Developing an Innovation Strategy

Photograph of a puffer fish.

“A great deal of business success depends on generating new knowledge and on having the capabilities to react quickly and intelligently to this new knowledge …I believe that strategic thinking is a necessary but overrated element of business success. If you know how to design great motorcycle engines, I can teach you all you need to know about strategy in a few days. If you have a Ph.D. in strategy, years of labor are unlikely to give you the ability to design great new motorcycle engines.”

– Richard Rumelt (1996) California Management Review, 38, 110, on the continuing debate about the causes of Honda’s success in the US motorcycle market

The earlier quotation from a distinguished professor of strategy appears on the surface not to be a strong endorsement of his particular trade. In fact, it offers indirect support for the central propositions of this chapter [1]:

  1. Firm-specific knowledge – including the capacity to exploit it – is an essential feature of competitive success.
  2. An essential feature of corporate strategy should therefore be an innovation strategy, the purpose of which is deliberately to accumulate such firm-specific knowledge.
  3. An innovation strategy must cope with an external environment that is complex and ever changing, with considerable uncertainties about present and future developments in technology, competitive threats, and market (and nonmarket) demands.
  4. Internal structures and processes must continuously balance potentially conflicting requirements:
    1. to identify and develop specialized knowledge within technological fields, business functions, and product divisions;
    2. to exploit this knowledge through integration across technological fields, business functions, and product divisions.

Given complexity, continuous change, and consequent uncertainty, we believe that the so-called rational approach to innovation strategy, still dominant in practice and in the teaching at many business schools, is less likely to be effective than an incremental approach that stresses continuous adjustment in the light of new knowledge and learning. We also argue that the approach pioneered by Michael Porter correctly identifies the nature of the competitive threats and opportunities that emerge from advances in technology and rightly stresses the importance of developing and protecting firm-specific technology in order to enable firms to position themselves against the competition. But it underestimates the power of technology to change the rules of the competitive game by modifying industry boundaries, developing new products, and shifting barriers to entry. It also overestimates the capacity of senior management to identify and predict the important changes outside the firm, and to implement radical changes in competencies and organizational practices within the firm.

In this chapter, we develop what we think is the most useful framework for defining and implementing innovation strategy. We propose that such a framework is the one developed by David Teece and Gary Pisano. It gives central importance to the dynamic capabilities of firms and distinguishes three elements of corporate innovation strategy: (i) competitive and national positions, (ii) technological paths, and (iii) organizational and managerial processes. We begin by summarizing the fundamental debate in corporate strategy between “rationalist” and “incrementalist” approaches and argue that the latter approach is more realistic, given the inevitable complexities and uncertainties in the innovation process.

4.1 “Rationalist” or “Incrementalist” Strategies for Innovation?

The long-standing debate between “rational” and “incremental” strategies is of central importance to the mobilization of technology and to the purposes of innovation strategy. We begin by reviewing the main terms of the debate and conclude that the supposedly clear distinction between strategies based on “choice” or on “implementation” breaks down when firms are making decisions in complex and fast-changing competitive environments. Under such circumstances, formal strategies must be seen as part of a wider process of continuous learning from experience and from others to cope with complexity and change.

Notions of corporate strategy first emerged in the 1960s. A lively debate has continued since then among the various “schools” or theories. Here we discuss the two most influential: the “rationalist” and the “incrementalist.” The main protagonists are Ansoff of the rationalist school and Mintzberg among the incrementalists [2]. A face-to-face debate between the two in the 1990s can be found in the Strategic Management Journal and an excellent summary of the terms of the debate can be found in Whittington [3]. Research Note 4.1 identifies current themes in innovation strategy.

Rationalist Strategy

“Rationalist” strategy has been heavily influenced by military experience, where strategy (in principle) consists of the following steps: (i) describe, understand, and analyze the environment; (ii) determine a course of action in the light of the analysis; and (iii) carry out the decided course of action. This is a “linear model” of rational action: appraise, determine, and act. The corporate equivalent is SWOT: the analysis of corporate strengths and weaknesses in the light of external opportunities and threats. This approach is intended to help the firm to:

  • Be conscious of trends in the competitive environment.
  • Prepare for a changing future.
  • Ensure that sufficient attention is focused on the longer term, given the pressures to concentrate on the day to day.
  • Ensure coherence in objectives and actions in large, functionally specialized and geographically dispersed organizations.

However, as John Kay has pointed out, the military metaphor can be misleading [4]. Corporate objectives are different from military ones: namely, to establish a distinctive competence enabling them to satisfy customers better than the competition – and not to mobilize sufficient resources to destroy the enemy (with perhaps the exception of some Internet companies). Excessive concentration on the “enemy” (i.e., corporate competitors) can result in strategies emphasizing large commitments of resources for the establishment of monopoly power, at the expense of profitable niche markets and of a commitment to satisfying customer needs. Research Note 4.2 discusses the relationships between R&D spending and innovation performance.

More important, professional experts, including managers, have difficulties in appraising accurately their real situation, essentially for two reasons. First, their external environment is both complex, involving competitors, customers, regulators, and so on; and fast-changing, including technical, economic, social and political change. It is therefore difficult enough to understand the essential features of the present, let alone to predict the future. Case Study 4.1 provides examples of the failings of forecasting. Second, managers in large firms disagree on their firms” strengths and weaknesses in part because their knowledge of what goes on inside the firm is imperfect.

Incrementalist Strategy

Given the conditions of uncertainty, “incrementalists” argue that the complete understanding of complexity and change is impossible: our ability both to comprehend the present and to predict the future is therefore inevitably limited. As a consequence, successful practitioners – engineers, doctors and politicians, as well as business managers – do not, in general, follow strategies advocated by the rationalists, but incremental strategies which explicitly recognize that the firm has only very imperfect knowledge of its environment, of its own strengths and weaknesses, and of the likely rates and directions of change in the future. It must therefore be ready to adapt its strategy in the light of new information and understanding, which it must consciously seek to obtain. In such circumstances the most efficient procedure is to:

  1. Make deliberate steps (or changes) toward the stated objective.
  2. Measure and evaluate the effects of the steps (changes).
  3. Adjust (if necessary) the objective and decide on the next step (change).

This sequence of behavior goes by many names, such as incrementalism, trial and error, “suck it and see,” muddling through and learning. When undertaken deliberately, and based on strong background knowledge, it has a more respectable veneer, such as:

  • Symptom → diagnosis → treatment → diagnosis → adjust treatment → cure (for medical doctors dealing with patients).
  • Design → development → test → adjust design → retest → operate (for engineers making product and process innovations).

Corporate strategies that do not recognize the complexities of the present, and the uncertainties associated with change and the future, will certainly be rigid, will probably be wrong, and will potentially be disastrous if they are fully implemented. Case Study 4.2 identifies some of the limits of the rational planning approach to strategy. But this is not a reason for rejecting analysis and rationality in innovation management. On the contrary, under conditions of complexity and continuous change, it can be argued that “incrementalist” strategies are more rational (i.e., more efficient) than “rationalist” strategies. Nor is it a reason for rejecting all notions of strategic planning. The original objectives of the “rationalists” for strategic planning – set out above – remain entirely valid. Corporations, and especially big ones, without any strategies will be ill-equipped to deal with emerging opportunities and threats: as Pasteur observed “… chance favours only the prepared mind [11].”

Implications for Management

This debate has two sets of implications for managers. The first concerns the practice of corporate strategy, which should be seen as a form of corporate learning, from analysis and experience, how to cope more effectively with complexity and change. The implications for the processes of strategy formation are the following:

  • Given uncertainty, explore the implications of a range of possible future trends.
  • Ensure broad participation and informal channels of communication.
  • Encourage the use of multiple sources of information, debate and skepticism.
  • Expect to change strategies in the light of new (and often unexpected) evidence.

The second implication is that successful management practice is never fully reproducible. In a complex world, neither the most scrupulous practicing manager nor the most rigorous management scholar can be sure of identifying – let alone evaluating – all the necessary ingredients in real examples of successful management practice. In addition, the conditions of any (inevitably imperfect) reproduction of successful management practice will differ from the original, whether in terms of firm, country, sector, physical conditions, state of technical knowledge, or organizational skills and cultural norms.

Thus, in conditions of complexity and change – in other words, the conditions for managing innovation – there are no easily applicable recipes for successful management practice. This is one of the reasons why there are continuous swings in management fashion, as discussed in Case Study 4.3. Useful learning from the experience and analysis of others necessarily requires the following:

  1. A critical reading of the evidence underlying any claims to have identified the factors associated with management success. Compare, for example, the explanations for the success of Honda in penetrating the US motorcycle market in the 1960s, given (i) by the Boston Consulting Group: exploitation of cost reductions through manufacturing investment and production learning in deliberately targeted and specific market segments [13]; and (ii) by Richard Pascale: flexibility in product–market strategy in response to unplanned market signals, high-quality product design, manufacturing investment in response to market success [14]. The debate has recently been revived, although not resolved, in the California Management Review [15].
  2. A careful comparison of the context of successful management practice, with the context of the firm, industry, technology, and country in which the practice might be reused. For example, one robust conclusion from management research and experience is that the major ingredients in the successful implementation of innovation are effective linkages among functions within the firm and with outside sources of relevant scientific and marketing knowledge. Although very useful to management, this knowledge has its limits. Conclusions from a drug firm that the key linkages are between university research and product development are profoundly misleading for an automobile firm, where the key linkages are among the product development, the manufacturing, and the supply chain. And even within each of these industries, important linkages may change over time. In the drug industry, the key academic disciplines are shifting from chemistry to include more biology. And in automobiles, computing and associated skills have become important for the development of “virtual prototypes” and for linkages between product development, manufacturing, and the supply chain [16].

Research Note 4.3 discusses Blue Ocean strategies, as a specific example of more radical innovation.

