

“ (quotation marks), 414

& (concatenation) operator, 219

+ (plus signs), 420

+ (addition) operator, 219

. (periods), 232


About tabs, 527

Abs function, 237

Accessibility Inspector, 402-403

accessing. See also security

administration, removing, 631

controlling data access, 348-349

CWP, 600, 602

databases, 39, 522. See also ODBC

drivers, 523

file-level security, 359-364

files, 357

Full Access Privileges, 259, 347

GetNthRecord function, 438

interfaces, 402-404

Manage Database dialog box, 80-81

multiple files, 205

mobile devices, 28

passwords, 586

privilege databases, 515

Script Debugger, 507

sessions, testing, 333


Admin Console, 651

managing, 344

multiple files, 365

multiuser deployment, 326

security, 343-346

ACID tests, 327-328

Actual Open Source Databases driver, 527

Add Expression button, 509

Add Field button, 150

Add Fields dialog box, 180

Add Newly Defined Fields to Current Layout, 149


calculations, 509

comments, 221-222, 488-489

external data sources, 206-207, 538-541

external tables, 209-210

fields, 382, 540

comments, 86

layouts, 149

files, 17, 50

objects to layouts, 144

parts, 131-132

pause states, 476

records, 77, 182-186

relationships, 175-176, 195-197

returns, 222

script logs, 329

spaces, 222

summary fields, 292

tab control objects, 148

tables, 174-175

TasksAfterDate relationship, 200

themes, 382-384

Web Viewer, 369

widgets, 183


hosts, specifying, 533

modifying, 372

multiple, eliminating, 166

static IP, 643

Web Viewer, 368

Adjust Window script step, 472

Admin Console, 610, 642, 650

applying, 657-671

configuring, 667

administration, 527. See also managing

access, removing, 631

automatic layout management, 116

FileMaker Server, 659-665

layouts, 112

passwords, retrieving, 364

server security, 359-360

administrator groups, configuring, 667

Advanced Options, recovery, 503

advanced scripting, 443

overview of, 443

parameters, 443-451

recursion, 458-459

results, 451-453

variables, 453-458

Advanced Web Publishing Options dialog box, 580

aggregate functions, 241-242


auto-aligning, 549

fields, 546

objects, 143

Allow User Abort script, 265

Alternate Background Fill feature, 134

alternating colors in rows, 304

Always Lock Layout Tools preference, 144


relational databases, 154

relationships, 160

structures, 154

Any Go To Layout script, 513

APIs (application programming interfaces), 519

Appearance tab, 386

Apple, 377, 471

application programming interfaces. See APIs


force-quits, 327

IWP, 578, 593-597. See also IWP

ODBC, 520

rapid application development, 10-11

registration, 24

technical specifications, 21

updating, 24

updating/upgrading, 511-512

Apply Theme Style command, 389


Admin Console, 657-671

arrays, troubleshooting, 440

Bento data sources, 562

conditional formatting, 389-391

conditional logic, 272-273

constant global values, 202-204

custom dialogs, 275-276

Custom Menus feature, 490

Data Viewer, 509

DDR (Database Design Report), 504-507

dynamic guides, 393

Evaluate function, 414

fields, 84-87

options, 97-108

types, 87-97

Find mode, 58-62

formulas to calculations, 218-219

grids, 391

guides, 392

Inspector to layouts, 137-143

Layout bars, 134

layouts to parts, 130-134

Let function, 447-449

lists, 289

Manage Database dialog box, 172

master files, 630-631

multiple files in relationships, 205-210

multiple layouts, 116-117

multitiered sorts, 74

Object Grid, 147

objects to layouts, 144-147

progressive backups, 670

Quick Find, 58

Quick Start screen, 24-26

related parent data in child files, 186-187

relationships graphs, 537-543

Revert Record command, 44

screen stencils, 393-395

Script Debugger, 507-509

Set Error Capture script, 491

states, 387

Status toolbar, 35-39

styles, 385-386

subscripts, 261

supplemental fields, 541-543

tab control objects to layouts, 147-149

tables, 81-84

timestamps, 240

tooltips, 141

triggers, 461

variables, 456

Web Viewer, 70, 367, 375

windows to documents, 474

architecture, 10, 471

files, 520

ODBC, 520

windows, managing, 471-472


objects, 142

parts, 301


functions, 421-424

RAID, 644

text, parsing, 446

troubleshooting, 440

art Definition dialog box, 133, 299

ASCII characters, 373

transformations, 568-570

value rules, 102

Assets Starter Solution, 56

atomicity, 327


sort scripts, 68

triggers, 464-467


copying, 137, 144

databases, 154-158

GetLayoutObjectAttribute function, 396-422

join entities, 165

states, 387

audit trails, 329

Authenticate/Deauthenticate scripts, 509


external, 362-363, 642

user, 362

authorizations, 359. See also security

auto-aligning fields, 549

auto-entry options, 219, 415

editing, 333

fields, 97-102

Filter function, 425

serial values, 329


layout management, 116

recurring imports, 547, 559-560. See also importing

updates, configuring, 511

Avg function, 241

avoiding unclear code, 486-489


backgrounds, parts, 133

backups, 334

open files, 641

progressive, 670

scheduling, 673

base tables, 178. See also tables

batch imports, 556. See also importing


buttons, 278

concurrency, 327-332

fields, 139

global fields, 325-326

summary fields, 96

Bento data sources, applying, 562

best practices checklists

fields, 102

FileMaker Server, 671-674

bind keys, 629

Blank Layout, 120

body parts, 130

bound runtime solutions, 627

branching scripts, 252

breakpoints, placing, 509

Browse mode, 32, 481

dependencies, 499

reports, 289

Scripts menu, 263-264

browsers. See interfaces

bugs, tracking, 334

building. See also design; formatting

conversion solutions, 514

many-to-many relationships, 187

modal states, 475

built-in keys, 163. See also keys

Button Definition dialog box, 150

Button Setup dialog box, 184

buttons, 34-35, 378

scripts, 278

triggers, 462


caches, 665, 673

Calculated Value option, 100

calculations, 215, 407

adding, 509

aggregate functions, 241-242

arrays, 421-424

Choose function, 410-412

conditional functions, 240-241

context dependencies, 498

debugging, 409, 492

Design functions, 244-245

device identification functions, 245-246

Evaluate function, 413-415

expressions, 216

fields, 49, 93, 166

filters, 424-427


applying, 218-219

writing, 216-218

functions, 229-240

creating custom libraries, 441-442

customizing, 427-429

Get functions, 242-244

GetField function, 412-413

GetNthRecord function, 438-439

logical functions, 407-420

lookup functions, 415-419

mismatching, 109

mobile functions, 246

overview of, 215-219

padding data, 572

Self function, 469

slowness, 494-495

Specify Calculation dialog box, 219-229

summary fields, 301-303

text, formatting, 419-421

timers, 468

triggers, 461

troubleshooting, 247-250, 440-441, 490-492


Gregorian, 49

pop-up, 45,


errors, 589

Set Error Capture script, 265-266, 491

cardinality, 159

Relationships Graph, 177

Cartesian products, 204-205

Cascading Style Sheets. See CSSs


functions, 234

managing, 266

statements, 222

Case() statement, 241

case studies, attributes/entities, 156-158

categories, Choose function, 410-412

Ceiling function, 236

Char() function, 238, 469

characters, 82. See also naming

ASCII, 373

converting, 469

filters, 425

functions, 238

transformations, 568-570

value rules, 102

charting, 283

overview of, 315-319

reports, 283. See also reports

check boxes, 45

checklists, best practices, 102

checks, consistency, 502, 642

child data

parent data, 186-187

viewing, 178-181

Choose function, 410-412

clients, 524. See also FileMaker Pro

functionality, 522

managing, 660


files, 365

HTML sections, 610

splash screens, 630

triggers, 462, 464


errors, 491. See also troubleshooting

FileMaker PHP APIs, 607-610

modular, 489

unclear, avoiding, 486-489

Code() function, 238, 469


background parts, 133

rows, alternating, 304

columns, 13, 30

flat-file data sources, importing, 546-553

viewing, 499

width, 127

comma-separated text. See CSV

commands, 397

Apply Theme Style, 389

Copy, 499

Copy Object Style, 388

Customize Status Toolbar, 135-137

Delete Record, 37

Export Field Contents, 572

File Options, 467

Find, 490

-find, 616

Import Records, 547, 561

Manage Scripts, 252

menu, accessing shortcuts, 78

New Record, 37

Open, 40, 324

Paste Object Style, 388

Recover, 501

Resource Center, 26

Revert Record, 44, 52

Save, 378

Undo, 44

Undo Styles, 386

comments, 335

adding, 221-222

applying, 488-489

fields, adding, 86

PHP, 607

scripts, 259-260

committing records, 590


CWP to IWP, 600-601

equality, 210

operators, 616

compatibility, 522

Web Compatibility pop-up, 589

complex many-to-many relationships, 166-168

compliance, ACID tests, 327


ACID tests, 327

triggers, 462

concurrency, multiuser deployment, 327-332

conditional formatting, 389-391, 468

multiple layouts, 419

conditional functions, 240-241

conditional logic

applying, 272-273

errors, 280

conditional privileges, 349


nonequality, 198

OR, troubleshooting, 211

searching, 491


Admin Console, 667

administrator groups, 667

charts, 315-319

CWP, 603

databases, 666

deployment, 19-21

DSNs, 527-535

fields, 171

FileMaker Server, 646, 665-672

importing, 553-554

IWP, 578-587

FileMaker Pro, 579-582

FileMaker Server Advanced, 582-584

Layout Setup dialog box, 124-127

many-to-many relationships, 187-190

modal dialogs, 475-478

objects, 309

ODBC, 520-521

one-to-many relationships, 170-178


privileges, 604

