
AAA ratings, reliance on

Abacus structure design

ABS. See Asset-backed securities

Academia sector See also Faculty


insurance risk and

translation risk and

Accounting orientation

Accounting Standards

Codification 815

Codification 820

Adamson, Simon

AIG (American International Group) case study

Ajax Re

Algorithmic forex trading

Allied Irish Bank


Allstate Corporation case study

Alpha, description of See also Portable alpha

Alpha overlay, implementing

Alpha return, definition of

Alpha transport, implementing

Alt-A loans

Alternative investments career path:

applications/front office

infrastructure/back office

management/middle office

overview of

structurer example

Alumni networks

Amaranth hedge fund

American option

American Stock Exchange

American University

Amortizing swaps

Analysis of trading history

Annuity obligations and longevity risk

Applegarth, Adam

Applications/front office area


capital structure


regulatory, and AIG


Arbitrage CDOs

Arbitrage complexes

Arbitrage trading See also No-arbitrage condition

Armstrong World Industries, Inc.

ASC Topic

Asian financial crisis

Ask prices

Asset allocation

Asset-backed securities (ABS):

debt sizing

issuing of

market size and segments

origins of

recent events

Asset-backed security CDOs (ABS CDOs)

Asset classes:

currency as

FX as

illiquidity across

Asset-liability management

Asset Management sector

Asset swaps

Asset values


of investor behavior

in risk reports

Asymmetry penalty

At-the-money options

Auction process

Auction-rate securities

Authority to contract

Automobile loans

Back office/infrastructure area


quantitative trading and

systematic trading and


Bank balance sheet transactions

Bankers Trust

Bank for International Settlements

Bank Holding Company Act (U.S.)

Bank of America and Countrywide Financial

Bank of England:

Barings PLC and

foreign exchange market and

London Code of Conduct

Northern Rock PLC and

Bank of France

Bank of Japan

Banks. See also Central banks; specific banks

credit-linked notes and

investment in technology by

procyclicality and

ranking of

reserves of

runs on, in United Kingdom

top five, in foreign exchange

willingness to lend

Barings Bank:

case study

collapse of

operational risk and

BARRA Integrated Model


Basel Committee on Banking Supervision:

Basel I rules

Basel II committee

Basel III, proposals for

description of

Joint Forum of

legal risk and

operational risk and

regulatory framework

Basis trading

Basket peg

Bayesian theory

Bear Stearns

Benchmarking and systematic trading

Berkshire Hathaway

Bespoke synthetic CDOs

Beta, description of

Beta return, definition of

Bhansali, Vineer

Bid-ask spreads

Bilateral repos

Black model


Black-Scholes-Merton model

Black-Scholes model

Bloomberg LLP

Boards of directors:

reviews of VaR and stress testing

“tone at the top” and

Bonds. See also Treasury bonds

catastrophe (cat)





general obligation




peak mortality





Bootstrapping exercise

Bootstrapping of yield curve

Bouton, Daniel

Brace, Gatarek, and Musiela model

Branson, Richard

Breaching of triggers

Bretton Woods system

British Bankers Association survey

Broad Index Securitized Trust Offering

Broker-dealers, challenges and responsibilities of

Brown, Jerry

Broyhill, Paul

Buffet, Warren

Build America Bonds


Buy side

Buy side career path

Callable swaps

Call options

Capacity to contract

Capital Adequacy Framework

Capital asset pricing model (CAPM)

Capital markets

Capital structure arbitrage


CAPM (capital asset pricing model)

Careers in financial engineering:

computer programming skills

demand fluctuations

evolution of field

functional areas

graduate objectives

job functions

job placement

paths for

qualitative trader example

structurer example

variety of

Carnegie Mellon University

Case-Shiller real estate indexes

Case studies:

Allied Irish Bank/Allfirst

Barings PLC

Countrywide Financial

credit derivatives

fiduciary duty and

fixed income, swap market

Florida State Board of Administration

investment funds

Long-Term Capital Management

Northern Rock PLC

Orange County

Société Générale

Case Western Reserve University

Cash flow:

