Chapter 15 Security Protocols

Up to this point, we have covered many basic cryptographic tools, ranging from encryption algorithms to hash algorithms to digital signatures. A natural question arises: Can we just apply these tools directly to make computers and communications secure?

At first glance, one might think that public key methods are the panacea for all of security. They allow two parties who have never met to exchange messages securely. They also provide an easy way to authenticate the origin of a message and, when combined with hash functions, these signature operations can be made efficient.

Unfortunately, the answer is definitely no and there are many problems that still remain. In discussing public key algorithms, we never really discussed how the public keys are distributed. We have casually said that Alice will announce her public key for Bob to use. Bob, however, should not be too naive in just believing what he hears. How does he know that it is actually Alice that he is communicating with? Perhaps Alice’s evil friend, Mallory, is pretending to be Alice but is actually announcing Mallory’s public key instead. Similarly, when you access a website to make a purchase, how do you know that your transaction is really with a legitimate merchant and that no one has set up a false organization? The real challenge in these problems is the issue of authentication, and Bob should always confirm that he is communicating with Alice before sending any important information.

Combining different cryptographic tools to provide security is much trickier than grabbing algorithms off of the shelf. Instead, security protocols involving the exchange of messages between different entities must be carefully thought out in order to prevent clever attacks. This chapter focuses on such security protocols.

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