security, 604

plug-ins, 636

recurring imports, 559-560

relationships, 163

Specify Calculation dialog box, 223-226

tables, 170-173

updates, 511

value lists, 188-190

variables, 454

Web Viewer, 369

options, 373

Set Web Viewer script step, 373-374

windows styles, 473

connecting. See also sessions

databases, 526

external SQL data sources, 519

FileMaker Server Advanced, 523

MySQL, 527-531

networks, 644

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), 519-520

remote, navigating, 41-42

servers, troubleshooting, 496

specifying, 529

SQL, 544

testing, 531, 535

troubleshooting, 496-497

Connection Pooling tabs, 527

consistency, 327-328, 486

checks, 502, 642


global values, 202-204

URLs, opening, 371


IWP, 588-589

requests, 62

system, 429


one-to-many relationships, 160

tables, 170

Web Viewer, 368

Contacts Starter Solution, 115, 127

layouts, 116

containers, fields, 49-50, 89-93, 605

exporting, 572-573

IWP, 593


calculations, 226

dependencies, troubleshooting, 497-500

explicit table, 247

layouts, 121-123

scripts, 268

tables, 498-499


data access, 348-349

setting data, 266-268

controls, 378

IWP, hiding, 595

Web Viewer, 373-374



fields, 84

layouts, 129

tables, 81-82

programming, 432


characters, 469

previous versions, 511

files, 516

migrating to new file formats, 512-513

planning, 513-514

preconversion tasks, 514-515

updating/upgrading, 511-512

themes, 513

Copy command, 499

Copy File Blocks As-Is button, 503

Copy Object Style command, 388


attributes, 137, 144

fields, 152

found sets, 564

layout objects, 144

styles, 388-389

corruption, databases, 501. See also troubleshooting

Count function, 241

crashes, 327, 500. See also troubleshooting

Create Field Press Tab, 171

criteria, multiple match, 197-201

cross-product relationships, formatting, 204-205

crosstalk, troubleshooting, 497

CSSs (Cascading Style Sheets), 591

CSV (comma-separated text), 569

Current Script option, 477

current table context, viewing, 546

custom dialogs, applying, 275-276

Custom Menus feature, applying, 490

Custom Web Publishing. See CWP

Customize Status Toolbar command, 135-137


automatic recurring imports, 559-560

buttons, 278

charts, 315-319

colors, rows, 304

databases, ODBC, 520-521

deployment, 19-21, 632

development software, 14

DSNs, 527-535

extended privileges, 356

fields, 171

functions, 334, 427-429, 441-442, 489

images, 630

importing, 553-554


accessibility, 402-404

menus, 395-402

IWP, 578

lists, 289

many-to-many relationships, 187-190

menu elements, 398

modal dialogs, script pause state, 475-478

objects, sliding, 309

one-to-many relationships, 170-178

printing, 126

relationships, 163

reports, 304-309

screen stencils, 393-395

scripts, 252-263

sorting, 67

Status toolbars, 36-39, 136

tables, 170-173

value lists, 188-190

Web Viewer

options, 373

Set Web Viewer script step, 373-374

window styles, 473

CWP (Custom Web Publishing), 258, 512, 575, 599, 626

FileMaker Server, preparing, 604-605

IWP, comparing to, 600-601

overview of, 599-600

PHP, 604-610

planning, 601-603

sessions, 621-622

technology, selecting, 603

triggers, 464

troubleshooting, 622-623

URLs, searching, 614-618

XML, 610-620



centers, external, 645

loss, troubleshooting, 71

source names. See DSNs

types, 223

mismatching, 109

troubleshooting, 247

Data Viewer, 509

Database Design Reports. See DDRs

Database Homepage, 586

database management systems. See DBMSs

Database Server, 669

DatabaseNames function, 245


accessing, 39, 522. See also ODBC

bugs, tracking, 334

configuring, 666

connecting, 526

corruption, 501. See also troubleshooting

CWP, preparing, 601-602

deployment, 673

elements, 487


Database Server, 600

Server hosts, 657

formatting, 75-80

identifying, 529

interactions, 520

managing, 43, 661


naming, 486

navigating, 40

ODBC, configuring, 520-521

opening, 39-43

overview of, 28-29

planning, 154

privilege, 515

relational, 153. See also relational database design

selecting, 530, 534

servers, 646

sharing, 42

software, overview of, 12-17


troubleshooting, 71-72

databases administrators. See DBAs


fields, 46, 48, 88

functions, 238-240

DBAs (database administrators), 522

DBMSs (database management systems), 522

DDRs (Database Design Reports), 18, 504-507, 515, 637

debugging, 485

calculations, 409, 492

Script Debugger, 507-509

tools, 18

declarative languages, 519

declaring variables, 407

dedicated find layouts, 480-482


extended privileges, 355

scripts, 257. See also scripts

themes, 386

timers, 468

Define File References dialog box, 637


calculation fields, 217

fields, 174, 515

layouts, 122

multiple match criteria, 197-201

noncalculation fields, 98

parts, 133-134

Delete Record command, 37


parts, 132

restrictions, troubleshooting, 192

styles, 389

tables, 83

text, formatting, 420

delimited values, 241

delivering reports, 309-314


context, troubleshooting, 497-500

keys, eliminating fields, 166

layouts, 267, 497

modes, 499


customizing, 632

databases, 673

FileMaker Server, 639-640

IWP, 587-597

Kiosk mode, 633-634

multiuser, 323-324

options, 19-21, 625-626

peer-to-peer hosting, 19

runtime, 627-632

Solution Options, 628-631

design. See also configuring

DDRs (Database Design Reports), 504-507

interfaces, 190, 384-389

iterations, 158

layouts, IWP, 591-593

multiple tables, 169

relational databases, 153

analyzing, 154

attributes/entities, 154-158

keys, 161-163

overview of, 153

relationships, 158-161

themes, 378-384

Design functions, 244-245

Developer Utilities dialog box, 626


fields, 488

plug-ins, 634

third-party plug-ins, 21

tools, 10


rapid application, 10-11

rapid multitable, 192

software, customizing, 14

device identification functions, 245-246


ER, 515

ERDs, 154-155, 193

relationships, 159

dialog boxes

Add Fields, 180

Advanced Web Publishing Options, 580

Button Definition, 150

Button Setup, 184

Define File References, 637

Developer Utilities, 626

Edit Account, 346

Edit Custom Function, 431

Edit Find Request, 270

Edit Privilege Set, 348

Edit Relationship, 182, 194

Edit Value List, 47, 188

Field Options, 105

Format Button, 468

Import Field Mapping, 547-550, 561

Layout Setup, 124-127, 464

Manage Custom Functions, 430

Manage Database, 80-81, 171, 195, 519

Manage External Data Sources, 206

Manage Security, 340

Manage Value Lists, 188

Network Settings, 496

New Layout Report, 289-295, 541

Open File, 26

Open Remote File, 42

Part Definition, 133, 299

Part Setup, 132-133, 301

Portal Setup, 179

Sort Records, 67

Specify Calculation, 217, 219-229, 226, 509

Specify Field, 186, 291

Specify Field Order, 570

Specify Fields, 188

Specify Solution Options, 628

Storage Options, 224

Tab Control Setup, 148

Table View Properties, 126

Use Manage Database, 76

disconnected table occurrences, 480

distant data, summarizing, 295

Div function, 237

Do Not Evaluate If All Referenced Fields Are Empty box, 223

documents, 18. See also diagrams

ERDs, 154


importing from, 553

saving, 70

PDF, saving as, 70

PHP, 607

plug-ins, 634

solutions, 515

windows, applying, 474

dragging files, 546. See also importing


accessing, 523

installing, 522-524

managing, 526-527

ODBC, 520, 526

selecting, 528

drop-down fields, 45. See also fields

dropping files, 546. See also importing

DSNs (data source names), 522, 525-526

configuring, 527-535

Windows, 532-535

duplicating. See copying

found sets, 564

between tables, 564

durability, 327-328

dynamic file paths, 457

dynamic guides, applying, 393

dynamic reporting, 298


ease of use, 9

Edit Account dialog box, 346

Edit boxes, 45

Edit Custom Function dialog box, 431

Edit Find Request dialog box, 270

Edit Privilege Set dialog box, 348

Edit Relationship dialog box, 182, 194

Edit Script window, 257

Edit Value List dialog box, 47, 188


auto-entry options, 333

external data sources, 207

IWP, 577

layouts, 136

records, 330

scripts, 257-258, 280

spell-checking, 139

value lists, 188


arrays, 424

databases, 487

interfaces, 30

menus, customizing, 398

naming, 488

sessions, 325

sort scripts, attaching, 68

structures, passing, 449


fields, 166

redundant data, 166

repeating data, 166


notifications, 642

reports, 315

SMTP, 642

Email Notifications tab, 667


CWP, 602

IWP, 579-587

Maintain Original Proportions, 483

ODBC/JDBC privileges, 521

plug-ins, 636

XML publishing, 610

encryption, troubleshooting, 494

ending sessions, 582, 597

enforcing fields, 470


data in portals, 183

layouts, 112


databases, 154-158

join, attributes, 165

one-to-many relationships, 160

one-to-one relationships, 160

relationships, notation, 159

entity-relationship diagrams. See ERDs

envelopes, 120

equality comparisons, 210

ER diagrams, 515

ERDs (entity-relationship diagrams), 154-155, 193

many-to-many relationships, 164

multiple tables, 170

notation, 159


calculations, 247

capturing, 589

layouts, 139

logs, 632

messages, 279

reproducing, 492

scripts, 581

managing, 264

troubleshooting, 490-491

searching, 492

Set Error Capture script, 265-266, 491

traps, 333

troubleshooting, 485. See also troubleshooting

Web publishing, 581

Evaluate function, 413-415, 447


Do Not Evaluate If All Referenced Fields Are Empty box, 223

formulas, 93

EvaluationError function, 415


scheduling, 662

triggers, 462-464, 467

Exact function, 233

Excel (Microsoft)

