Getting ready

For the next few recipes, we will use Cloudinary ( to work with images uploaded to our Express web server. To get access to the services Cloudinary provides, we will need to create a free account to get an API key and secret key.

To get set up with your free Cloudinary account, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to, and click on the SIGN UP FOR FREE button:
  1. You will need to fill out the sign up form with the required information, and if you wish, you can choose a name for your cloud account, which will be visible in any HTTP requests to Cloudinary that we will create:
  1. After signing up, you can choose whether you want to go through the Cloudinary tutorial or not. After you close the tutorial dialog, you will be presented with your Cloudinary dashboard, which has all the API key information we will need:
  1. Finally, Cloudinary supports its own Node.js module that works with its services. We should install the Cloudinary module in our Express application's package.json file, as follows:
npm install cloudinary --save
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