There's more...

There are many types of content you can scaffold out with Angular-CLI's generators. Let's take a look at how we can generate new services in our Angular application using Angular-CLI's generate command.

Generating new services with Angular-CLI is very similar to generating components, but with the following few key differences:

ng g service my-store
installing service
create src/app/my-store.service.spec.ts
create src/app/my-store.service.ts
WARNING Service is generated but not provided, it must be provided to be used

Scaffolding a new service generates fewer files than a component and also nests the service at the root of our application directory by default instead of nesting it in its own namespace. The warning that is presented after creating our service stub files notifies us that, unlike components, services have to be manually provided to our application. Unlike components that are naturally isolated from each other, services can have explicit dependencies and load order requirements that Angular-CLI is unable to predict. In general, adding these services to your application is easily done by importing and adding the service to the provider list:

import { MyStoreService } from './my-store.service';

providers: [
export class AppModule { }

With the service provided to your application, it is now available for use.

Generating guards
: Guards generated with Angular-CLI also show the warning that they are not provided by default. Adding a generated guard to your application is identical to adding a service.
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