S3 bucket properties

An S3 bucket has some properties that define the behavior of the bucket. Following is a description of each of these properties:

  • Versioning: Versioning allows users to maintain multiple versions of an object in their S3 bucket. By default, this property is disabled for every new bucket that is created.
  • Server access logging: As the name implies, when this property is enabled, AWS keeps track of detailed records about access to the bucket. By default, this property is disabled and no logs are collected.
  • Object-level logging: Object-level logging collects information about the object-level API activity by using CloudTrail data events.
  • Tags: Users can use tags allocated to S3 buckets to annotate billing for their use of a bucket. As discussed previously, a tag is simply a key value pair that represents a label that you assign to a bucket.
  • Default encryption: As the name implies, this property enables encryption on the S3 bucket and all data written to the S3 bucket is encrypted.
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