Idea 37: How to handle the question-and-answer phase

To question a wise man is the beginning of wisdom.

German proverb

Whenever you speak in public there is usually some time made available for a question-and-answer session. Poor speakers regards this phase as a rather unnecessary optional extra, something to be got through as quickly as possible. In fact it is the most important part of your whole session. Remember, communication is dialogue.

Some practical tips:

  • Make sure that you are clear what the questioner is asking.
  • Keep your answer as brief as fullness allows – don’t ‘gild the lily’ with unsolicited information.
  • Allow the questioner to come back to you if they wish.
  • If you can’t answer the question, don’t bluff. There may be someone else in the audience who can supply the answer.
  • Be a good listener, giving the questioner your thoughtful attention and being genuinely open to what they have to say. As the Japanese say, ‘To teach is to learn.’
  • Be especially open to any critical or challenging remarks. Remind yourself that speaker and audience share a common aim: the truth. There is often a wisdom of crowds, so be a receiver as well as a giver.

Sometimes you can predict the questions you will be asked, but beware of losing spontaneity. A ‘Q&A’ session, or a period set aside for discussion, is really a test of your general preparation, how much you are a master of your profession or business. No wonder the ill-prepared fear this public examination!

‘Authority flows from the one who knows.’

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