4.2 Innovation “Leadership” versus “Followership”

According to conventional strategic management prescriptions, firms must also decide between two market strategies [17]:

  1. Innovation “leadership” – where firms aim at being first to market, based on technological leadership. This requires a strong corporate commitment to creativity and risk-taking, with close linkages both to major sources of relevant new knowledge, and to the needs and responses of customers.
  2. Innovation “followership” – where firms aim at being late to market, based on imitating (learning) from the experience of technological leaders. This requires a strong commitment to competitor analysis and intelligence, to reverse engineering (i.e., testing, evaluating, and taking to pieces competitors’ products, in order to understand how they work, how they are made, and why they appeal to customers), and to cost cutting and learning in manufacturing.

However, in practice, the distinction between “innovator” and “follower” is much less clear. For example, a study of the product strategies of 2273 firms found that market pioneers continue to have high expenditures on R&D, but that this subsequent R&D is most likely to be aimed at minor, incremental innovations. A pattern emerges where pioneer firms do not maintain their historical strategy of innovation leadership, but instead focus on leveraging their competencies in minor incremental innovations. Conversely, late entrant firms appear to pursue one of two very different strategies. The first is based on competencies other than R&D and new product development – for example, superior distribution or greater promotion or support. The second, more interesting strategy is to focus on major new product development projects in an effort to compete with the pioneer firm [18]. Research Note 4.4 discusses the influence of different innovation strategies on firm performance.

However, this example also reveals the essential weaknesses of Porter’s framework for analysis and action. As Martin Fransman has pointed out, technical personnel in firms like IBM in the 1970s were well aware of trends in semiconductor technology, and their possible effects on the competitive position of mainframe producers [19]. IBM in fact made at least one major contribution to developments in the revolutionary new technology: RISC microprocessors. Yet, in spite of this knowledge, none of the established firms proved capable over the next 20 years of achieving the primary objective of strategy, as defined by Porter: “… to find a position … where a company can best defend itself against these competitive forces or can influence them in its favour.”

Like many mainstream industrial economics, Porter’s framework underestimates the power of technological change to transform industrial structures, and overestimates the power of managers to decide and implement innovation strategies. Or, to put it another way, it underestimates the importance of technological trajectories, and of the firm-specific technological and organizational competencies to exploit them. Large firms in mainframe computers could not control the semiconductor trajectory. Although they had the necessary technological competencies, their organizational competencies were geared to selling expensive products in a focused market, rather than a proliferating range of cheap products in an increasing range of (as yet) unfocused markets.

These shortcomings of Porter’s framework in its treatment of corporate technology and organization led it to underestimate the constraints on individual firms in choosing their innovation strategies. In particular, a firm’s established product base and related technological competencies will influence the range of technological fields and industrial sectors in which it can hope to compete in future. Chemical-based firms do not diversify into making electronic products, and vice versa. It is very difficult (but not impossible) for a firm manufacturing traditional textiles to have an innovation strategy to develop and make computers [20].

In addition, opportunities are always emerging from advances in knowledge, so that:

  • Firms and technologies do not fit tidily into preordained and static industrial structures. In particular, firms in the chemical, electrical, and electronic industries are typically active in a number of product markets and also create new ones like personal computers. Really new innovations (as distinct from radical or incremental), which involve some discontinuity in the technological or marketing base of a firm, are actually very common [21].
  • Technological advances can increase opportunities for profitable innovation in so-called mature sectors. See, for example, the opportunities generated over the past 15 years by applications of IT in marketing, distribution, and coordination in such firms as Benetton [22]. See also the increasing opportunities for technology-based innovation in traditional service activities like banking, following massive investments in IT equipment and related software competencies [23].
  • Firms do not become stuck in the middle as Porter predicted. John Kay has shown that firms with medium costs and medium quality compared to the competition achieve higher returns on investment than those with either low–low or high–high strategies [24]. Furthermore, some firms achieve a combination of high quality and low cost compared to competitors and this reaps high financial returns. These and related issues of product strategy will be discussed in Chapter 10. Research Note 4.5 contrasts the success of first mover and follower strategies.

There is also little place in Porter’s framework for the problems of implementing a strategy:

  • Organizations that are large and specialized must be capable of learning and changing in response to new and often unforeseen opportunities and threats. This does not happen automatically, but must be consciously managed. In particular, the continuous transfer of knowledge and information across functional and divisional boundaries is essential for successful innovation. Studies confirm that the explicit management of competencies across different business divisions can help to create radical innovations, but that such interactions demand attention to leadership roles, team composition, and informal networks [25].
  • Elements of Porter’s framework have been contradicted as a result of organizational and related technological changes. The benefits of nonadversarial relations with both suppliers and customers have become apparent. Instead of bargaining in what appears to be a zero-sum game, cooperative links with customers and suppliers can increase competitiveness, by improving both the value of innovations to customers and the efficiency with which they are supplied [26].

According to a survey of innovation strategies in Europe’s largest firms, just over 35% replied that the technical knowledge they obtain from their suppliers and customers is very important for their own innovative activities [27].

Christensen and Raynor provide a recent and balanced summary of the relative merits of the rational versus incremental approaches to strategy:

… core competence, as used by many mangers, is a dangerously inward-looking notion. Competitiveness is far more about doing what customers value, than doing what you think you’re good at … the problem with the core competence/not your core competence categorization is that what might seem to be a noncore activity today might become an absolutely critical competence to have mastered in a proprietary way in the future, and vice versa … emergent processes should dominate in circumstances in which the future is hard to read and it is not clear what the right strategy should be … the deliberate strategy process should dominate once a winning strategy has become clear, because in those circumstances effective execution often spells the difference between success and failure [28].

4.3 The Dynamic Capabilities of Firms

Teece and Pisano [29] integrate the various dimensions of innovation strategy identified above into what they call the “dynamic capabilities” approach to corporate strategy, which underlines the importance of dynamic change and corporate learning:

This source of competitive advantage, dynamic capabilities, emphasizes two aspects. First, it refers to the shifting character of the environment; second, it emphasizes the key role of strategic management in appropriately adapting, integrating, and reconfiguring internal and external organizational skills, resources, and functional competencies toward a changing environment (p. 537).

To be strategic, a capability must be honed to a user need (so that there are customers), unique (so that the products/services can be priced without too much regard for the competition), and difficult to replicate (so that profits will not be competed away) (p. 539).

We advance the argument that the strategic dimensions of the firm are its managerial and organizational processes, its present position, and the paths available to it. By managerial processes, we refer to the way things are done in the firm, or what might be referred to as its “routines,” or patterns of current practice and learning. By position, we refer to its current endowment of technology and intellectual property, as well as its customer base and upstream relations with suppliers. By paths, we refer to the strategic alternatives available to the firm and the attractiveness of the opportunities which lie ahead (pp. 537–41, our italics).

Institutions: Finance, Management, and Corporate Governance

Firms’ innovative behaviors are strongly influenced by the competencies of their managers and the ways in which their performance is judged and rewarded (and punished). Methods of judgement and reward vary considerably among countries, according to their national systems of corporate governance: in other words, the systems for exercising and changing corporate ownership and control. In broad terms, we can distinguish two systems: one that is practiced in the United States and the United Kingdom and the other in Japan, Germany, and its neighbors, such as Sweden and Switzerland. In his book, Capitalism against Capitalism, Michel Albert calls the first the “Anglo-Saxon” and the second the “Nippon–Rhineland” variety [30]. A lively debate continues about the essential characteristics and performance of the two systems, in terms of innovation and other performance variables. Table 4.1 is based on a variety of sources and tries to identify the main differences that affect innovative performance.

TABLE 4.1 The Effects of Corporate Governance on Innovation

Characteristics Anglo-Saxon Nippon–Rhineland
Ownership Individuals, pension funds, insurers Companies, individuals, banks
Control management Dispersed, arm’s length
Business schools (USA), accountants (UK)
Concentrated, close and direct
Engineers with business training
Evaluation of R&D investments Published information Insider knowledge
Strengths Responsive to radically new technological opportunities
Efficient use of capital
Higher priority to R&D than to dividends for shareholders
Remedial investment in failing firms
Weakness Short-termism
Inability to evaluate firm-specific intangible assets
Slow to deal with poor investment choices
Slow to exploit radically new technologies

In the United Kingdom and the United States, corporate ownership (shareholders) is separated from corporate control (managers), and the two are mediated through an active stock market. Investors can be persuaded to hold shares only if there is an expectation of increasing profits and share values. They can shift their investments relatively easily. On the other hand, in countries with governance structures like those of Germany or Japan, banks, suppliers, and customers are more heavily locked into the firms in which they invest.

These differences contribute to different patterns of investment and innovation. For example, the US system has since been more effective in generating resources to exploit radically new opportunities in IT and biotechnology, whereas countries strongly influenced by German and Japanese traditions persisted in investing heavily in R&D in established industries and technologies, such as capital equipment and automotive. Japanese firms have proved unable to repeat in telecommunications, software, microprocessors, and computing their technological and competitive successes in consumer electronics [31]. German firms have been slow to exploit radically new possibilities in IT and biotechnology [32], and there have been criticisms of expensive and unrewarding choices in corporate strategy, like the entry of Daimler-Benz into aerospace [33].

National systems of innovation clearly influence the rate and direction of innovation of domestic firms, and vice versa, but larger firms also learn and exploit innovation from other countries, as shown in Table 4.2. Firms have at least three reasons for monitoring and learning from the development of technological, production, and organizational competencies of national systems of innovation, and especially from those that are growing and strong:

  1. They will be the sources of firms with a strong capacity to compete through innovation. For example, beyond Japan, other East Asian countries are developing strong innovation systems, in particular, business firms in South Korea and Taiwan. Following the collapse of the Russian Empire, we have also seen the reemergence of strong systems of innovation in the Czech Republic and Hungary.
  2. They are also potential sources of improvement in the corporate management of innovation and in national systems of innovation. However, as we shall see below, understanding, interpreting, and learning general lessons from foreign systems of innovation are a difficult task. Effectiveness in innovation has become bound up with wider national and ideological interests, which makes it more difficult to separate fact from belief. Both the business press and business education are dominated by the English language and Anglo-Saxon examples.
  3. Finally, firms can benefit more specifically from the technology generated in foreign systems of innovation. A high proportion of large European firms attach great importance to foreign sources of technical knowledge, whether obtained through affiliated firms (i.e., direct foreign investment) and joint ventures, links with suppliers and customers, or reverse engineering. In general, they find it is more difficult to learn from Japan than from North America and elsewhere in Europe, probably because of greater distances – physical, linguistic, and cultural. Conversely, East Asian firms have been very effective over the past 25 years in making these channels an essential feature of their rapid technological learning. Case Study 4.4 provides examples of how firms from latecomer nations come to dominate emerging sectors.