CDOs and

determinants of

risk assessment and

translation risk and

Cash flow analysis of CDOs

Cash flow hedge accounting

Cash flow waterfall

Cash market:

commodity market types

equity market roots

international debt market

municipal debt market

overview of

repurchase agreements

Treasury debt market

Cash reserve accounts

Cash-settled options

Cassano, Joseph

Catastrophe (cat) bonds

Catastrophe (cat) swaps

CDOs. See Collateralized debt obligations

CDS. See Credit default swaps

Cecala, Guy

Central banks. See also Bank of England; Federal Reserve

applications/front office

Bank of France

Bank of Japan

career path overview

European Central Bank

foreign exchange market and

history overview

infrastructure/back office

management/middle office

monetary policy of

People’s Bank of China

policy tools of

repo markets and

structurer example

Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation, “Banking Banana Skins” report

CFTC. See Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Chase Manhattan Bank

Chase Secured Loan Trust

Chicago Board of Trade

Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)


foreign exchange market

job placement

Citerne, Philippe



Citron, Robert

Claremont Graduate University

Clean floaters


commodity market and

equity market and

foreign exchange market and

CLS Bank

CLS Group

CME. See Chicago Mercantile Exchange

Collateralized debt obligations (CDOs):

AIG and

customized solutions

definition of

first generation products

future of

history of

Merrill Lynch and

overview of

recent events

second generation products

valuation of

Collateralized loan obligations (CLOs)

Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs):

definition of

future of

non-agency CMOs

overview of

Commercial mortgage-backed securities

Commitment fees

Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems

Commodities and inflation

Commodity cap

Commodity floor

Commodity Future Modernization Act (U.S.)

Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC):

commodity pools and

derivatives and

Dodd-Frank bill and

futures trading and

Commodity indices

Commodity-linked notes

Commodity market:

commodity options

commodity swaps

ETF approach

exchange-traded versus OTC

financial engineering in

future of

futures contracts

history of

regulation of

risk management

snapshot of

synthetic barter

Commodity options

Commodity pool operators

Commodity pools

Commodity swaps

Commodity trading advisors

Compensation structure

Competition, perfect

Compulsion by governments with insurance requirements

Computer programming

Confirmation bias


applications/front office

infrastructure/back office

management/middle office

structurer example

Contagious nature of risk

Continuity in firms, and tone at top


breach of

capacity and authority to enter into

Contracts for difference

Controlled exchange rates

Convergence models

Convertible bonds


Convexity bias

Cooperman, Leon

COOs, role of

Corn, commodity market

Corporate debt, issuance of

Corporate structure


cyclically sensitive

macroeconomic stresses on


Correlation trading

Counterparties, challenges and responsibilities of

Counterparty risk

Countrywide Financial

Covered options, writing

Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model

C$++$ programming

Credit Agricole

Credit analysis, of municipal bonds

Credit assessment

Credit crisis:

auction-rate securities and

lessons learned from

liquidity and

operational risk and

portable alpha programs and

Credit default swaps (CDS):

AIG and

definition of

first generation products

history of

Merrill Lynch and

notional growth in market for

perceptions of

regulatory status

second generation products


structured products

as unregulated market

valuation of

Credit Derivative Definitions

Credit derivatives market:

applications of

case studies

first generation products

future of

perceptions of

predecessor products

second generation products

snapshot of

structured products

Credit enhancement

Credit events, in CDS

Credit-linked notes

Credit ratings. See also Rating agencies

securitized products and

translation risk and

Credit risk:

CDOs and

credit market and

currency futures and

securitization and

Credit spreads:


credit market and

Cronin, David

Cross-border mergers

Cross-border transactions

Cross-currency swaps

Crossover (XO) CDX indices

C# programming

Currency collars

Currency futures contracts

Currency market, application of alpha and beta to

Currency options

Currency overlay and systematic trading

Currency swaps

Curve trading

Customer market

Custom solutions

Cutoff time

Darling, Alistair

Data availability and insurance risk

DCF (discounted cash flow) model

Default rates


currency futures


municipal bonds


economist predictions of

investing with

Delinquency, in DCF model

Deliverable basket



inception and early stages

massive growth period

rationalization period

Derivatives. See also Equity derivatives

accounting environment for

careers overview

cross-border transactions

definition of

foreign exchange

history of

illiquidity of

interest rate

legal risk and

over-the-counter, regulation of

pricing of

regulatory environment


Derivatives case studies:

