• Sabbatical leave, 386

  • Sabotage, 514515

  • Safety. See Workplace safety/health

  • Safety programs, 517, 519520

  • Salaried employees, 3

  • Salaries. See also Compensation

    • executive, 346347

    • performance appraisal interview discussion of, 221

    • for women, 136

  • Sales commission plans, 350

  • Salespeople, compensation plans for, 350

  • Same-sex marriage, 130131

  • Same-sex sexual harassment, 92

  • Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, 415, 441

  • SARs (stock appreciation rights), 348

  • Scanlon Plan, 340

  • Secret Ballot Protection Act, 482

  • Security issues

    • after employee layoff, 194

    • human resource information systems, 75

    • internal security, 1516

  • Segar v. Civiletti, 216

  • Segmented communication channels, 125

  • Selection. See also Employee recruitment/selection

    • costs of, 185

    • for expatriate assignments, 543543

    • explanation of, 155, 163

    • job performance predictors for, 164171

    • legal issues related to, 173174

    • person/organization fit and, 171

    • reaction to selection devices, 172173

    • reliability and validity in, 163164

  • Self-assessment, 266268

  • Self-funding plans, 378

  • Self-insurance pools, 370

  • Self-managed teams (SMTs), 12, 5051

  • Self-review, 215

  • Senior employees, 2

  • Seniority

    • layoffs and, 193

    • in unionized companies, 491

  • Seniority defense, 8990

  • Senior mentoring programs, 141

  • Senior Professional Human Resources (SPHR), 35

  • SEP (simplified employee pension), 384

  • Separation pay, 185

  • Service industry, 910

  • Severance pay, 185, 387

  • Severity error, 216

  • Sexual harassment

    • cases involving, 9093, 137

    • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission regulations on, 85

    • hostile work environment, 90

    • investigation of complaints of, 9394

    • policies related to, 9

    • quid pro quo, 90

    • reducing potential liability for, 93

    • same-sex, 92

    • Title VII and, 9091

  • Sick leave, 385386

  • Simplified employee pension (SEP), 384

  • Simulations, for employee training, 246247

  • Situational factors, of performance, 224

  • Skill assessment exercises, 267

  • Skill-based pay, 294

  • Skills assessment, 267

  • Skills-based compensation plans, 311

  • Skills inventories, 272

  • Skills training, 248

  • Slides, for employee training, 245246

  • Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), 534535

  • Small businesses

    • compensation case, 357

    • compensation plans in, 311312

    • employee suggestions in, 419

    • family-owned, 311312

    • flexible work schedules in, 72

    • global markets and, 534535

    • growth of, 12

    • layoffs in, 189

    • minority and women-owned, 121122

    • pay-for-performance plans in, 351353

    • workers’ compensation and, 369370

  • SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises), 534535

  • Smoking, 438

  • SMTs (self-managed teams), 12, 5051

  • Socialization

  • Social media. See Technology/social media

  • Social networking, 408409

  • Social Security, 367369

  • Social Security Act of 1935, 367369, 370

  • Software

    • performance appraisal, 230

    • recruitment, 56

  • South Africa, AIDS in, 512

  • Speak-English-only rule, 90

  • Speak-up programs, 414415

  • Special-purpose teams, 51

  • SPHR (Senior Professional Human Resources), 35

  • Spirit of cooperation, 326327

  • Staff employees, 2

  • Staffing process, 24

  • Statistical selection strategy, 171

  • Statutory rights, 430

  • Stereotypes

    • of Asian Americans, 127

    • avoiding promotion of, 142

    • cultural, 553

    • of Hispanics, 132

    • of Muslims, 134135

    • of older individuals, 133

  • Stereotyping, 119

  • Stock appreciation rights (SARs), 348

  • Stock awards, 348

  • Stock-based programs, 348

  • Stock options, 347, 348

  • Stock purchase plans, 348

  • Strategic HR choices

    • compensation as, 26

    • employee and labor relations as, 2627

    • employee rights as, 27

    • employee separations as, 26

    • explanation of, 24

    • international management as, 27

    • performance appraisal as, 26

    • staffing as, 24

    • training and career development as, 26

    • work flows as, 24

  • Strategic human resource (HR) planning

    • benefits of, 21

    • challenges of, 2224

    • explanation of, 21

    • strategic HR choices and, 2427

  • Strategic plans, 23

  • Stress

    • burnout, 520

    • pay-for-performance and, 329

    • from rapid change, 34

  • Strikes. See Labor strikes

  • Structured interviews, 167168

  • SUB (supplemental unemployment benefits), 371

  • Subcontracting, 69. See also Outsourcing

  • Subordinate review, 215

  • Substance use/abuse, 454455

  • Succession planning, 151, 269

  • Suggestion systems, 418419

  • Supplemental unemployment benefits (SUB), 371

  • Support groups, 139

  • Survivor benefits, 369

  • Suspension, 446

  • SWOT analysis, 282

  • System factors of performance, 224

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