TABLE 4.2 Relative Importance of National and Overseas Sources of Technical Knowledge (% Firms Judging Source as Being “Very Important”)

Source: Arundel, A., G. van der Paal, and L. Soete, Innovation strategies of Europe’s largest industrial firms, PACE Report, MERIT, 1995, University of Limbourg, Maastricht. Reproduced by permission of Anthony Arundel.

Home Country Other Europe North America Japan
Affiliated firms 48.9 42.9 48.2 33.6
Joint ventures 36.6 35.0 39.7 29.4
Independent suppliers 45.7 40.3 30.8 24.1
Independent customers 51.2 42.2 34.8 27.5
Public research 51.1 26.3 28.3 12.9
Reverse engineering 45.3 45.9 40.0 40.0

The slow but significant internationalization of R&D is also a means by which firms can learn from foreign systems of innovation. There are many reasons why multinational companies choose to locate R&D outside their home country, including regulatory regime and incentives, lower cost or more specialist human resources, proximity to lead suppliers or customers, but in many cases a significant motive is to gain access to national or regional innovation networks. Overall, the proportion of R&D expenditure made outside the home nation has grown from less than 15% in 1995 to more than 25% by 2009. However, some countries are more advanced in internationalizing their R&D than others, as shown in Figure 4.1. In this respect, European firms are the most internationalized and the Japanese the least.

Bar graph illustration of internationalization of R&D by region (percentage of R&D expenditure outside home region).

FIGURE 4.1 Internationalization of R&D by region (% R&D expenditure outside home region).

Source: Data derived from Edler, J., F. Meyer-Krahmer, and G. Reger, Changes in the strategic management of technology: Results of a global benchmarking study. R&D Management, 2002. 32(2), 149–64.

Learning and Imitating

While information on competitors’ innovations is relatively cheap and easy to obtain, corporate experience shows that knowledge of how to replicate competitors’ product and process innovations is much more costly and time-consuming to acquire. Such imitation typically costs between 60% and 70% of the original, and typically takes three years to achieve [34].

These conclusions are illustrated by the examples of Japanese and Korean firms, where very effective imitation has been sustained by heavy and firm-specific investments in education, training, and R&D [35]. As Table 4.3 shows, R&D managers’ report that the most important methods of learning about competitors’ innovations were independent R&D, reverse engineering, and licensing, all of which are expensive compared to reading publications and the patent literature. Useful and usable knowledge does not come cheap. A similar and more recent survey of innovation strategy in more than 500 large European firms also found that nearly half reported the great importance of the technical knowledge they accumulated through the reverse engineering of competitors’ products [36].

TABLE 4.3 Effectiveness of Methods of Learning About Competitors

Source: Levin, R. et al., Appropriating the returns from industrial research and development. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1987. 3, 783–820. Reproduced by permission of The Brookings Institution.

Method of Learning Overall Sample Means*
Processes Products
Independent R&D 4.76 5.00
Reverse engineering 4.07 4.83
Licensing 4.58 4.62
Hiring employees from innovating firm 4.02 4.08
Publications or open technical meetings 4.07 4.07
Patent disclosures 3.88 4.01
Consultations with employees of the innovating firm 3.64 3.64

*Range: 1 = not at all effective; 7 = very effective.

More formal approaches to technology intelligence gathering are less widespread, and the use of different approaches varies by company and sector, as shown in Figure 4.2. For example, in the pharmaceutical sector, where much of the knowledge is highly codified in publications and patents, these sources of information are scanned routinely, and the proximity to the science base is reflected in the widespread use of expert panels. In electronics, product technology roadmaps are commonly used along with the lead users. Surprisingly (according to this study of 26 large firms), long-established and proven methods such as Delphi studies, S-curve analysis, and patent citations are not in widespread use.

Chart illustration displaying the use of technology intelligence methods by sector.

FIGURE 4.2 Use of technology intelligence methods by sector.

Source: Data derived from Lichtenthaler, E., Technological intelligence processors in leading European and North American multinationals. R&D Management, 2004. 34(2), 121–34.

4.4 Appropriating the Benefits from Innovation

Technological leadership in firms does not necessarily translate itself into economic benefits [37]. Teece argues that the capacity of the firm to appropriate the benefits of its investment in technology depends on two factors: (i) the firm’s capacity to translate its technological advantage into commercially viable products or processes and (ii) the firm’s capacity to defend its advantage against imitators. Thus, effective patent protection enabled Pilkington to defend its technological breakthrough in glass making and stopped Kodak imitating Polaroid’s instant photography. Lack of commitment of complementary assets in production and marketing resulted in the failure of EMI and Xerox to reap commercial benefits from their breakthroughs in medical scanning and personal computing technologies. In video recorders, Matsushita succeeded against the more innovative Sony in imposing its standard, in part because of a more liberal licensing policy toward competitors.

Some of the factors that enable a firm to benefit commercially from its own technological lead can be strongly shaped by its management: for example, the provision of complementary assets to exploit the lead. Other factors can be influenced only slightly by the firm’s management and depend much more on the general nature of the technology, the product market, and the regime of intellectual property rights: for example, the strength of patent protection. We identify nine factors that influence the firm’s capacity to benefit commercially from its technology:

  1. Secrecy
  2. Accumulated tacit knowledge
  3. Lead times and after-sales service
  4. The learning curve
  5. Complementary assets
  6. Product complexity
  7. Standards
  8. Pioneering radical new products
  9. Strength of patent protection

We begin with those over which management has some degree of discretion for action and move on to those where its range of choices is more limited.

  1. Secrecy is considered an effective form of protection by industrial managers, especially for process innovations. However, it is unlikely to provide absolute protection, because some process characteristics can be identified from an analysis of the final product, and because process engineers are a professional community, who talk to each other and move from one firm to another, so that the information and knowledge inevitably leak out [38]. Moreover, there is evidence that, in some sectors, firms that share their knowledge with their national system of innovation outperform those that do not, and that those that interact most with global innovation systems have the highest innovative performance [39]. Specifically, firms that regularly have their research (publications and patents) cited by foreign competitors are rated more innovative than others, after controlling for the level of R&D. In some cases, this is because sharing knowledge with the global system of innovation may influence standards and dominant designs (see later) and can help attract and maintain research staff, alliance partners, and other critical resources.
  2. Accumulated tacit knowledge can be long and difficult to imitate, especially when it is closely integrated in specific firms and regions. Examples include product design skills, ranging from those of Benetton and similar Italian firms in clothing design to those of Rolls-Royce in aircraft engines.
  3. Lead times and after-sales service are considered by practitioners as major sources of protection against imitation, especially for product innovations. Taken together with a strong commitment to product development, they can establish brand loyalty and credibility, accelerate the feedback from customer use to product improvement, generate learning-curve cost advantages, and therefore increase the costs of entry for imitators. Based on the survey of large European firms, Table 4.4 shows that there are considerable differences among sectors in product development lead times, reflecting differences both in the strength of patent protection and in product complexity.
  4. The learning curve in production generates both lower costs and a particular and powerful form of accumulated and largely tacit knowledge that is well recognized by practitioners. In certain industries and technologies (e.g., semiconductors, continuous processes), the first-comer advantages are potentially large, given the major possibilities for reducing unit costs with increasing cumulative production. However, such “experience curves” are not automatic and require continuous investment in training and learning.
  5. Complementary assets. The effective commercialization of an innovation very often depends on assets (or competencies) in production, marketing, and after-sales to complement those in technology. For example, EMI did not invest in them to exploit its advances in electronic scanning. On the other hand, Teece argues that strong complementary assets enabled IBM to catch up in the personal computer market [40].
  6. Product complexity. However, Teece was writing in the mid-1980s, and IBM’s performance in personal computers has been less than impressive since then. Previously, IBM could rely on the size and complexity of its mainframe computers as an effective barrier against imitation, given the long lead times required to design and build copy products. With the advent of the microprocessor and standard software, these technological barriers to imitation disappeared and IBM was faced in the late 1980s with strong competition from IBM “clones,” made in the United States and in East Asia. Boeing and Airbus have faced no such threat to their positions in large civilian aircraft, since the costs and lead times for imitation remain very high. Product complexity is recognized by managers as an effective barrier to imitation.
  7. Standards. The widespread acceptance of a company’s product standard widens its own market and raises barriers against competitors. Carl Shapiro and Hal Varian have written the standard (so far) text on the competitive dynamics of the Internet economy [41], where standards compatibility is an essential feature of market growth, and “standards wars” an essential feature of the competitive process. The market leader normally has the advantage in a standards war, but this can be overturned through radical technological change, or a superior response to customers’ needs [42]. Competing firms can adopt either “evolutionary” strategies minimizing switching costs for customers (e.g., backward compatibility with earlier generations of the product) or “revolutionary” strategies based on greatly superior performance–price characteristics, such that customers are willing to accept higher switching costs [43]. Standards wars are made less bitter and dramatic when the costs to the losers of adapting to the winning standard are relatively small. This is discussed in Research Note 4.6.

    TABLE 4.4 Inter-industry Differences in Product Development Lead Time

    Source: Arundel, A., G. van der Paal, and L. Soete, Innovation strategies of Europe’s largest industrial firms, PACE Report, MERIT, 1995, University of Limbourg, Maastricht. Reproduced by permission of Anthony Arundel.

