

2D transformations (CSS3)

rotating elements, 344-346

scaling elements, 346-348

skewing elements, 348

translating elements, 342-344

3D transformations (CSS3)

applying perspective, 350

cubes, creating/manipulating, 354-358

moving (translating) elements, 353

rotating elements, 353

vanishing points, 350

140 cross-browser color names, 121


A Small Orange web hosting provider, 11

<a> tags (HTML), 203

anchor locations, linking to, 138-141

naming, 140

web pages, identifying locations within, 138

absolute addresses, web pages and, 136-137

absolute links, web pages and, 136

absolute positioning, 257

display property (CSS), 55

positioning property, 258-261

Acrobat (Adobe), converting PDF files, 375

Adjust Hue/Lightness/Saturation tool (GIMP), 182


align property (CSS), 233, 245


horizontal alignment, 197-199

vertical alignment, 199-201

text, 86

block-level elements, 87-89

tables, 163-165

text-align property (CSS), 59

text-align style rule, 87-89

text-decoration property (CSS), 59

alternate text, 195-196, website organization, 425-426

analogous color schemes, 120

anchor tags

naming, 140

web pages

identifying locations within, 138

linking to anchor locations, 138-141

animated graphics, 189-190

animation (CSS3), 360-361

Arial font (text), 109

arrays (JavaScript), 382-384

<article> semantic element (HTML5), 69-72, 77

<article> tags, HTML5, 41

ASCII text

formatted text, 102

web content, creating, 30, 37

<aside> semantic element (HTML5), 69-72, 79

<aside> tags, HTML5, 41

.asp file extensions, 31

attributes, 135

default values, 88

defining, 86

HTML style attribute, text-align style rule and, 88-89


<audio> element, embedding multimedia files, 224-225

HTML5 audio playback, 224-225

auto image loading, web browsers, 24


<b> tags (HTML), 102, 105-106


background-image style property, 204

background-position style property, 205

background-repeat style property, 205


background-color property (CSS), 58

background-color style property, 204

CSS and, 125-127

images, 204-205

tiled backgrounds, 187-189

bad website examples, 122

bandwidth, web hosting providers, 10

banners, creating, 184-186, website organization, 428

Bing, listing websites with, 442

block-level elements, aligning text in, 87-89

block value (CSS display property), 55

blogs, 24

<body> tags, 31, 34, 37

boldface text, 105-106

Bootstrap framework, 434


CSS, 254

border-bottom property, 56-57

border-color property, 56-57

border-left property, 56-57

border property, 56-57

border-right property, 56-57

border-style property, 56-57

border-top property, 56-57

border-width property, 56


color, CSS and, 125-127

creating, 158-159

spacing, 166

box model (CSS), 253, 256

borders, 254

content, 254

lists and, 292-295

margins, 254

padding, 254

sizing elements, 254-255

<br> tags, 36-37, 108


140 cross-browser color names, 121

Chrome, 13

CSS support, 54

development of, 6

differences in, accounting for, 341

distributing, 23

Firefox, 13

helper applications, defining, 219

history of, 6

HTML development, 6

images, auto image loading, 24

Internet Explorer, 13, 256

links, opening in new browser windows, 146-147

margins and, 292-294

non-viewable window areas, 270

Opera, 13

padding and, 292-294

plug-ins, defining, 219

pop-up windows, 146

popularity of, 30

QuickTime support, 221

Safari, 13

servers, basic browser server interaction, 7-9

text, adjusting font size settings, 25

vendor prefixes, 341

web content, displaying, 92


comparing, 30

testing, 12-13, 30

bulleted lists, 94

buttons, creating, 184-186

buying domain names, 11


categorizing elements, 75

CD-ROM, transferring photos to, 178

cells (tables)

