Table of Contents

Cover image

Title page




About the Author


List of Abbreviations

Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Basics of Congestion Control

1.3 Description of TCP Reno

1.4 Network Feedback Techniques

1.5 Delay-Based Congestion Control: TCP Vegas

1.6 Outline of the Rest of the Book

1.7 Further Reading


Part 1: Theory

Chapter 2. Analytic Modeling of Congestion Control

2.1 Introduction

2.2 TCP Throughput Analysis

2.3 A Fluid Flow Model for Congestion Control

2.4 A Stochastic Model for Congestion Control

2.5 Why Does the Square-Root Formula Work Well?

2.6 The Case of Multiple Parallel TCP Connections

2.7 Further Reading

Appendix 2.A Derivation of Q=min(1,3/E(W))


Suggested Reading

Chapter 3. Optimization and Control Theoretic Analysis of Congestion Control

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Congestion Control Using Optimization Theory

3.3 Generalized TCP–Friendly Algorithms

3.4 Stability Analysis of TCP with Active Queue Management

3.5 The Averaging Principle (AP)

3.6 Implications for Congestion Control Algorithms

3.7 Further Reading

Appendix 3.A Linearization of the Fluid Flow Model

Appendix 3.B The Nyquist Stability Criterion

Appendix 3.C Transfer Function for the RED Controller

Appendix 3.D Convex Optimization Theory

Appendix 3.E A General Class of Utility Functions


Suggested Reading

Part 2: Applications

Chapter 4. Congestion Control in Broadband Wireless Networks

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Wireless Access Architecture and Issues

4.3 Split-Connection TCP

4.4 Algorithms to Improve Performance Over Lossy Links

4.5 Link-Level Error Correction and Recovery

4.6 The Bufferbloat Problem in Cellular Wireless Systems

4.7 Some Design Rules

4.8 Further Reading


Suggested Reading

Chapter 5. Congestion Control in High-Speed Networks

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Design Issues for High-Speed Protocols

5.3 High Speed TCP (HSTCP) Protocol


5.5 The Compound TCP (CTCP) Protocol

5.6 The Fast TCP Protocol

5.7 The eXpress Control Protocol (XCP)

5.8 The Rate Control Protocol (RCP)

5.9 Stability of High-Speed TCP Algorithms

5.10 Further Reading


Suggested Reading

Chapter 6. Flow Control for Video Applications

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Video Delivery Over Packet Networks

6.3 HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS)

6.4 The Adaptive Bit Rate (ABR) Algorithm

6.5 Description of Some Adaptive Bit Rate (ABR) Algorithms

6.6 The Problem with TCP Throughput Measurements

6.7 Interaction Between TCP and ABR

6.8 Further Reading


Suggested Reading

Chapter 7. Congestion Control in Data Center Networks

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Data Center Architecture and Traffic Patterns

7.3 Data Center TCP (DCTCP)

7.4 Deadline-Aware Congestion Control Algorithms

7.5 Load Balancing over Multiple Paths with Multipath TCP (MPTCP)

7.6 The Incast Problem in Data Center Networks

7.7 Further Reading


Suggested Reading

Chapter 8. Congestion Control in Ethernet Networks

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Differences between Switched Ethernet and IP Networks

8.3 Objectives of the Quantum Congestion Notification Algorithm

8.4 Quantum Congestion Notification Algorithm Description

8.5 Quantum Congestion Notification Stability Analysis

8.6 Further Reading


Chapter 9. Emerging Topics in Congestion Control

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Machine Learning and Congestion Control: Project Remy

9.3 Software Defined Networks and Congestion Control

9.4 The Google Congestion Control (GCC) Algorithm

Appendix 9.A Kalman Filtering


Suggested Reading


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