ngIf directive added support for else statements

In the previous generations of Angular, if you wanted to have an alternative view for an if statement, one common approach was to use a switch statement. For example:

<div [ngSwitch]="isToggled">
<span *ngSwitchCase="true">On</span>
<span *ngSwitchDefault>Off</span>

This approach works reasonably well but if you implemented the same sort of logic in a template or controller you would likely choose to use an else statement instead. Now in Angular 4, we can set an else condition in our ngIf directive:

<div *ngIf="isAdmin; else normal_user">
<p>You are an Admin</p>

<ng-template #normal_user>
<p>You are a normal user</p>

We simply provide an else statement with a view reference that will be shown if the logic in our ngIf directive evaluates to false. We can even supplement this new else case with the then non-inline template condition:

<div *ngIf="isAdmin; then admin_user else normal_user">
<p>This will be hidden</p>

<ng-template #admin_user>
<p>You are an Admin</p>

<ng-template #normal_user>
<p>You are a normal user</p>

With this new feature, you can see how we can uniformly format different states of the template driven from the same if statement.

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