creating, 156

sizing, 161-162

character entity, 103

check boxes (forms), 405-406

child (nested) tags, 92

Chrome web browser (Google), 13

clarity, coding for, 431

Classic FTP FTP client, 15

server connections, 18

website connections, 16-17

clear property (CSS), text flow and, 264

client-side scripting, 380, 390

clip art, 176

closing slashes (HTML tags), 36

closing tags (HTML), 33-34

cm value (CSS height/width properties), 55


140 cross-browser color names, 121

analogous color schemes, 120

background color

background-color style property, 204

CSS and, 125-127

best practices, 119-121

border color (tables), CSS and, 125-127

color property (CSS), 59

color style rule (CSS), fonts and, 109

color theory, 120

color wheel, 120

Colorblind Web Page Filter tool, 127

complementary color schemes, 121

graphics, adjusting color in, 182

hexadecimal color codes, 122-124

links and, 122

monitors and, 122

rounded corners, creating, 128-130

tables and, 165-166


CSS and, 125-127

formatting in style sheets, 48

triadic color schemes, 121

using, 119-121

W3C color standards, 121


CSS, 167-171

fixed/liquid hybrid layouts

defining columns in, 277-279

setting column height in, 280-284


JavaScript code comments, 381, 384

websites, maintaining code via, 429-430

complementary color schemes, 121


graphics, 177

JPEG files, 183-184

concatenation operators (JavaScript), 385

conceptualizing web pages, 69-74

control panels, selecting web hosting providers, 11-12


copyright symbol, 103

graphics and, 176

corners (rounded), creating, 128-130

Creative Commons licenses, 176

cropping images, 178-179


align property, 233, 245

Bootstrap framework, 434

box model, 253, 256

borders, 254

content, 254

lists and, 292-295

margins, 254

padding, 254

sizing elements, 254-255

browser support for, 54

cascading component of, 48

clear property, text flow and, 264

color, specifying via CSS, 125-127

columns, 167-171

creating, 49, 52-54

CSS Zen Garden layouts, 270

CSS1, 49

CSS2, 49

CSS3, 49

definition of, 47-48

<div> tags, 48, 63

DOCTYPE declarations, 256

external style sheets, 48, 51-54

float property, 233, 246-249, 264

formatting properties, 55

background-color property, 58

border-bottom property, 56-57

border-color property, 56-57

border-left property, 56-57

border property, 56-57

border-right property, 56-57

border-style property, 56-57

border-top property, 56-57

border-width property, 56

color property, 59

font-family property, 58

font property, 59

font-size property, 58

font-style property, 58

font-weight property, 58

line-height property, 59

padding property, 59

text-align property, 58-59

text-decoration property, 59

text-indent property, 58

Foundation framework, 434

hidden (rollover) text, 327-328

HTML documents, linking to, 53

image maps, creating, 298-301

inline styles, 63

internal style sheets, 48, 62-63


elastic layouts, 288

fixed layouts, 270-271

fixed/liquid hybrid layouts, 275-286

layout properties, 55

liquid layouts, 270-275

responsive web design, 286-287

<link> tag, 53

links, styling, 147-151


horizontal navigation, 316-319

list-style-image property, 292

list-style-position property, 292, 295-297

list-style-type property, 292

navigation lists, 306-319

vertical navigation, 306-315

margin property, 233-241

media-specific style sheets, 369-371

mouse actions

events and event handling, 329-336

rollover (hidden) text, 327-328

ToolTips, 323-326

overflow property, text flow and, 264

padding property, 233, 241-244


absolute positioning, 257-261

overlapping elements, 261-263

positioning property, 257

relative positioning, 257-259

z-index property, 261-263

print pages, designing style sheets for, 371-374

reference guide online resource, 49

rollover (hidden) text, 327-328

selectors, 60

<span> tags, 63

style classes, 59-61

style IDs, 61-62

style properties, 60

style rules, 48, 52

color style rule, 109

font-family style rule, 109

font-size style rule, 109

font weight style rule, 105-106

multiple style properties in, 61

viewing, 54

style sheets

creating, 51-52

formatting properties, 57

tags, 52

elements and, 48

selectors, 60


formatting color, 48

italic text, 59

line-through text, 59

sizing, 53

strikethrough text, 59

underline text, 59

ToolTips, 323-326

validating, 64

z-index property, 261-263


2D transformations

rotating elements, 344-346

scaling elements, 346-348

skewing elements, 348

translating elements, 342-344

3D transformations

applying perspective, 350

creating/manipulating cubes, 354-358

moving (translating) elements, 353

rotating elements, 353

vanishing points, 350

animation, 360-361

font-face feature, 112-114

transitions, 359-360

cubes, CSS3 3D transformations, 354-358

current line, text flow and, 264

cursors, creating ToolTips, 323-326

customer service, web hosting providers, 10

Cyberduck FTP client, 15


DailyRazor web hosting provider, 11

dashed value (CSS border-style properties), 57

definition lists, 90-92, 292

directories (web content), 135-136

display property (CSS), 55

distributing web browsers, 23

<div> tags

CSS, 48, 63

HTML, 203

onclick events and, 330-336

DOCTYPE declarations, 256

document roots, 18-21

documenting code, 429-430

DOM, 387

domain names, managing, 11

dotted value (CSS border-style properties), 57

double value (CSS border-style properties), 57

dynamic websites, 379

client-side scripting, 380

DOM, 387

images, changing based on user interaction, 388-389


changing images based on user interaction, 388-389

comments in HTML files, 381

displaying random content in HTML files, 382-386

scripting in HTML files, 380-381

server-side scripting, 380

VBScript, 380


editors (blog), 24

elastic layouts, 288


2D transformations (CSS3)

rotating elements, 344-346

scaling elements, 346-348

skewing elements, 348

translating elements, 342-344

3D transformations (CSS3)

applying perspective, 350

creating/manipulating cubes, 354-358

moving (translating) elements, 353

rotating elements, 353

vanishing points, 350

block-level elements, aligning text in, 87-89

categorizing, 75

definition of, 48

flow content, 75

form elements, grouping, 404

rounded corners, creating, 128-130

transitions (CSS3), 359-360

<em> tags (HTML), 105-106

email addresses

email address encoders, 146

linking to, 145-146

validating, 411

embedding multimedia files, 221-224

emphasized text. See italic text

empty tags (HTML), 34, website organization, 423-424

European languages, formatting text for, 102-104

events and event handling

event attributes, 329

onclick event and mouse actions, 330-336

external style sheets (CSS), 48, 51-54


Fetch FTP client, 15

Firebug, validating web content, 43

Firefox web browser, 13

FireFTP FTP client, 15-16

FireZilla FTP client, 16

fixed layouts, 270-271

fixed/liquid hybrid layouts, 285-286

column height, setting, 280-284

columns, defining in, 277-279

minimum width, setting, 279

structure of, 275-277

Flickr, 190, 195

float property (CSS), 233, 246-249, 264

flow content elements, 75

flowing text, 264

fluid layouts. See liquid layouts

folders (web content), 135-137

fonts (text)

Arial font, 109


color style rule, 109

font-family property, 58

font-family style rule, 109

font property, 59

font-size property, 58

font-size style rule, 109

font-style property, 58

font-weight property, 58

font weight style rule, 105-106

<font> tags (HTML), 102, 108

font-face feature (CSS3), 112-114

foreign languages, 102-104

HTML, customizing in, 108-112

resumes, creating, 110-112

sans-serif font, 109

sizing, style sheets, 53

special characters, 102-104

Times Roman font, 109

web browsers, adjusting font size settings, 25

web fonts, 112-114

<footer> semantic element (HTML5), 69-72, 80-81

<footer> tags, HTML5, 41

foreign languages, formatting text for, 102-104


CSS, formatting properties, 55-56

style sheets

text color, 48

text size, 53


boldface text, 105-106

bulleted lists, 94

customizing fonts in HTML, 108-112

definition lists, 90-92, 292

foreign languages, 102-104

italic text, 105-106

multitiered lists, 94-97

nested lists, 92, 292

older HTML tags, 102

ordered lists, 89-92, 291

outlines, 92-93

resumes, creating, 110-112

special characters, 102-104

style sheets, 48, 53

subscript text, 106

superscript text, 106

unordered lists, 90-92, 291

web fonts, 112-114

web page creation, 37-38

formatting properties (CSS)

