Chapter 9. Integrating with AngularJS and React

At this stage of our journey through mastering Bootstrap, we have built the MyPhoto web page using Bootstrap, along with various third-party libraries and plugins, and have optimized the web page. MyPhoto is now complete in terms of functionality.

In this chapter, we are not going to develop any new functionality. Instead, we will integrate MyPhoto with two of the currently most popular and powerful JavaScript frameworks—AngularJS ( and React (

AngularJS is a Model-View-* (MVC, MVV, and so on) JavaScript framework, while React is a JavaScript library which concentrates solely on the View part of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) type stack. To readers unfamiliar with the MVC, the term refers to a design pattern whereby the logic for modeling and representing the data, and the logic for creating the bridge between the two are strictly separated. This development approach is extremely powerful, and consequently a vast amount of web pages are built with frameworks or libraries such as AngularJS and React, as they provide very useful abstractions on top of JavaScript and the DOM.

At this point, we will fork MyPhoto, creating an AngularJS version and a React version. We will concentrate only on how AngularJS and React can help improve reusability and maintainability, and handle dynamic data. While AngularJS and React have other great functionalities, they are beyond the scope of this book.

In this chapter we will:

  • Integrate AngularJS with MyPhoto
  • Integrate React with MyPhoto

Introducing AngularJS

AngularJS is a popular and powerful JavaScript framework created by Google. AngularJS provides easily consumable abstractions on top of JavaScript to aid in the development of web applications. These abstractions include easy-to-use form validation, two-way data binding, custom HTML attributes called directives for dynamic data and rendering, a simple interface for XMLHttpRequest (XHR), the ability to create custom directives, single page application routing, and more.

We are not going to cover the intricacies and the vastness of AngularJS, but we will learn how to leverage AngularJS's built-in directives, how to create custom directives and services, and how to use AngularJS's XHR interface.

First, let's add AngularJS to our project.

Setting up AngularJS

The AngularJS team maintains a Bower package with the latest release. Let's install AngularJS. We are going to use version 1.4.8 of AngularJS:

  1. In the terminal, from the src directory, run:
    bower install angular#1.4.8 

  2. Create a copy of src/index.html , called src/index-angular.html . Let's add the minified version of AngularJS into the head of index-angular.html :
            <script src="bower_components/angular/angular.min.js"></script> 

AngularJS requires a module definition, which is basically your application container, to hook into, so that AngularJS knows which parts of the DOM to execute upon:

  1. First, create a file, src/app/myphoto.module.js , and add the following module definition:
            angular.module('MyPhoto', [])


    The AngularJS Module Definition

        angular.module('MyName', [])

    This is the simplest of module definitions. We're creating a new AngularJS module, MyPhoto. The square brackets is the definition of dependencies the MyPhoto module requires.


    This is an array of other modules, which AngularJS will then load via its Dependency Injection (DI) system. MyPhoto has no dependencies, so we leave this array empty.

  2. Next, add the module definition to the  head of the index-angular.html:
            <script src="bower_components/angular/angular.min.js">
            <script src="app/myphoto.module.js"></script>

  3. Next, we need to bootstrap. In this instance, bootstrap means loading the module and hooking it to a part of the DOM, and is not to be confused with the framework that this book is based upon! To do this, we use the ngApp AngularJS directive. The ngApp directive will automatically bootstrap the defined module to the element it is attached to, using that element as the root element of the application. We will apply ng-app to the body element of index-angular.html :
        <body ng-app="MyPhoto" data-spy="scroll" data-
        target=".navbar" class="animated fadeIn">

As you can see, we add the ng-app attribute with the value of "MyPhoto" , the name we used when defining the module in myphoto.module.js . Now, MyPhoto has been bootstrapped with an AngularJS module and is now technically an AngularJS application, although AngularJS doesn't execute or manipulate anything.

Now, let's see how we can leverage core AngularJS features, such as directives, data binding, and JavaScript abstractions to build reusable and dynamic components for MyPhoto.

Improving the testimonials component

In Chapter 7, Integrating Bootstrap with Third-Party Plugins, we built a testimonials component to demonstrate the powers of Salvattore, Hover, and Animate.css. When building this component, we hardcoded all the content and introduced a lot of repetition:

    <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="services-testimonials">
        <div class="container">
            <div class="myphoto-testimonial-grid animated fadeIn"
                <div class="myphoto-testimonial-column hvr-grow-shadow
                    <p>Great service! Would recommend to friends!</p>
                <div class="myphoto-testimonial-column hvr-grow-shadow 
                    <p>Really high quality prints!</p>
                <div class="myphoto-testimonial-column hvr-grow-shadow 
                    <p>Declared their greatness, exhibited greatness.</p>
                <div class="myphoto-testimonial-column hvr-grow-shadow 
                    <p>5 stars! Thanks for the great photos!</p>
                <div class="myphoto-testimonial-column hvr-grow-shadow 
                    <p>Made a stressful event much easier!
                    Absolute professionals!</p>
                <div class="myphoto-testimonial-column hvr-grow-shadow 
                    <p>Wonderful! Exactly as I imagined they would
                    turn out!</p>
                <div class="myphoto-testimonial-column hvr-grow-shadow 
                    <h6>Jack & Jill</h6>
                    <p>So happy with how the photos turned out! Thanks
                    for capturing the memories of our day!</p>
                <div class="myphoto-testimonial-column hvr-grow-shadow 
                    <p>Perfectly captured the mood of our gig.
                    Top notch.</p>
                <div class="myphoto-testimonial-column hvr-grow-shadow                         hvr-sweep-to-top">
                    <p>Captured our Cup final win! Great stuff!</p>

We could drastically improve the maintainability of this component by making the content dynamic and then leveraging AngularJS to recursively add individual testimonials to the DOM.

