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Another useful way to work with Font-Awesome in Angular is to use a directive, such as angular2-fontawesome, to make it easier to work with your icons in your templates. For example, you can provide a size property to the directive that will scale the icon to different sizes for you:

<ng-template ngbPanelTitle>
<fa [name]="'user'" [size]=1></fa>
Matt DeLucas
<ng-template ngbPanelContent>
<ul class="list-unstyled">
<li><fa [name]="'newspaper-o'"></fa> Post 1</li>
<li><fa [name]="'newspaper-o'"></fa> Post 2</li>
<li><fa [name]="'newspaper-o'"></fa> Post 3</li>
There are also options for rotation, inverting colors, and much more that can be useful in getting more from your options; you can refer to these in the following link:
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