background-color property, 58

border-bottom property, 56-57

border-color property, 56-57

border-left property, 56-57

border property, 56-57

border-right property, 56-57

border-style property, 56-57

border-top property, 56-57

border-width property, 56

color property, 59

font-family property, 58

font property, 59

font-size property, 58

font-style property, 58

font-weight property, 58

line-height property, 59

padding property, 59

text-align property, 58-59

text-decoration property, 59

text-indent property, 58

forms, 395

check boxes, 405-406

creating, 396-401


hidden data, 404-405

labeling, 403

naming, 402

submitting, 412-413

grouping elements, 404

HTML5, 397, 410-411

passwords, 402

pull-down pick lists, 407-408

radio buttons, 407

scrolling lists, 407-408

selection lists, 407-408

sending, 397

text areas, 409-410

text fields, 409-410

text input, accepting, 401-402

user input, accepting, 401-402

validating, HTML5 form validation, 410-411

forward slashes (/), HTML and, 136

Foundation framework, 434

frames (animated graphics), 190


Bootstrap, 434

Foundation, 434

HTML5 Boilerplate, 434

FTP, 14, 33

Classic FTP FTP client, 15

server connections, 18

website connections, 16-17

Cyberduck, 15

Fetch, 15

FireFTP, 15-16

FireZilla, 16

FTP clients, 16

selecting, 15

using, 17-18


Gickr, animated graphics, 189

GIF files, 186

animated graphics, 189-190

tiled backgrounds, 187-189

transparent images, 187

GIMP, 176

Adjust Hue/Lightness/Saturation tool, 182

banners, creating, 184-186

buttons, creating, 184-186


adjusting color, 182

cropping, 178-180

JPEG compression, 183-184

resizing, 181

Red Eye Removal, 182

Git website version control, 433


Chrome web browser, 13

Images, 190

listing websites with, 442

Picasa, 176

searches, 8


Adobe Photoshop, 176


horizontal alignment, 197-199

vertical alignment, 199-201

animated graphics, 189-190


background-image style property, 204

graphics, 204-205

tiled backgrounds, 187-189

banners, creating, 184-186

buttons, creating, 184-186

CD-ROM, transferring graphics to, 178

changing based on user interaction, 388-389

clip art, 176

color, adjusting, 182

compression, 177

copyrights and, 176

Creative Commons licenses, 176

cropping, 178-179

file sizes, 177

Flickr, 190, 195

GIF files, 186

animated graphics, 189-190

tiled backgrounds, 187-189

transparent images, 187

GIMP, 176

adjusting image color, 182

banners, 184-186

buttons, 184-186

cropping images, 178-180

JPEG compression, 183-184

resizing images, 181

Google Images, 190

Google Picasa, 176

height/width, specifying, 197

image maps, 206-211, 298-301

JPEG files

compression, 183-184

tiled backgrounds, 187-189

links, turning graphics into, 201-204

Pixlr, 176

PNG files, 187

Red Eye Removal, 182

republishing, 195

resizing, 181

resolution, 177

responsive images, 197

software, choosing, 175-176

storing, 194

text descriptions, 195-196

transparent graphics, 187

uses of, 177

web pages

grabbing graphics from, 176

placing graphics on web pages, 193-195

Windows Media Video, linking to, 219

groove value (CSS border-style properties), 57

grouping form elements, 404


<head> tags, 31, 34-37

<header> semantic element (HTML5), 69-75

<header> tags, HTML5, 40

heading tags (HTML), 38-39

headings (tables), creating, 156


CSS box model, adjusting in, 254-255

fixed/liquid hybrid layouts, setting column height in, 280-284

height property (CSS), 55

images, specifying height in, 197

Hello World HTML file, creating, 13-14


CSS reference guide online resource, 49

web hosting providers, selecting, 10

helper applications, defining, 219

hexadecimal color codes, 122-124

hidden form data, 404-405

hidden (rollover) text, displaying, 327-328

horizontal image alignment, 197-199

horizontal navigation, 316-319

horizontal rule tags (HTML), 37

<hr> tags, 37


attributes, 135

default values, 88

defining, 86

style attribute and text-align style rule, 88-89

<audio> element, embedding multimedia files, 224-225

Bootstrap framework, 434

character entity, 103


box model, 253-256, 292-295

external style sheets, 53-54

linking style sheets to HTML documents, 53

development of, 5-6

element, rounded corners, 128-130

<embed> element, embedding multimedia files, 223


creating, 13-14, 31-40

index pages, 22

managing, 19-21

organizing, 19-21

transferring, 14-18, 33

viewing, 33

forms, 395

check boxes, 405-406

creating, 396-401

grouping elements, 404

hidden data, 404-405

labeling form data, 403

naming form data, 402

passwords, 402

pull-down pick lists, 407-408

radio buttons, 407

scrolling lists, 407-408

selection lists, 407-408

sending, 397

submitting form data, 412-413

text areas, 409-410

text fields, 409-410

text input, 401-402

user input, 401-402

forward slashes (/), 136

Foundation framework, 434

FTP, 14

selecting FTP clients, 15-16

using FTP clients, 16-18

graphics, image maps, 209-211

Hello World sample file, creating, 13-14

history of, 5-6

HTML-compatible word processors, creating HTML files, 31

.html file extensions, 31

images, placing on web pages, 193-195

JavaScript in

comments in HTML files, 381

displaying random content in HTML files, 382-386

scripting in HTML files, 380-381


elastic layouts, 288

fixed layouts, 270-271

fixed/liquid hybrid layouts, 275-286

liquid layouts, 270-275

responsive web design, 286-287


absolute links, 136

anchor tags, 138-141

images as, 147

linking between web content, 141-144

linking to email addresses, 145-146

linking to external web content, 144

opening links in new browser windows, 146-147

relative-root links, 137

styling via CSS, 147-151


bulleted lists, 94

definition lists, 90-92, 292

list-style-type style rule, 94-97

multitiered lists, 94-97

nested lists, 92, 292

ordered lists, 89-92, 291

outlines, building via lists, 92-93

unordered lists, 90-92, 291

marked up text, 7

<meta> tags, 444-448

Notepad, creating HTML files, 30

<object> element, embedding multimedia files, 221-223

outlines, building via lists, 92-93

pseudoclasses, 147-151

rounded corners, creating, 128-130

style rules

default values, 88

list-style-type style rule, 94-97


aligning within, 163-165

borders, 158-159

cells, creating, 156

cells, sizing, 161-162

color in, 165-166

creating, 156-160

headings, creating, 156

images in, 166

page layout via, 166-167

rows, creating, 156

sizing, 160-162

spacing borders, 166

spanning within, 165

uses for, 156

tags, 9, 32

<a> tags, 138-141, 203

attributes, 86, 135

<b> tags, 102-106

<body> tag, 31, 34, 37

<br> tag, 36-37, 108

child (nested) tags, 92

closing slashes, 36

closing tags, 33-34

<div> tags, 203

<em> tags, 105-106

empty tags, 34

<font> tags, 102, 108

formatting and older HTML tags, 102

<head> tag, 31, 34-37

heading tags, 38-39

horizontal rule tag, 37

<hr> tag, 37

<html> tag, 31, 34-37