Allied Irish Bank/Allfirst

Barings PLC

Société Générale

Derivatives market. See also Credit derivatives market

commodity market overview

forward rate agreements

future of

government bond futures

interest rate futures

interest rate swaps


overview of

structured products growth

Derry v. Peek

Deterministic approach



Dinallo, Eric

Directional signals, hedging using

Dirty floaters

Discipline in trading strategies

Disclosure policies

Discount curves

Discounted cash flow (DCF) model

Discount rate of central banks

Discretionary trading, systematic trading as alternative to


across markets

across models

across time-scales

dilution of returns and

of funding

illusion of

market shocks and

portfolio design considerations

Documentation of transactions:

ambiguous, of derivative transactions

credit market and

structured products

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (U.S.):

credit market and

derivatives reform in

quantitative trader role and

sell-side firms and

structurer role and

swaptions and

Domestic bonds, definition of

Dow Jones Industrial Average

Drage v. Procter & Gamble

Due diligence process:

on hedge funds

on investment managers

legal risk and

Duration as bond attribute

Education in financial engineering:

course tracks


departmental offerings


graduate objectives

graduation statistics

history of

internships and research

job placement

pre-enrollment requirements

program diversity

program names

programs contacted

required courses and electives

survey methodology

Efficient market theory

Electronic brokers

Electronic Broking Services

Electronic communication networks

Electronic trading systems

Embedded swaps

Emotion in trading decisions

Employee stock options

Energy futures


Enterprise risk management

Entry conditions for trading strategies

Environmental risk, legal risk as

Equation of exchange

Equity capital management

Equity curves

Equity derivatives:

equity options

equity swaps

exchange-traded index options

single-stock futures

stock index futures

structured products overview

Equity market:

arbitrage complexes

commodity-linked notes

equity derivatives

exchange-traded funds

origins of

portfolio trading and

shareholder protection

snapshot of

tax efficiency

trading cost declines

Equity options

Equity swaps

Equity trading See also Quantitative trading

ETFs. See Exchange-traded funds

Eurobonds, overview of

European Central Bank

European options

European swaptions

European Union:

Markets in Financial Investments Directive

regulatory evolution in

Solvency II framework

yield curves for


Evaluation of systematic trading ideas and products

Event of default:

incorporating into valuation model

structured products and

Excel VBA

Excess return, definition of

Exchange rate determination

Exchange-traded commodity products

Exchange-traded equity options

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs):

background of

commodity market

description of


shareholder protection

structured products

tax efficiency

Exchange-traded index options

Exit conditions for trading strategies

Expected returns, forecasting

Extreme event risk

Extreme Value Theory (EVT)

Factor models

Faculty See also Academia sector

Fair value, hierarchy of

Fair value hedge accounting

Fannie Mae. See Federal National Mortgage Association

FASB. See Financial Accounting Standards Board

Federal Family Education Loan Program

Federal funds rate

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac):

future of market

history of market

MBS pricing

reporting by

Federal Housing Authority

Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae):

future of market

history of market

lawsuits against

MBS pricing

Federal Reserve (U.S.):

AIG and

Allied Irish Bank executives and

in August 2007

Federal Reserve Board

liquidity crisis and

Long-Term Capital Management and

LTCM bailout

Term Asset-Backed Lending Facility

unwinding of rogue trades and

Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Feynman, Richard

Fiduciary duty:

breach of

in case studies

Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB):

accounting rules for derivatives

Derivatives Implementation Group

Financial Accounting Standards No. 133

Financial crisis of 2007-2009:

illiquidity risk and

operational risk management and

rationalization period

regulatory evolution after

Financial engineering. See also Careers in financial engineering; Education in financial engineering; History of financial engineering

definition of

use of term

Financial guaranty insurance

Financial institutions:

fiduciary duty of

market conditions for

operating environment of

Financial market innovation. See Innovations for systemic risk management

Financial Services Act (U.K.)

