SchemaTypes API

Property Type Accepts Description
required any boolean, function If true, adds a required validator for this property.
default any any Sets a default value for the path. If the value is a function, the return value of the function is used as the default.
select any boolean Specifies default projections for queries.
validate any function Adds a validator function for this property.
get any function Defines a custom getter for this property using Object.defineProperty()
set any function Defines a custom setter for this property using Object.defineProperty()
alias any string Defines a virtual with the given name that gets/sets this path.
index any boolean Whether to define a index on this property.
unique any boolean Whether to define a unique index on this property.
sparse any boolean Whether to define a sparse index on this property.
lowercase string boolean Whether to always call .toLowerCase() on the value.
uppercase string boolean Whether to always call .toUpperCase() on the value.
trim string boolean Whether to always call .trim() on the value.
match string regular expression Creates a validator that checks whether the value matches the given regular expression.
enum string array Creates a validator that checks whether the value is in the given array.
maxlength string number Specifies a maximum character length on this property.
minlength string number Specifies a minimum character length on this property.
max date, number date, number Specifies a maximum date or number on this property.
min date, number date, number Specifies a minimum date or number on this property.
expires date date

Specifies an expiration date on this property.

To learn more about the schema API in Mongoose, you can check out the official documentation page:

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