, and the z coordinate will be calculated based on its color.

Getting ready

Include the necessary files to work with OpenGL, image surfaces, VBO meshes, and loading images.

Add the following code to the top of the source file:

#include "cinder/gl/gl.h"
#include "cinder/Surface.h"
#include "cinder/gl/Vbo.h"
#include "cinder/MayaCamUI.h"
#include "cinder/ImageIo.h"

Also, add the following using statements:

using namespace ci;
using namespace ci::app;
using namespace std;

How to do it…

We will learn how to read pixel values from an image and create a point cloud.

  1. Declare ci::Surface32f to store the image pixels, ci::gl::VboMesh that we will use as the point cloud, and ci::MayaCamUI for easy rotation of our scene.
    Surface32f mImage;
    gl::VboMesh mPointCloud;gl::VboMesh mPointCloud;
    MayaCamUI mCam;
  2. In the setup method, we will first open a file load dialog and then let the user select the image to use and check if it returns a valid path.
    fs::path imagePath = getOpenFilePath( "", ImageIo::getLoadExtensions() );
    if( imagePath.empty() == false ){
  3. Next, let's load the image and initialize mPointCloud. We will set the ci::gl::VboMesh::Layout to have dynamic positions and colors so that we will be able to change them later.
    mImage = loadImage( imagePath );
    int numPixels = mImage.getWidth() * mImage.getHeight();
    gl::VboMesh::Layout layout;
    mPointCloud = gl::VboMesh( numPixels, 0, layout, GL_POINTS );
  4. Next, we'll iterate over the image's pixels and update the vertices in mPointCloud.
    Surface32f::IterpixelIt = mImage.getIter();
    gl::VboMesh::VertexItervertexIt( mPointCloud );
    while( pixelIt.line() ){
      while( pixelIt.pixel() ){
                        Color color( pixelIt.r(), pixelIt.g(), pixelIt.b() );
        float height = color.get( CM_RGB ).length();
        float x = pixelIt.x();
        float y = mImage.getHeight() - pixelIt.y();
        float z = height * 100.0f;
        vertexIt.setPosition( x,y, z );
        vertexIt.setColorRGB( color );
  5. Now we will set up the camera so that it will rotate around the center of the point cloud and close the if statement we began on the second step.
            Vec3f center( (float)mImage.getWidth()/2.0f, (float)mImage.getHeight()/2.0f, 50.0f );
        CameraPersp camera( getWindowWidth(), getWindowHeight(), 60.0f );
        camera.setEyePoint( Vec3f( center.x, center.y, (float)mImage.getHeight() ) );
        camera.setCenterOfInterestPoint( center );
        mCam.setCurrentCam( camera );
  6. Let's declare and implement the necessary mouse event handlers to use mCam.
    void mouseDown( MouseEvent event );	
    void mouseDrag( MouseEvent event );
  7. And implement them:
    void MyApp::mouseDown( MouseEvent event ){
      mCam.mouseDown( event.getPos() );
    void MyApp::mouseDrag( MouseEvent event ){
      mCam.mouseDrag( event.getPos(), event.isLeft(), event.isMiddle(), event.isRight() );
  8. In the draw method, we will begin by clearing the background, setting the window's matrices defined by mCam, and enable reading and writing the depth buffer.
    gl::clear( Color( 0, 0, 0 ) ); 
    gl::setMatrices( mCam.getCamera() );
  9. Finally, we will check if mPointCloud is a valid object and draw it.
    if( mPointCloud ){
      gl::draw( mPointCloud );
  10. Build and run the application. You will be prompted with a dialog box to select an image file. Select it and you will see a point cloud representation of the image. Drag the mouse cursor to rotate the scene.
    How to do it…

How it works…

We started by loading an image into ci::Surface32f. This surface stores pixels as float numbers in the range from 0 to 1.

We created a grid of points where the x and y coordinates represented the pixel's position on the image and the z coordinate was the length of the color's vector.

The point cloud is represented by a ci::gl::VboMesh, which is a mesh of vertices, normal, colors, and indexes with an underlying Vertex Buffer Object. It allows for optimized drawing of geometry.

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