Financial Services and Markets Act (U.K.)

Financial Services Authority (U.K.)

First-order arbitrage

First-to-default baskets

First-to-default swaps

Fiscal policy

Fitch rating agency:

Allied Irish Bank and

Chase and

Countrywide Financial and

Fitted yield curve

Fixed income case study, swap market

Fixed income market:

cash markets

derivatives markets

interest rate models

overview of

price--yield relationship

snapshot of

structured product growth

trading strategies

yield curve

Fixed recovery default swaps

Floater CMOs

Floating exchange rates


Florida State Board of Administration

Florida State University


Foreign bonds, definition of

Foreign exchange (FX). See also Systematic trading

global market turnover by counterparty

impact of electronic trading technology on

leveraged fund market share

Foreign exchange derivatives

Foreign exchange (forex) market:

efficiency of

exchange rate determination

institutional framework

need for

risk management

snapshot of

Foreign markets, job placement

Forex swaps

Forward contracts

Forward participation agreements

Forward range agreements

Forward rate

Forward rate agreements

Forward rate curves

401(k) plans


Bank of France

international debt market


Freddie Mac. See Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation

Freemantle transactions

Frictionless markets

Front office/applications area

Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing (FTAP)



government bond

interest rate

stock index

Futures contracts

Futures options

Gambling and derivative transactions

Gamut Re

Gaussian copula model

GDP swaps

General collateral repos

General Electric and VaR

General obligation bonds

Gensler, Gary

Geographic location, job placement and

Germany, international debt market

Ginnie Mae. See Government National Mortgage Association

Glass-Steagall Act (U.S.)

Global financial crisis. See Financial crisis of 2007-2009

Global growth of mortgage market

Globalization, history overview


Gold, commodity market

Goldman Sachs

Government bond basis trading

Government bond curve trading

Government bond futures

Government bond futures options

Government bonds

Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae):

evolution of market

future of market

history of market

MBS pricing

structure of market

Governments and systemic risk management:

data availability and

insurance risk

policy considerations

Grain merchants, commodity market and

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (U.S.)

Greenberg, Hank

Greenberg, Maurice

Greenspan, Alan

Guarantees, agency market and

Guilds, commodity market and

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Hatzius, Jan

Hazell vs. Hammersmith and Fulham

Heath, Jarrow, and Morton model

Hedge funds. See also Hedging; Performance fees for hedge funds

Bear Stearns

equity swaps


operational risk and

reinsurance companies in

Hedge Fund sector

Hedges against inflation

Hedging. See also Hedge funds

accounting orientation compared to

algorithms for

determining how much to hedge

generation of losses with

longevity risk

oil market example

orientation of

structured products and


trading orientation compared to

translation risk and

High-yield (HY) CDX index

Historic rate rollover

History of financial engineering:

inception and early stages

massive growth period

overview of

pre-inception period

rationalization period

“Hockey stick” diagram shape

Hole-in-one gang

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Housing policy

Humanitarian aid, financial innovations supporting


Illiquidity, incorporating effects of in valuation

Indemnity instruments

Independent valuation

Index instruments

Index participation shares

Index strategies

Index technology


CDS benchmark

linking notes to

Industrial sector

Industry comparisons for benchmarking

Industry loss warranties


economist predictions of

investing with

as monetary phenomenon

Informational efficiency

Infrastructure/back office area

ING Group

Initial margin

Innovations for systemic risk management:

incomplete markets for insurance risk

insurance risk

overview of


public policy considerations


risk transfer activity


Institutional relationships

Insurable interest


ABS market and

credit market and

Insurance risk:

incomplete markets for

management of

Interbank market

Interest coverage (IC) tests

Interest-only bonds

Interest rate derivatives

Interest rate futures

Interest rate futures options

Interest rate hedging

Interest rate models

Interest rates, term structure of

Interest rate swaps

Internal Revenue Code

International Association of Financial Engineers

International debt market

International Monetary Market

International Organization of Securities Commissions

International regulation of derivatives

International Swaps and Derivatives Association


In-the-money options

Intraday trading

Inverse floater CMOs

Investment banks See also specific banks

Investment Company Act (U.S.)

