Number sequence set up

Whenever we need a number sequence, we will always use the number sequence framework to declare and maintain the number sequence we need. The first part was to create a class that extends the NumberSeqApplicationModule class. This allows us to define the number sequences, and also set up the event that will generate the number sequence setup data.

This makes the number sequence available, and we can create the sequence using the Number Sequence form found in Organizational administration | Number Sequences | Number Sequences. We can create one manually and refer to the sequence defined in our class, or use the Generate button.

If we take a look at the NumberSeqModule::ConWHSVehicleManagement code, we can see that the extension is seamlessly applied to the base type, even though the extension is named NumberSeqModule.ConWHS. This would only work in this package, or packages, that reference it. We have not modified NumberSeqModule. The second point to note is that the ConWHS prefix we added to the element is required, as all elements inside an enum must be unique across all extensions to it.

It is the convention to be able to see and maintain the number sequences from the module to which they belong. This is why we modified our parameters form. This nicely shows the link to the number sequence reference and the number sequence code that defines how the numbers will be generated and maintained by the framework.

The scope in our case was one module, as defined by the enum; however, we can include more, should we have more complicated requirements. Looking at the implementation in the InventParameters form demonstrates how this would be done.

The TmpIdRef temporary table is used to generate the query used by the NumberSequenceReference data source. This was done in the executeQuery method.

There is a new concept demonstrated in the code for the NumberSequenceReference data source. The NumberSequenceCodeId field is actually a RecId relation, but is displayed as human readable. This is done by using a control of type FormReferenceFieldGroupControl. The data source field methods, lookupReference and resolveReference will facilitate this process.

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