• Obesity, 333

  • Occupational Safety and Health Act, 502, 504510

  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

    • AIDS/HIV and, 510511

    • effectiveness of, 510

    • fines for violations of, 500501, 509

    • functions of, 430

    • illiteracy and workplace accidents, 251

    • insubordination, 452

    • responsibilities of, 506509, 525526

    • state plans approved by, 509

  • Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC), 506, 509

  • OFCCP (Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs), 100, 101, 105, 314315

  • Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), 100, 101, 105, 314315

  • Office romances, 442444

  • Offshore outsourcing, 7071

  • Offshoring, 70

  • Off-the-job training, 245. See also Employee training

  • OJT. See On-the-job training (OJT)

  • Old boys’ network, 136

  • Older workers, profile of, 132133

  • Older Workers Protection Act (OWPA) of 1990, 95

  • Ombudsman, 415

  • On-site medical clinics, 377

  • On-the-job training (OJT). See also Employee training

    • benefits and drawbacks of, 245

    • effects of, 236

    • explanation of, 244

    • forms of, 244245

    • variability of, 245

  • Open-door programs, 414, 452

  • Openness to experience, 166

  • Organizational analysis, 241

  • Organizational challenges, 10

  • Organizational culture. See also Culture

    • explanation of, 13

    • inclusive, 137138

    • support for, 32

  • Organizational politics, 217219

  • Organizational restructuring, 12

  • Organizational structure

    • boundaryless, 48

    • bureaucratic, 46, 47

    • explanation of, 45

    • flat, 4648

    • strategy and, 4546

    • support for, 32

  • Organizations

    • business unit strategies of, 2830

    • capabilities of, 32

    • corporate strategies of, 28

    • environmental forces affecting, 3031

    • restructuring of, 12

  • Organized labor. See Labor unions

  • Orientation, 254255

  • OSHA. See Occupational Safety and HealthAdministration (OSHA)

  • OSHRC (Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission), 506, 509

  • Outcome appraisal instruments, 212

  • Outplacement, 195196

  • Outplacement assistance, 185

  • Outplacement services, 196

  • Outsourcing

    • advantages and disadvantages of, 70

    • explanation of, 69

    • offshore, 7071

    • subcontracting, 69

    • trends in, 1617, 533534

  • Overall cost leadership strategy, 28

  • Overtime pay

  • OWPA (Older Workers Protection Act) of 1990, 95

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