<i> tags, 102, 105-106

<img> tags, 193-195

line breaks, 35-37

naming files with, 31

nested (child) tags, 92

opening tags, 33-34

<p> tag, 35-37

paragraphs, 35-37

<pre> tags, 106-108

pseudoclasses, 147-151

saving files with, 31

<section> tags, 143

<strike> tags, 106

<strong> tags, 105-106

<sub> tags, 106

<sup> tags, 106

<table> tags, 156

<tbody> tags, 160

<td> tags, 156-159

<tfoot> tags, 160

<th> tags, 156, 159

<thread> tags, 160

<title> tag, 31, 34-39

<tr> tags, 156-157

<u> tags, 106

xml: lang attribute, 34

xmlns attribute, 34

text, formatting

boldface text, 105-106

customizing fonts, 108-112

definition lists, 292

foreign languages, 102-104

italic text, 105-106

nested lists, 292

older HTML tags, 102

ordered lists, 291

resumes, creating, 110-112

special characters, 102-104

subscript text, 106

superscript text, 106

unordered lists, 291

web fonts, 112-114

whitespace, 35

validating, 42-43

<video> element, embedding multimedia files, 226-227

web content

absolute addresses, 136-137

absolute links, 136

anchor tags, 138-141

creating, 6-7

delivering, 7-9

directories, 135-136

folders, 135-137

images as links, 147

linking between, 141-144

linking to email addresses, 145-146

linking to external web content, 144

opening links in new browser windows, 146-147

organizing, 135-136

publishing locally, 23

publishing to blogs, 24

relative addresses, 136-137

relative-root addresses, 136

relative-root links, 137

selecting web hosting providers, 10-12, 30

styling links via CSS, 147-151

website architectures, creating, 137

whitespace, 35

Word, creating HTML files, 31

WYSIWYG editors, creating HTML files, 31

HTML Validator, 43


application development, 390-391

client-side scripting, 390

conceptualizing web pages, 69-74

forms, 397, 410-411

HTML5 Boilerplate framework, 434

JavaScript, 390


audio playback, 224-225

video playback, 224-227

Outline tool, 74

semantic elements, 40-41, 73

<article>, 69-72, 77

<aside>, 69-72, 79

<footer>, 69-72, 80-81

<header>, 69-75

<nav>, 69-72, 78-79

recommendations, 70

<section>, 69-72, 75-77

server-side scripting, 390


<article> tags, 41

<aside> tags, 41

<footer> tags, 41

<header> tags, 40

<nav> tags, 41

<section> tags, 41

semantic elements, 40-41

hyperlinks. See links


<i> tags (HTML), 102, 105-106



horizontal alignment, 197-199

vertical alignment, 199-201

animated images, 189-190

auto image loading, web browsers, 24


images, 204-205

tiled backgrounds, 187-189

banners, creating, 184-186

buttons, creating, 184-186

CD-ROM, transferring images to, 178

changing based on user interaction, 388-389

clip art, 176

color, adjusting, 182

compression, 177

copyrights and, 176

Creative Commons licenses, 176

cropping, 178-179

file sizes, 177

Flickr, 190, 195

GIF files, 186

animated images, 189-190

tiled backgrounds, 187-189

transparent images, 187

Google Images, 190

Google Picasa, 176

height/width, specifying, 197

image maps, 206-211, 298-301

JPEG files

compression, 183-184

tiled backgrounds, 187-189


images as, 147

turning images into links, 201-204

Pixlr, 176

PNG files, 187

Red Eye Removal, 182

republishing, 195

resizing, 181

resolution, 177

responsive images, 197

storing, 194

tables and, 166

text descriptions, 195-196

transparent images, 187

uses of, 177

web pages

grabbing images from, 176

placing images on web pages, 193-195

Windows Media Video, linking to, 219

<img> tags (HTML), 193-195

in value (CSS height/width properties), 55


code, 431

text, web page creation, 38

index pages, HTML file management, 22

inline styles (CSS), 63

inline value (CSS display property), 55

input controls, forms

check boxes, 405-406

radio buttons, 407

selection lists, 407-408

text areas, 409-410

text fields, 409-410

inset value (CSS border-style properties), 57

internal style sheets (CSS), 48, 62-63

Internet Explorer, 13, 256

ISP, selecting, 29

italic text, 59, 105-106



arrays, 382-384

client-side scripting, 380

comments, 381, 384

concatenation operators, 385

DOM, 387

events and event handling

event attributes, 329

onclick event, 330-336

HTML files

comments, 381

displaying random content in, 382-386

scripting in, 380-381

HTML5, 390

images, changing based on user interaction, 388-389

JPEG files

compression, 183-184

tiled backgrounds, 187-189

.jsp file extensions, 31

K - L

keyframes (CSS3 animation), 360

labeling form data, 403

languages (foreign), formatting text for, 102-104


elastic layouts, 288

fixed layouts, 270-271

fixed/liquid hybrid layouts, 285-286

defining columns in, 277-279

setting column height, 280-284

setting minimum width, 279

structure of, 275-277

hidden (rollover) text, displaying, 327-328

layout properties (CSS), 55

liquid layouts, 272-275

responsive web design, 286-287

rollover (hidden) text, displaying, 327-328

web resources, 270

leading (text), line-height property (CSS), 59

line breaks, web page creation, 35-37

line-height property (CSS), 59

line-through text, style sheets, 59


absolute links, 136

anchor tags

identifying locations within web pages via, 138

linking to anchor locations, 138-141

naming, 140

color and, 122

email addresses, 145-146

images, 147

linking to Windows Media Video, 219

turning images into links, 201-204

<link> tags (CSS), 53

media-specific style sheets to web pages, 370-371

multimedia files, 218-221

opening in new browser windows, 146-147

relative-root links, 137

styling via CSS, 147-151

web content

linking between, 141-144

linking to external web content, 144

web pages, linking media-specific style sheets to, 370-371

Windows Media Video, linking images to, 219

liquid layouts, 270-275


bulleted lists, 94

CSS box model and, 292-295

definition lists, 90-92, 292

list item indicators, placing, 295-297

list-item value (CSS display property), 55

list-style-image property (CSS), 292

list-style-position property (CSS), 292, 295-297

list-style-type property (CSS), 292

list-style-type style rule, 94-97

multitiered lists, 94-97

navigation lists

horizontal navigation, 316-319

primary navigation, 306

regular lists versus, 305-306

secondary navigation, 306

vertical navigation, 306-315

nested lists, 92, 292

ordered lists, 89-92, 291

outlines, building, 92-93

unordered lists, 90-92, 291

loading web content, 25

LunarPages web hosting provider, 11



domain names, 11

HTML files, 19

document roots, 20-21

index pages, 22

web page headings, 38-39


coding clarity, 431

comments, 429-430

documenting code, 429-430

indenting code, 431

maintainable code, 429-431

version control, 432-433


browsers and, 292-294

CSS box model, 254

margin property (CSS), 233-241

marked up text, HTML, 7, publicizing websites via, 441

media-specific style sheets, 369-371

<meta> tags, 444-448

Microsoft Internet Explorer. See Internet Explorer

Microsoft Word. See Word (MS)