Investment grade (IG) CDX indices

Investment managers, due diligence process on

Investment strategies, crowding into

Investor behavior, assumptions of See also Valuation framework

IShares MSCI Series

Italy, international debt market

ITraxx indices


commodity market

foreign exchange market

yield curves for

Java programming

Joint Forum of Basel Committee

Jorion, Philippe

J.P. Morgan

Jumbo loans

Jumbo prime category

Kamp Re

Kawaller Fund

Kent State University

Kerviel, Jerome

Key rate duration

King, Mervyn

Lagarde, Christine

LANCE structure

Lane Financial LLC

Law of One Price

Lawyers, challenges and responsibilities of

Leaning against the wind

Lee, Matthew

Leeson, Nicholas (Nick)

Legal risk:

ambiguous documentation

breach of contract

breach of fiduciary duty

challenges and responsibilities for key players

costs associated with

definition of

education overview



key issues in

lack of capacity or authority

mitigation of

regulatory characterizations

regulatory evolution

regulatory landscape

Lehman Brothers:

CAT bonds and

commodity-linked notes and

cross-border transactions of

failure of

failure to rescue

Nomura International PLC and

“repo 105” practice of

Letters of credit


LTCM and

in systematic trading portfolio design

Liar loans

LIBOR-OIS spread

Liddy, Edward

Life annuities

Life insurance securitizations

Limit order books

Limit orders

Liquidity, definition and variability of

Liquidity buckets

Liquidity crisis

Liquidity risk

Liquidity traps

Loan CDS

Loan covenants

Loan-only CDS (LCDX) index

Loan origination policies




derivative transactions characterized as




Loan total return swaps

Longevity risk

Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM):

case study

collapse of

cross-border transactions of

hedging interest rate risk

Loss severity

LTCM. See Long-Term Capital Management

Ludwig, Eugene

Macaulay duration equation

Macroeconomic derivatives

Macroeconomic innovation

Macroeconomic risk models

Madoff Ponzi scheme

Mahonia Ltd. v. J.P. Morgan Chase Bank

Maintenance margin

Malaysia, foreign exchange market

Managed futures funds

Management fees. See Performance fees

Management/middle office area

Margin, posting of

Margin trading in systematic trading portfolio design

Market markers

Market orders

Markets. See also Cash market; Commodity market; Credit derivatives market; Derivatives market; Equity market; Fixed income market; Foreign exchange (forex) market; Mortgage market





international debt

municipal debt

specified pool

structure of, and insurance risk


Treasury debt

Market shocks

Markets in Financial Investments Directive (E.U.)

Markit CDX index

Markowitz, Harry


in fair value hierarchy

in foreign exchange market

Mark-to-market accounting and risk calculations

Mark-to-market risk

Mark-to-matrix, in fair value hierarchy

Mark-to-model, in fair value hierarchy

Mark-to-model reserves

Mathematics, study of

Maximum drawdown (MDD)

Maytag Corp.

MBIA Insurance Corp.

MBSs. See Mortgage-backed securities

Mean reversion strategies

Media effect

Merchant class

Meriwether, John

Merna transactions

Merrill Lynch

Merton, Robert

Metallgesellschaft AG

Metrics research

Mexican earthquake CAT bond

Middle office/management area

Miller, Merton

Milligan, Bob

Milliman Medical Index

Mindich, Erich


of legal risk

of operational risk

Models. See also Quantitative equity models; specific models




capital asset pricing

discounted cash flow

diversification across

macroeconomic risk


requirements for


Modern portfolio theory (MPT):

portfolio design and

quantitative trading and

risk and

Momentum strategies

Monetary base

Monetary policy

Money multiplier

Money supply

Monoline insurers

Moral hazard and rescue of AIG

Morgan Stanley

Mortality credits

Mortgage-backed securities (MBSs):

AIG and

description of

Florida State Board of Administration and

future of

history of market

investment banks and

pricing of

structure of market

valuation of

Mortgage case studies:

