Idea 77: Checklist – Are you ready for take-off?


x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 Are you clear about the purpose of this planned discussion?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 Do the other participants know that purpose?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 If not, do you plan to communicate it to them before the meeting?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 Have you circulated any necessary information well before the meeting?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 Have you identified the main topics to be discussed? Is each objective clear?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 Have you framed some questions to stimulate discussion?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 Have you prepared a timetable for the meeting?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 Is the accommodation and seating plan arranged?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 Are all necessary materials ready, including visual aids and flipcharts?

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