character transformations, 569

documents, saving, 70

files, importing from, 553

reports, saving as, 311

executing scripts, 479

Exit Script script, 451


layouts, 112

scripts, 260

explicit record commits, 594

explicit table context, 247

Export Field Contents command, 572

Export Records feature, 568, 573

exporting, 70, 565


containers, 572-573

selecting, 567-568

files, formatting, 567-570

to fixed-width formats, 571-572

formatted data, 570

grouped data, 571

large fields, 572-573

overview of, 565-568

records, 498

related fields, 570

scripts, 573


calculations, 216

parameter, 413

extend requests, 62


functionality, 21

privileges, 354-357, 604

Extensible Markup Language. See XML


files, 512, 556

folders, 635

runtime, 629

external authentication, 362-363, 642

external data centers, 645

external data sources, 206-208

external files

importing, 545

tables, 517

external ODBC data sources, 537-539

external SQL data sources

connecting, 519

ODBC (Open Data Connectivity), 519-520

external tables, 209-210


failures, planning, 490

Favorite Files, 26


accessibility, 403-404

Custom Menus, applying, 490

Export Records, 568, 573

interfaces, 377-378

Modify Last Find, 62

navigating, 27-35

presentation, 499

privilege settings, 353-354

Self function, 468

windows, managing, 471-472

feedback, 389

Field Options dialog box, 105

fields, 75

adding, 382, 540

aligning, 546

applying, 84-87

auto-entry options, 97-102

behavior, 139

calculations, 49, 93, 166, 215. See also calculations

comments, adding, 86, 489

containers, 49-50, 89-93, 605

exporting, 572-573

IWP, 593

copying, 152

dates, 48, 88

definitions, 515

developers, 488

eliminating, 166

enforcing, 470

exporting, 567-568

formatting, 45-46, 86-87, 171

Furigana option, 108


behavior, 325-326

storage, 51

troubleshooting, 500

highlighting, troubleshooting, 483

Import Field Mapping dialog box, 547-550, 561

indexes, 106-108, 494

large, exporting, 572-573

layouts, 149-151, 291

managing, 304

match, 59

multiple tables, 176-178

updating records, 550

merging, 151, 186

modifying, 470

naming, 78, 84, 109, 487

navigating, 44-53, 371

numbers, 48, 88

options, 97-108

overview of, 29-30, 75-81

pasting, 152

portals, managing, 181

radio buttons, modifying, 383

related, exporting, 570

repeating, 105, 242, 569

selecting, 220

settings, 139

sizing, 384

storage, 104-108

summary, 49, 57, 95

reports, 295-303

subtotals, 292

supplemental, applying, 541-543

TaskDisplay, 420

text, 48, 88

time, 49, 89

troubleshooting, 109-110

types, 48-49, 87-97

validation, 102-104, 109, 218, 550

Fields category, 266

file-level access security, 359-364

File Options command, 467


Database Server, 600

Developer Subscription, 335

Go, 28, 251, 625

PHP APIs, 607-610


character transformations, 569

IWP, configuring, 579-582

navigating, 39-43, 72-74

scripts, 251-252

sessions, multiuser deployment, 324-326

Pro Advanced, 28

Server, 28

Admin Console, 657-671

administration, 659-665

best practices checklists, 671-674

configuring, 646, 665-672

CWP, preparing, 602, 604-605

deployment, 639-640

hosting, 20

installing, 646-649

overview of, 639-645, 658-659

requirements, 643-645

running, 656-657

Server Advanced, 523

hosting, 20

IWP, configuring, 582-584

filenames, 626-627

modifying, 375


accessing, 357

adding, 17

architectures, 520

backing up, 641

closing, 365

converting, 516. See also converting

data between, passing, 451

Excel (Microsoft), importing from, 553

extensions, 512

external, importing, 545

fields, copying/pasting between, 152

flat-file data sources, importing, 546-553


exporting, 567-570

migrating to new, 512-513

global storage, 51

importing, 50, 551-552

launching, 332

lists, filtering, 364

local, opening, 40

maintenance, 501-504

master, applying, 630-631

moving, 546. See also importing

multiple, 205-210

importing, 554-558

security, 365-366

navigating, 43

opening, 254, 365, 496

output, formatting, 566

paths, dynamic, 457

PHP, placing, 605

recovery, 502

references, troubleshooting, 637

remote, navigating, 40

renaming, 626-627

restoring, 326

security, 358. See also security

sharing, 584-587

types, 556

Web Viewer, applying, 375

Filter function, 424-426


calculations, 424-427

files, lists, 364

FilterValues function, 426-427

Find command, 490

-find command, 616

Find mode, 32, 58-62, 480

find requests, 62, 270

Firefox, 611


CWP, 622

FileMaker Server, 647-648

troubleshooting, 497

fixed-width formats, exporting to, 571-572

flat files, 13, 16

data sources, importing, 546-553

flexibility, 9

Floor function, 236

flow, applications, 593-597


extensions, 635

multiple files, importing, 554-558

footers, 131. See also headers

force-quits, 327

foreign keys, 163, 165

forgotten admin passwords, 364

Form view, 33, 54

Format Button dialog box, 468

Format Painter, 137, 144


auto-entry options, 98

automatic recurring imports, 559-560

buttons, 278

charts, 315-319

conditional, 389-391, 419, 468

data, exporting, 570

databases, 75-80

DDRs, 505-507

deployment, 19-21

DSNs, 527-535

external data sources, 206-208

fields, 45-46, 86-87, 171

FileMaker Server, 665-671


exporting, 567-570

migrating to new, 512-513

output, 566

fixed-width, exporting to, 571-572

flat files, 546

importing, 553-554

interfaces, 389-395

accessibility, 402-404

styles, 384-389

IWP, 578

Layout Setup dialog box, 124-127

layouts, 119-130, 391

links, IWP, 596

lists, 289

managing, 140

many-to-many relationships, 187-190

modal dialogs, 474-475

objects, sliding, 309

ODBC, 520-521

one-to-many relationships, 170-178

panes, 148

parts, 132

pause states, 475-478

records, 77

related records with nonequijoins, 210-211

relationships, 163

cross-product, 204-205

global values, 202-204

scripts, 252-263

self-relationships, 201-202

serial key fields, 99

sorting, 67

Specify Calculation dialog box, 223-226

Status value lists, 203

summary fields, 295

tables, 83-84, 170-173, 541


calculations, 419-421

deleting, 420

troubleshooting, 440

themes, 378-384

tools, managing relationship graphs, 212

value lists, 188-190

variables, 454

Web Viewer, 369

options, 373

Set Web Viewer script step, 373-374

window styles, 473

XML, 611

Formatting bars, 36


fields, eliminating, 166

layouts, 111

normalizing, 166

redundant data, eliminating, 166

Standard Form, 119

views, 125


calculations, 215. See also calculations

applying, 218-219

debugging, 409

writing, 216-218

Evaluate function, 413

evaluating, 93

Excel, importing, 553

Let function, 408

scripts, troubleshooting, 247

simplifying complex, 428-429

Specify Calculation dialog box, 219-222

forums, support, 511

found sets, 58, 479-480

copying, 564

troubleshooting, 482

free trial software, 24. See also software

Full Access Privileges, 259, 347

functionality, 126, 492

clients, 522

extending, 21

FileMaker Pro, 39

modular, 452


Abs, 237

aggregate, 241-242

arrays, 421-424

Avg, 241

calculations, 229-240, 441-442

case, 222, 234

Ceiling, 236

Char(), 238, 469

characters, 238

Choose, 410-412

Code, 238

Code(), 469

conditional, 240-241

Count, 241

customizing, 334, 427-429, 489

DatabaseNames, 245

dates, 238-240

Design, 244-245

device identification, 245-246

Div, 237

Evaluate, 413-415, 447

EvaluationError, 415

Exact, 233

Filter, 424-426

FilterValues, 426-427

Floor, 236

Get, 242-244

Get ( LastError ), 491

Get (TriggerKeystroke), 469

Get (TriggerModifierKeys), 469

GetField, 412-413

GetFieldName, 469

GetLayoutObjectAttribute, 395

GetNthRecord, 438-439

GetParam, 449

GetValue, 422

If(), 240

Int, 236

Last Visited Record, 100

LeftValues, 422

LeftWords, 232

Length, 232

Let, 407-409, 414, 440, 447-449

Location, 246

logical, 407-420

LookupNext, 416

lookups, 415-419

Max, 241

MiddleValues, 422

MiddleWords, 232

Min, 241

mobile, 246

Mod, 237

nested, 235-236

numbers, 236-238

PadCharacters, 435

parts, 229-231

PatternCount, 232

PersistentID, 245

Position, 232

private, 432

Quote, 414

Random, 238

recursive, 430, 434

RepeatText, 434

RightValues, 422

RightWords, 232

Round, 236

selecting, 220

Self, 468-469

Substitute, 233-234

Sum, 241

summary fields, 96

TestStyleAdd(), 266

text, 231-235

TextColor, 419

TextFont, 419

TextSize, 419

TextStyleAdd, 420

TextStyleRemove, 420

time, 238-240

triggers, 468-470

Trim, 233, 436

Truncate, 237

ValueCount, 422

WindowNames, 245, 472

WordCount, 232

Furigana options, fields, 108


General Settings, 667

general slowness, troubleshooting, 493-494

Get ( LastError ) function, 491

Get (TriggerKeystroke) function, 469

Get (TriggerModifierKeys) function, 469

Get functions, 242-244

GetField function, 412-413

GetFieldName function, 469

GetLayoutObjectAttribute function, 395

GetNthRecord function, 438-439

GetParam function, 449

GetValue function, 422


fields, 489

behavior, 325-326

troubleshooting, 500

positioning system. See GPS

storage, 51

values, 202-204

variables, 456

Go to Related Record. See GTRR

