Mongoose Query API

Mongoose's query API provides some of the most powerful search tools available in MongoDB, and are available as chainable methods to any Mongoose model API query such as find, findOne, or where:

Property Example Description
all query.all('tags', ['person', 'place']); Returns documents where the value of a field is an array that contains all the specified elements.
and query.and([{ status: 'priority' }, { title: 'foobar' }]); Performs a logical and operation on an array of expressions and returns the documents that match them.
batchSize query.batchSize(100) Sets the number of documents to be returned in each batch by MongoDB. Unlike limit, which sets the total number or results returned, batch is simply how the total matches will be broken apart.
box{ ll : [40, -24], ur :[43, -25] }); Sets a geospatial query result using a provided rectangle definition.
cast query.cast(Post); Sets the query schema to that of a defined model or document.
catch query.catch(); A promise catch for failed queries.
circle'locations', { center: [20, 20], radius: 10}); Sets a geospatial query result using a provided circle definition.
collation query.collation({ 'locale': 'fr_CA' });

Allows language-specific rules for string comparison, such as rules for lettercase and accent marks.

comment query.comment('title search'); Attach a comment to a query that can be retrieved in any context that it is used.
count query.count(); Sets query to only return the count of matches.
cursor query.cursor(). on('data', function(doc) {}); Returns a reference to the MongoDB driver cursor; useful for doing stream operations with MongoDB queries.
deleteMany query.deleteMany(); Sets query to execute a deleteMany operation on the matches.
deleteOne query.deleteOne(); Sets query to execute a deleteOne operation on the first match.
distinct query.distinct('title'); Sets query to execute a distinct operation, which will return a list of unique values for the field on the same collection.
elemMatch query.elemMatch('score', { $gte: 75, $lt: 100 });

Returns documents with an array field that matches one or more queries.

equals query.where('title').equals('foobar'); Adds a complementary comparison value to another query operation for equality.
exec query.exec(); Executes the query.
exists query.exists('title', true); When provided with a field and a true Boolean, returns documents that have that field set to null. When Boolean is false, returns documents that do not have that field.
find query.find(); Returns documents that match a provided query; can be chained with other find and where query results to act as a filter.
findOne query.find(); Returns a single documents that matches a provided query.
findOneAndRemove query.findOneAndRemove(); Removes a single document that matches a provided query.
findOneAndUpdate query.findOneAndUpdate(); Updates a single document that matches a provided query.
geometry query.geometry({ type: 'Point', coordinates: [100, 200] } Sets a geospatial query using a $geoJSON definition.
getQuery query.getQuery(); Returns the current query conditions.
getUpdate query.getUpdate(); Returns the current update operations on this query.
gt'score', 2000); Performs a logical greater than operation on this query.
gte query.gte('score', 2000); Performs a logical greater than or equal operation on this query.
hint query.hint({title: 1}); Sets a preferred index for MongoDB to use in resolving the query.
in'tags', ['person', 'place', 'thing']); Returns documents where the value of a field equals any value in the specified array.
intersects query.intersects({ type: 'LineString' , coordinates: [[150.0, 30.0], [150, 19.0]] }) Sets a geospatial intersection query using a $geoJSON definition.
lean query.lean(); Optimization flag for returning normal JSON objects instead of Mongoose documents.
limit query.limit(20) Sets the total number of documents returned with the query.
lt'score', 2000); Performs a logical less than operation on this query.
lte query.lte('score', 2000); Performs a logical less than or equal operation on this query.
maxDistance query.maxDistance('location', 200); Sets a geospatial maximum distance query.
maxScan query.maxScan(70); Constrains a query to only scan a specified number of documents. Useful for preventing long running queries.
merge query.merge(anotherQuery); Merges another query onto the current query.
mod query.mod('score', [5, 2]); Returns documents using a modulo operation on a provided field, by a provided devisor, that matches the provided remainder.
mongooseOptions query.mongooseOptions(); Returns Mongoose-specific options for the current query.
ne'title', 'foobar'); Performs a logical not equal operation on this query.
near query.near({ center: [10, 10] }); Sets a geospatial nearby query.
nin query.nin('tags', ['people', 'places']); Returns documents that do not have any of the provided values for a field, or the field does not exist.
nor query.nor([{ status: 'priority' }, { title: 'foobar' }]); Performs a logical nor operation using the provided expressions and returns the documents that match none of them.
or query.or(([{ status: 'priority' }, { title: 'foobar' }]); Performs a logical or operation using the provided expressions and returns the documents that match any of them.
polygon query.polygon('location', [10,20], [51, 35], [70,15]) Sets a geospatial polygon query.
populate query.populate('author'); Similar to Model.populate, allows you to populate subdocument fields of query results.
read'primary'); If using replicas, allows you define the MongoDB nodes to read from.
regex query.regex('title', /foobar/); Returns documents with field values that return matches from a provided regular expression.
remove query.remove(); Similar to Model.remove, will remove documents that match the query.
replaceOne query.replaceOne({}); Similar to Model.replaceOne, will replace the first matched document from the query with the provided one.
select'title published'); Provides query projection to MongoDB for which fields to include in matched document results. Fields to be included are provided as a string of fieldnames. Fields can also be prefixed with -- to exclude specific values from results.
selected query.selected(); Returns whether a select query projection has been defined on this query.
selectedExclusively query.selectedExclusively(); Returns whether a select query project was used exclusively ('-field') on this query.
selectedInclusively query.selectedInclusively(); Returns whether a select query project was used inclusively ('field') on this query.
setOptions query.setOptions({});

An alternative way to set the tailable, sort, limit, skip, maxScan, batchSize, comment, snapshot, hint, read, lean, and safe properties.

size query.size('tags', 5); Returns documents that match the length for a provided field.
skip query.skip(20); Sets an offset for the documents to be returned. Usually used in conjunction with limit to implement pagination.
slice query.slice('tags', [20, 10]); Returns a subset of elements within the provided property for the documents returned using a skip and limit parameter.
snapshot query.snapshot(); Notifies MongoDB to prevent returning a document more than once if an intervening write operation moved a document. This is mostly used in sensitive multiuser session transactions.
sort query.sort('-published'); Sets a sort order for the documents returned using a provided field in ascending order. Can be prefixed with a '-' to return values in descending order instead.
stream'data', function (item) {}); Exposes a Node.js stream interface for the current query.
tailable query.tailable(); Tells MongoDB to use a tailable cursor for this query.
then query.then(); A promise catch for successful queries.
toConstructor var DoIt = query.toConstructor(); A factory method for converting the current query state into a reusable query method.
update query.update({}); Same as Model.update, will update documents that matches the query with the provided properties.
updateMany query.updateMany({}); Same as Model.updateMany, will update all the documents that match the query with the provided properties.
updateOne query.updateOne({}); Same as Model.updateOne, will update the first document that matches the query with the provided properties.
where query.where('title', 'foobar'); Same as Model.where, allows you to provide a query for a field and value.
$where query.$where('this.title !== "foobar"'); Same as Model.$where, allows you to provide a JavaScript expression as a query to MongoDB.
within query.within().geometry() Sets a geospatial query within a predefined geospatial query shape, such as circle, rectangle, geometry, or polygon.
$geoWithin query.$geoWithin = false;

Flag to tell MongoDB to opt out of using $geoWithin.

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