Appendix C. Complex Numbers

Each complex number z is a point in the complex plane, which is spanned by the real axis and the imaginary axes:

image with no caption

Two coordinate systems are commonly used for a (two-dimensional) plane: Cartesian and polar coordinates. For every complex number there exist two equivalent representations:

Complex Numbers


Complex Numbers

is the “imaginary unit.”

We can transform between those representations as follows:

    Real part
    Imaginary part

Basic Operations

Complex numbers are added and multiplied component by component while taking into account that i2 = –1. If z1 = x1 + iy1 and z2 = x2 + iy2, then

z1 + z2 = (x1 + x2) + i(y1 + y2)
z1z2 = (x1x2y1y2) + i(x1y2 + x2y1)

Each complex number z has a “complex conjugate,” denoted , which is the same as except that the sign of the imaginary part has been reversed. Thus,

Basic Operations

The product of a complex number and its conjugate is always real. The square root of this product is also real. It is called the magnitude of z and is denoted by |z|.

Basic Operations

The following identities hold:

Basic Operations

We can use the complex conjugate to assign meaning to the reciprocal of a complex number:

Basic Operations

Polar Coordinates

Every complex number z can also be expressed in polar coordinates:

z = r eiϕ


Polar Coordinates

The radius r can be included in the argument of the exponential:

Polar Coordinates

In polar coordinates, multiplication of two complex numbers amounts to multiplying the magnitudes and adding the phases:

Polar Coordinates

Taking the complex conjugate of a complex number is equivalent to changing the sign of its phase:

Polar Coordinates

When multiplying z and z, the exponential terms cancel and so leave the purely real number r2.

The Complex Exponential

If a complex number z is expressed in polar coordinates,

z = r eiϕ

then all information about the magnitude of the number is contained in the radius r. The exponential term eiϕ provides information about the number’s angular orientation as a point in the complex plane. For this reason, the exponential term is also known as the phase factor.

A phase factor is an exponential term with a purely imaginary exponent. Its magnitude is always 1:

|eiϕ| = 1

Geometrically, the phase factor describes a point on the unit circle. A straightforward geometric construction allows us to express it in terms of trigonometric functions:

eiϕ = cos(ϕ) + i sin(ϕ)

For multiples of π/2 = 90 degrees, the phase factor takes on special values:

The Complex Exponential

Of particular importance is the case when the phase angle grows steadily with time: ϕ = ωt, where ω is a real constant (the “angular frequency”).

In this case, the phase factor describes a purely oscillatory behavior at constant amplitude. The two trigonometric functions simply “wiggle” and exhibit no growth or decay. The greater is ω, the faster are the wiggles:

eiωt = cos(ωt) + i sin(ωt )
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