How to do it...

Let's follow the steps to create a simple component style for our PostsComponent:

  1. First, we will add a <div> element around our router-outlet, our /src/app/app.component.html template:
  1. This will wrap our router-outlet so that all subcomponents will be presented within this element. Next, we will add a simple style to /src/app/app.component.scss that will add a bit of padding to the top of our element:
div {
padding-top: 20px;
  1. In our /src/app/posts/posts.component.scss, we will style the div elements within it in a totally different way. We will add a silver background color with a gray border to all the div elements in our posts component template:
div {
background-color: silver;
border: 1px solid gray;

We have used the same selectors; however, since they are component styles, they do not cascade into each other and are effectively isolated from each other.

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