    Industry % of Firms Noting >5 years for Development and Marketing of Alternative to a Significant Product Innovation
    All 11.0
    Pharmaceuticals 57.5
    Aerospace 26.3
    Chemicals 17.2
    Petroleum products 13.6
    Instruments 10.0
    Automobiles  7.3
    Machinery  5.7
    Electrical equipment  5.3
    Basic metals  4.2
    Utilities  3.7
    Glass, cement, and ceramics  0
    Plastics and rubber  0
    Food  0
    Telecommunication equipments  0
    Computers  0
    Fabricated metals  0

    Different factors will have an influence at different phases of the standards process. In the early phases, aimed at demonstrating technical feasibility, factors such as the technological superiority, complementary assets, and credibility of the firm are most important, combined with the number and nature of other firms and appropriability regime. In the next phase, creating a market, strategic maneuvering, and regulation are most important. In the decisive phase, the most significant factors are the installed base, complementary assets, credibility and influence of switching costs, and network effects. However, in practice, it is not always easy to trace such ex-ante factors to ex-post success in successfully establishing a standard (see Table 4.5). This is one reason why increasing collaboration is occurring earlier in the standards process, rather than the more historical “winner takes all” standards battles in the later stages [48]. Research in the telecommunications and other complex technological environments, where system-wide compatibility is necessary, confirms that early advocates of standards via alliances are more likely to create standards and achieve dominant positions in the industry network (see also Case Study 4.5 on Ericsson and the GSM standard) [49]. In contrast, the failure of Philips and Sony to establish their respective analog video standards, and subsequent recordable digital media standards, compared to the success of VHS, CD, and DVD standards, which were the result of early alliances. Where strong appropriability regimes exist, compatibility standards may be less important than customer interface standards, which help to “lock-in” customers [50]. Apple’s graphic user interface is a good example of this trade-off.

  8. Pioneering radical new products. It is not necessarily a great advantage to be a technological leader in the early stages of the development of radically new products, when the product performance characteristics, and features valued by users, are not always clear, either to the producers or to the users themselves. Especially for consumer products, valued features emerge only gradually through a process of dynamic competition, which involves a considerable amount of trial, error, and learning by both producers and users. New features valued by the users in one product can easily be recognized by competitors and incorporated in subsequent products. That is why market leadership in the early stages of the development of personal computers was so volatile, and why pioneers are often displaced by new entrants [51]. In such circumstances, product development must be closely coupled with the ability to monitor competitors’ products and to learn from customers. According to research by Tellis and Golder, pioneers in radical consumer innovations rarely succeed in establishing long-term market positions. Success goes to so-called “early entrants” with the vision, patience, and flexibility to establish a mass consumer market [52]. As a result, studies suggest that the success of product pioneers ranges between 25% (for consumer products) and 53% (for high-technology products), depending on the technological and market conditions. For example, studies of the PIMS (Profit Impact of Market Strategy) database indicate that (surviving) product pioneers tend to have higher quality and a broader product line than followers, whereas followers tend to compete on price, despite having a cost disadvantage. A pioneer strategy appears more successful in markets where the purchasing frequency is high, or distribution important (e.g., fast-moving consumer goods), but confers no advantage where there are frequent product changes or high advertising expenditure (e.g., consumer durables) [53].
  9. Strength of patent protection can, as we have already seen in the earlier described examples, be a strong determinant of the relative commercial benefits to innovators and imitators. Table 4.6 summarizes the results of the surveys of the judgements of managers in large European and US firms about the strength of patent protection. The firms’ sectors are ordered according to the first column of figures, showing the strength of patent protection for product innovations for European firms. Patents are judged to be more effective in protecting product innovations than process innovations in all sectors except petroleum refining, probably reflecting the importance of improvements in chemical catalysts for increasing process efficiency. It also shows that patent protection is rated more highly in chemical-related sectors (especially drugs) than in other sectors. This is because it is more difficult in general to “invent round” a clearly specified chemical formula than round other forms of invention. Case Study 4.5 discusses the relative competitive advantages of standards, patents, and first-mover strategies.

TABLE 4.5 Cases of Standardization and Innovation Success and Failure

Source: Derived from Chiesa, V. and G. Toletti, Standards-setting in the multimedia sector. International Journal of Innovation Management, 2003. 7(3), 281–308.

Standard Outcome Key Actors and Technology
Betamax Failure Sony, pioneering technology
VHS Success Matsushita and JVC alliance, follower technology
CD Success Sony and Philips alliance for hardware, Columbia and Polygram for content
DCC Failure Philips, digital evolution of analogue cassette
Minidisc Failure Sony competitor to DCC, relaunched after DCC withdrawn, limited subsequent success
MS-DOS Success Microsoft and IBM
Navigator Mixed Netscape was a pioneer and early standard for Internet browsers, but Microsoft’s Explorer overtook this position

TABLE 4.6 Inter-industry Differences in the Effectiveness of Patenting

Source: Arundel, A., G. van de Paal, and L. Soete, Innovation strategies of Europe’s largest industrial firms, PACE Report, MERIT, 1995, University of Limbourg, Maastricht and Levin, R. et al., Appropriating the returns from industrial research and development. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1987. 3, 783–820. Reproduced by permission of Anthony Arundel.

Industry Products Processes
Europe USA Europe USA
Drugs 4.8 4.6 4.3 3.5
Plastic materials 4.8 4.6 3.4 3.3
Cosmetics 4.6 2.9 3.9 2.1
Plastic products 3.9 3.5 2.9 2.3
Motor vehicle parts 3.9 3.2 3.0 2.6
Medical instruments 3.8 3.4 2.1 2.3
Semiconductors 3.8 3.2 3.7 2.3
Aircraft and parts 3.8 2.7 2.8 2.2
Communication equipments 3.6 2.6 2.4 2.2
Steel mill products 3.5 3.6 3.5 2.5
Measuring devices 3.3 2.8 2.2 2.6
Petroleum refining 3.1 3.1 3.6 3.5
Pulp and paper 2.6 2.4 3.1 1.9

Range: 1 = not at all effective; 5 = very effective.
Note: Some industries omitted because of lack of Europe–USA comparability.

Radically, new technologies are now posing new problems for the protection of intellectual property, including the patenting system. The number of patents granted to protect software technology is growing in the United States and so are the number of financial institutions getting involved in patenting for the first time [54]. Debate and controversy surround important issues, such as the possible effects of digital technology on copyright protection [55], the validity of patents to protect living organisms, and the appropriate breadth of patent protection in biotechnology [56].

Finally, we should note that firms can use more than one of the earlier mentioned nine factors to defend their innovative lead. For example, in the pharmaceutical industry, secrecy is paramount during the early phases of research; however, in the later stages of research, patents become critical. Complementary assets such as global sales and distribution become more important at the later stages. Despite all the merger and acquisitions in this sector, these factors, combined with the need for a significant critical mass of R&D, have resulted in relatively stable international positions of countries in pharmaceutical innovation over a period of some 70 years. Firms typically deploy all the useful means available to them to defend their innovations against imitation [57].

4.5 Exploiting Technological Trajectories

In this section, we focus on firms and broad technological trajectories [58]. This is because firms and industrial sectors differ greatly in their underlying technologies. For example, designing and making an automobile is not the same as designing and making a therapeutic drug, or a personal computer. We are dealing not with one technology, but with several technologies, each with its historical pattern of development, skill requirements, and strategic implications. Therefore, it is a major challenge to develop a framework, for integrating changing technology into strategic analysis, that deals effectively with corporate and sectoral diversity. Later, we describe the framework that one of us has developed over the past 10 or more years to encompass diversity [59]. It has been strongly influenced by the analyses of the emergence of the major new technologies over the past 150 years by Chris Freeman and his colleagues [60] and by David Mowery and Nathan Rosenberg [61].

A number of studies have shown marked, similar, and persistent differences among industrial sectors in the sources and directions of technological change. They can be summarized as follows:

  • Size of innovating firms: typically big in chemicals, road vehicles, materials processing, aircraft, and electronic products and small in machinery, instruments, and software.
  • Type of product made: typically price sensitive in bulk materials and consumer products and performance sensitive in ethical drugs and machinery.
  • Objectives of innovation: typically product innovation in ethical drugs and machinery, process innovation in steel, and both in automobiles.
  • Sources of innovation: suppliers of equipment and other production inputs in agriculture and traditional manufacture (such as textiles); customers in instrument, machinery, and software; in-house technological activities in chemicals, electronics, transport, machinery, instruments, and software; and basic research in ethical drugs.
  • Locus of own innovation: R&D laboratories in chemicals and electronics, production engineering departments in automobiles and bulk materials, design offices in machine building, and systems departments in service industries (e.g., banks and supermarket chains).

In the face of such diversity, there are two opposite dangers. One is to generalize about the nature, source, directions, and strategic implications of innovation on the basis of experience in one firm or in one sector. In this case, there is a strong probability that many of the conclusions will be misleading or plain wrong. The other danger is to say that all firms and sectors are different and that no generalizations can be made. In this case, there can be no cumulative development of useful knowledge. In order to avoid these twin dangers, one of us distinguished five major technological trajectories, each with its distinctive nature and sources of innovation, and with its distinctive implications for technology strategy and innovation management. This was done on the basis of systematic information on more than 2000 significant innovations in the United Kingdom and of a reading of historical and case material. In Table 4.7, we identify for each trajectory its typical core sectors, its major sources of technological accumulation, and its main strategic management tasks.

TABLE 4.7 Five Major Technological Trajectories

Supplier Dominated Scale Intensive Science Based Information Intensive Specialized Suppliers
Typical core products Agriculture Services
Traditional manufacture
Bulk materials
Consumer durables
Civil engineering
Main sources of technology Suppliers
Production learning
Production engineering
Production learning
Design offices
Basic research
Software and systems departments Suppliers Design
Advanced users
Main tasks of innovation strategy
Positions Based on nontechnological advantages Cost-effective and safe complex products and processes Develop technically related products New products and services Monitor and respond to user needs
Paths Use of IT in finance and distribution Incremental integration of new knowledge (e.g., virtual prototypes, new materials, B2B*) Exploit basic science (e.g., molecular biology) Design and operation of complex information processing systems Matching changing technologies to user needs
Processes Flexible response to user Diffusion of best practice in design, production, and distribution Obtain complementary assets. Redefine divisional boundaries To match IT-based opportunities with user needs Strong links with lead users

*B2B = business to business.