Google, Web Viewer templates, 372

GPS (global positioning system), 246

gradients, 386

graphics. See images

graphs, 479

ODBC, 537-543

relationships, 176, 193

external tables, 209-210

managing, 211-213

Gregorian calendars, 49

grids, applying, 391


administrator, configuring, 667

exporting, 571

fields, selecting, 292

layouts, 136

objects, 142

records, searching, 57

repeating, eliminating, 166

GTRR (Go to Related Record), 478

found sets, 479-480

overview of, 478-479


applying, 392

dynamic, applying, 393


hard-coding requests, 269


purchasing, 672

sharing, troubleshooting, 493


PHP, 607

titles, 130

Help menu, 26

heuristics, interfaces, 405


IWP controls, 595

layouts, 127-128

highlighting troubleshooting, 483

HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996), 339

history of multiple files, 205

home pages, IWP, 596

hosts, 524

addresses, specifying, 533

FileMaker Server, 20, 657

FileMaker Server Advanced, 20

managing, 43

peer-to-peer hosting, 19, 641

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 575

sections, closing, 610

tables, 569

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 10, 575

Human Interface Guidelines (Apple), 377-378, 471

hyperlinks, DDRs, 506

Hypertext Markup Language. See HTML

Hypertext Transfer Protocol. See HTTP


identifying databases, 529

If() function, 240


customizing, 630

importing, 557-558

implementing triggers, 468-470

Import Action, selecting, 548

Import Field Mapping dialog box, 547-550, 561

Import Records command, 547, 561

importing, 70, 545

automatic recurring imports, 559-560

Bento data sources, 562

Excel (Microsoft) documents, 553

external files, 545

FileMaker-to-FileMaker, 564

files, 50, 551-552

flat-file data sources, 546-553

images, 557-558

layouts, 120

multiple files, 554-558

ODBC, 535-536

options, 553-554

records, 498, 550

scripts, 263, 558-561

starting, 546-547

tables, 552-553

text, 555-557

troubleshooting, 563

validation, 563

inability to contact servers, troubleshooting, 496

incomplete highlighting rectangles, 483

incorporating reports into workflow, 320-321

incremental evolution, planning, 513

indexes, 110, 266

fields, 106-108

re-creating, 110

troubleshooting, 494

Indexing Service, 644

indicators, 548

infrastructure, networks, 671

Insert menu, 144

inserting. See adding

files, 50

specific information, 73

Inspector, 137-143

Install On Timer Script, 468


drivers, 522-524

FileMaker Server, 646-649

plug-ins, 635

software, 672

Instant Web Publishing. See IWP

Int function, 236

integration, SQL, 522

integrity, 52-53

security, 339

troubleshooting, 71

interactions. See also buttons

databases, 520

drivers, 338

triggers, 470

interfaces, 377

accessibility, 402-404

APIs, 519

databases, 153. See also databases

design, 190

elements, attaching sort scripts, 68

formatting, 389-395

heuristics, 405

Human Interface Guidelines (Apple), 471

Kiosk mode, 633-634

layouts, 111


customizing, 395-402

sets, 398-402

multiwindow, 473-475

new features, 377-378

ODBC, 519-520

overview of, 30-35

scripts, 256-257

styles, 384-389

themes, 378-384

tools, layouts, 112

triggers, 470

View menu, 35

XML, viewing, 611

internal data-level security, 338

internal navigation, scripts, 268

Internet Explorer, 611

interoperability, 9

Inventory Summary Report, 288

IP (Internet Protocol) addresses, 643

iPad, 377

iPhone, 377

isolation, 327-329, 492. See also troubleshooting


menus, 397

Status toolbars, 137

iterations, design, 158

IWP (Instant Web Publishing), 258, 512, 575, 626

application flow, 593-597

constraints, 588-589

container fields, 593

controls, hiding, 595

CWP, comparing to, 600-601

deployment, 587-597

enabling, 579-587


Pro, configuring, 579-582

Server Advanced, configuring, 582-584

layout design, 591-593

overview of, 575-579

scripts, 589-591

security, 584-587

testing, 591

triggers, 464

troubleshooting, 597


Japanese, 108


caches, 673

Database Connectivity. See JDBC

Runtime Environment. See JRE

JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), 10, 519, 575, 671

enabling, 653

privileges, 521


nonequijoins, 194-195

self-joins, viewing, 202

tables, 163-165, 191, 486

JRE (Java Runtime Environment), 645



fields, navigating, 45

optimizing, 72


bind, 629

dependence, eliminating fields, 166

design, 161-163

foreign, 163

multiple tables, 176-178

numeric values of modifier, 470

primary, 162, 164

selecting, 539

table references, 163

unique. See unique keys

Kiosk mode, 20, 626, 633-634



layouts, 120

printing, 126

vertical, 120

languages, 519

large fields, exporting, 572-573

Last Visited Record function, 100

launching files, 332

layers, objects, 142

Layout bars, applying, 134

Layout mode, 33, 540

Layout Setup dialog box, 464

layouts, 30-32, 111

automatic layout management, 116

context, 121-123

customizing, 304-309

dedicated find, 480-482

dependencies, 267, 497

design, IWP, 591-593

documentation, 515

fields, 149-151

formatting, 119-130

hiding, 127-128

importing, 120

Inspector, applying, 137-143

Layout Setup dialog box, 124-127

modal dialogs, building, 475

multicolumn, 126


applying, 116-117

conditional formatting, 419

searching, 62

naming, 129, 488

New Layout/Report assistant, 119

Object Grid, 147

objects, 395

applying, 144-147

naming, 140

resizing, 141

opening, 118

overview of, 111-115

parts, applying, 130-134

records, viewing, 152

re-ordering, 127-128

reports, 284

scripts, 254, 278

security, 350-351

selecting, 287, 291

Status toolbars, 134-137

tab control objects, applying, 147-149


associating, 121

context, 498

tools, 136

triggers, 464-467

troubleshooting, 152

viewing, 286

Web Viewer, 367, 369

width, formatting, 391

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), 42

leading grand summary, 130

LeftValues function, 422

LeftWords function, 232

legible formulas, writing, 221

Length function, 232

Let function, 407-409, 414, 440, 447-449


Bento data sources, 562

functions, customizing, 441-442

scripts, 280-281

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. See LDAP


DDRs, 506

IWP, 596

Manage Favorites, 26

List view, 33

List View Report, 120


applying, 289

databases, 13

files, filtering, 364

layouts, 111

pop-up, 479


context dependencies, 499

controlling access, 351

creating, 188-190

modifying, 47

views, 125

local files, opening, 40

local variables, overview of, 454-455

Location function, 246


container folders, 606

hosts, specifying, 534


objects, 142

records, 329-332

Log Viewer

monitoring, 674

troubleshooting, 665


concurrency, 327-332

conditional, applying, 272-273

logical functions, 407-420


errors, 632

IWP, 581-582

scripts, 328-329

Looked-Up Value option, 100-102

LookupNext function, 416


functions, 415-419

slowness, 495

triggers, 461

loops, 436

debugging, 509

scripts, applying, 274

testing, 280

troubleshooting, 495

lost data, troubleshooting, 504. See also troubleshooting

lost found sets, troubleshooting, 482


Mac OS X

files, 556

Status toolbars, customizing, 36-37, 136

Maintain Original Proportions, enabling, 483


files, 501-504

Kiosk mode, 634

security, 342-343

Manage Custom Functions dialog box, 430

Manage Database Design, 492

Manage Database dialog box, 80-81, 171, 195, 519

Manage Extended Privileges, 585

Manage External Data Sources dialog box, 206

Manage Favorites link, 26

Manage Scripts command, 252

Manage Scripts window, 252, 256

Manage Security dialog box, 340

Manage Value Lists dialog box, 188


accounts, 344

architectures, 471

automatic layout management, 116

cases, 266

clients, 660

concurrency, 327

CWP sessions, 621

data sources, 537-538

databases, 43, 661

dates, 48

DBMSs, 522

drivers, 526-527

drives, 520

DSNs, 525-526

fields, 171, 304

formatting, 140

hosts, 43

layouts, 112

multiwindow interfaces, 473-475

ODBC, 522-535

parts, 131-132

passwords, 364, 527

portals, 181

relationship graphs, 211-213

routines, 51

script errors, 264

Scripts menu, 263-264

server security, 359-360

sessions, 324

settings, 253

tables, 212-213

thumbnails, 93

Tiny Task Management, 113

windows, 471-472

many-to-many relationships, 161, 163-165. See also relationships

complex, 166-168

creating, 187-190

many-to-one relationships, 159-160

mapping, Import Field Mapping dialog box, 547-550, 561

master files, applying, 630-631

match fields, 59

multiple tables, 176-178

records, updating, 550


exact matches, specifying, 615

multiple values, 441

matrices, security, 341. See also security

Max function, 241

memory, RAM, 644

menus, 377

commands, accessing shortcuts, 78

Custom Menus feature, applying, 490

elements, customizing, 398

Help, 26

Insert, 144

interfaces, customizing, 395-402

IWP, 577

Scripts, managing, 263-264

sets, interfaces, 398-402

Show Compatibility, 258

View, 35

Merge format, 569

merging fields, 151, 186


errors, troubleshooting, 279

recovery, 504

reports, 315

validation, 52

metadata, 556

Microsoft Excel. See Excel (Microsoft)