MIME types, multimedia files, 222-223

mm value (CSS height/width properties), 56


color and, 122

resolution, 184

mouse actions

events and event handling

event attributes, 329

onclick event, 330-336

rollover (hidden) text, displaying, 327-328

ToolTips, creating, 323-326

moving (translating) elements, CSS3 3D transformations, 353

Mozilla Firefox web browser. See Firefox web browser

multimedia, 228


<audio> element, 224-225

HTML5 playback, 224-225

creating, 218

defining, 217

<embed> element, 223

embedding files, 221-224

linking to files, 218-221

MIME types, 222-223

<object> element, 221-223

QuickTime support, 221

streaming files, 221


<video> element, 226-227

video files, HTML5 playback, 224-227

multitiered lists, 94-97



anchor tags, 140

files with HTML tags, 31

form data, 402

<nav> semantic element (HTML5), 69-72, 78-79

<nav> tags, HTML5, 41

navigation lists

horizontal navigation, 316-319

primary navigation, 306

regular lists versus, 305-306

secondary navigation, 306

vertical navigation, 306-308, 311

multilevel vertical navigation, 312-315

single-level vertical navigation, 309-310

nested (child) tags, 92

nested lists, 92, 292

non-viewable window areas (browsers), 270

none value, CSS

border-style properties, 57

display property, 55

Notepad, creating HTML files, 30


<object> element, embedding multimedia files, 221-223

onclick events (JavaScript), 329-336

ondblclick events (JavaScript), 329

onkeydown events (JavaScript), 329

onkeyup events (JavaScript), 329

online resources, CSS

browser support, 54

CSS reference guide, 49

onload events (JavaScript), 329

onmousedown events (JavaScript), 329

onmousemove events (JavaScript), 330

onmouseout events (JavaScript), 330

onmouseover events (JavaScript), 330

onmouseup events (JavaScript), 329

opening tags (HTML), 33-34

Opera web browser, 13

ordered lists, 89-92, 291


HTML files, 19

document roots, 20-21

index pages, 22

web content, 135-136

web page headings, 38-39

websites, 425-426, 428, 423-424

larger websites, 425-429

Peet’s Coffee & Tea, 426-427

simple websites, 422-425

single-page websites, 420-421

Outline tool (HTML5), 74

outlines, building via lists, 92-93

outset value (CSS border-style properties), 57

overflow property (CSS), text flow and, 264

overlapping elements, z-index property (CSS), 261-263


<p> tags, 35-37


browsers and, 292-294

CSS box model, 254

padding property (CSS), 59, 233, 241-244

paragraphs, web page creation, 35-37

parent folders, 137

passwords, forms, 402

PDF files, converting, 375

Peet’s Coffee & Tea, website organization, 426-427



color and, 122

resolution, 184


events and event handling, 329-336

rollover (hidden) text, 327-328

ToolTips, 323-326

perspective, CSS3 3D transformations, 350

photos. See also images

aligning, 199

horizontal alignment, 197-198

vertical alignment, 200-201

background-image style property, 204

background photos, 204-205

changing based on user interaction, 388-389

cropping, 178-179

Flickr, 190, 195

Google Images, 190

height/width, specifying, 197

image maps, 206-211, 298-301

links, turning images into, 201-204

Red Eye Removal, 182

republishing, 195

resizing, 181

responsive images, 197

storing, 194

text descriptions, 195-196

web pages, placing photos on, 193-195

Windows Media Video, linking to, 219

Photoshop (Adobe), 176

PHP, 31, 396

Picasa (Google), 176

pictures. See images

Pixlr, 176

plain text, 30, 37, 102

plug-ins, defining, 219

PNG files, 187

pop-up windows, 146


absolute positioning, 257-261

overlapping elements, z-index property (CSS), 261-263

positioning property, 257

relative positioning, 257-259

<pre> tags (HTML), 106-108

prefixes (vendor), web browsers and, 341

pricing web hosting providers, 11

primary navigation, 306


print-friendly web pages, 365

criteria for print-friendliness, 366-369

designing style sheets for print pages, 371-374

media-specific style sheets, 369-371

reviewing content for print-friendliness, 366

Print Preview, viewing web pages in, 374-375

pseudoclasses, 147-151

pt value (CSS height/width properties), 56

publicizing websites, 439-441

publishing web content

blog publication, 24

local publication, 23

pull-down pick lists (forms), 407-408

pull quotes, 79

purchasing domain names, 11

px value (CSS height/width properties), 56

Q - R

QuickTime, browser support for, 221

quotes (pull), 79

radio buttons (forms), 407

random content, displaying in HTML files via JavaScript, 382-386

Red Eye Removal, 182

registered trademark symbol, 103

relative addresses, web pages and, 136-137

relative positioning, 55, 257-259

relative-root addresses, web pages and, 136

relative-root links, web pages and, 137

reliability, web hosting providers, 10

republishing images, 195

resizing images, 181


graphics, 177

screen, 184

responsive images, 197

responsive web design, 286-287

ridge value (CSS border-style properties), 57

robots, web page searches, 441

rollover (hidden) text, displaying, 327-328

rotating elements, CSS3

2D transformations, 344-346

3D transformations, 353

rounded corners, creating, 128-130

rows (tables), creating, 156


Safari web browser, 13

sans-serif font (text), 109

saving files with HTML tags, 31


elements (CSS3 2D transformations), 346-348

images, 181

screen resolution, 184


client-side scripting, 380, 390

PHP, 396

server-side scripting, 380, 390

scrolling lists (forms), 407-408


Google searches, 8

search engines

SEO, 439, 448-450

spamming, 443

URL creation, 449

websites, listing with search engines, 441-448

web content, <meta> tags (HTML), 444-448

secondary navigation, 306

<section> semantic element (HTML5), 69-72, 75-77

<section> tags

HTML, 143

HTML5, 41

selection lists (forms), 407-408

selectors (CSS), 60

semantic elements, 40-41, 73

<article>, 69-72, 77

<aside>, 69-72, 79

<footer>, 69-72, 80-81

<header>, 69-75

<nav>, 69-72, 78-79

recommendations, 70

<section>, 69-72, 75-77


browsers, basic browser server interaction, 7-9

document roots, 18-21

FTP client connections, 18

server-side scripting, 380, 390

space, 10

uptime, 10

web hosting providers, selecting, 10

single-page websites, 420-421


elements (CSS box model), 254-255

images, 181

tables, 160-162


font-size style rule (CSS), 109

style sheets, 53

skeleton pages. See templates

skewing elements (CSS3 2D transformations), 348

solid value (CSS border-style properties), 57

source editors, blogs, 24

spamming search engines, 443

<span> tags (CSS), 63

spanning with tables, 165

special characters (symbols), 102-104

spiders, web page searches, 441

streaming multimedia files, 221

<strike> tags (HTML), 106

strikethrough text, style sheets, 59

<strong> tags (HTML), 105-106

strong text. See boldface text

style attribute, text-align style rule and, 88-89

style classes (CSS), 59-61

style IDs (CSS), 61-62

style properties (CSS), 60

style rules

CSS, 48, 52

color style rule, fonts and, 109

font-family style rule, 109

font-size style rule, 109

font weight style rule, 105-106

multiple style properties in, 61

viewing, 54

default values, 88

list-style-type style rule, 94-97