Knowledge of these major technological trajectories can improve the analysis of particular companies’ technological strategies, by helping answer the following questions:

  • Where do the company’s technologies come from?
  • How do they contribute to competitive advantage?
  • What are the major tasks of innovation strategy?
  • Where are the likely opportunities and threats, and how can they be dealt with?

Although the above taxonomy has held up reasonably well to subsequent empirical tests, it inevitably simplifies [62]. For example, we can find “supplier-dominated” firms in electronics and chemicals, but they are unlikely to be technological pacesetters. In addition, firms can belong in more than one trajectory. In particular, large firms in all sectors have capacities in scale-intensive (mainly mechanical and instrumentation) technologies, in order to ensure efficient production. Software technology is beginning to play a similarly pervasive role across all sectors. We have recently extended this taxonomy based on survey and interview data on the innovative activities of almost 1000 firms, as shown in Table 4.8. Research Note 4.7 identifies different combinations of technology and market strategies.

TABLE 4.8 Patterns of Innovation in the “New” and “Old” Economies

Source: Derived from Floricel, S. and R. Miller, An exploratory comparison of the management of innovation in the new and old economies. R&D Management, 2003. 33(5), 501–25.

Variable New Economy Old Economy
R&D sets strategic vision of firm 5.14 3.56
R&D active participant in making corporate strategy 5.87 4.82
R&D responsible for developing new business 5.05 3.76
Transforming academic research into products 4.64 3.09
Accelerating regulatory approval 4.62 3.02
Reliability and systems engineering 5.49 4.79
Making products de facto standard 3.56 2.71
Anticipating complex client needs 4.95 3.94
Exploration with potential customers and lead users 5.25 4.41
Probing user needs with preliminary designs 4.72 3.59
Using roadmaps of product generations 4.51 3.26
Planned replacement of current products 3.56 2.53
Build coalition with commercialization partners 4.18 3.38
Working with suppliers to create complementary offers 4.32 3.61

Scale: 1 (low) – 7 (high); only statistically significant differences shown, n = 75 firms.

4.6 Developing Firm-specific Competencies

The ability of firms to track and exploit the technological trajectories described earlier depends on their specific technological and organizational competencies and on the difficulties that competitors have in imitating them. The notion of firm-specific competencies has become increasingly influential among economists, trying to explain why firms are different, and how they change over time, and also among business practitioners and consultants, trying to identify the causes of competitive success [63].

Hamel and Prahalad on Competencies

The most influential business analysts promoting and developing the notion of “core competencies” have been Gary Hamel and C. K. Prahalad [64]. Their basic ideas can be summarized as follows:

  1. The sustainable competitive advantage of firms resides not in their products but in their core competencies: “The real sources of advantage are to be found in management’s ability to consolidate corporate-wide technologies and production skills into competencies that empower individual businesses to adapt quickly to changing opportunities” (p. 81).
  2. Core competencies feed into more than one core product, which in turn feed into more than one business unit. They use the metaphor of the tree:
    • End products = Leaves, flowers and fruit
    • Business units = Smaller branches
    • Core products = Trunk and major limbs
    • Core competencies = Root systems
    Examples of core competencies include Sony in miniaturization, Philips in optical media, 3M in coatings and adhesives, and Canon in the combination of the precision mechanics, fine optics, and microelectronics technologies that underlie all their products. See Case Study 4.6. Examples of core products include Honda in lightweight, high-compression engines and Matsushita in key components in video cassette recorders.
  3. The importance of associated organizational competencies is also recognized: “Core competence is communication, involvement, and a deep commitment to working across organizational boundaries” (1990, p. 82).
  4. Core competencies require focus: “Few companies are likely to build world leadership in more than five or six fundamental competencies. A company that compiles a list of 20 to 30 capabilities has probably not produced a list of core competencies” (1990, p. 84).
  5. As Table 4.9 shows, the notion of core competencies suggests that large and multidivisional firms should be viewed not only as a collection of strategic business units (SBUs) but also as bundles of competencies that do not necessarily fit tidily in one business unit. More specifically, the conventional multidivisional structure may facilitate efficient innovation within specific product markets, but may limit the scope for learning new competencies: firms with fewer divisional boundaries are associated with a strategy based on capabilities broadening, whereas firms with many divisional boundaries are associated with a strategy based on the deepening of capabilities [66].

TABLE 4.9 Two Views of Corporate Structure: Strategic Business Units and Core Competencies

Strategic Business Unit Core Competencies
Basis for competition Competitiveness of today’s products Inter-firm competition to build competencies
Corporate structure Portfolio of businesses in related product markets Portfolio of competencies, core products, and business
Status of business unit Autonomy: SBU “owns” all resources other than cash SBU is a potential reservoir of core competencies
Resource allocation SBUs are unit of analysis. Capital allocated to SBUs SBUs and competencies are unit of analysis. Top management allocates capital and talent
Value added of top management Optimizing returns through trade-offs among SBUs Enunciating strategic architecture and building future competencies

Assessment of the Core Competencies Approach

The great strength of the approach proposed by Hamel and Prahalad is that it places the cumulative development of firm-specific technological competencies at the center of the agenda of corporate strategy. Although they have done so by highlighting practice in contemporary firms, their descriptions reflect what has been happening in successful firms in science-based industries since the beginning of the twentieth century. For example, Gottfried Plumpe has shown that the world’s leading company in the exploitation of the revolution in organic chemistry in the 1920s – IG Farben in Germany – had already established numerous “technical committees” at the corporate level, in order to exploit emerging technological opportunities that cut across divisional boundaries [67]. These enabled the firm to diversify progressively out of dyestuffs into plastics, pharmaceutical and other related chemical products. Other histories of businesses in chemicals and electrical products tell similar stories [68]. In particular, they show that the competence-based view of the corporation has major implications for the organization of R&D, for methods of resource allocation and for strategy determination, to which we shall return later. In the meantime, their approach does have limitations and leaves at least three key questions unanswered.

  1. Differing potentials for technology-based diversification? It is not clear whether the corporate core competencies in all industries offer a basis for product diversification. Compare the recent historical experience of most large chemical and electronics firms, where product diversification based on technology has been the norm, with that of most steel and textile firms, where technology-related product diversification has proved very difficult [69].
  2. Multi-technology firms? Recommendations that firms should concentrate resources on a few fundamental (or “distinctive”) world-beating technological competencies are potentially misleading. Large firms are typically active in a wide range of technologies, in only a few of which do they achieve a “distinctive” world-beating position [70]. In other technological fields, a background technological competence is necessary to enable the firm to coordinate and benefit from outside linkages, especially with suppliers of components, subsystems, materials, and production machinery. In industries with complex products or production processes, a high proportion of a firm’s technological competencies is deployed in such background competencies, as shown in Table 4.10 [71].

TABLE 4.10 The Strategic Function of Corporate Technologies

Strategic Functions Definition Typical Examples
Core or critical functions Central to corporate competitiveness. Distinctive and difficult to imitate Technologies for product design and development. Key elements of process technologies
Background or enabling Broadly available to all competitors, but essential for efficient design, manufacture, and delivery of corporate products Production machinery, instruments, materials, components (software)
Emerging or key Rapidly developing fields of knowledge presenting potential opportunities or threats, when combined with existing core and background technologies Materials, biotechnology, ICT-software

For example, in terms of innovation strategy, it is important to distinguish firms where IT is a core technology and a source of distinctive competitive advantage (e.g., Cisco, the supplier of Internet equipment) from firms where it is a background technology, requiring major changes but available to all competitors from specialized suppliers, and therefore unlikely to be a source of distinctive and sustainable competitive advantage (e.g., Tesco, the UK supermarket chain). See Table 4.10.

In all industries, emerging (key) technologies can end up having pervasive and major impacts on firms’ strategies and operations (e.g., software). A good example of how an emerging/key technology can transform a company is provided by the Swedish telecommunications firm Ericsson. Table 4.11 traces the accumulation of technological competencies, with successive generations of mobile cellular phones and telecommunication cables. In both cases, each new generation required competencies in a wider range of technological fields, and very few established competencies were made obsolete. The process of accumulation involved both increasing links with outside sources of knowledge, and greater expenditures on R&D, given greater product complexity. This was certainly not a process of concentration, but of diversification in both technology and product.

TABLE 4.11 Technological Accumulation Across Product Generations

Source: Derived from Granstrand, O., E. Bohlin, C. Oskarsson, and N. Sjorberg, External technology acquisition in large multi-technology corporations. R&D Management, 1992. 22.

Product and Generation No. of Important Technologies R&D Costs % of Technologies Acquired Externally Main Technological Fields
No. of Patent Classes
(a) (b) Total (c) (base = 100)
Cellular phones
1. NMT-450 n.a. n.a. 5 n.a. 100 12 E 17
2. NMT-900 5 5 10 0 200 28 EPM 25
3. GSM 9 5 14 1 500 29 EPMC 29
Telecommunication cables
1. Coaxial n.a. n.a. 5 n.a. 100 30 EPM 14
2. Optical 4 6 10 1 500 47 EPCM 17

n.a. = not applicable.


(a) No. of technologies from the previous generation.

(b) No. of new technologies, compared to previous generation.

(c) No. of technologies now obsolete from previous generation.

(d) “Main” = >15% of total engineering stock. Categories are: E = electrical; P = physics; K = chemistry; M = mechanical; C = computers.

(e) Number of international patent classes (IPC) at four-digit level.

For these reasons, the notion of “core competencies” should perhaps be replaced for technology by the notion of “distributed competencies,” given that, in large firms, they are distributed:

  • over a large number of technical fields;
  • over a variety of organizational and physical locations within the corporation – in the R&D, production engineering and purchasing departments of the various divisions, and in the corporate laboratory;
  • among different strategic objectives of the corporation, which include not only the establishment of a distinctive advantage in existing businesses (involving both core and background technologies) but also the exploration and establishment of new ones (involving emerging technologies). Research Note 4.8 examines the relationships between four capabilities and innovation performance.
  1. Core rigidities? As Dorothy Leonard-Barton has pointed out, “core competencies” can also become “core rigidities” in the firm, when established competencies become too dominant [72]. In addition to sheer habit, this can happen because established competencies are central to today’s products, and because large numbers of top managers may be trained in them. As a consequence, important new competencies may be neglected or underestimated (e.g., the threat to mainframes from mini- and microcomputers by management in mainframe companies). In addition, established innovation strengths may overshoot the target. In Research Note 4.9, Leonard-Barton gives a fascinating example from the Japanese automobile industry: how the highly successful “heavyweight” product managers of the 1980s (see Chapter 10) overdid it in the 1990s. Many examples show that, when “core rigidities” become firmly entrenched, their removal often requires changes in top management.