MiddleValues function, 422

MiddleWords function, 232

migrating to new file formats, 512-513

Min function, 241


calculations, 109

data types, troubleshooting, 109

mobile functions, 246

mobility, 9-10, 18, 28

Mod function, 237

modal dialogs

formatting, 474-475

script pause state, 475-478

modes, 30, 32-33

Browse, 32, 481

dependencies, 499

reports, 289

Scripts menu, 263-264

dependence, 499

Find, 32, 58-62, 480

Kiosk, 633-634

Layout, 33, 540

Preview, 32

reports, troubleshooting, 319

Modify Last Find feature, 62


addresses, 372

auto-entry options, 98

case functions, 234

colors, rows, 304

fields, 470

filenames, 375

found sets, 58

images, 558

layouts, width, 391

menus, 395-402

names, 627

passwords, 345

sorting, 67

states, 385

structures, calculation fields, 166

styles, 385

Table view, 303

tables, 83

text, strings, 231

themes, 380-382

value lists, 47

windows, 472


code, writing, 489

functionality, 452

scripts, 450


Log Viewer, 674

performance, 341

statistics, 673


files, 546. See also importing

objects, 146

ODBC data, 535-536

parts, 301

scripts, 263

windows, 472

MS SQL Server, 524

multicolumn layouts, 126

multihop GTRR yields, 480

multiple addresses, eliminating, 166

multiple columns, viewing, 499

multiple criteria, searching, 617

multiple files

importing, 554-558

relationships, applying, 205-210

security, 365-366

multiple find requests, 62

multiple match criteria

defining, 197-201

troubleshooting, 211

multiple layouts

applying, 116-117

conditional formatting, 419

searching, 62

multiple operators, 199

multiple portals, 54, 178. See also portals

multiple relationships, 54

multiple tables, 29, 169

keys, 176-178

many-to-many relationships, 187-190

one-to-many relationships, creating, 170-178

rapid multitable development, 192

related data, 178-187

related parent data in child files, 186-187

relationships, adding, 175-176

tables, adding, 174-175

troubleshooting, 192

multiple values, matching, 441

multiple windows, 74

multitiered pause states, 477. See also pause states

multitiered sorts, applying, 74

multiuser deployment, 323

concurrency, 327-332

files, launching, 332

overview of, 323-324

sessions in FileMaker Pro, 324-326

teams, 334-335

troubleshooting, 332-333

multivalued parameters, passing, 446-450


interfaces, 473-475

locking, 331

MySQL, 524, 527-531



accounts, 326

custom functions, 431

data sources, 341

DSNs, 525-526. See also DSNs

fields, 78, 84, 109

files, renaming, 626-627

layouts, 129, 290

objects, 140

recovered files, 502

runtime, 628

scripts, 278-279

selecting, 486-488

servers, 652

tables, 81-82, 173

triggers, 462, 467

variables, Let functions, 440


databases, 28-29, 40

features, 27-35

fields, 29-30, 44-53, 371

FileMaker Pro, 39-43, 72-74

files, 43

GTRR (Go to Related Record), 478

interfaces, 30-35, 377

accessibility, 402-404

styles, 384-389

themes, 378-384

Layout bars, 134

layouts, 111, 481

lists, 289

Manage Database dialog box, 80

multiwindow interfaces, 473-475

portals, 55

records, 29-30, 44

related data, 53-55

remote connections, 41-42

remote files, 40

reports, 284-286

scripts, 256-257, 268-269

tables, 29

Web Viewer, 367-368

nested functions, 235-236

Network Settings dialog box, 496


access, 338

connecting, 644

defining, 640

infrastructure, 671

security, 360-362

new features, interfaces, 377-378

New Layout/Report assistant, 119

New Layout Report dialog box, 289-295, 541

New Record command, 37

New Window script, 331, 473

noncalculation fields, defining, 98

nonequality conditions, 198

nonequijoins, 194-195

nontext calculations, troubleshooting, 440

normalizing data, 165-166


entity-relationships, 159

ERDs, 159

notifications, email, 642


comparison searches, 617

fields, 48, 88

functions, 236-238

ports, IWP, 581

of repetitions, 223

serial, 554

values of modifier keys, 470

numeric codes, converting, 469


Object Grid, 147


aligning, 143

arranging, 142

layouts, 395. See also layouts

applying, 144-147

resizing, 141

moving, 146

naming, 140

resizing, 146

sliding, 308-309

storage, 608

triggers, 463, 467

occurrences, adding table, 195-197, 209, 212-213

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), 10, 519-520, 575, 671

architecture, 520

databases, configuring, 520-521

drivers, 526

enabling, 653

importing, 535-536

managing, 522-535

one-to-many relationships, 160

relationships graphs, 537-543

tools, 524

off-the-shelf software, 13

omitting records, 62

one-to-many relationships, 159-160. See also relationships

creating, 170-178

keys, 163

one-to-one relationships, 159-160, 178. See also relationships

OnObjectModify trigger, 470

Open button, 40

Open command, 40, 324

Open Database Connectivity. See ODBC

Open File dialog box, 26

open files, backing up, 641

Open Remote File dialog box, 42


constant URLs, 371

databases, 39-43

files, 254, 365, 496

layouts, 118

triggers, 462, 464

operating systems, support, 645


addition (+), 219

Cartesian products, 204-205

comparison, 616

concatenation (&), 219

multiple, 199

searching, 60-61

selecting, 220

optimizing keyboards, 72


auto-entry, 219, 415

editing, 333

fields, 97-102

Filter function, 425

automatic recurring imports, 559-560

buttons, 278

Calculated Value, 100

charts, 315-319

Current Script, 477

deployment, 19-21, 625-626

Export Field Contents, 572

fields, 97-108, 171

FileMaker Server, 665-671

functions, 427-429

Furigana, 108

importing, 553-554

interface accessibility, 402-404

IWP, 578

Layout Setup dialog box, 124-127

lists, 289

Looked-Up Value, 100-102

many-to-many relationships, 187-190

one-to-many relationships, 170-178

Other, 48

relationships, 163

scripts, 252-263, 269-272

Serial Number, 99

Solution Options, 628-631

Specify Calculation dialog box, 223-226

tables, 170-173

Update Matching Records, 563

value lists, 188-190

View As Form, 286, 592

views, 125

Web Viewer, 373

OR conditions, troubleshooting, 211


parts, 131-132

sorting, specifying, 618

tabs, 150-151

systems, 122


MySQL, connecting, 527-531

ODBC Administrator, 525

Other option, 48


files, formatting, 566

summary data, 571


PadCharacters function, 435

padding data, 572

Page Break Before Each Occurrence option, 133

panes, formatting, 148


expression, 413

functions, 229

GetField function, 412

Let function, 408

multivalued, passing, 446-450

naming, 431

queries, 619-620

scripts, 443-451

parent data in child files, 186-187

parsing text, 234, 446

Part Setup dialog box, 132-133, 301


adding, 131-132

CWP, 600

defining, 133-134

formatting, 132

functions, 229-231

layouts, 130-134, 592

moving, 301

subsummary, 130


data between files, 451

multivalued parameters, 446-450

structured elements, 449


accessing, 586

Manage Extended Privileges, 585

managing, 527

modifying, 345

retrieving, 364

Paste Object Style command, 388


fields, 152

files, 50


dynamic file, 457

external data sources, 208

PatternCount function, 232

pause states, 475-478

PDF documents

reports, 310

saving, 70

peer-to-peer hosting, 19, 493, 641

Perform Find script, 491

performance. See also troubleshooting

monitoring, 341

rechecking, 673

SQL, 544

troubleshooting, 493-496

unique keys, 538

periods (.), 232


Admin Console, 658

troubleshooting, 496

PersistentID function, 245

photographs. See images

PHP. See also CWP

CWP, 604-610

extended privileges, configuring, 604

files, placing, 605

security, configuring, 604

physical access, 337

pixels, 145, 398


breakpoints, 509

PHP files, 605


converting previous versions, 513-514

CWP, 601-603

databases, 154

for failures, 490

security, 339-342

plug-ins, 21, 634-636

configuring, 636

enabling, 636

installing, 635

overview of, 635

troubleshooting, 636-637

plus signs (+), 420

pointers, records, 500

points, 145, 394


calendars, 45,

lists, 45, 479

windows, 482

Portal Setup dialog box, 179

portals, 53

IWP, 595

multiple, 54

navigating, 55


adding, 182-186

locking, 330

related child data, viewing, 178-181

relationship queries, 194

repeating, 192

sliding, 309

sorting, 55

ports, numbers, 581

Position function, 230, 232


Inspector, 140-143

objects on layouts, 145

parts, 301

post-conversion tasks, 516. See also converting

preconversion tasks, 514-515. See also converting

predicting found sets, 479-480

presentation features, 499

preventative measures, 485-489. See also maintenance

Preview mode, 32, 319

previewing themes, 381

previous versions, converting, 511

files, 516

migrating to new file formats, 512-513

planning, 513-514

preconversion tasks, 514-515

updating/upgrading, 511-512

primary keys, 162, 164

printing, 68-69

customizing, 126

labels, 126

reports, 452

private functions, 432


CWP, 602, 622

databases, 515

extended, 354-357

feature settings, 353-354

Full Access Privileges, 259, 347

groups, 667

Manage Extended Privileges, 585

multiple files, 365

ODBC/JDBC, enabling, 521

PHP, configuring, 604

Script Debugger, 509

sets, 346-354

user accounts, 346

processors, 644


arrays, 421-424

conventions, 432

progressive backups, 670

projects, tables, 170


HTTP, 10, 575

LDAP, 42

publishing XML, overview of, 610-613

purchasing hardware, 672



parameters, 619-620

SQL, 536. See also SQL

relationships as, 194-201

strings, XML, 613-614

Quick Find, applying, 58

Quick Start screen, applying, 24-26

quotation marks (“), 414

Quote function, 414

quoting systems, 122


radio buttons, 45, 383

RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks), 644, 672

