The Climax: Insight through Resolution

The story’s climax is essentially a punch line with a lesson. Of course, the lesson is usually longer than the typical punch line of a joke.

The climax is more than just an ending. It’s a resolution that can be used as a tool for helping the protégé to learn. The storyteller instructs through resolution, and the protégé allows his or her need for resolution to lead to the learning. The climax must clearly fit the challenge and also carry the protégé in new and somewhat unexpected directions.

If a story were mapped out, the climax would reside on the other side of the gaps created by the challenge. It the listener leaps over the gaps, thus eliminating the dissonance, he or she experiences insight and learning. But the climax must be truly inviting, realistic, and relevant. If the climax or resolution is too routine or far-fetched, there is no insight. The protégé must be able to relate to and identify with how the story ends.

When creating the climax, ask yourself the following questions:

• Will the story’s ending result in learning and achieve a mentoring goal? Is a story the best way to accomplish that with this protégé?

• Will the ending surprise, amuse, challenge, or amaze?

• Will the protégé view the ending as realistic and relevant?

• Will the protégé be able to envision several possible endings before the climax is revealed?

• Will the protégé gain insight and develop new attitudes, understanding, or skills from the resolution?

At the story’s end, your protégé should say, “I wouldn’t have thought of that” or “I wasn’t expecting that.” He or she should also feel, upon reflection, that the story makes perfect sense.

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