Developing and Sustaining Competencies

The final question about the notion of core competencies is very practical: how can management identify and develop them?

Definition and measurement. There is no widely accepted definition or method of measurement of competencies, whether technological or otherwise. One possible measure is the level of functional performance in a generic product, component, or subsystem: in, for example, performance in the design, development, manufacture, and performance of compact, high-performance combustion engines. As a strategic technological target for a firm like Honda, this obviously makes sense. But its achievement requires the combination of technological competencies from a wide variety of fields of knowledge, the composition of which changes (and increases) over time. Twenty years ago, they included mechanics (statics and dynamics), materials, heat transfer, combustion, fluid flow. Today, they also include ceramics, electronics, computer-aided design, simulation techniques, and software. This is why a definition based on the measurement of the combination of competencies in different technological fields is more useful for formulating innovation strategy, and is in fact widely practiced in business [73].

Richard Hall goes some way toward identifying and measuring core competencies [74]. He distinguishes between intangible assets and intangible competencies. Assets include intellectual property rights and reputation. Competencies include the skills and know-how of employees, suppliers and distributors, and the collective attributes which constitute organizational culture. His empirical work, based on a survey and case studies, indicates that managers believe that the most significant of these intangible resources are company reputation and employee know-how, both of which may be a function of organizational culture. Thus, organizational culture, defined as the shared values and beliefs of members of an organizational unit, and the associated artifacts becomes central to organizational learning.

Sidney Winter links the idea of competencies with his own notion of organizational “routines,” in an effort to contrast capabilities from other generic formulas for sustainable competitive advantage or managing change [75]. A routine is an organizational behavior that is highly patterned, is learned, derived in part from tacit knowledge and with specific goals, and is repetitious. In contrast, dynamic capabilities typically involve long-term commitments to specialized resources and consist of patterned activity to relatively specific objectives. Therefore, dynamic capabilities involve both the exploitation of existing competencies and the development of new ones. For example, leveraging existing competencies through new product development can consist of de-linking existing technological or commercial competencies from a set of current products and linking them in a different way to create new products. However, new product development can also help to develop new competencies. For example, an existing technological competence may demand new commercial competencies to reach a new market, or conversely a new technological competence might be necessary to service an existing customer [76].

The trick is to get the right balance between exploitation of existing competencies and the exploitation and development of new competencies. Research suggests that over time some firms are more successful at this than others, and that a significant reason for this variation in performance is due to difference in the ability of managers to build, integrate and reconfigure organizational competencies and resources [77]. These “dynamic” managerial capabilities are influenced by managerial cognition, human capital, and social capital. Cognition refers to the beliefs and mental models which influence the decision making. These affect the knowledge and assumptions about future events, available alternatives, and association between cause and effect. This will restrict a manager’s field of vision and influence perceptions and interpretations. Case Study 4.7 discusses the role of (limited) cognition in the case of Polaroid and digital imaging. Human capital refers to the learned skills that require some investment in education, training experience, and socialization, and these can be generic, industry- or firm-specific. It is the firm-specific factors that appear to be the most significant in dynamic managerial capability, which can lead to different decisions when faced with the same environment. Social capital refers to the internal and external relationships that affect managers’ access to information, their influence, control, and power.

Top management andstrategic architecturefor the future. The importance given by Hamel and Prahalad to top management in determining the “strategic architecture” for the development of future technological competencies is debatable. As The Economist has argued [78]:

“It is hardly surprising that companies which predict the future accurately make more money than those who do not. In fact, what firms want to know is what Mr Hamel and Mr Prahalad steadfastly fail to tell them: how to guess correctly. As if to compound their worries, the authors are oddly reticent about those who have gambled and lost.”

The evidence in fact suggests that the successful development and exploitation of core competencies does not depend on management’s ability to forecast accurately long-term technological and product developments: as Case Study 4.8 illustrates, the record here is not at all impressive [79]. Instead, the importance of new technological opportunities and their commercial potential emerge not through a flash of genius (or a throw of the dice) from senior management, but gradually through an incremental corporate-wide process of learning in knowledge building and strategic positioning. New core competencies cannot be identified immediately and without trial and error [80]. It was through a long process of trial and error that Ericsson’s new competence in mobile telephones first emerged [81]. As Case Study 4.9 shows, it is also how Japanese firms developed and exploited their competencies in optoelectronics. Research Note 4.10 discusses how different capabilities develop over time.

A study of radical technological innovations found how visions can influence the development or acquisition of competencies and identified three related mechanisms through which firms link emerging technologies to markets that do not yet exist: motivation, insight, and elaboration [83]. Motivation serves to focus attention and to direct energy and encourages the concentration of resources. It requires the senior management to communicate the importance of radical innovation and to establish and enforce challenging goals to influence the direction of innovative efforts. Insight represents the critical connection between technology and potential application. For radical technological innovations, such insight is rarely from the marketing function, customers, or competitors, but is driven by those with extensive technical knowledge and expertise with a sense of both market needs and opportunities. Elaboration involves the demonstration of technical feasibility, validating the idea within the organization, prototyping, and the building and testing of different business models.

At this point, the concept is sufficiently well elaborated to work with the marketing function and potential customers. Market visioning for radical technologies is necessarily the result of individual or technological leadership. “There were multiple ways for a vision to take hold of an organization … our expectation was that a single individual would create a vision of the future and drive it across the organization. But just as we discovered that breakthrough innovations don’t necessarily arise simply because of a critical scientific discovery, neither do we find that visions are necessarily born of singular prophetic individuals” (pp. 239–44) [83]. Case Study 4.10 illustrates how Corning developed its ceramic technologies and deep process competencies to develop products for the emerging demand for catalytic converters in the car industry and for glass fiber for telecommunications. Case Study 4.11 shows the limited role of technology in the Internet search engine business and the central role of an integrated approach to process, product, and business innovation.

4.7 Globalization of Innovation

Many analysts and practitioners have argued that, following the “globalization” of product markets, financial transactions, and direct investment, large firms’ R&D activities should also be globalized – not only in their traditional role of supporting local production but also in order to create interfaces with specialized skills and innovative opportunities at a world level [84]. This is consistent with more recent notions of “open innovation,” rather than “closed innovation” which relies on internal development. However, although striking examples of the internationalization of R&D can be found (e.g., the large Dutch firms, particularly Philips [85]), more comprehensive evidence casts doubt on the strength of such a trend (Table 4.12). This evidence is based on the countries of origin of the inventors cited on the front page of patents granted in the United States, to nearly 359 of the world’s largest, technologically active firms (and which account for about half of all patenting in the United States). This information turns out to be an accurate guide to the international spread of large firms’ R&D activities.

TABLE 4.12 Indicators of the Geographic Location of the Innovative Activities of Firms

Source: Derived from Patel, P. and K. Pavitt, National systems of innovation under strain: the internationalization of corporate R&D. In R. Barrell, G. Mason and M. O’Mahoney, eds, Productivity, Innovation and Economic Performance. 2000, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; and Patel, P. and M. Vega, Technology Strategies of Large European Firms, In: Strategic Analysis for European S&T Policy Intelligence. TSER Project 1093; Paris: OST, 1998, pp. 195−250.

Nationality of Large Firms (no.) % Share of Origin of US Patents in 1992–1996 % Share of Foreign-performed R&D Expenditure (year) % Share of Foreign Origin of US Patents in 1992–1996 % Change in Foreign Origin of US Patents, Since 1980–1984
Home Foreign US Europe Japan Other
Japan (95) 97.4  2.6 2.1 (1993)  1.9  0.6 0.0 0.1 –0.7
USA (128) 92.0  8.0 11.9 (1994)  0.0  5.3 1.1 1.6 2.2
Europe (136) 77.3 22.7 21.1  0.0 0.6 0.9 3.3
Belgium 33.2 66.8 14.0 52.6 0.0 0.2 4.9
Finland 71.2 28.8 24.0 (1992)  5.2 23.5 0.0 0.2 6.0
France 65.4 34.6 18.9 14.2 0.4 1.2 12.9
Germany 78.2 21.8 18.0 (1995) 14.1  6.5 0.7 0.5 6.4
Italy 77.9 22.1 12.0  9.5 0.0 0.6 7.4
Netherlands 40.1 59.9 30.9 27.4 0.9 0.6 6.6
Sweden 64.0 36.0 21.8 (1995) 19.4 14.2 0.2 2.2 –5.7
Switzerland 42.0 58.0 31.2 25.0 0.9 0.8 8.2
UK 47.6 52.4 38.1 12.0 0.5 1.9 7.6
All firms (359) 87.4 12.6 11.0 (1997)  5.5  5.5 0.6 0.9 2.4

Taken together, the evidence shows that [86]:

  • Twenty years ago, the world’s large firms performed about 12% of their innovative activities outside their home country. The equivalent share of production is now about 25%.
  • The most important factor explaining each firm’s share of foreign innovative activities is its share of foreign production. In general, firms from smaller countries have higher shares of foreign innovative activities. On average, the foreign production is less innovation intensive than the home production.
  • Most of the foreign innovative activities are performed in the United States and Europe (in fact, Germany). They are not “globalized.”
  • Since the late 1980s, European firms – and especially those from France, Germany, and Switzerland – have been performing an increasing share of their innovative activities in the United States, in large part in order to tap into local skills and knowledge in such fields as biotechnology and IT.

Controversy remains both in the interpretation of this general picture and in the identification of implications for the future. The development of major innovations remains complex, costly, and depends crucially on the integration of tacit knowledge. This remains difficult to achieve across national boundaries, so firms therefore still tend to concentrate major product or process developments in one country. They will sometimes choose a foreign country only when it offers identifiable advantages in the skills and resources required for such developments, and/or access to a lead market [87].

