Progress indicators

Although unfitting of the context in which we are developing MyPhoto, progress indicators form an important part of many user interfaces. As such, it is worth pointing out that Bootstrap comes with some very nice styles for the progress element present in HTML5. Till date, the following classes are available:

  • progress : This is for applying a default progress bar style.
  • progress- : This is for applying context styles. Specifically, progress-success , progress-info , progress-warning , and progress-danger .
  • progress-striped : This is for adding stripes to the progress bar, and progress-animated for animating the added stripes (note that currently animations are not supported by all browsers).

Since the progress element is not supported by Internet Explorer 9, Bootstrap also supplies the progress-bar class, which allows an element to be turned into a progress bar. The progress-bar requires the parent element to have the progress class applied to it.

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