RAM (random access memory), 644, 672

random access memory. See RAM

Random function, 238

rapid application development, 10-11

rapid multitable development, 192

reactive troubleshooting, 485. See also troubleshooting

rechecking performance, 673


adding, 77

committing, 590

editing, 330

explicit record commits, 594

Export Records feature, 573

exporting, 498

formatting, 77

importing, 498, 550

Last Visited Record function, 100

layouts, viewing, 152

locking, 329-332

match fields, updating, 550

navigating, 44

nonequijoins, troubleshooting, 210-211

omitting, 62

overview of, 29-30

PHP, 609

pointers, 500

portals, adding, 182-186

printing, 68-69

reverting, 72

searching, 56-66, 615

security, 218

sorting, 55, 66-67

viewing, 62

recovery, 501-504


indexes, 110


functions, 430, 434

scripts, 458-459

Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks. See RAID

redundant data, eliminating, 166


calculations, troubleshooting, 494-495

external data sources, creating, 206-208

files, 375, 626, 637

images, 557

keys, tables, 163

registration, 24

related data, navigating, 53-55

related fields, exporting, 570

Related Record, 478-480

relational database design, 153

analyzing, 154

attributes/entities, 154-158

keys, 161-163

overview of, 153

relationships, 158-161

relationships, 193

adding, 175-176

cross-product, formatting, 204-205

design, 158-161

diagrams, 159

editing, 182

files, multiple, 205-210

GetNthRecord function, 438

global values, formatting, 202-204

graphs, 169, 193

external tables, 209-210

managing, 211-213

layouts, 122

multiple, 54

multiple match criteria, 197-201

nonequijoins, troubleshooting, 210-211

as queries, 194-201

self-relationships, 201-202, 204

tables, adding, 195-197

troubleshooting, 210-211

types, 159

Relationships Graph, 479

ODBC, 537-543

tables, naming, 82

re-login scripts, 324

Relookup, 499

Remote button, 40

remote connections, navigating, 41-42

remote files, navigating, 40

removing administration access, 631


files, 626-627

tables, 81, 173

triggers, 467

rendering IWP, 577

re-ordering layouts, 127-128


data, eliminating, 166

fields, 105, 242, 569

portals, 192

RepeatText function, 434

repetitions, number of, 223


calculations, 219

data, 72-73


charting, 283

customizing, 304-309

DDR (Database Design Report), 504-507

delivering, 309-314

deriving meaning from data, 284-286

errors, 632

Inventory Summary Report, 288

layouts, 120

List View Report, 120

lists, 289

New Layout/Report assistant, 119

New Layout Report dialog box, 289-295

printing, 68, 452

requirements, 285

structures, 285-286

summary fields, 295-303

Table view, modifying, 303

troubleshooting, 319-320

viewing, 286-289, 294

workflow, incorporating, 320-321

reproducing errors, 492


constrain, 62

extend, 62

find, 58, 62, 270

hard-coding, 269

multiple find, 62

searching, 617


FileMaker Server, 643-645

software, troubleshooting, 485-486


images, 558

objects, 141, 146

windows, 472

Resource Center command, 26

restoring files, 326

restrictions, deleting, 192


calculations, mismatching, 109

scripts, 451-453

triggers, 462

Retina Display, 145


files, 50

passwords, 364

script parameters, 445

return-delimited data arrays, 422-423. See also arrays

returns, adding, 222

Revert Record command, 44, 52

reverting records, 72


charts, 319

statistics, 664

status, 553-554

RightValues function, 422

RightWords function, 232

risks, security, 338-339. See also security

rollbacks, 475

rotating objects, 143

Round function, 236

rounded corners, 386


managing, 51

scripts, 269

rows, 13, 30

colors, alternating, 304

flat-file data sources, importing, 546-553

portals, creating, 55

rules, 30

data integrity, 52-53

scripts, naming, 279

running FileMaker Servers, 656-657

runtime, 626

deployment, 627-632

solutions, 628


Safari, 611

Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 339

Save command, 378

Save Logical Structure button, 503


Excel documents, 70

files, 50

find requests, 62

global storage, 51

PDF documents, 70

scripts, 269-272

Scan Blocks and Rebuild File button, 503


data before importing, 549

files, 556

scheduling, 642

backups, 673

events, 662


Quick Start, applying, 24-26

splash, closing, 630

stencils, applying, 393-395

Script Debugger, 334, 507-509

Script Triggers tab, 117

ScriptMaker, 471

scripts, 251

access, controlling, 352

Adjust Window, 472

advanced scripting, 443. See also advanced scripting

Allow User Abort, 265

Any Go To Layout, 513

Authenticate/Deauthenticate, 509

buttons, 278

comments, 259-260

conditional logic, applying, 272-273

context, 268

controlling/setting data, 266-268

creating, 252-263

custom dialogs, applying, 275-276

developer tools, 10

documentation, 515

editing, 257-258, 280

errors, 264, 581

executing, 479

Exit Script, 451

exiting, 260

exporting, 573


Go, 251

Pro, 251-252

Find mode, 481

formulas, troubleshooting, 247

importing, 263, 558-561

Install On Timer Script, 468

interfaces, 256-257

IWP, 589-591

layouts, 278

libraries, 280-281

logs, 328-329


applying, 274

debugging, 509

modularizing, 450

Move/Resize Window, 472

multiple files, 365-366

names, 278-279

navigating, 268-269

New Window, 331, 473

pause state, creating modal dialogs, 475-478

Perform Find, 491

records, locking, 330

recursion, 458-459

Related Record, 478-480

results, 451-453

saving, 269-272

Send Mail, 312-314

Set Error Capture, 265-266, 491

Set Variable, 455

Show Custom Dialog, 474

shutdown, 591

slowness, 495-496

sorting, attaching, 68

starting, 277

startup, 117, 255, 591

steps, 218

Submit, 476

subscripts, 261

table context, 499

templates, 261

triggers, 277, 465, 468. See also triggers

troubleshooting, 279-280, 490-492

variables, 453-458

Web Viewer, 373-374

windows, managing, 472

writing, 253

Scripts menu, managing, 263-264

searching, 56-66

conditions, 491

CWP URLs, 614-618

errors, 492

Modify Last Find feature, 62

multiple criteria, 617

multiple find requests, 62

multiple layouts, 62

operators, 60-61

records, 615

requests, 617

shortcuts, 61-62

slowness, 494

URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), 371

sections, HTML, 610

Secure Sockets Layer. See SSL

security, 337

accounts, 343-346

extended privileges, 354-357


accessing, 357

file-level access, 359-364


CWP, 622

FileMaker Server, 647-648

IWP, 581, 584-587

Kiosk mode, 633

maintenance, 342-343

multiple files, 365-366

networks, 360-362

overview of, 337-343

PHP, configuring, 604

planning, 339-342

privilege sets, 346-354

records, 218

servers, 359-360

transferring data, 642

troubleshooting, 364-365, 497

user-level internal, 343-359

Select button, 501


charts, 316, 318

CWP technology, 603


sources, 536

types, troubleshooting, 247

databases, 530, 534

drivers, 528

fields, 220, 567-568

FileMaker Server configurations, 648

functions, 220

keys, 539

layouts, 287, 291

names, 486-488


on layouts, 145

by type, 143

operators, 220

sockets, 530

source tables, 566

summary fields, 292

target tables, 546

themes, 293

web servers, 654

Self function, 468-469

self-relationships, 201-202, 204

Send Mail script, 312-314

sending reports, 309-314

serialization, 329

serial key fields, creating, 99

Serial Number option, 99

serial numbers, 554

servers. See also FileMaker Pro

connecting, 496, 523

Database Server, 669

databases, 646

defining, 640


Database Server, 600

Server, 28

administration, 659-665

applying Admin Console, 657-671

best practices checklists, 671-674

configuring, 646, 665-671

overview of, 639-645

running, 656-657

MS SQL Server, 524

naming, 652

security, 359-360

troubleshooting, 493

web, 600, 643, 646, 654


accessing, testing, 333

CWP, 621-622

elements, 325

FileMaker Pro, multiuser deployment, 324-326

global fields, 501


ending, 582

troubleshooting, 597

managing, 324

user accounts, multiuser deployment, 326

Set Error Capture script, 265-266, 491

Set Variable script, 455

Set Web Viewer script step, 373-374


menus, interfaces, 398-402

privileges, 346-354


automatic recurring imports, 559-560

CWP, 603

fields, 139

FileMaker Server, 665-671

functions, 427-429

importing, 553-554


positioning, 140-143

viewing, 140

interfaces, accessibility, 402-404

IWP, 578

Layout Setup dialog box, 124-127

managing, 253

privileges, 353-354

Specify Calculation dialog box, 223-226

themes, 378-384

variables, 454


databases, 42

hardware, troubleshooting, 493

IWP, 584-587


menu commands, accessing, 78

searching, 61-62

Show Compatibility menu, 258

Show Custom Dialog scripts, 474

Show Field Frames When Record Is Active check box, 124

shutdown scripts, 591

simplifying complex formulas, 428-429


computer configurations, 647

user deployments, 19-20


fields, 384

images, 558

objects, 146

windows, 472

sliding objects, 308-309


calculations, 494-495

general, 493-494

lookups, 495

scripts, 495-496

searching, 494

sorting, 494

SMTP email, 642

sockets, selecting, 530


databases, overview of, 12-17

development, customizing, 14

FileMaker products, 17-19

installing, 672

off-the-shelf, 13

plug-ins. See plug-ins

registration, 24

requirements, 485-486

technical specifications, 21

troubleshooting, 490. See also troubleshooting

updating/upgrading, 24, 511-512, 674

Solution Options, 628-631


architectures, 471

documentation, 515

Sort Records dialog box, 67

sorting, 66-67

ERDs, 156. See also ERDs (entity-relationship diagrams)

