
abundance, 26

accepting, 3–4, 32–33, 91–92

Adams, Abigail, 19

advice, 129–134

affirmation, rational, 97

Allen, Steve, 68–70, 71, 72–73

Almeida, Joe, 163–165

amygdala, 80–81, 83

arduous alliances, 197–204

Arendt, Hannah, 155

authenticity, trust-building, 69–70

balance, 25, 149–154

Bernick, Carol Lavin, 175

Billings, Josh, 67

Black, Tracy. See “Mentoring in Action” vignette

Blanchard, Ken, 135

blind spots, reporting on

feedback, 135–138

feedforward, 138–144

body stance, 119

bosses, mentoring by, 216

bosses, mentoring of, 191

boundaries, busting, 28–31


fear responses and, 80–81, 83

understanding-seeking questions and, 100

buddy system, 200–201

calmness, 82

care packages, 201–202

case studies

Deanna Mulligan, 121–123

Fred Hassan, 183–185

Joe Almeida, 163–165

Liz Smith, 87–89

Mark Tercek, 51–54

Cassie (granddaughter of Chip Bell), 107

Castaneda, Carlos, 6

celebration, 180

cerebrum, 80–81, 83

champions, growing, 175–178

clarifying questions, 115–116

climaxes, of stories, 159–160

coaching vs. mentoring, 2

codependency, 168


judgment-free, 96–97

trust-building, 72–73

Confucius, 169

context, story, 158–159


invitations to risk and, 93–97

as quality of good mentoring, 26

uncovering, 84–85

creative discovery, 100

credibility, trust-building, 70–72

curiosity, 105

Curtin, Steve, 125–126

dance metaphor, 55, 56

Dances with Wolves, 194–196

Dass, Ram, 6

Denver, John, 187

description, in storytelling, 161

dialogues, 113–120

dissonance, in storytelling, 159

dominance, on Mentor Scale

balance and, 152–153

defined, 47, 48–49

inquiry talents and, 102

dramatization, in storytelling, 160

Dunbar, John, 194–196

dynamic modeling, 94–96

“The Eagle” (McNally), 222

e-mentoring, 203–204

empathy, 63, 83–84

ending mentoring relationships, 179–181

Estep, Mike, 177

ethics, 26–27

exaggeration, 161–162

extending, 4, 33, 118, 167–168

family, as component of expansive learning environment, 30–31

FAQs, 216–219

fast-paced environments, 197–199

fear, 79–85

feedback, 135–138

feedforward, 138–144

feeling, as component of expansive learning environment, 30

fellowship, 170

The Fifth Discipline (Senge), 5, 31

fight-or-flight reaction, 82–83

FIRO-B® test instrument, 48


as component of expansive learning environment, 29

listening skills and, 109

on purpose, 145–148

in storytelling, 161

follow-up, 181

freedom, as component of expansive learning environment, 31

Fritch, Bruce, 56

Frost, Robert, 17, 79

Gadiesh, Orit, 62

Gamble, Jack. See “Mentoring in Action” vignette

Gandhi, Mohandas, 59

“George” (shark owner), 27–28

gestures, 119, 161

Gibran, Khalil, 125

gifting, 4, 33, 61–62, 125–127

Hammer, Michael, 36

Hassan, Fred, 183–185

Hesselbein, Frances, 205–207

higher-level thinking, 104

Homer, 21–22

Howard, Pierce, 100

humility, 75–78, 83, 192

Huxley, Aldous, 156

“I can help” trap, 23

“I can help you get ahead” trap, 24

“I know best” trap, 23

informal learning, 172–173

initiating questions, 115–116

inquiry talents, assessing, 102

invitations to risk, 93–97

John XXIII (Pope), 91

Jones, Franklin P., 135

Jourard, Sidney, 91

judgment-free communication, 96–97

Kicking Bird, 194–196

King, Larry, 69

Kipling, Rudyard, 156

Knowles, Malcolm, 26

labels, 218

Lao-Tzu, 43

learning coaches, as term, 2

learning entrepreneurs, need for, 1

learning organization, as concept, 5

learning plan outline, 221

leveling communication, 60–61

Lewis, C. S., 197

listening, 107–112

locations for mentoring sessions, 217

long-distance mentoring, 199–204

Mackey, Harvey, 27

Managing as a Performing Art (Vaill), 197

mask removal, 57

mastering vs. mastery, 27–28

McCloy, John, 189

McMahon, Ed, 71

Menninger, Karl A., 107

Mentor (in Odyssey), 21–22

mentoring (overview)

