List of Listings

Chapter 1. JUnit jump-start

Listing 1.1. The test calculator class

Listing 1.2. A simple test calculator program

Listing 1.3. A (slightly) better test calculator program

Listing 1.4. The JUnit CalculatorTest program

Chapter 2. Exploring core JUnit

Listing 2.1. The CalculatorTest test case

Listing 2.2. Parameterized tests

Listing 2.3. Composing a Suite from test classes

Listing 2.4. Suite of suites

Chapter 3. Mastering JUnit

Listing 3.1. Request, Response, RequestHandler, and Controller interfaces

Listing 3.2. The generic controller

Listing 3.3. Special response class signaling an error

Listing 3.4. TestDefaultController—a bootstrap iteration

Listing 3.5. Test classes as inner classes

Listing 3.6. TestDefaultController.testAddHandler

Listing 3.7. testProcessRequest method

Listing 3.8. TestDefaultController after some refactoring

Listing 3.9. Anti-example: don’t combine test methods

Listing 3.10. A refactored SampleResponse

Listing 3.11. Request handler for exception cases

Listing 3.12. testProcessRequestAnswersErrorResponse, first iteration

Listing 3.13. testProcessRequestExceptionHandler, fixed and refactored

Listing 3.14. Testing methods that throw an exception

Listing 3.15. Timeout tests

Listing 3.16. Ignoring a test method in JUnit 4.x

Listing 3.17. Cumbersome JUnit assert method

Listing 3.18. Hamcrest library to simplify our assert declarations

Chapter 4. Software testing principles

Listing 4.1. Unit tests as automatic documentation

Listing 4.2. Enforcing a timeout on a method with JUnit

Chapter 5. Test coverage and development

Listing 5.1. Reduce dependencies

Listing 5.2. Pass the Driver to the Vehicle

Listing 5.3. Law of Demeter violation

Listing 5.4. Global state in action

Listing 5.5. Avoiding global state

Listing 5.6. Example of a bad design with conditionals

Listing 5.7. Unit tests as a design guide

Chapter 6. Coarse-grained testing with stubs

Listing 6.1. Sample method opening an HTTP connection

Listing 6.2. Starting Jetty in embedded mode—JettySample class

Listing 6.3. First test to verify that WebClient works with a valid URL

Listing 6.4. Create a Jetty Handler that returns "It works" when called

Listing 6.5. Putting it all together

Listing 6.6. Providing custom stream handler classes for testing

Listing 6.7. Stubbed HttpURLConnection class

Chapter 7. Testing with mock objects

Listing 7.1.

Listing 7.2.

Listing 7.3.

Listing 7.4. Testing transfer with MockAccountManager

Listing 7.5. Refactoring DefaultAccountManager for testing

Listing 7.6. A sample method that opens an HTTP connection

Listing 7.7. Extracting retrieval of the connection object from getContent

Listing 7.8.

Listing 7.9. Refactored WebClient using ConnectionFactory

Listing 7.10.

Listing 7.11.

Listing 7.12. Refactored WebClient test using MockConnectionFactory

Listing 7.13. Mock InputStream with an expectation on close

Listing 7.14. WebClient closing the stream

Listing 7.15. Reworking the TestAccountService test using EasyMock

Listing 7.16. Reworking the WebClient test using EasyMock

Listing 7.17. Reworking the TestAccountService test using JMock

Listing 7.18. Reworking the TestWebClient test using JMock

Chapter 8. In-container testing

Listing 8.1. Servlet implementing isAuthenticated

Listing 8.2. Testing a servlet with EasyMock

Chapter 9. Running JUnit tests from Ant

Listing 9.1. Start of an Ant build file

Listing 9.2. The build file compile targets

Listing 9.3. The build file test target

Listing 9.4. Adding the Ivy changes to the build file

Listing 9.5. The ivy.xml file with the listed dependencies

Listing 9.6. Adding a JUnitReport task to the build file

Listing 9.7. Using batchtest to find test cases

Chapter 10. Running JUnit tests from Maven2

Listing 10.1. Simple pom.xml

Listing 10.2. Child modules for parent pom.xml

Listing 10.3. Pom.xml that inherits the parent pom.xml

Listing 10.4. Pom.xml for the maven-sampling project

Listing 10.5. Additional metadata for the pom.xml

Listing 10.6. Description elements for the pom.xml

Listing 10.7. Configuring the maven-compiler-plugin

Listing 10.8. Configuration of the maven-surefire-plugin

Chapter 11. Continuous integration tools

Listing 11.1. CruiseControl’s config.xml

Listing 11.2. CruiseControl’s htmlemail notification

Listing 11.3. Hudson home directory folder structure

Chapter 12. Presentation-layer testing

Listing 12.1. Our first HtmlUnit example

Listing 12.2. Testing for all HtmlUnit-supported browsers

Listing 12.3. Configuring a standalone test

Listing 12.4. Configuring a test with multiple page fixtures

Listing 12.5. Example form page

Listing 12.6. Testing a form

Listing 12.7. Page navigation through frames

Listing 12.8. Asserting expected alerts

Listing 12.9. Asserting no alerts under normal operation

Listing 12.10. Custom alert handler

Listing 12.11. Boilerplate HtmlUnit ServletTestCase subclass

Listing 12.12. A simple servlet

Listing 12.13. Our first Selenium example

Listing 12.14. Managing the Selenium server from a test

Listing 12.15. A test suite to manage a Selenium server

Listing 12.16. Running the test class for multiple browsers

Listing 12.17. Capturing a screen shot on JUnit 4 test failure

Chapter 13. Ajax testing

Listing 13.1. testform.html—a simple form (client)