text-align, 87-89

style sheets

align property, 233, 245

Bootstrap framework, 434

box model, 253, 256

borders, 254

content, 254

lists and, 292-295

margins, 254

padding, 254

sizing elements, 254-255

browser support for, 54

clear property, text flow and, 264

color, specifying via style sheets, 125-127

creating, 49-54

CSS tags, 52

definition of, 47

<div> tags, 63

DOCTYPE declarations, 256

external style sheets, 48, 51-54

float property, 233, 246-249, 264

font-face feature, 112-114

formatting properties, 55

background-color property, 58

border-bottom property, 56-57

border-color property, 56-57

border-left property, 56-57

border property, 56-57

border-right property, 56-57

border-style property, 56-57

border-top property, 56-57

border-width property, 56

color property, 59

font-family property, 58

font property, 59

font-size property, 58

font-style property, 58

font-weight property, 58

line-height property, 59

padding property, 59

text-align property, 58-59

text-decoration property, 59

text-indent property, 58

Foundation framework, 434

hidden (rollover) text, 327-328

HTML documents, linking to, 53

image maps, creating, 298-301

inline styles, 63

internal style sheets, 48, 62-63

italic text, 59


elastic layouts, 288

fixed layouts, 270-271

fixed/liquid hybrid layouts, 275-286

layout properties, 55

liquid layouts, 270-275

responsive web design, 286-287

line-through text, 59

links, styling, 147-151


horizontal navigation, 316-319

list-style-image property, 292

list-style-position property, 292, 295-297

list-style-type property, 292

navigation lists, 306-319

vertical navigation, 306-315

margin property, 233-241

media-specific style sheets, 369-371

mouse actions

events and event handling, 329-336

rollover (hidden) text, 327-328

ToolTips, 323-326

overflow property, text flow and, 264

padding property, 233, 241-244


absolute positioning, 257-261

overlapping elements, 261-263

positioning property, 257

relative positioning, 257-259

z-index property, 261-263

print pages, designing style sheets for, 371-374

rollover (hidden) text, 327-328

selectors, 60

<span> tags, 63

strikethrough text, 59

style classes, 59-61

style IDs, 61-62

style properties, 60

style rules, 48, 52

color style rule, 109

font-family style rule, 109

font-size style rule, 109

font weight style rule, 105-106

multiple style properties in, 61

viewing, 54


formatting color, 48

sizing, 53

ToolTips, 323-326

underline text, 59

validating, 64

z-index property, 261-263

<sub> tags (HTML), 106

subscript text, 106

Subversion website version control, 433

<sup> tags (HTML), 106

superscript text, 106

support, selecting web hosting providers, 10

symbols (special characters), 102-104



aligning within, 163-165


creating, 158-159

spacing, 166

specifying color via CSS, 125-127


creating, 156

sizing, 161-162

color in, 165-166

creating, 156-160

CSS columns, 167-171

headings, creating, 156

images in, 166

page layout via, 166-167

rows, creating, 156

sizing, 160-162

spanning within, 165

<table> tags (HTML), 156

uses for, 156


child (nested) tags, 92

CSS, 52

<div> tags, 63

elements and, 48

<link> tag, 53

selectors, 60

<span> tags, 63

<div> tags, 63, 203, 330-336

HTML, 9, 32

<a> tags, 138-141, 203

attributes, 86, 135

<b> tags, 102, 105-106

<body> tag, 31, 34, 37

<br> tags, 36-37, 108

closing slashes, 36

closing tags, 33-34

<div> tags, 203

<em> tags, 105-106

empty tags, 34

<font> tags, 102, 108

<head> tag, 31, 34-37

heading tags, 38-39

horizontal rule tag, 37

<hr> tag, 37

<html> tag, 31, 34-37

<i> tags, 102, 105-106

<img> tags, 193-195

line breaks, 35-37

naming files with, 31

older HTML tags, formatting and, 102

opening tags, 33-34

<p> tag, 35-37

paragraphs, 35-37

<pre> tags, 106-108

pseudoclasses, 147-151

saving files with, 31

<strike> tags, 106

<strong> tags, 105-106

<sub> tags, 106

<sup> tags, 106

<table> tags, 156

<tbody> tags, 160

<td> tags, 156-159

<tfoot> tags, 160

<th> tags, 156, 159

<thread> tags, 160

<title> tags, 31, 34-39

<tr> tags, 156-157

<u> tags, 106

xml: lang attribute, 34

xmlns attribute, 34


<article> tags, 41

<aside> tags, 41

<footer> tags, 41

<header> tags, 40

<nav> tags, 41

<section> tags, 41

semantic elements, 40-41

<meta> tags, 444-448

nested (child) tags, 92

<section> tags, 41, 143

<span>, CSS, 63

templates, web page creation, 35


web content, 24-25

websites, multiple web browsers, 12-13, 30


aligning, 86

block-level elements, 87-89

tables, 163-165

text-align style rule, 87-89

alternate text, 195-196

ASCII text

formatted text, 102

web content creation, 30, 37

color (CSS), 59, 125-127

CSS columns, 167-171

flowing text, 264


Arial font, 109

color style rule (CSS), 109

font-family property (CSS), 58

font-family style rule (CSS), 109

font property (CSS), 59

font-size property (CSS), 58

font-size style rule (CSS), 109

font-style property (CSS), 58

font-weight property (CSS), 58

font weight style rule (CSS), 106

sans-serif font, 109

Times Roman font, 109


boldface text, 105-106

bulleted lists, 94

customizing fonts in HTML, 108-112

definition lists, 90-92, 292

foreign languages, 102-104

italic text, 105-106

multitiered lists, 94-97

nested lists, 92, 292

ordered lists, 89-92, 291

outlines, 92-93

resumes, creating, 110-112

special characters, 102-104

subscript text, 106

superscript text, 106

unordered lists, 90-92, 291

web fonts, 112-114

web page creation, 37-38


accepting text input in, 401-402

passwords, 402

graphics and, 195-196

hidden (rollover) text, displaying, 327-328

HTML, whitespace, 35

indenting, web page creation, 38

italic text, style sheets, 59

leading, line height property (CSS), 59

line breaks, web page creation, 35-37

line-through text, style sheets, 59


definition lists, 90-92

ordered lists, 89-92

unordered lists, 90-92

paragraphs, web page creation, 35-37

plain text, 30, 37, 102

rollover (hidden) text, displaying, 327-328

sizing, font-size style rule (CSS), 109

strikethrough text, 59

style sheets, 59

formatting color, 48

sizing, 53

text-align property (CSS), 58-59

text-align style rule, 87-89

text areas (forms), 409-410

text-decoration property (CSS), 59

text fields (forms), 409-410

text-indent property (CSS), 58

underline text, 59

web browsers, adjusting font size settings, 25

<tfoot> tags (HTML), 160

<th> tags (HTML), 156, 159

<thread> tags (HTML), 160

tiled backgrounds, 187-189

Times Roman font (text), 109

timing, loading of web content, 25

<title> tags, 31, 34-39

ToolTips, 196, 323-326

<tr> tags (HTML), 156-157

trademark (registered/unregistered) symbols, 103

traffic (websites), increasing, 439-441


HTML files, 14

FTP, 33

selecting FTP clients, 15-16

using FTP clients, 16-18

transformations (CSS3)

2D transformations

rotating elements, 344-346

scaling elements, 346-348

skewing elements, 348

translating elements, 342-344

3D transformations

applying perspective, 350

creating/manipulating cubes, 354-358

moving (translating) elements, 353

rotating elements, 353

vanishing points, 350

transitions (CSS3), 359-360

translating elements (CSS3)

