PART ONE: Practical Communication

No man is an island, entire of itself, every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.

John Donne, English poet

Communication is so fundamental to our personal and social being that it is tempting to believe that it always just happens. But, as you may know from experience, there are situations where communication breaks down or where it is conspicuously absent. Relationships are then damaged and effective work becomes virtually impossible. That is why you need to become a skilled and committed communicator.

Part One is a sketch in outline of the world’s body of knowledge about communication. By the end of it you should have a clear view of what communication is, and know the essential ingredients of an excellent communicator.

The Zulus have a proverb: ‘I cannot hear what you say because of the thunder of what you are.’ What you are is as important in communication as what you say or do. It is always you who communicates. That’s what makes it such a challenging subject. Are you ready for it?

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