Follow-up test

Giving Presentations

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 Have you identified the five key presentational skills that you need to master?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 Do you always profile the occasion: the subject, audience and location?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 Have you done your reconnaissance?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 Have you stated your objective or objectives at the beginning of your presentation and said why you think it or they are important?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 If you decide to use visual aids, do you ensure that they are well designed graphically and do you use them with skill?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 Do you have a reliable sense for knowing when one more rehearsal is really needed before an important presentation?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 Have you visualized yourself delivering the presentation: the opening, the middle section, the conclusion, questions/discussion and your final words of thanks?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 Do you have an effective routine – not involving alcohol! – for calming your nerves before you stand up and speak in public?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 Why do you think that speaking without notes enhances your effect as a public speaker?

Leading Effective Meetings

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 Are your meetings well planned, informal, participative and guided by a common purpose?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 What three lessons about meetings have you learned from the best discussion leaders you have encountered?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 When did you last review your eight skills as a leader of discussion in meetings?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 ‘The first rule for a leader is to take charge in a low-key way and to remain in charge.’ Would you agree?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 Are you especially good at chairing all five types of managerial meetings?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 Do you make it a matter of pride to prepare for those meetings in which you will be involved, especially if you are going to chair them?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 Are you noted for your ability as a chairperson to summarize a discussion, both at intermediate points (where necessary) and also at the end?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 Is it clear after your meetings who is to do what and by when? Do you have an agreed way for monitoring progress?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 Have you asked for feedback on how you perform your role as chairperson of a meeting? If so, do you now have an accurate idea of your strengths and weaknesses?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 Do your meetings invariably start on time and end on time?

Successful Interviews

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 Do you use the simple framework of beginning, middle and end when you are structuring an interview in your mind?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 In your questioning technique can you use, if need be, any of the nine types of question?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 ‘Appraising people without setting objectives with them some months prior is putting the cart before the horse.’ Do you agree?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 How good are you at establishing rapport with a person you are about to interview?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 Do you have the moral courage to give constructive criticism to those who report to you? Do you have the skill and the tact needed to do it effectively?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 How would you judge whether or not a person has taken your advice?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 When receiving feedback from others, do you look for a pattern in their comments?

x25A1_MathematicalPi-Six_10n_000100 Are you as good at giving justified praise and saying thank-you as you are at giving criticism and finding fault?

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