There's more...

Power BI is a business intelligence tool used to design and view BI reports. A good resource to learn about Power BI is available for the following link:

Guided Learning for Power BI (

In order to leverage Power BI, a few more steps are required.

The basic steps are as follows:

  1. Ensure that you have set up your O365 accounts with access to Power BI Free or Power BI Pro. To sign up for a free account, use this link:

  1. Register the Power BI app and get a Client ID and Application Key. The details of this are listed here:

  1. Open Operations and navigate to System administration | Setup | Power BI and complete the form with the Client ID from the previous step; an example set up is shown in the following table:



Azure AD authority URL (default)

Azure AD Power BI resource URI

Azure AD tenant - the tenant you signed up with.

Client ID

From the previous step

Application key

From the previous step

Redirect URL

https://<production url>/oauth

Power BI API Address

Also see the following link:

In order to author and distribute Power BI reports, use the following link:

When following this for a cloud solution, where you want to see recent data from the sandbox environment, do it on the sandbox server. You can connect using the AxDW database defined in LCS, but suffixed with Connect using the Database tab, as the AxDW account won't have access to the server.
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