as art, 5–7

defined, 1–2, 17–21

importance of, 4–5

Mentoring Competence Measures, 213–215

“Mentoring in Action” vignette

recap: advice-giving, 134

recap: dialogues, 120

recap: rapport, 64–65

story, 35–41

Mentor Scale

assessing inquiry talents with, 102, 103

balance and, 152–153

main discussion, 43–50

mind-set, 114–115

mirror, being a, 111

“Mockingbirds” (Oliver), 62

modeling, dynamic, 94–96

Morgan, Piers, 110

Mulligan, Deanna, 121–123

Nadler, Leonard, 203

Navratilova, Martina, 177

nonverbal behavior, 119, 161

Nordstrom, 146

obstacles to learning, 171–172

The Odyssey (Homer), 21–22

Oliver, Mary, 62

openness, on Mentor Scale

balance and, 153

defined, 47, 49

inquiry talents and, 103

The Owner’s Manual for the Brain (Howard), 100

paraphrasing, 116–117

partnership, surrendering and, 55–57

passion, 26

pauses, in storytelling, 161

peer mentoring, 190–191

perfection, avoiding, 153–154

personality clashes, 217

personality tests, 216

places for mentoring sessions, 217

positive, staying, in storytelling, 161

Powell, John, 91–92

Powers of Mind (Smith), 156

precarious relationships, 189–196

precarious situations, 197–204

priming the pump, 115–118

protégé, as term, 2

protégés, tips for, 211–212

purpose, focusing on, 145–148


effective, 99–105

in nontraditional relationships, 192–193

quick tips, 211–212

raffle listening, 109

rapport, 59–65

rational affirmation, 97

readings on mentoring, 220

receptivity for feelings, 62

reciprocal learning, 193

reflective responses, 62–63

remote mentoring, 199–204

rescuing, support without, 151–153

resistance, 193

restatements, 116–117

risk, invitations to, 93–97

Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, 146

Rogers, Carl, 32, 62

Rose, Charlie, 110

Rosenfeld, Irene, 87–89

Rummler, Geary, 171

SAGE model, 3–4, 31–34

Schutz, Will, 48


Mentoring Competence Measure, 215

Mentor Scale, 43–50, 102, 103, 152–153

self-directed learning plans, 203

self-esteem, bolstering, 84–85

Sellers, Patricia, 62

Senge, Peter, 5, 31, 93, 145

separation, 179–181

setup statements, 102–103

shift, narrative, 161

Smith, Adam (psychologist), 156

Smith, Liz, 87–89

sociability, on Mentor Scale

balance and, 152

defined, 47, 48

inquiry talents and, 102

Socrates, 99, 105

soothing, 82–84

Springfield ReManufacturing, 146

Stack, Jack, 146

storytelling, 155–162

summarizing, 117–118

supervisors, mentoring by, 216

supervisors, mentoring of, 191

support without rescuing, 151–153

surrendering, 3, 32, 55–57

surrogate mentors, 202

Swim with the Sharks without Being Eaten Alive (Mackay), 27

sympathy, 63

Tannenbaum, Bob, 75–77

teachable moments, 150–151

Tercek, Mark, 51–54

Terence, 75

Thoreau, Henry David, 179

time of day for mentoring sessions, 217

The Tonight Show, 68, 69

transfer of learning, 169–174

The Transparent Self (Jourard), 91

traps to avoid, 23–24

trust, as quality of good mentoring, 25–26

trust making, 67–73

truth, as quality of good mentoring, 25

Tupper, M. F., 149

understanding-seeking questions, 100

unholy alliances, 187–196

Vaill, Peter, 197

Vidal, Gore, 129

Voltaire, 99

“What Exactly Is Charisma?” (Sellers), 62

white-water mentoring, 197–199

Why Am I Afraid to Tell You Who I Am? (Powell), 91–92

“why” questions, 104–105

Williams, Margery, 113

Wilson, Eugene S., 175

Woods, Tiger, 177

Xun Zi, 55

“you need me” trap, 24

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