
Many thanks to Bob Wallace and Beau Bertke, my teammates at Microsoft, for helping me figure some of this stuff out.

Matt Eddinger

I would like to give thanks to my wife of nearly ten years, Mandy, whose love, inspiration and no-nonsense attitude have kept me grounded. You truly are the complement to my life; I love you. To my parents, Cliff and Becky, who through careful instruction and loving discipline guided me, gave me wisdom, and encouraged me to honor God in all I do. To my family, for your love. To my Gulf Coast friends, you gave me your unguarded friendship for many years, and I miss you all. To Apress publishing for giving me a chance and patiently bearing with me in my first publication endeavor. To you, the reader, without whom this book would be needless; I hope you enjoy it. Finally, to the Eternal Living God that has granted me life to live, a mind to learn, a heart to listen, and a mouth to speak the words “Thank you.”

Cory Loriot

Any acknowledgment for my success has to begin with my wonderful wife, Mary Jane. Through my many different occupations, you have never wavered in your support. For that I am blessed. You never complain when I have to push through a weekend to complete a chapter and add that one last thing to make it perfect. Thank you for raising two amazing dogs! I became an MVP though the help and guidance of many friends and colleagues who guided my technical education through the years. To my friends in the MVP community, I want to say thank you for your patience with my many questions. My friends at Microsoft, who are my sounding board when the path to success is unclear, I appreciate you listening and helping to make the product better so that everyone can benefit from what great software you have produced.

Matthew McDermott

I would like to thank Ted and Andrew of Critical Path Training for starting me on my SharePoint journey, the folks at Telerik for their fantastic support of my community work, and finally my loving wife Gala for her unwavering support for this project.

Ed Musters

I want to thank Pradeep Thekkethodi at Orion who encouraged and supported me to become a part of this book.

Tahir Naveed

I would like to dedicate this book and thank my family for all their help and support, alongside Apress, which made the publishing of the chapter a reality.

Doug Ortiz

First and foremost, I would like to thank my parents, sister, and family for providing me all the support, motivation, and encouragement required for me to attain success in entrepreneurship. I also thank my friends Sudarshan and Anand for always being there to advise, guide, and help me throughout my career. I would also like to thank my team for working with me (and tolerating my quest for speedy perfection) and helping us win customer confidence and trust all these years. Last and most important, I would like to express my gratitude to all my clients. The have been partners who have provided a wonderful opportunity for me to work with them, learn their problems and objectives, and collaboratively provide suitable and acceptable solutions. Without those learning experiences, being a part of this book would not have been possible.

Karthick Sethunarayanan

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