Listing 13.2. bad test method

Listing 13.3. Testing the same form with HtmlUnit

Listing 13.4. Ant build.xml for JavaScript unit tests

Listing 13.5. jsFactorialTests.html

Listing 13.6. jsUnitTestSuite.html

Listing 13.7. Building a JsUnit test suite

Listing 13.8. JsUnit build.xml excerpts

Listing 13.9. Ant build results

Listing 13.10. An XML service test

Listing 13.11. A validating XML service test

Listing 13.12. A JSON service test

Listing 13.13. A JSON service test with JSLint

Listing 13.14. The asynchronous RPC call

Listing 13.15.—testing GWT RPC

Listing 13.16. A GWT test suite

Chapter 14. Server-side Java testing with Cactus

Listing 14.1. Sample of a servlet method to unit test

Listing 14.2. Using Cactus to unit test SampleServlet

Listing 14.3. Designing and testing the getCommand method

Listing 14.4. Minimum code to make the TestAdminServlet compile

Listing 14.5. Implementation of getCommand that makes the tests pass

Listing 14.6. Unit tests for callView

Listing 14.7. Implementation of callView that makes the test pass

Listing 14.8. Implementation of doGet that makes the tests pass

Listing 14.9. Results View JSP (results.jsp)

Listing 14.10. unit tests for results.jsp

Listing 14.11. AdministratorEJB

Listing 14.12. Test case for AdministratorEJB

Listing 14.13. Build.xml skeleton to execute the Cactus tests

Listing 14.14. Build.xml to present cactifywar task

Listing 14.15. Build.xml to present cactifyear task

Listing 14.16. The test target to demonstrate the cactus task

Listing 14.17. Sample pom.xml for running the Cactus tests

Listing 14.18. Build section of the pom.xml to enable Cactus tests execution

Listing 14.19. Continuation of the plug-in declarations from listing 14.18

Listing 14.20. Continuation of the plug-in declarations from listing 14.19

Listing 14.21. cactifyear Cactus plug-in declaration

Listing 14.22. ServletTestRunner declaration

Chapter 15. Testing JSF applications

Listing 15.1. POJO object

Listing 15.2. The AlbumManager performs different operations on Albums

Listing 15.3. ListAvailableAlbumsBean implementation

Listing 15.4. faces-config.xml to configure our beans

Listing 15.5. The JSP to display all the available albums

Listing 15.6. AlbumDetailsBean implementation

Listing 15.7. album_details.jsp presenting the details for a given product

Listing 15.8. Static analysis for your faces-config.xml

Listing 15.9. Testing the AlbumDetailsBean using JMock

Listing 15.10. First JSFUnit test

Listing 15.11. album_details.jsp

Listing 15.12. Testing the Ajax components from the album_details.jsp

Listing 15.13. Using HtmlUnit in a JSFUnit test

Listing 15.14. Enabling the JSFTimer for our application

Listing 15.15. Performance test for purchasing an album

Chapter 16. Testing OSGi components

Listing 16.1. CalculatorService interface

Listing 16.2. Implementation of CalculatorService interface

Listing 16.3. CalculatorBundleActivator

Listing 16.4. Manifest file for the calculator bundle

Listing 16.5. ClientBundleActivator implementation

Listing 16.6. MANIFEST.MF for the client application

Listing 16.7. Refactored ClientBundleActivator to enable testability

Listing 16.8. Mock test for the CalculatorService

Listing 16.9. JUnit4OSGi test for our CalculatorService application

Chapter 17. Testing database access

Listing 17.1. DAO interface used in the examples

Listing 17.2. Domain model used in the examples

Listing 17.3. SQL script that creates the users table

Listing 17.4. XmlDataSet representation of users table

Listing 17.5. FlatXmlDataSet representation of users table (user.xml)

Listing 17.6. Initial test case for UserDaoJdbcImpl (UserDaoJdbcImplTest)

Listing 17.7. Test case for addUser() method

Listing 17.8. Revised version of testAddUser(), using a helper class

Listing 17.9. Second approach for testAddUser()

