How it works...

To see what we just did, we can simply look at the results. Use Windows explorer to navigate to the local packages folder, which is usually, C:AOSServicePackagesLocalDirectory. There, you will see the following structure, for the example package, ConWHSGeneralExtensions:




This is a package folder

+ ConWHSGeneralExtensions

This is a model folder with a subfolder per type

+ Descriptor

This contains a descriptor file for each model

+ XppMetadata

This system managed folder for the Xpp metadata for all models in the package. This holds compiler metadata information about each element, not the actually source code. This includes the methods in a class, the type of method, the parameters, and so on.

We would never normally change anything here, but there are exceptions:

  • If two developers create a different package at the same time, they can both get the same model ID, in which case, bad things start to happen. The solution is to check out the model's descriptor xml file in the Source Control Explorer and manually change the ID to the next number.
  • You may decide that a standard package should be deleted, such as the tutorial or the sample fleet management solution. You can do this by simply deleting the package folder. Should you want to remove a standard model, you can delete the model folder, but you must also delete the relevant model descriptor file from the package's Descriptor folder. Obvious care needs to be taken, as you can't get it back!

The first point about can be solved by nominating a person to create packages and models.

If you look in the Source Control Explorer in Visual Studio, you will only see that the Projects folder has been added. This is correct. The Metadata folder will only appears when we create new elements.

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