Document API

Property Example Description
$ignore post.$ignore('content'); Prevents validation and saving the provided property upon save.
$isDefault post.$isDefault('published'); Checks whether the provided property is set to its default value.
depopulate post.depopulate('user'); Takes a populated field and returns it to its unpopulated state as an objectId.
equals post.equals(anotherPost); Checks whether the document contains the same data as another provided document.
execPopulate let promise = post.populate('user').execPopulate(); Performs a population query as a promise.
get post.get('html'); Returns the specified property from the document as a getter.
init post.init(mockPost, function() {}); Initializes a document.
inspect post.inspect(); Logs the contents of the document to the console.
invalidate post.invalidate('title', 'must not contain foobar', 'foobar'); Marks the provided property as invalid, causing validation to fail.
isDirectModified post.isDirectModified('content'); Checks whether document's provided property was directly set and modified, otherwise is false.
isDirectSelected post.isDirectSelected(''); Checks whether document's provided property was explicitly selected. When there is no projection, will always return true.
isInit post.isInit('html'); Checks whether the provided property has been initialized.
isModified post.isModified('title'); Checks whether the provided property has been modified.
isSelected post.isSelected(''); Checks whether the provided property was selected in the query, which initialized this document.
markModified post.markModified('title'); Marks the provided property as having changes to save to the db.
modifiedPaths post.modifiedPaths(['title', 'content']); Same as markModified, but takes an array of properties.
populate post.populate('user', function() {}); Performs a population on the provided property in the document.
populated post.populated('user'); Returns the objectId reference used for population.
set post.set('title', 'foobar'); Sets the specified value to the specified property on the document as a setter.
toJSON post.toJSON({ getters: true }); Same as toObject, but is called when JSON.stringify is used on the document.
toObject post.toObject({ getters: true }); Converts the document into a vanilla javascript object. Can be provided options for configuring usage of virtual properties in serialization.
toString post.toString(); A console.log-friendly way to serialize a document for logging.
unmarkModified post.unmarkModified('content'); Clears the modified state on the specified path.
update post.update({ title: 'foobar' }, function(error) {}); Sends an update command with this document's ID as the query selector.
validate post.validate(function(error) {} ); Executes registered validation rules for this document.
validateSync let error = post.validateSync(); Synchronous version of validate.
errors post.errors(); Returns all the current validation errors on this document.
id; Returns this document's ID as a string.
isNew post.isNew(); Check whether the document is new.
schema post.schema(); Returns a reference to the document's schema.


If you are interested in learning more about working with documents, and document relationships, you can check out the official Mongoose documentation page:

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