

Don’t be creative or innovative

Talking about not having a good laugh, this is also a prerequisite if you don’t want to be innovative or creative. You mustn’t ever make work fun, even though Tom Peters says: “Not to have fun at work is a tragedy, bordering on the criminal. Curiosity and fun are handmaidens. Go out of your way to make laughter a workplace staple.” You see, there’s no way you can come up with quicker, better, more cost-effective, innovative ways of achieving your goals, no way you can improve your life, job, company, products or services, if you aren’t curious. Don’t ever challenge the status quo.

I spent 15 years working in advertising as a creative director. Now, if at a party I inadvertently let this slip, I would typically get one of four responses:

  • “Why don’t they just take all those millions they spend on advertising off the price of the product?”
  • “You exploit women.”
  • “Did you do that fantastic ad for (insert your favourite commercial here)?”
  • “I don’t know how you do that. Sit there all day and wait for those wacky ideas to appear in light bulbs above your head. Knowing that if you can’t think of anything you will be fired. I don’t believe I could do that!”

To which my answers would be:

  • “Yeah, then you’d still know what was out there and where to buy it.”
  • “Yes.” (This response was always guaranteed to liven up a boring party.)
  • “No.”
  • “Ah well, that is a fallacy fostered by characters like Don Draper in Mad Men. You see, we had lots of strategies. Many of which we got from copying other creative people or books on innovation and creativity. Plus, you’ll find a shed load of stuff readily available on the Internet.”

You must not stop thinking that people are either creative or they are not. At school you were educated out of creativity into judgement. Don’t think this is reversible.1

At school you were educated out of creativity into judgement. Don’t think this is reversible.

1 Please ignore the explosion of innovation and creativity we’ve seen worldwide from the most unlikely of sources and people.

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