Advances in IT have enabled spectacular increases in the international flow of codified knowledge in the form of operating instructions, manuals, and software. They are also having some positive impact on international exchanges of tacit knowledge through teleconferencing, but not anywhere near to the same extent. The main impact will therefore be at the second stage of the “product cycle [88],” when product design has stabilized, and production methods are standardized and documented, thereby facilitating the internationalization of production. Product development and the first stage of the product cycle will still require frequent and intense personal exchanges, and be facilitated by physical proximity. Advances in IT are therefore more likely to favor the internationalization of production than that of the process of innovation.

The two polar extremes of organizing innovation globally are the specialization-based and integration-based, or network structure [89]. In the specialization-based structure the firm develops global centers of excellence in different fields, which are responsible globally for the development of a specific technology or product or process capability. The advantage of such global specialization is that it helps to achieve a critical mass of resources and makes coordination easier. As one R&D director notes:

“… the centre of excellence structure is the most preferable. Competencies related to a certain field are concentrated, coordination is easier, and economies of scale can be achieved. Any R&D director has the dream to structure R&D in such a way. However, the appropriate conditions seldom occur [90].”

Research Note 4.11 contrasts two conflicting strategies for the globalization of innovation.

In practice, hybrids of these two extreme structures are common, often as a result of practical compromises and trade-offs necessary to accommodate history, acquisitions, and politics. For example, specialization by center of excellence may include contributions from other units, and integrated structures may include the contribution of specialized units. The main factors influencing the decision where to locate R&D globally are in the order of importance [90]:

  1. The availability of critical competencies for the project.
  2. The international credibility (within the organization) of the R&D manager responsible for the project.
  3. The importance of external sources of technical and market knowledge, for example, sources of technology, suppliers and customers.
  4. The importance and costs of internal transactions, for example, between engineering and production.
  5. Cost and disruption of relocating key personnel to the chosen site.

Case Study 4.12 charts the development innovation strategies and capabilities in China.

View 4.1 discusses the various motivations for locating global innovation activities.

4.8 Enabling Strategy Making

Scanning and searching the environment identifies a wide range of potential targets for innovation and effectively answers the question, “What could we do?” But even the best-resourced organization will need to balance this with some difficult choices about which options it will explore – and which it will leave aside. This process should not simply be about responding to what competitors do or what customers ask for in the marketplace. Nor should it simply be a case of following the latest technological fashion. Successful innovation strategy requires understanding the key parameters of the competitive game (markets, competitors, external forces, etc.) and also the role which technological knowledge can play as a resource in this game. How can it be accumulated and shared, how can it be deployed in new products/services and processes, how can complementary knowledge be acquired or brought to bear, and so on? Such questions are as much about the management of the learning process within the firm as about investments or acquisitions – and building effective routines for supporting this process is critical to success.

Although developing such a framework is complex, we can identify a number of key routines that organizations use to create and deploy such frameworks. These help provide answers to the following three key questions:

  • Strategic analysis – what, realistically, could we do?
  • Strategic choice – what are we going to do (and in choosing to commit our resources to that, what will we leave out)?
  • Strategic monitoring – overtime reviewing to check is this still what we want to do?

Routines to Help Strategic Analysis

Research has repeatedly shown that organizations that simply innovate on impulse are poor performers. For example, a number of studies cite firms that have adopted expensive and complex innovations to upgrade their processes but which have failed to obtain competitive advantage from process innovation [91]. By contrast, those which understand the overall business, including their technological competence and their desired development trajectory, are more likely to succeed [92]. In a similar fashion, studies of product/service innovation regularly point to lack of strategic underpinning as a key problem [93]. For this reason, many organizations take time – often off-site and away from the day-to-day pressures of their “normal” operations – to reflect and develop a shared strategic framework for innovation.

Many structured methodologies exist to help organizations work through these questions and these are often used to help smaller and less experienced players build management capability [94]. An increasing emphasis is being placed on the role of intermediaries – innovation consultants and advisors – who can provide a degree of assistance in thinking through innovation strategy – and a number of regional and national government support programs include this element. Examples include the IRAP program (developed in Canada but widely used by other countries such as Thailand), the European Union’s MINT program, the TEKES counseling scheme in Finland, the Manufacturing Advisory Service in the UK (modeled in part on the US Manufacturing Extension Service in the United States), and the AMT program in Ireland [95].

In carrying out such a systematic analysis, it is important to build on multiple perspectives. Reviews can take an “outside-in” approach, using tools for competitor and market analysis, or they can adopt an “inside-out” model, looking for ways of deploying competencies. They can build on explorations of the future such as the scenarios described earlier in this chapter, and they can make use of techniques such as “technology road-mapping” to help identify courses of action which will deliver broad strategic objectives [96]. But in the process of carrying out such reviews, it is critical to remember that strategy is not an exact science so much as a process of building shared perspectives and developing a framework within which risky decisions can be located.

It is also important not to neglect the need to communicate and share this strategic analysis. Unless people within the organization understand and commit to the analysis, it will be hard for them to use it to frame their actions. The issue of strategy deployment – communicating and enabling people to use the framework – is essential if the organization is to avoid the risk of having “know-how” but not “know-why” in its innovation process. Policy deployment of this kind requires suitable tools and techniques and examples include hoshin (participative) planning, how–why charts, “bowling charts,” and briefing groups. Chapter 10 picks up this theme in more detail.

Portfolio Management Approaches

There are a variety of approaches that have developed to deal with the question of what is broadly termed “portfolio management.” These range from simple judgements about risk and reward to complex quantitative tools based on probability theory [97]. But the underlying purpose is the same – to provide a coherent basis on which to judge which projects should be undertaken and to ensure a good balance across the portfolio of risk and potential reward. Failure to make such judgements can lead to a number of problem issues, as Table 4.13 indicates.

TABLE 4.13 Criteria for Evaluating Different Types of Research Project

Objective Technical Activity Evaluation Criteria (% of all R&D) Decision-takers Market Analysis Nature of Risk Higher Volatility Longer Time Horizons Nature of External Alliances
Knowledge building Basic research, monitoring Overhead cost allocation (2–10%) R&D None Small = cost of R&D Reflects wide potential Increases search potential Research grant
Strategic positioning Focused applied research, exploratory development “Options” evaluation (10–25%) Chief executive R&D division Broad Small = cost of R&D Reflects wide potential Increases search potential R&D contract Equity
Business Investment Development and production engineering “Net present value” analysis (70–99%) Division Specific Large = total cost of launching Uncertainty reduces net present value Reduces present value Joint venture Majority control

In general, we can identify three approaches to this problem of building a strategic portfolio – benefit measurement techniques, economic models, and portfolio models. Benefit measurement approaches are usually based on relatively simple subjective judgements – for example, checklists that ask whether certain criteria are met or not. More advanced versions attempt some kind of scoring or weighting so that projects can be compared in terms of their overall attractiveness. The main weakness here is that they consider each project in relative isolation [98].

Economic models attempt to put some financial or other quantitative data into the equation – for example, by calculating a payback time or discounted cash flow arising from the project. Once again these suffer from only treating single projects rather than reviewing a bundle, and they are also heavily dependent on the availability of good financial data – not always the case at the outset of a risky project. The third group – portfolio methods – tries to deal with the issue of reviewing across a set of projects and looks for balance. A typical example is to construct some form of matrix measuring risk vs. reward – for example, on a “costs of doing the project” vs. expected returns. Research Note 4.12 demonstrates the widespread application of portfolio methods in innovation strategy.

Rather than reviewing projects just on these two criteria, it is possible to construct multiple charts to develop an overall picture – for example, comparing the relative familiarity of the market or technology – this would highlight the balance between projects that are in unexplored territory as opposed to those in familiar technical or market areas (and thus with a lower risk). Other possible axes include the ease of entry vs. market attractiveness (size or growth rate), the competitive position of the organization in the project area vs. the attractiveness of the market, or the expected time to reach the market vs. the attractiveness of the market. However, it is important to recognize that even advanced and powerful screening tools will only work if the corporate will is present to implement the recommended decisions; for example, Cooper and Kleinschmidt found that the majority of firms studied (885) performed poorly at this stage, and often failed to kill off weak concepts [99]. Table 4.13 shows different criteria for assessing different types of project. Research Note 4.13 identifies methods that support the development of innovation strategy in practice, rather than in theory.


In formulating and executing their innovation strategies, organizations cannot ignore the national systems of innovation and international value chains in which they are embedded. Through their strong influences on demand and competitive conditions, the provision of human resources, and forms of corporate governance, national systems of innovation both open opportunities and impose constraints on what firms can do.

However, although firms’ strategies are influenced by their own national systems of innovation and their position in international value chains, they are not determined by them. Learning (i.e., assimilating knowledge) from competitors and external sources of innovation is essential for developing capabilities, but does require costly investments in R&D, training, and skills development in order to develop the necessary absorptive capacity. This depends in part on what management itself does, by way of investing in complementary assets in production, marketing, service and support, and its position in local and international systems of innovation. It also depends on a variety of factors that make it more or less difficult to appropriate the benefits from innovation, such as intellectual property and international trading regimes, and over which management can sometimes have very little influence. Nonetheless, capabilities are central to developing an innovation strategy:

Resources can be tangible, including assets, plant and equipment, and location, or intangible, such as employee skills and intellectual property. However, as these are generally freely available in the market they do not necessarily in isolation confer a sustainable competitive advantage.

Capabilities are more functional than resources, and by definition are rare combinations of resource that are difficult to imitate and create value for the organization.

Dynamic capabilities allow organizations to adapt, innovate, and renew, and are therefore critical in conditions of uncertainty and for long-term growth.

Capabilities create value and contribute to competitiveness in a number of ways, including the ability to differentiate products and processes which are difficult to imitate.

Chapter 4: Concept Check Questions

  1. Capabilities are central to developing an innovation strategy because they are:
A. Assets owned and controlled by the company
B. Firm‐specific, and difficult to imitate
C. Tangible, like buildings and stock
D. Protected legal entities, like patents
Correct or Incorrect?