multitiered sorts, 74

orders, specifying, 618

portals, 55, 182

scripts, 270

slowness, 494

summary fields, 302

tables, 305-308

source fields

aligning, 546

auto-aligning, 549

source tables, selecting, 566


adding, 222

CWP, troubleshooting, 622-623

specific information, inserting, 73

Specify Calculation dialog box, 217, 219-229, 509

Specify Field dialog box, 186, 291

Specify Field Order dialog box, 570

Specify Fields dialog box, 188

Specify Solution Options dialog box, 628


connecting, 529

script parameters, 445

tables, 614

spell-checking, 45, 139

splash screens, closing, 630

Spotlight, 644

spreadsheets, importing, 553

SQL (Structured Query Language), 10

external data sources, connecting, 519

integration, 522

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), 519-520

queries, 536

troubleshooting, translating to FileMaker, 544

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 642

Standard Form, 119

Starter Solutions, 513


Admin Console, 650

FileMaker Server, 656

importing, 546-547

IWP, 578

scripts, 277

startup scripts, 117, 255, 591

statements, case, 222, 241

states, interfaces, 384-389

static IP addresses, 643


monitoring, 673

reviewing, 664

status, reviewing, 553-554

Status toolbars, 125

applying, 35-39

customizing, 136

layouts, 134-137

Status value lists, creating, 203

stencils, screens, 393-395

stepping through arrays, 423-424. See also arrays

steps, scripts, 218

stopping FileMaker Servers, 656


fields, 104-108

global, 51

objects, 608

Storage Options dialog box, 224

strategies, converting, 513. See also converting


queries, XML, 613-614

text, modifying, 231

Structured Query Language. See SQL

structures, 378. See also design

analyzing, 154

arrays, 421-424

calculation fields, 166

elements, passing, 449

fields, 175

many-to-many relationships, 187

one-to-many relationships, 160

reports, 285-286


interfaces, 384-389

modal dialogs, 474-475

text, 74, 420

themes, 378-384

windows, 473

subcategories, Get functions, 243

subexpressions, 407

Submit script, 476

subroutines, 407

subscripts, 261, 366, 591. See also scripts

subsidiary tables, 166

Substitute function, 233-234

subsummary parts, 95, 130, 297-301. See also summary fields

subtotals, summary fields, 292

Sum function, 241

summary data output, 571

summary fields, 49, 57, 95, 489

printing, 68

reports, 295-303

subtotals, 292

supplemental fields, applying, 541-543

support. See also troubleshooting

forums, 511

operating systems, 645

system constraints, 429


tab control objects, 147-149

Tab Control Setup dialog box, 148

Tab keys, navigating fields, 45

Table view, 34, 72, 76, 120, 174, 303

Table View Properties dialog box, 126

tables, 75

adding, 174-175

applying, 81-84

context, 498-499

deleting, 83

disconnected table occurrences, 480

duplicating between, 564

explicit table context, 247

external, adding, 209-210

external files, 517

formatting, 83-84, 170-173, 541

HTML, 569

importing, 552-553

joins, 163-165, 191

key references, 163

layout, 112, 121

managing, 212-213

modifying, 83

multiple, 169, 178-187

naming, 81-82, 486

overview of, 14, 29, 75-81

relationships, adding, 195-197

renaming, 173

sorting, 67, 305-308

source, selecting, 566

specifying, 614

subsidiary, 166

summary fields, 295

targets, selecting, 546

views, 125

tabs, 54, 74, 378

Appearance, 386

controls (Web Viewer), 367

ordering, 150-151


files, importing, 546

text, 569



aligning, 546

auto-aligning, 549

tables, selecting, 546

triggers, 462-463

TaskDisplay field, 420

tasks, 53

tables, 170

Tiny Task Management, 113

Tasks Starter Solution, 53, 255

TasksAfterDate relationship, adding, 200

TCO (total cost of ownership), 11

teams, multiuser deployment, 334-335

TechNet, 335

technical specifications, 21

technology, CWP, 603


layouts, 121

scripts, 261

Web Viewer, 371-372


ACID tests, 327-328

connections, 531, 535

FileMaker Server, 656

files, 365

formulas, 409

IWP, 591

loops, 280

sessions, accessing, 333

TestStyleAdd() function, 266


arrays, parsing, 446

comments, 488-489

fields, 48, 88


calculations, 419-421

deleting, 420

troubleshooting, 440

Formatting bars, 36

functions, 231-235

importing, 555-557

parsing, 234

styles, 74

tab-separated, 569

TextColor function, 419

TextFont function, 419

TextSize function, 419

TextStyleAdd function, 420

TextStyleRemove function, 420


converting, 513

interfaces, 378-384

layouts, 115

modifying, 380-382

selecting, 293

third-party plug-ins, 21, 634-636

three computer configurations, 647


images, 558. See also images

managing, 93


fields, 49, 89

functions, 238-240

triggers, 462

Time Billing Start Solution, 221


default, 468

triggers, 468

timestamps, 49, 89, 240

Tiny Task Management, 113


footers, 131

headers, 130


IWP, 577

Status, 125

applying, 35-39

customizing, 136

layouts, 134-137


buttons, 278

charting, 283

Data Viewer, 509

debugging, 18

developers, 10

Format Painter, 137, 144

formatting, managing relationship graphs, 212


formatting, 389-395

layouts, 112

layouts, 136

ODBC, 524

reports, 289-295

Script Debugger, 507-509

Web Viewer, 369

tooltips, applying, 141

total cost of ownership. See TCO

Tracing tabs, 527


bugs, 334

entities, 155. See also entities

trailing grand summary, 131

trails, audit, 329

transferring data, 642

transforming characters, 568-570

