Duplicating Objects

Depending on the specific command you use, you can create exact duplicates using the COPY, OFFSET, MIRROR, and ARRAY commands—and even the Clipboard—to make copies of selected objects.

Copying Objects

With the COPY command, you can make exact duplicates of selected objects. After you select the objects to be copied, you are prompted to specify the base point of the displacement and a second point. The distance and direction from the first point to the second point are calculated and used to locate the new copied objects. To help you visualize the results, pick a base point on one of the objects to be copied (for example, the center of a circle). The second point then becomes the point on the copies that corresponds to the first point on the originals.

Just as you can use the displacement function with the MOVE command, if you know the exact displacement, you can enter it at the prompt for the base point when you’re using the COPY command. You force the COPY command to interpret your entry as a displacement by pressing Enter again at the prompt for the second point. (In other words, you do not define a second point.)

By default, the COPY command makes one copy of the selected objects. You can, however, use the Multiple option to make multiple copies of the selected objects. After you select the Multiple option and choose an initial base point, the COPY command repeatedly prompts you to select a second displacement point to locate the copies. Press Enter to end the multiple copy process.

The following exercise illustrates using the MOVE, COPY, and ROTATE commands.

Exercise 10.4 Editing the Floor Plan with Basic Editing Commands

Open CHAP10-1.dwg from the CD if it’s not open from the previous exercise. Select Named Views from the View pull-down menu. Then select the view named OFFICE-D, click on the Set Current button in the View Control dialog box, and click OK to see the view as shown in Figure 10.16.

Figure 10.16. The area of the building used for the Move, Copy, and Rotate exercise.

To use the UNDO command and place a marker, type UNDO at the Command: prompt, type M , and press Enter. This enables you to restore the drawing after the exercise is complete.

From the Modify pull-down menu, select the Move menu option. At the Select Objects: prompt, use Window to select the chair and desk collection in the center of the room.

At the Specify base point or displacement: prompt, type 170',80' . This establishes the start point for the MOVE command.

At the Specify second point of displacement or <use first point as displacement>: prompt, type @40,10 and press Enter.

From the Modify pull-down menu, select the ROTATE command. At the Select Objects: prompt, type P and press Enter. AutoCAD will use the previous selection set for the objects to edit.

At the Specify base point: prompt, type 173',89' and press Enter. This point is the approximate intersection of the blue walls.

At the Specify rotation angle or [Reference]: prompt, type 90 and press Enter. AutoCAD then rotates the chair and desk selection set 90 degrees using a point near the middle of the collection.

From the Modify pull-down menu, choose the Copy option. From the Select Objects: prompt, choose the two left chairs in the center of the room. These chairs are blocks, so selecting them requires a single pick for each. Press Enter to end object selection mode.

At the Specify base point or displacement, or [Multiple]: prompt, type -8'6,0 and press Enter twice. This uses a displacement entry to determine a start point and uses the values as the displacement distances for both the X and Y distances. The minus sign moves the objects in a leftward (negative) X distance.

To restore your drawing, type UNDO and BE (for Begin) and press Enter. All changes in this exercise are removed. You can leave this drawing open for the following exercise.

When the objects you have are valid and all you need are more copies of them, using the COPY and OFFSET can certainly help you out.

Duplicating Objects with OFFSET

With the OFFSET command, you can create a copy of the selected object and have AutoCAD offset it a specified distance from the original object. At the initial prompt, you have the choice of entering the offset distance or using the Through option. To enter a specific offset distance, type the distance (or pick two points on the screen) at the Specify offset distance: prompt. Thereafter, you can select one object at a time to create an offset from the duplicate and choose the side of the original on which you want the duplicate made.

If you choose the Through option, you pick a point the offset object is to go through after you select the object you want to copy. The distance along a perpendicular from the point that you pick to the original object serves as the offset distance. The copy made by the OFFSET command might or might not be an exact duplicate of the original. Table 10.1 lists the various types of objects you can choose with the OFFSET command and the shape of the resulting copy. The differences between the sizes and lengths of the resulting copies can be attributed to the side of the original object specified for the offset copy.

Table 10.1. Objects and Resulting Duplicates Created with OFFSET
Original Object Resulting Duplicate
Arc The new arc is created so it has the same included angle and center point as the original arc, but the arc length will change.
Circle, ellipse The new circle or ellipse is created so it has the same center point as the original circle or ellipse. The radius of the new circle or the axis lengths of the new ellipse will be different from the original object’s radius or axis lengths.
Line, ray, xline The new line, ray, or xline is an exact duplicate of the original.
Lwpolyline The lengths of the line and arc segments of the new lwpolyline are adjusted so the endpoints of the new polyline are located along a direction perpendicular to the corresponding endpoints on the original open lwpolyline. For an intermediate vertex point, the new vertex points are located along a direction that bisects the angle between the segments on either side of the vertex point.
Spline The length and shape of the new spline are adjusted so the endpoints of the new spline are located along a direction perpendicular to the corresponding endpoints on the original open spline.

Creating a Mirror Image

With the MIRROR command, you can create a mirror image copy of the selected objects. After you select the objects to be mirrored, you are prompted to pick two points to define the mirror line. The mirror line is the line, or axis, about which the mirror image is created. The mirror line itself does not have to be a physical line in the drawing.

The only option you have with the MIRROR command is whether the original objects should be deleted. The default is to not delete the original objects.


When a block is mirrored, it is assigned a negative X or Y scale factor, depending upon the mirror line position. In earlier versions of AutoCAD this would make the block impossible to explode into component objects. The only concern now is that some high-level commands like In-Place Reference Editing do not work on differing X-Y value blocks. Refer to Chapter 13, “ Creating and Using Blocks ” for more information.