  1. Which of the following is NOT a positional capability?
A. Supply and distribution networks
B. Corporate and personal networks
C. Employee know‐how and skills
D. Reputation of the company
Correct or Incorrect?


  1. The sustainability and protection of resources depends upon:
A. How vulnerable the resources are to imitation or substitution
B. The price of the resources in the market
C. How much formal intellectual property are, e.g. patents
D. Investment in research and development and technology
Correct or Incorrect?


  1. A Blue Ocean strategy should focus on:
A. Lower cost offerings than the competition
B. Higher quality offerings than the competition
C. Differentiating to avoid direct competition
D. Better products than the competition
Correct or Incorrect?


  1. Which of the following factors does NOT typically influence a firm’s capacity to benefit commercially from its technology?
A. First to market
B. Accumulated tacit knowledge
C. Complementary assets
D. Standards or strength of patent protection
Correct or Incorrect?


Further Reading

Our companion text Strategic Innovation Management (Wiley, 2014) covers all these topics in greater depth. There are a number of texts that describe and compare different systems of national innovation policy, including National Innovation Systems (Oxford University Press, 1993), edited by Richard Nelson; National Systems of Innovation (Pinter, 1992), edited by B.-A. Lundvall; and Systems of Innovation: Technologies, Institutions and Organisations (Pinter, 1997), edited by Charles Edquist. The former is stronger on US policy, the other two on European, but all have an emphasis on public policy rather than corporate strategy. Michael Porter’s The Competitive Advantage of Nations (Macmillan, 1990) provides a useful framework in which to examine the direct impact on corporate behavior of innovation systems. At the other extreme, David Landes’ Wealth and Poverty of Nations (Little Brown, 1998) takes a broad (and stimulating) historical and cultural perspective. The best overview is provided by the anthology of Chris Freeman’s work in Systems of Innovation (Edward Elgar, 2008). More recent reviews of emerging economy systems include Mastering Innovation in China: Insights from History on China’s Journey towards Innovation, by Joachim Jan Thraen (Springer, 2016), China’s Next Strategic Advantage: From Imitation to Innovation, by George S. Yip and Bruce McKern (MIT Press, 2016), and National Innovation Systems, Social Inclusion and Development: The Latin American Experience, edited by Gabriela Dutrenit and Judith Sutz (Edward Elgar, 2016).

Comprehensive and balanced reviews of the arguments and evidence for product leadership versus follower positions is provided by G.J. Tellis and P.N. Golder: Will and Vision: How Latecomers Grow to Dominate Markets (McGraw-Hill, 2002) and Fast Second: How Smart Companies Bypass Radical Innovation to Enter and Dominate New Markets (Jossey Bass, 2004) by Costas Markides. More relevant to firms from emerging economies, and our favorite text on the subject, is Naushad Forbes and David Wield’s From Followers to Leaders: Managing Technology and Innovation (Routledge, 2002), which includes numerous case examples.

For recent reviews of the core competence and dynamic capability perspectives see David Teece’s Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management: Organizing for Innovation and Growth (Oxford University Press, 2011), Joe Tidd (editor) From Knowledge Management to Strategic Competence (Imperial College Press, third edition, 2012), and Connie Helfat’s Dynamic Capabilities: Understanding Strategic Change in Organizations (Blackwell, 2006). Lockett, Thompson and Morgenstern (2009) provide a useful review in “The development of the resource-based view of the firm: A critical appraisal,” International Journal of Management Reviews, 11(1), as do Wang and Ahmed (2007). “Dynamic capabilities: A review and research agenda,” International Journal of Management Reviews, 9(1). Davenport, Leibold, and Voelpel provide an edited compilation of leading strategy writers in Strategic Management in the Innovation Economy (2nd edition, Wiley, 2006), and the review edited by Robert Galavan, John Murray, and Costas Markides, Strategy, Innovation and Change (Oxford University Press, 2008), is excellent. On the more specific issue of technology strategy Vittorio Chiesa’s R&D Strategy and Organization (Imperial College Press, 2001) is a good place to start.

The renewed interest in business model innovation, that is how value is created and captured, is discussed in Strategic Market Creation: A New Perspective on Marketing and Innovation Management, a review of research at Copenhagen Business School and Bocconi University, edited by Karin Tollin and Antonella Carù (Wiley, 2008). There was a special issue of the journal Long Range Planning on innovative business models, volume 43(2 & 3), 2011, and a compilation of articles republished in the Harvard Business Review on Business Model Innovation (2012).

Case Studies

Additional case studies for this chapter include the following:

  • The Zara case demonstrates the contribution of dynamic capabilities to create a competitive advantage through process and product innovation.
  • The Fujifilm case examines how the company responded to the major changes in the photographic industry as a consequence of the emergence of digital imaging.


  1. 1. Tidd, J., From knowledge management to strategic competence. 3rd ed. 2016, London: Imperial College Press.
  2. 2. Ansoff, I., The firm of the future. Harvard Business Review, Sept–Oct, 1965. 162–78; Mintzberg, H. Crafting strategy. Harvard Business Review, July–August, 1987. 66–75. See also the interview with Mintzberg in The Academy of Management Executive, 2000. 14(3), 31–42.
  3. 3. Whittington, R., What is strategy and does it matter? 2nd ed. 2000, London: Routledge.
  4. 4. Kay, J., Foundations of corporate success: How business strategies add value. 1993, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  5. 5. Starbuck, W.H., Strategizing in the real world. International Journal of Technology Management, special publication on “Technological Foundations of Strategic Management.” 1992, 8(1/2), 77–85.
  6. 6. Howard, N., A novel approach to nuclear fusion. Dun’s Business Month, 1983. 123, 72, 76.
  7. 7. Berton, L., Nuclear energy stocks, set to explode. Financial World, 1974. 141 (16 Jan), 8–11; Freeman, C., Prometheus unbound. Futures, 1984. 16, 495–507.
  8. 8. Duysters, G., The evolution of complex industrial systems: The dynamics of major IT sectors. MERIT, 1995, University of Maastricht, Maastricht; The Economist, Fatal attraction: Why AT&T was led astray by the lure of computers, 1996. Management Brief, 23 March; Von Tunzelmann, N., Technological accumulation and corporate change in the electronics industry. In Gambardella A. and F. Malerba (eds), The organization of scientific and echnological research in Europe. 1999, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 125−57.
  9. 9. The Economist, The failure of new media. August 19, 2000, pp. 59–60.
  10. 10. The Economist, A survey of e-entertainment. October 7, 2000, pp. 125−57.
  11. 11. Pasteur, L., Address given on the inauguration of the Faculty of Science, University of Lille, 7 December. Reproduced in Oxford Dictionary of Quotations. 1954, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  12. 12. Sapsed, J., Restricted vision: Strategizing under uncertainty. 2001, London: Imperial College Press.
  13. 13. Boston Consulting Group, Strategy alternatives for the British motorcycle industry. 1975, London: HMSO.
  14. 14. Pascale, R., Perspectives on strategy: The real story behind Honda’s success. California Management Review, 1984. 26, 47–72.
  15. 15. Mintzberg, H. et al., The ‘Honda effect’ revisited. California Management Review, 1996. 38, 78–117.
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  25. 25. Tidd, J., The development of novel products through intra- and inter-organizational networks: The case of home automation. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 1995. 12(4), 307–22; McDermott, C. and G. O’Connor, Managing radical innovation: An overview of emergent strategy issues. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 2002. 19, 424–38.
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  33. 33. The Economist, Dismantling Daimler-Benz. 18 November, 1995, pp. 99–100.
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  56. 56. Mazzolini, R. and R. Nelson, The benefits and costs of strong patent protection: A contribution to the current debate. Research Policy, 1998. 26, 405.
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  63. 63. Tidd, J., From knowledge management to strategic competence. 3rd ed. 2012, London: Imperial College Press.
  64. 64. Prahalad, C. and G. Hamel, The core competencies of the corporation. Harvard Business Review, May–June, 1990, 79–91; Prahalad, C. and G. Hamel, Competing for the future. 1994, Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
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  69. 69. The Economist, Japan’s smokestack fire-sale. 19 August, 1989, p. 63–4.
  70. 70. Nand, A.A., P.J. Singh, and A. Bhattacharya, Do innovative organisations compete on single or multiple operational capabilities? International Journal of Innovation Management, 2014. 18(3), 1440001; Granstrand, O., P. Patel, and K. Pavitt, Multi-technology corporations: Why they have ‘distributed’ rather than ‘distinctive core’ competencies. California Management Review, 1997. 39, 8–25; Patel, P. and K. Pavitt, The wide (and increasing) spread of technological competencies in the world’s largest firms: A challenge to conventional wisdom. In A. Chandler, P. Hagstrom and O. Solvell (eds.), The dynamic firm. 1998, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  71. 71. Prencipe, A., Technological competencies and product’s evolutionary dynamics: A case study from the aero-engine industry. Research Policy, 1997. 25, 1261.
  72. 72. Leonard-Barton, D., Wellsprings of knowledge. 1995, Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press; Ellonen, H-K, A. Jantunen, and A. Johansson, The interplay of dominant logic and dynamic capabilities in innovative activities. International Journal of Innovation Management, 2015. 19(5), 1550052.
  73. 73. Capon, N. and R. Glazer, Marketing and technology: A strategic co-alignment. Journal of Marketing, 1987. 51, 1–14.
  74. 74. Hall, R., What are competencies. In J. Tidd (ed.), From knowledge management to strategic competence. 2nd ed. 2006, London: Imperial College Press; A framework for identifying the intangible sources of sustainable competitive advantage. In G. Hamel and A. Heene (eds.), Competence-Based Competition (pp. 149–69). 1994, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  75. 75. Winter, S.G., Understanding dynamic capabilities. Strategic Management Journal, 2003. 24, 991–5.
  76. 76. Danneels, E., The dynamic effects of product innovation and firm competencies. Strategic Management Journal, 2002. 23, 1095–21.
  77. 77. Adner, R. and C. Helfat, Corporate effects and dynamic managerial capabilities. Strategic Management Journal, 2003, 1011–25.
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