2D transformations, 342-344

3D transformations, 353

transparent images, 187

triadic color schemes, 121

U - V

<u> tags (HTML), 106

underline text, style sheets, 59

unordered lists, 90-92, 291

unregistered trademark symbol, 103

uptime, servers and, 10

URL, creating, 449

USB drivers, distributing web browsers, 23

user input in forms, 401-402


email addresses, 411

forms in HTML5, 410-411

style sheets, 64

web content, 42-43

vanishing points, CSS3 3D transformations, 350

VBScript (Microsoft), client-side scripting, 380

vendor prefixes, web browsers and, 341

version control, websites and, 432-433

vertical image alignment, 199-201

vertical navigation, 306-308, 311

multilevel vertical navigation, 312-315

single-level vertical navigation, 309-311


HTML5 video playback, 224-227

<video> element, embedding multimedia files, 226-227


CSS style rules, 54

HTML files, 33

web pages, 33

visual editors, blogs, 24


W3C color standards, 121

W3C CSS Validator, 64

W3C Validation Service, 42-43

web browsers

Chrome, 13

CSS support, 54

development of, 6

differences in, accounting for, 341

distributing, 23

Firefox, 13

helper applications, defining, 219

history of, 6

HTML development, 6

images, auto image loading, 24

Internet Explorer, 13

Opera, 13

plug-ins, defining, 219

popularity of, 30

QuickTime support, 221

Safari, 13

servers, basic browser server interaction, 7-9

text, adjusting font size settings, 25

vendor prefixes, 341

web content, displaying, 92


comparing, 30

testing, 12-13, 30

web content

absolute addresses, 136-137

aligning, align property (CSS), 233, 245

browsers, displaying in, 92

clear property (CSS), text flow and, 264


140 cross-browser color names, 121

best practices, 119-121

Colorblind Web Page Filter tool, 127

hexadecimal color codes, 122-124

using, 119-121

W3C color standards, 121

comparing, 30

creating, 6-7

ASCII text, 30, 37

comparing web content HTML codes, 40

formatting text, 37-38

HTML tags, 31-37

indenting text, 38

line breaks, 35-37

organizing content via headings, 38-39

overview of, 32-33

paragraphs, 35-37

plain text, 30, 37

templates, 35

CSS box model, 253, 256

borders, 254

content, 254

lists and, 292-295

margins, 254

padding, 254

sizing elements, 254-255

delivering, 7-9

directories, 135-136

float property (CSS), 233, 246-249, 264

folders, 135-137

forms, 395

check boxes, 405-406

creating, 396-401

grouping elements, 404

hidden data, 404-405

labeling form data, 403

naming form data, 402

passwords, 402

pull-down pick lists, 407-408

radio buttons, 407

scrolling lists, 407-408

selection lists, 407-408

sending, 397

submitting form data, 412-413

text areas, 409-410

text fields, 409-410

text input, 401-402

user input, 401-402


adjusting color, 182

Adobe Photoshop, 176

aligning graphics, 197-201

animated graphics, 189-190

background graphics, 204-205

banners, 184-186

buttons, 184-186

choosing software, 175-176

clip art, 176

compression, 177

copyrights and, 176

Creative Commons licenses, 176

cropping, 178-179

file sizes, 177

Flickr, 190, 195

GIFs, 186-190

GIMP, 176-186

Google Images, 190

Google Picasa, 176

grabbing from web pages, 176

image maps, 206-211

JPEG files, 183-184, 187-189

Pixlr, 176

placing graphics on web pages, 193-195

PNG files, 187

Red Eye Removal, 182

republishing, 195

resizing, 181

resolution, 177

specifying height/width, 197

text descriptions, 195-196

tiled backgrounds, 187-189

transparent graphics, 187

turning graphics into links, 201-204

uses of, 177

hidden (rollover) text, displaying, 327-328


absolute links, 136

anchor tags, 138-141

email addresses, 145-146

images as, 147

linking between, 141-144

linking to external web content, 144

opening in new browser windows, 146-147

relative-root links, 137

styling via CSS, 147-151


CSS box model and, 292-295

horizontal navigation, 316-319

navigation lists, 305-319

placing list item indicators, 295-297

vertical navigation, 306-315

loading, timing, 25


coding clarity, 431

comments, 429-430

documenting code, 429-430

indenting code, 431

maintainable code, 429-431

version control, 432-433


browsers and, 292-294

margin property (CSS), 233-241

organizing, 135-136

larger websites, 425-429

simple websites, 422-425

single-page websites, 420-421

overflow property (CSS), text flow and, 264


browsers and, 292-294

padding property (CSS), 233, 241-244

print-friendly web pages, 365

criteria for print-friendliness, 366-369

designing style sheets for print pages, 371-374

media-specific style sheets, 369-371

reviewing content for print-friendliness, 366

Print Preview, viewing web content in, 374-375


locally, 23

to blogs, 24

random content, displaying via JavaScript, 382-386

relative addresses, 136-137

relative-root addresses, 136

responsive web design, 286-287

rollover (hidden) text, displaying, 327-328


<meta> tags (HTML), 444-448

search engines, listing web content with, 441-448


creating, 49-54

definition of, 47

external style sheets, 48-54

formatting properties, 55-59

formatting text color, 48

inline styles, 63

internal style sheets, 48, 62-63

layout properties, 55

linking to HTML documents, 53

selectors, 60

sizing text, 53

style classes, 59-61

style IDs, 61-62

style properties, 60

style rules, 48, 52-54, 61

validating, 64


aligning within, 163-165

borders, 158-159

cells, creating, 156

cells, sizing, 161-162

color in, 165-166

creating, 156-160

CSS columns, 167-171

headings, creating, 156

images in, 166

page layout via, 166-167

rows, creating, 156

sizing, 160-162

spacing borders, 166

spanning within, 165

uses for, 156

testing, 24-25


flowing, 264

formatting, 102-114, 291-292

transferring, FTP, 33

validating, 42-43

viewing, 9, 33

web hosting providers, selecting, 10-12, 30

website architectures, creating, 137

web fonts, 112-114

web hosting providers

A Small Orange, 11

bandwidth, 10

control panels, 11-12

customer service, 10

DailyRazor, 11

domain names, managing, 11

LunarPages, 11

pricing, 11

reliability, 10

selecting, 10-12, 30

server space, 10

web pages

absolute addresses, 136-137

align property (CSS), 233, 245

clear property (CSS), text flow and, 264


140 cross-browser color names, 121

best practices, 119-121

Colorblind Web Page Filter tool, 127

hexadecimal color codes, 122-124

using, 119-121

W3C color standards, 121

conceptualizing, 69-74


ASCII text, 30, 37

comparing web page HTML codes, 40

formatting text, 37-38

HTML tags, 31-37

indenting text, 38

line breaks, 35-37

organizing content via headings, 38-39

overview of, 32-33

paragraphs, 35-37

plain3 text, 30, 37

templates, 35

CSS box model, 253-256

borders, 254

content, 254

lists and, 292-295

margins, 254

padding, 254

sizing elements, 254-255

directories, 135-136

elements, definition of, 48

float property (CSS), 233, 246-249, 264

floating elements, 233

folders, 135-137

forms, 395

check boxes, 405-406

creating, 396-401

grouping elements, 404

hidden data, 404-405

labeling form data, 403

naming form data, 402

passwords, 402

pull-down pick lists, 407-408

radio buttons, 407

scrolling lists, 407-408

selection lists, 407-408

sending, 397

submitting form data, 412-413

text areas, 409-410

text fields, 409-410

text input, 401-402

user input, 401-402


adjusting color, 182

Adobe Photoshop, 176

aligning graphics, 197-201

animated graphics, 189-190

background graphics, 204-205

banners, 184-186

buttons, 184-186

choosing software, 175-176

