22.7 Exercises

  1. Let E be the supersingular elliptic curve from Section 22.1.

    1. Let P and Q be multiples of P0. Show that e˜(P, Q)1. (Hint: Use the fact that e˜(P0, P0)=ω is a qth root of unity and that ωx=1 if and only if x0(modq).)

    2. Let Q be a multiple of P0 and let P1, P2 be multiples of P0. Show that if e˜(P1, Q)=e˜(P2, Q),  then P1=P2.

  2. Let E be the supersingular elliptic curve from Section 22.1.

    1. Show that

      e˜(aP, bQ)=e˜(P, Q)ab

      for all points P, Q that are multiples of P0.

    2. Show that

      e˜(P+Q, R)=e˜(P, R)e˜(Q, R)

      for all P, Q, R that are multiples of P0.

  3. Let E be the supersingular elliptic curve from Section 22.1. Suppose you have points A, B on E that are multiples of P0 and are not equal to . Let a and b be two secret integers. Suppose you are given the points aA and bB. Find a way to use e˜ to decide whether or not ab(modq).

  4. Let p1(mod3) be prime.

    1. Show that there exists d with 3d1(modp1).

    2. Show that if a3b(modp) if and only if abd(modp). This shows that every integer modp has a unique cube root.

    3. Show that y2x3+1(modp) has exactly p+1 points (including the point ). (Hint: Apply part (b) to y21.) (Remark: A curve mod p whose number of points is congruent to 1 mod p is called supersingular.)

  5. (for those who know some group theory)

    1. In the situation of Exercise 4, suppose that p=6q1 with q also prime. Show that there exists a point P0 such that qP0=.

    2. Let Q=(2, 3),  as in Exercise 9 in Chapter 21. Show that if P{, Q, 2Q, 3Q, 4Q, 5Q},  then 6P and 6P is a multiple of P0. (For simplicity, assume that q>3.)

  6. Let H0 be a hash function that takes a binary string of arbitrary length as input and then outputs an integer mod p. Let p=6q1 be prime with q also prime. Show how to use H0 to construct a hash function H1 that takes a binary string of arbitrary length as input and outputs a point on the elliptic curve y2x3+1(modp) that is a multiple of the point P0 of Section 22.1. (Hint: Use the technique of Exercise 4 to find y,  then x. Then use Exercise 5(b).)

    1. In the identity-based encryption system of Section 22.4, suppose Eve can compute k such that H1 ([email protected]) =kP0.. Show that Eve can compute gr and therefore read Bob’s messages.

    2. In the BLS signature scheme of Section 22.5.1, suppose Eve can compute k such that H(m)=kP0. Show that Eve can compute S such that (m, S) is a valid signed document.

    3. In the identity-based signature scheme of Section 22.5.1, suppose Eve can compute k such that H1(IDAlice)=kP0. Show that Eve can compute DAlice and therefore forge Alice’s signature on documents.

    4. In the keyword search scheme of Section 22.6, suppose Eve can compute k such that H1(w)=kP0. Show that Eve can compute Tw and therefore find the occurrences of encrypted w on documents.

  7. Let E and P0 be as in Section 22.1. Show that an analogue of the Decision Diffie-Hellman problem can be solved for E. Namely, if we are given aP0, bP0, cP0,  show how we can decide whether abP0=cP0.

  8. Suppose you try to set up an identity-based cryptosystem as follows. Arthur chooses large primes p and q and forms n=pq,  which is made public. For each User, he converts the User’s identification ID to a number e User by some public method and then computes d with de User1(modϕ(n)). Arthur gives d to the User. The integer n is the same for all users. When Alice wants to send an email to Bob, she uses the public method to convert his email address to e Bob and then uses this to encrypt messages with RSA. Bob knows d,  so he can decrypt. Explain why this system is not secure.

  9. You are given a point P on the curve E of Section 22.1 and you are given a qth root of unity ω. Suppose you can solve discrete log problems for the qth roots of unity. That is, if α1 and β are qth roots of unity, you can find k so that αk=β. Show how to find a point Q on E with e˜(Q, P)=ω.

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