How to do it...

To add a child route to our router module, we will need to update its route configuration:

  1. First, we must define children routes using the children property in the route configuration:
path: "posts",
component: PostsComponent,
children: [{
path: ":id",
component: PostComponent
  1. Once we have set up our child route, we can retrieve our ID parameter in our new PostComponent.ts using the ActivatedRoute class from the Angular router:
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import {ActivatedRoute} from "@angular/router";

selector: 'app-post',
templateUrl: './post.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./post.component.css']
export class PostComponent implements OnInit {
postId = null;
constructor(private route:ActivatedRoute) {
params =>{
this.postId = parseInt(params['id']);

  1. Now that we have the ID parameter, we can use it in our template:
post works! - {{postId}}
  1. Finally, we will also need to provide another outlet within the template of PostsComponent to surface our specific post template:
posts works!

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