Authentication issues

Another common issue that users face is with user authentication. To troubleshoot authentication issues, OpenVPN provides a very helpful command-line interface utility called authcli.  This utility can be used to perform user authentication manually and fetch the output of the result. 

For example, the following command can be invoked to perform user  authentication: 

./authcli --user <USER_NAME> --pass <PASSWORD>

The previous command displays the output of the authentication result (as shown in the following) and the properties that are applied to the user. This output can thus help in determining if any invalid properties are applied to the user:

API METHOD: authenticate
 status : SUCCEED
 session_id : AaJkamAuZgjXwsjk+N96eA==
 reason : local auth succeeded
 expire : 1505404548
 user : test
 proplist : {'pvt_password_digest': '9f86d081884c7d659a2feaa0c55ad015a3bf4f1b2b0b822cd15d6c15b0f00a08
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