clip art, 176

compression, 177

copyrights and, 176

Creative Commons licenses, 176

cropping, 178-179

file sizes, 177

Flickr, 190, 195

GIFs, 186-190

GIMP, 176-186

Google Images, 190

Google Picasa, 176

grabbing from web pages, 176

image maps, 206-211

JPEG files, 183-184, 187-189

Pixlr, 176

placing graphics on web pages, 193-195

PNG files, 187

Red Eye Removal, 182

republishing, 195

resizing, 181

resolution, 177

specifying height/width, 197

text descriptions, 195-196

tiled backgrounds, 187-189

transparent graphics, 187

turning graphics into links, 201-204

uses of, 177

hidden (rollover) text, displaying, 327-328


absolute links, 136

anchor tags, 138-141

email addresses, 145-146

images as, 147

linking between web pages, 141-144

linking to external web pages, 144

opening in new browser windows, 146-147

relative-root links, 137

styling via CSS, 147-151


CSS box model and, 292-295

horizontal navigation, 316-319

navigation lists, 305-319

placing list item indicators, 295-297

vertical navigation, 306-315

loading, timing, 25


coding clarity, 431

comments, 429-430

documenting code, 429-430

indenting code, 431

maintainable code, 429-431

version control, 432-433


browsers and, 292-294

margin property (CSS), 233-241

multimedia, 228

<audio> element, 224-225

audio/video playback via HTML5, 224-227

creating, 218

defining, 217

embedding files, 221-224

linking to files, 218-221

MIME types, 222-223

<object> element, 221-223

QuickTime support, 221

streaming files, 221

<video> element, 226-227

organizing, 135-136, 420

larger websites, 425-429

simple websites, 422-425

single-page websites, 420-421

overflow property (CSS), text flow and, 264


browsers and, 292-294

padding property (CSS), 233, 241-244

print-friendly web pages, 365

criteria for print-friendliness, 366-369

designing style sheets for print pages, 371-374

media-specific style sheets, 369-371

reviewing content for print-friendliness, 366

Print Preview, viewing web pages in, 374-375

random content, displaying via JavaScript, 382-386

relative addresses, 136-137

relative-root addresses, 136

responsive web design, 286-287

robots, 441

rollover (hidden) text, displaying, 327-328

search engines, listing web pages with, 441-448

spiders, 441

style sheets

creating, 49-54

definition of, 47

external style sheets, 48, 51-54

formatting properties, 55-59

formatting text color, 48

inline styles, 63

internal style sheets, 48, 62-63

layout properties, 55

linking to HTML documents, 53

selectors, 60

sizing text, 53

style classes, 59-61

style IDs, 61-62

style properties, 60

style rules, 48, 52-54, 61

validating, 64


aligning within, 163-165

borders, 158-159

cells, creating, 156

cells, sizing, 161-162

color in, 165-166

creating, 156-160

CSS columns, 167-171

headings, creating, 156

images in, 166

page layout via, 166-167

rows, creating, 156

sizing, 160-162

spacing borders, 166

spanning within, 165

uses for, 156


flowing, 264

formatting, 102-114, 291-292

transferring, FTP, 33

URL, creating, 449

validating, 42-43

viewing, 33

website architectures, creating, 137

web servers

document roots, 18-21

FTP client connections, 18

web sockets, 391


aligning, 233, 245

architectures, creating, 137

bad website examples, 122

clear property (CSS), text flow and, 264


140 cross-browser color names, 121

best practices, 119-121

Colorblind Web Page Filter tool, 127

hexadecimal color codes, 122-124

using, 119-121

W3C color standards, 121

comparing, 30

connecting to, Classic FTP FTP client, 17

CSS box model, 253, 256

borders, 254

content, 254

lists and, 292-295

margins, 254

padding, 254

sizing elements, 254-255

dynamic websites, 379

changing images based on user interaction, 388-389

client-side scripting, 380

DOM, 387

JavaScript, 380-389

server-side scripting, 380

VBScript, 380

float property (CSS), 233, 246-249, 264

floating elements, 233

forms, 395

check boxes, 405-406

creating, 396-401

grouping elements, 404

hidden data, 404-405

labeling form data, 403

naming form data, 402

passwords, 402

pull-down pick lists, 407-408

radio buttons, 407

scrolling lists, 407-408

selection lists, 407-408

sending, 397

submitting form data, 412-413

text areas, 409-410

text fields, 409-410

text input, 401-402

user input, 401-402


adjusting color, 182

Adobe Photoshop, 176

aligning graphics, 197-201

animated graphics, 189-190

background graphics, 204-205

banners, 184-186

buttons, 184-186

choosing software, 175-176

clip art, 176

compression, 177

copyrights and, 176

Creative Commons licenses, 176

cropping, 178-179

file sizes, 177

Flickr, 190, 195

GIF files, 186-190

GIMP, 176-186

Google Images, 190

Google Picasa, 176

grabbing from web pages, 176

imagemaps, 206-211

JPEG files, 183-184, 187-189

Pixlr, 176

placing graphics on web pages, 193-195

PNG files, 187

Red Eye Removal, 182

republishing, 195

resizing, 181

resolution, 177

specifying height/width, 197

text descriptions, 195-196

tiled backgrounds, 187-189

transparent graphics, 187

turning graphics into links, 201-204

uses of, 177


absolute links, 136

anchor tags, 138-141

email addresses, 145-146

images as, 147

linking between web pages, 141-144

linking to external web pages, 144

opening in new browser windows, 146-147

relative-root links, 137

styling via CSS, 147-151


CSS box model and, 292-295

horizontal navigation, 316-319

navigation lists, 305-319

placing list item indicators, 295-297

vertical navigation, 306-315


coding clarity, 431

comments, 429-430

documenting code, 429-430

indenting code, 431

maintainable code, 429-431

version control, 432-433


browsers and, 292-294

margin property (CSS), 233-241

organizing, 420, 425-426, 428, 423-424

larger websites, 425-429

Peet’s Coffee & Tea, 426-427

simple websites, 422-425

single-page websites, 420-421

overflow property (CSS), text flow and, 264


browsers and, 292-294

padding property (CSS), 233, 241-244

publicizing, 439-441

search engines, listing websites with, 441-448

SEO, 439, 448-450

single-page websites, 420-421

style sheets

creating, 49-54

definition of, 47

external style sheets, 48, 51-54

formatting properties, 55-59

formatting text color, 48

inline styles, 63

internal style sheets, 48, 62-63

layout properties, 55

linking to HTML documents, 53

selectors, 60

sizing text, 53

style classes, 59-61

style IDs, 61-62

style properties, 60

style rules, 48, 52-54, 61

validating, 64

testing, 12-13, 30

text, flowing, 264

traffic, increasing, 439-441

URL, creating, 449

web content

absolute addresses, 136-137

directories, 135-136

folders, 135-137

organizing, 135-136

relative addresses, 136-137

relative-root addresses, 136

web pages

print-friendly web pages, 365-375

viewing in Print Preview, 374-375

whitespace, HTML, 35


CSS box model, adjusting width in, 254-255

fixed/liquid hybrid layouts, setting minimum width in, 279

images, specifying width in, 197

width property (CSS), 55

windows (browsers), non-viewable window areas, 270

Windows Media Video, linking to images, 219

Word (MS), creating HTML files, 31

WordPress Theme Gallery, layouts and, 270

WWW (World Wide Web), HTML development, 6

WYSIWYG editors, creating HTML files, 31

X - Y - Z


defining, 7

function of, 53

goal of, 53

xml: lang attribute (HTML tags), 34

xmlns attribute (HTML tags), 34

z-index property (CSS), 261-263

Zen Garden layouts (CSS), 270

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