Countrywide Financial

Northern Rock PLC

Mortgage market. See also Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation; Federal National Mortgage Association; Government National Mortgage Association; Subprime mortgages

agency market structure

collateralized mortgage obligations

evolution of

future of

global growth of

history of

MBS pricing

mortgage pass-through securities

non-agency market

snapshot of

Mortgage pass-through securities

Mozilo, Angelo

MPT. See Modern portfolio theory

Multicurrency cash settlement systems

Multinational corporations

Multiperiod credit spread framework:

event of default, incorporating

overview of

risk-neutral valuation

term structure of interest rates

Multiple comparisons problem

Municipal bond insurance

Municipal debt market


cyclically sensitive

macroeconomic stresses on

Mustier, Jean-Pierre

Mutual fund fees, hedge fund fees compared to

Mutual funds:

Investment Company Act and

NAV-based trading comparison

shareholder protections

Naked options, writing

Nanyang Business School

Nasdaq 100, Q ETFs

National Housing Act (U.S.)

Negative assurance opinions

Net asset value

New York Stock Exchange

New York University

No-arbitrage condition:

challenge in use of

description of

dual problem

event of default, incorporating into

market equilibrium and

multiperiod framework for

pricing relationships

two-state, single-period framework

No-arbitrage models

Noise of market data

Nomura International PLC

Non-agency mortgage market

Non-executive directors, neutrality of

North Carolina State University

Northern Rock PLC

Note component

Notional principal

Notional quantity

Noyer, Christian

Offer prices

Oil, commodity market

Oklahoma State University

One-sided risks

Open-adjusted spread approach

Open market operations

Operating environment of financial institutions

Operational risk:

definition of

fiduciary duty and

hedge funds and

history of business of

mitigation of

sources of, and interdependencies across risk types

Opportunity costs:

legal risk and

liquidity and

Option Clearing Corporation


bond futures

caps and floors



employee stock


exchange-traded equity

exchange-traded index

interest rate futures

pricing of


Options straddles

Orange County case study

Order flow, concentration of

Organizations, “tone at the top” of

Originate and sell model

Oudea, Frederic

Out-of-the-money options


Overcollateralization tests

Over-optimization in back testing

Pairs trading

Papering derivative transactions

Parameter choice:

backtesting and

for trading strategies

Parametric instruments

Par curves


Pareto principle

Pass-through securities

Paulson, John

Paulson & Co. Inc.

Peak mortality bonds

Pegged exchange rates

People’s Bank of China

Perfect capital markets condition

Performance fees for hedge funds:

impact of asymmetry on

mutual fund fees compared to

optimal portfolio allocations and

overview of

Perpetual Trustee Company Limited

Phone-forex market

Physically deliverable options

Pierron, Axel

Planned amortization class structure

Portable alpha:

alpha transport, implementing

appeal of

Casey Quirk and

description of

equity swaps and



Portfolio construction:

by investment managers, evaluating

leverage and margin trading

modern portfolio theory approach to

“old school” approach to

in quantitative equity models

for systematic trading

Portfolio trading

Portfolio transparency

Position management

Positive assurance opinions

Prepayment models

Prepayment rates

President’s Working Group on Financial Markets, Asset Managers’ Committee

Price impact costs

Price instability, investing with


of commodities

yield and


of derivatives

of equity options

of futures options

LTCM models of

of MBSs

Pricing risk

Primary Dealer Credit Facility

Prime broker relationships

Prince, Chuck

Principal-only bonds

Procyclicality and banks

Procyclical rules, coping with

Profit diagrams

Public-sector risk management

Put-call forward parity

Put-call parity

Put options


Quantitative analysts

Quantitative easing

Quantitative equity models:

estimating key statistics

forecasting expected returns

forecasting risk

forecasting transaction costs


Quantitative traders

Quantitative trading. See also Quantitative equity models

advantages of

definition of

key events in history of

outlook for

Quants, use of term

Rare events, probability of

Rating agencies. See also Fitch rating agency

applications/front office

career path overview

challenges and responsibilities of

infrastructure/back office

insurance risk and

management/middle office

securitized products and

structurer example

Rationale for trading strategies

Ray, Robert

Reassessments for hedging

Reference Entity Database

Refinance model

Regulation. See also Commodity Futures Trading Commission; Securities and Exchange Commission