translating SQL to FileMaker, 544


errors, 333

records, locking, 330

validation, 109

triggers, 112, 461

attaching, 464-467

functions, 468-470

interactive interfaces, 470

layouts, 464-467

OnObjectModify, 470

overview of, 461-464

parameters, 444

Script Debugger, 508

scripts, 254, 277

timers, 468

windows, 467

Trim function, 233, 436

troubleshooting, 485

arrays, 440

calculations, 247-250, 440-441, 490-492

connecting, 496-497

context dependencies, 497-500

crosstalk, 497

CWP, 622-623

Data Viewer, 509

databases, 71-72

DDR, 504-507

delete restrictions, 192

encryption, 494

failures, planning for, 490

fields, 109-110


maintenance, 501-504

references, 637

firewalls, 497

found sets, 482

global fields, 500

highlighting, 483

importing, 563

IWP, 597

layouts, 152

Log Viewer, 665, 674

multiple tables, 192

multiuser deployment, 332-333

nonequijoins, 210-211

OR conditions, 211

overview of, 485

performance, 493-496

permissions, 496

plug-ins, 636-637

pop-up windows, 482

preventative measures, 485-489

recovery, 501-504

relationships, 210-211

reports, 319-320

Script Debugger, 507-509

scripts, 247, 279-280, 490-492

security, 364-365

software requirements, 485-486

SQL, translating to FileMaker, 544

windows, 482

Truncate function, 237

two computer configurations, 647


of charts, 318

of data, 223

of deployment, 19-21

of DSNs, 526

of events, 662

of fields, 48-49

applying, 87-97

configuring, 172

of files, 556

of layouts, 119

of relationships, 159

of reports, 290

of versions, 17-19

of views, 125


underlying data, triggers, 464

Undo command, 44

Undo Styles command, 386

unfinished scripts, troubleshooting, 279

Uniform Resource Locators. See URLs

uninterruptible power supply. See UPS

unique keys, 162, 539

universal serial bus. See USB

Universally Unique Identifier. See UUID

unpredictable global default values, 332

unsupported scripts, IWP, 589

Update Matching Records option, 563


import topics, 548


importing, 550

match fields, 550

software, 24, 511-512, 674

upgrading software, 511-512

UPS (uninterruptible power supply), 328, 501

URLs (Uniform Resource Locators)

CWP, searching, 614-618

files, applying Web Viewer, 375

searching, 371

usage statistics, monitoring, 673

USB (universal serial bus), 501

Use Manage Database dialog box, 76


accounts, multiuser deployment, 326

authentication, 362

interfaces. See interfaces

multiuser deployment. See multiuser deployment

user-level internal security, 343-359

UUID (Universally Unique Identifier), 245


validation, 52-53, 470

fields, 102-104, 218, 550

importing, 563

traps, 109

ValueCount function, 422


arrays, 421

Calculated Value option, 100

delimited, 241

global, 202-204

FilterValues function, 426-427

indexes, 106


context dependencies, 499

controlling access, 351

creating, 188-190

modifying, 47

Looked-Up Value option, 100-102

multiple, matching, 441

numeric values of modifier keys, 470

relationships, 194

unpredictable global default, 332


applying, 456

declaring, 407

global, 456

local, overview of, 454-455

names, Let functions, 440

scope, 455

scripts, 453-458

viewing, 457

verifying versions, 523


overview of, 17-19

previous. See previous versions

verifying, 523

vertical labels, 120

View As Form option, 286, 592

View menu, 35


data settings, 138-140

files, 375

GetLayoutObjectAttribute function, 395

Inspector, 140

layout records, 152

Log Viewer

monitoring, 674

troubleshooting, 665

multiple columns, 499

one-to-one relationships, 178

records, 62

related child data, 178-181

reports, 286-289, 294

scripts, 264

self-joins, 202

variables, 457

Web Viewer, 367-368. See also Web Viewer

XML, 611

views, 30, 33-34

options, 125

Table, 72, 76, 120, 303

Tables, 174

types of, 125

volatility, 501


Watch tab, 509

Web Compatibility pop-up, 589

Web pages, IWP links, 596

web publishing, 464, 653, 671

Web Publishing Engine. See WPE

web servers, 600, 643, 646, 654

Web Viewer

applying, 70, 367

files, 375

formatting, 369

GetLayoutObjectAttribute function, 395

navigating, 367-368

options, 373

Set Web Viewer script step, 373-374

templates, 371-372

widgets, adding, 183


columns, 127

fixed-width formats, exporting to, 571-572

layouts, formatting, 391

WindowNames function, 245, 472


DSN, configuring, 532-535

files, 556

ODBC drivers, 526

pop-up windows, troubleshooting, 482

Status toolbars, customizing, 37-39, 136


documents, applying, 474

Edit Script, 257

Manage Scripts, 252, 256

managing, 471-472

modal dialogs, 474-475

multiple, 74


interfaces, 473-475

locking, 331

styles, 473

timers, 468

triggers, 467

troubleshooting, 482

WordCount function, 232

words, 232. See also text

workflow reports, incorporating, 320-321

worksheets, 569. See also Excel

WPE (Web Publishing Engine), 600, 610, 646


code, FileMaker PHP APIs, 607-610

comments, 488-489


calculations, 216-218

Specify Calculation dialog box, 219-222

functions, 431. See also functions

modular code, 489

scripts, 252-253, 590


Xcode, 634

XML (Extensible Markup Language), 10. See also CWP

character transformations, 569

CWP, 610-620

elements, passing structured data, 449

importing, 545

publishing, 610-613

query strings, 613-614

viewing, 611


zzCreationTS, 170

zzCreator, 170

zzID, 170, 194

zzModificationTS, 170

zzModifier, 170

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