Listing 17.10. user-token.xml, a dataset that uses a token for IDs

Listing 17.11. Changes on UserDaoJdbcImplTest to handle dynamic IDs

Listing 17.12. user-ok.xml, where the first line has all columns

Listing 17.13. user-reverted.xml, where the first line is incomplete

Listing 17.14. Test case that demonstrates the missing column issue

Listing 17.15. ReplacementDataSet approach to the missing column issue

Listing 17.16. New version of user-reverted.xml, with DTD declaration

Listing 17.17. user.dtd

Listing 17.18. UserDaoJdbcImplTest using the Template Design Pattern

Listing 17.19. empty.xml, dataset used to clean up the database

Listing 17.20. Custom annotation @DataSets

Listing 17.21. UserDaoJdbcImplTest using custom annotations

Listing 17.22. New superclass, AbstractDbUnitTemplateTestCase

Listing 17.23. New AbstractDbUnitELTemplateTestCase that supports EL

Listing 17.24. UserDaoJdbcImplELTest using custom annotations

Listing 17.25. user-EL.xml, dataset that uses EL syntax for tokens

Chapter 18. Testing JPA-based applications

Listing 18.1. User and Telephone class definitions

Listing 18.2. Business layer interface (UserFacade) and transfer object (UserDto)

Listing 18.3. Initial implementation of UserDao using JPA

Listing 18.4. Façade implementation (UserFacadeImpl)

Listing 18.5. Unit test for UserFacadeImpl

Listing 18.6. Root class of testing infrastructure, AbstractJpaTestCase

Listing 18.7. JPA configuration (persistence.xml)

Listing 18.8. Hibernate-specific configuration (

Listing 18.9. Dataset file for User and Telephone tests, user-with-telephone.xml

Listing 18.10. Entity mapping unit tests for User and Telephone classes

Listing 18.11. New version of user-with-telephone.xml dataset, using EL functions

Listing 18.12. Changes to ELContextImpl to support the id function

Listing 18.13. Custom EL functions (ELFunctionMapperImpl)

Listing 18.14. Custom Hibernate event listener (ELPostInsertEventListener)

Listing 18.15. Changes on setEntityManager() to show Hibernate listeners

Listing 18.16. Changes on AbstractJpaDbUnitELTemplateTestCase

Listing 18.17. New version of EntitiesMappingTest using JPA ID’s integration

Listing 18.18. Initial version of UserDaoJpaImplTest

Listing 18.19. New test cases on UserDaoJpaImplTest to handle user with telephone

Listing 18.20. New test cases for negative scenarios

Listing 18.21. Final (and improved) version of UserDaoJpaImpl

Listing 18.22. Test case for Hibernate-generated database schema (

Listing 18.23. Changes on AbstractJpaTestCase to support analyzeSchema()

Chapter 19. JUnit on steroids

Listing 19.1. UserFacadeImpl test refactored to use Unitils mock support

Listing 19.2. UserFacadeImpl test refactored to use FEST-Mocks

Listing 19.3. UserFacadeImpl test refactored to use Mycila EasyMock plug-in

Listing 19.4. UserFacadeImpl test refactored to use Mycila JMock plug-in

Listing 19.5. Refactored UserDaoJdbcImplTest using Unitils

Listing 19.6. Relevant changes to UserDaoJpaImplTest

Listing 19.7. settings for the DbUnit examples

Listing 19.8. Initial implementation of TestingHelper using the reflection API directly

Listing 19.9. TestingHelper refactored to use JUnit-addons

Listing 19.10. TestingHelper refactored to use FEST-Reflect

Appendix A. Differences between JUnit 3 and JUnit 4

Listing A.1. JUnit4TestAdapter to wrap your JUnit 4.x tests

Listing A.2. Test method annotations in JUnit 4.x

Listing A.3. @Before and @After annotations in action

Listing A.4. @BeforeClass and @AfterClass annotations in action

Listing A.5. Static imports in action

Listing A.6. Exception handling the old 3.x way

Listing A.7. Exception handling with the expected parameter of the @Test annotation

Listing A.8. Timeout parameter in the @Test annotation

Listing A.9. Constructing test suites with JUnit 4.x

Listing A.10. Parameterized test runner in action

Listing A.11. Hamcrest assertions in JUnit 4.4+

Listing A.12. Assumptions in JUnit

Appendix B. Extending the JUnit API with custom runners and matchers

Listing B.1. Interceptor interface defining the methods for any of our interceptors

Listing B.2. InterceptorStatement that wraps the original statement

Listing B.3. Custom JUnit runner—InterceptorRunner

Listing B.4. First interceptor—SampleLoggingInterceptor

Listing B.5. Executing a test case using our custom runner

Listing B.6. Second interceptor—SampleTimingInterceptor

Listing B.7. Test case for the timing interceptor

Listing B.8. Our first Hamcrest matcher implementation

Listing B.9. Test class to demonstrate the IsNotNullOrEmpty matcher

Listing B.10. IsStrongPassword custom matcher

Listing B.11. Test case using our custom matcher

Appendix D. JUnit IDE integration

Listing D.1. The CalculatorTest case

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