
2.1 Types of Governing Associations

2.2 Types of Formal Local (i.e., Subnational) Governments

3.1 Municipal Amalgamations in Western Europe, 1950–2010

3.2 Examples of Two-Tiered Nested Subnational Governments

3.3 Examples of Three-Tiered Nested Subnational Governments

3.4 Examples of Four-Tiered Nested Subnational Governments

3.5 Examples of Multitiered Subnational Governments in Asia (UNESCAP)

4.1 Patterns of State-Making

5.1 Characterizing States I: Unitary-Federal and Centralized-Decentralized Dimensions (Examples)

5.2 Characterizing States II: Executive Government and (De)centralized Dimensions

5.3 Examples and Characteristics of Unitary and Federal Political Systems

5.4 Parliamentary, Presidential, and Hybrid Democracies

5.5 Six Types of Political Systems according to Aristotle

6.1 Hofstede's Characterization of Cultures

6.2 Perception about and Reality of Government

6.3 Conceptions of Political Authority

6.4 Stereotypes and Reality about Politics and Elected Officials

6.5 Stereotypes about and Reality of Citizens

8.1 The Corruption Perception Indexes 2012

8.2 Total Employment in the General Government Sector: Absolute Size and as Percentage of the Total Labor Force

8.3 Public Sector Personnel Size in the European Union: Absolute Numbers (1998)

8.4 Public Sector Personnel Size in the European Union as a Percentage of the Total Public Workforce (1998)

8.5 The Development of Human Resource Management in the Developed World

A2.1 Traditional, Behavioral, and Postbehavioral Approaches to Politics


2.1 A Model of Political Evolution from a Bottom-Up Perspective

3.1 Size of Empires 3000 BCE-2000 CE

3.2 Simplified Diagrams of Local Government Units

5.1 The Structure of the Government of Israel and the Prime Minister Office

5.2 The Israeli Ministry of Welfare and Social Services

5.3 The Structure of the North District of Welfare and Social Services

A1.1 Development of Systematic Comparative Research in Public Administration

A2.1 Main Types of Comparison

A2.2 Number of Properties and Phenomena

A2.3 Level of Abstraction

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