By default, the copy of text and mtext objects will appear backward, as if you were holding a page of text up to a mirror. To prevent text from being reversed in the mirrored objects, set the system variable MIRRTEXT to 0 before you begin the MIRROR command.

Creating Arrays of Objects

The ARRAY command is used to make multiple copies of selected objects so the copies are arranged in rows and columns (a rectangular array) or in a circular arrangement (a polar array).

Creating a Rectangular Array

If you choose to create a rectangular array (see Figure 10.17), you are prompted to enter the number of rows and columns, the distance between adjacent rows, and the distance between adjacent columns.

Figure 10.17. Create a rectangular array consisting of rows and columns of copies.

Generally, you type the row and column distances. You can, however, specify the distances with a window (referred to as a “unit cell”) by picking the two corner points of the window at the Unit cell or distance between rows (-): prompt. The height of the window is used as the distance between rows, and the width of the window is used as the distance between columns.

If you enter a negative distance for the distance between columns, the columns of the array are created in the negative direction along the X axis; otherwise, they are created in the positive X direction. Likewise, if you enter a negative distance for the distance between rows, the rows are created in the negative direction along the Y axis; otherwise, they are created in the positive Y direction. If you choose to use a unit cell to specify the distances, the direction in which the rows and columns are created is determined by the direction from the first window point to the second window point.

The ARRAY command has been enhanced to use a dialog box interface. It provides real-time feedback about your pending array procedure in its sample area and even a Preview option. The traditional ARRAY command has been renamed -ARRAY and is still a viable method. Fortunately, any AutoLISP and Script files used automatically utilize the command-line version and function like previously.

In the next exercise, you create a rectangular array. You then use the MIRROR and OFFSET commands to duplicate the objects to the drawing.

Exercise 10.5 Creating a Rectangular Array of Duplicates

Start AutoCAD and open the drawing file CHAP10-1.DWG from the accompanying CD. This drawing may currently be open from a previous exercise.

Choose Named Views from the View pull-down menu. Then select the view named OFFICE-C, click the Set Current button in the View Control dialog box, and click OK.

Choose Array from the Modify toolbar or the Modify pull-down menu.

Verify that Rectangular Array is selected and pick it if needed.

Type 3 for the number of rows and 4 for the number of columns.

Type 10' for the Row offset and -12' for the Column offset distance.

Then click the Select Objects button. The dialog dismisses and allows you to select the desk and chair and press Enter. When done, the dialog will reappear.

When complete, you can review your settings and preview for accuracy and then click OK (see Figure 10.18) to end the command. The rectangular array is created.

Figure 10.18. The Array dialog offers various controls for creating object arrays.

From the Modify pull-down menu, select the MIRROR command. Select the cabinets, as shown in Figure 10.19.

Figure 10.19. The cabinets used in the MIRROR exercise.

At the Specify first point of mirror line: prompt, use the Endpoint osnap and pick a point near .

At the Specify second point of mirror line: prompt, type @1<0 to define the second point about which to mirror. AutoCAD duplicates the cabinets into the room adjacent to the current one.

Choose Named Views from the View pull-down menu. Select the view named OFFICE-B, click the Set Current button in the View Control dialog box, and click OK.

In this room, you need to increase the size of the conference table. From the Modify pull-down menu, choose Offset. At the Specify offset distance or [Through]: prompt, type 12 .

At the Select object to offset or <exit>: prompt, choose anywhere on the circle edge. Then at the Specify point on side to offset: prompt, pick a point outside of the circle. This indicates which side of the object you want to offset toward.

At this point, you can close this drawing without saving.

As you can see developing large quantities of objects is very simple using the ARRAY command.

Creating a Polar Array

If you choose to create a polar array, you are required to specify the center point about which the copies are made, the number of items (or copies) to be created (including the original), and the angle to fill, as shown in Figure 10.20.

Figure 10.20. The Array dialog has many settings for developing polar arrays.

For example, if you specify six items and enter 180 degrees as the fill angle, the angular separation between adjacent items is 180 divided by 6, or 30 degrees. If you specify a positive fill angle, the copies are made in a counterclockwise direction; otherwise, the copies are made in a clockwise direction by default (see Figure 10.21).

Figure 10.21. Creating a polar array consisting of a circular pattern of copies.

As with rectangular arrays, the Array dialog provides a visual guide to your Polar array sequences. Experiment with the various controls to see how they relate and can be used for all your polar arrays. You can also use the command-line version by typing -ARRAY and pressing Enter.

The final area of the Array dialog gives you the choice of rotating or not rotating the copies. If you check the option (the default), the copies are rotated about the specified center point of the array. If you uncheck the box, the copies are not rotated about the center point but are copied about a reference point in the selection set and determined from the last object selected. If a window of some type is used to select the objects, the last object in the selection set is picked arbitrarily: The reference point that is selected is based on the type of object (see Table 10.2).

Table 10.2. Point on Object Used As the Reference Point for a Polar Array
Object Reference Point Used
Block, text, mtext Insertion point
Dimension objects One of the definition points of the dimension object
Lines, rays, traces, mlines One of the endpoints
Arcs, circles, ellipses The center point
Lwpolylines, splines The first vertex point
Xlines The point connecting an imaginary line perpendicular to the xline with the center point of the polar array

As long as you use the default setting for rotating the copies, the resulting polar array will appear to be symmetrical regardless of the objects selected.

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