characterizations of derivative transactions in

commodity market and

credit market and

of derivatives

education overview

inception and early stages

massive growth period

pre-inception period

rationalization period

securitized products and

structured products and

Regulation D

Regulation XXX


applications/front office

career path overview

challenges and responsibilities of

infrastructure/back office

management/middle office

Regulatory arbitrage and AIG

Regulatory environment and insurance risk

Regulatory environment and legal risk:

international initiatives

overview of

in U.K.

in U.S.

Regulatory Oversight sector

Regulatory risk

Reinsurance vehicles

Relative value

Relative value arbitrage

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Repurchase agreements (repos)

Research roles

Reuters D3000 system

Revenue bonds

Reverse repos

Revolving credit facilities

Rice, commodity market

Risk. See also Insurance risk; Legal risk; Operational risk; Risk innovation; Risk management

contagious nature of


credit, and CDOs

degree of insurability of

extreme event







Risk appetite

Risk appetite statements

Risk class, foreign exchange as

Risk culture of firms

Risk innovation:

inception and early stages

massive growth period

rationalization period

Risk intermediation

Risk management. See also Operational risk; Systemic risk management

board-level reviews of VaR and stress testing

careers overview

collaborative approach to

commodity market


education overview

field of

foreign exchange market

history overview

by investment managers, evaluating

major risk incidents and

as priority

procyclical rules, coping with

revisiting “tone at the top” of organizations

securitized products and

structured products and

tail risk

warning labels for risk reports

warnings of, as unheeded

Risk-neutral valuation

Risk transfer activity

Rogue trading See also Kerviel, Jerome; Leeson, Nicholas; Rusnak, John


Rule against difference contracts

Rusnak, John

Russian financial crisis

Rutsaert, Nicolas

Sales structurer role

Sambol, David

Sandler, Ron

SAS programming

Savings and loan crisis

SCA. See Security Capital Assurance

Scale, economies of, and risk management

Scenario analysis for CDOs

Scholes, Myron

Schumpeter, Joseph

Second-order arbitrage

Second order effects in risk management policy

Securities. See also Asset-backed securities; Mortgage-backed securities




Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC):

commodity market and

derivatives and

Dodd-Frank bill and

Regulation D

shareholder protections

Securities and Futures Authority (U.K.)

Securities Industry Financial Markets Association


credit ratings

definition of

key parties to

market size and segments

origins of

Securitized products:

credit ratings

market size and segments

origins of

recent events

transaction process

Security Capital Assurance (SCA)

Selling, use of term

Sell side

Sell side career path:

applications/front office

infrastructure/back office

management/middle office

overview of

quantitative trader example

structurer example

Sequential bonds

Service providers:

applications/front office

career path overview

infrastructure/back office

management/middle office

structurer example

Services sector

Settlement issues:

credit event descriptions

in foreign exchange market

structured products

Shad-Johnson Accord

Shadowing effect


fairness concerns

fiduciary duty to

Sharpe, William

Sharpe ratio

Shorting of equities

Short-rate models


Silo management

Singapore, job placement

Single-currency pegging

Single monthly mortality rate

Single-name CDS

Single-period credit spread framework

Single-stock futures

Skew, correlation

Société Générale

Software vendors:

applications/front office

infrastructure/back office

management/middle office

structurer example

Solomon Brothers

Soros, George

South Africa, job placement

Sovereign wealth funds

SPDRs (Standard & Poor’s Depositary Receipts)

Special-purpose entities

Special-purpose vehicles

Specified collateral repos

Specified pool market

Spot contracts

SQL programming

Stabilized exchange rates

Stamenson, Michael

Standard & Poor’s Depositary Receipts (SPDRs)

Stochastic copula models

Stock index futures


Strategic risk, legal risk as

Stress testing

Structural subordination and CDOs

Structured finance CDOs

Structured finance operating companies

Structured products:

credit overview

customized solutions

definition of

derivatives market and

education overview

equities overview

history of

types of

variety of

Structurer role

Student loans


Subprime category

Subprime mortgages:

Citigroup and

Countrywide Financial and

financial crisis and

risk contagion and

Substantive law

Sullivan, Martin

Superior analysis



Survivor bias

Swap market

Swaps. See also Credit default swaps




catastrophe (cat)







fixed recovery default



interest rate

loan total return


total return


Switchable swaps

Symmetric derivatives

Synthetic barter

Synthetic CDOs:

first generation products

future of

history of

second generation products

structured products

Systematic trading:

advantages of

benchmarking and

currency alpha and beta

currency overlay and

definition of

evaluation of ideas and products

growth in

hedging and

industry comparisons

leverage and margin trading

limitations of

maximum drawdown

portfolio construction

portfolio design approaches

purpose of

requirements for models

risk appetite and

risk/return ratio

win:loss trade ratio

Systemic risk management:

financial market innovation and

overview of

Tail risk, managing

TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program)


equity market and

mortgage market and

municipal bonds and

Tax policy and risk management

Technical core area

Technology as force:

inception and early stages

massive growth period

rationalization period

Tepper, David

Term Asset-Backed Lending Facility

Term Auction Facility

Term Securities Lending Facility

Term structure, yield curve and

Testing trading strategies

Third-party valuation providers

To-be-announced market

“Tone at the top” of organizations

Toronto Index Participation Securities (TIPs)

Total return swaps

Track record of investment managers

Trade execution

Trading. See also Electronic trading systems; Quantitative trading; Systematic trading

algorithmic forex





discretionary, systematic trading as alternative to

emotion in








as zero sum game

Trading history, analysis of

Trading orientation

Trading pits, description of

Trading structurer role

Trading symbols

Trading transparency

Transaction costs:

categories of

equity trading and

fairness concerns


Transaction parties, list of

Transaction risk


bank balance sheet


documentation of



Transferable risk

Translation risk


in derivatives market

in equity market

in foreign exchange market

hedge funds and

independent valuations and

Treasury bonds:

commodity market comparison

curve trading

price-yield curves

Treasury debt market

Treasury Department (U.S.)

Treasury futures

Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS)

Treasury securities

Trend-following strategies

Triggers, breaching of

Tri-party repos

Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)

Turnover model

Two-sided risks

Two-state, single-period credit spread framework


Ultra vires doctrine

Unauthorized trading

United Kingdom. See also Bank of England; Financial Services Authority

bank runs in

commercial property index

equity market

international debt market

regulatory environment in

regulatory evolution in

yield curves for

United States. See also Federal Reserve; specific laws

Bankruptcy Code

Internal Revenue Code

legal issues with IPS in

regulatory environment in

regulatory evolution in

Treasury Department

yield curves for

University of Alabama

University of Dayton

University of Florida

University of Illinois

University of Minnesota

University of Southern California

University of Twente

University of Witwatersand

Utilization spreads

Validating processes of investment managers


approaches to

of CDOs

of equity options

of financially engineered products

incorporating effects of illiquidity in


mathematical analytical techniques for

of MBSs

of non-agency bonds

risk assessment

Valuation framework:

dual problem

event of default, incorporating into

market equilibrium and


optimization formulation

possible solutions

pricing relationships

two-state, single-period

Value at Risk (VaR), reviews of

Velocity and equation of exchange

Visual Basic for Applications


operational risk and

in VIX, January 1998 to September 2010

Volcker, Paul

Volume weighted average price (VWAP)

Warning labels within risk reports

Waterfall, cash flow

Waters, Maxine

Weapons of mass destruction, derivatives as

When-issued trading

Whistleblowers, warnings of, as unheeded

Willow Re

Win:loss trade ratio


World Equity Benchmark Shares

Writing options

XL Capital Assurance Inc.

Yield, price and

Yield curves

Zero-coupon bonds

Zero-coupon curves

Zero coupon stripping

Zero-premium options

Zero sum game, trading as

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