Let's learn how to load dynamic content using AngularJS.

Making testimonials dynamic

AngularJS provides an abstraction on top of XHR, the $http service, with a more usable interface than Vanilla JavaScript, using a Promise-based interface as opposed to Callbacks. A service is a singleton object that provides some core functionality across your application, increasing reusability. We can use $http to dynamically load data to use in our testimonials component.

It is good practice to use $http within an AngularJS service. In other words, any interaction between the application and a server should be wrapped within a service. Let's create a testimonialsService. Create a file, src/app/services/testimonials.service.js , with the following content:

    .service('testimonialsService', function($http) {

Here, we are attaching a new service, testimonialsService , to the MyPhoto module, and declaring that it has a dependency on the core AngularJS $http service. The testimonialsService will now be instantiated only when a component within MyPhoto depends on it, and that dependency can be declared in the same way as the $http service is declared here. Let's add some functionality. We want this service to provide a way to load data for the testimonials component in a JSON format. Ideally, this would come from a database backed API, but here we will just load it from the filesystem. Let's create a JSON file, src/data/testimonials.json, with the data for testimonials:


          "message":"Great service! Would recommend to friends!"

          "message":"Really high quality prints!"
          "message":"Declared their greatness, exhibited greatness."

          "message":"5 stars! Thanks for the great photos!"

          "message":"Made a stressful event much easier! 
          Absolute professionals!"
          "name":"Alice","message":"Wonderful! Exactly as I imagined they would turn out!"
          "name":"Jack & Jill","message":"So happy with how the photos turned 
          out! Thanks for capturing the memories of our day!"
          "message":"Perfectly captured the mood of our gig. Top notch."

          "message":"Captured our Cup final win! Great stuff!"

With the data in place, let's update testimonialsService with a function to retrieve testimonials.json :

    .service('testimonialsService', function($http) {
        function getTestimonials() {
                function(success) {
                function(error) {
                    return error
        return {
            getTestimonials: getTestimonials

Making a Promise with $q

AngularJS includes a service based on Promises to allow for asynchronous functions, called $q . As the getTestimonials function includes an asynchronous request, we need to make the function itself asynchronous. To do this, first we add a dependency on $q to testimonialsService . We then create a deferred object, which will resolve when the HTTP request succeeds, or reject when the request fails. Finally, we return a Promise, which will eventually resolve:

//Declare the service and any dependencies, attaching
    it to the MyPhoto module..
    .service('testimonialsService', function($http, $q) {
        function getTestimonials() {
            //Create the deferred object
            var deferred = $q.defer()
            //Use $http.get to create a promise to load testimonials.json 
//Call the then method of the promise 
                //Define what happens if the promise returns 
function(success) {
                    //Resolve the deferred and return the data
                    property of the success object
                //Define what happens if the promise returns an error
function(error) {
                    //Reject the deferred, returning the error value
            //Return the deferred promise 
return deferred.promise
        return {
            getTestimonials: getTestimonials

Now, our function returns a Promise, which will resolve to either the data part of our success object, or reject and return the error object. The usage of getTesimonials would now be something like:

        function(response) {
        function(error) {

What is happening here is self-explanatory. We call the getTestimonials function of testimonialsService . The getTestimonials function has a then property. We pass two functions to then : the first function takes the successful response as a parameter and defines what to do when the Promise resolves; the second function takes the rejected response and defines what to do when the Promise is rejected. Now that we have a service that will return the list of testimonials, let's create an AngularJS directive to render the component.

Creating an AngularJS directive

AngularJS provides an API for extending HTML with custom elements, attributes, comments, and classes. The AngularJS compiler will recognize a custom directive in the DOM and execute a certain specified behavior on the attached element. We are going to build the testimonial's directive using the directive interface. Let's create a new file, src/app/directives/testimonials.directive.js , with the following content:

    .directive('testimonials', function(testimonialsService) {
        return {
            restrict: 'EA',
            replace: true,
            templateUrl: './app/templates/testimonials.html',
            controller: function($scope) {
            link: function(scope, elem, attr, ctrl) {

Here, we are adding a new directive— testimonials —to the MyPhoto module, which has a dependency on testimonialsService . Directives return an object with a set of properties that are interpreted by AngularJS. We will touch on a few of them here.

First, we have restrict: 'EA' . This means that the directive can be used as either an element or an attribute. For instance, we can use as the directive in either of the following ways:

    <div testimonials></div>

There are two other ways of using a directive—as a class, by adding C to the restrict property, and as a comment, by adding M to the restrict property.

Next, we have the replace property. By setting this to true , the DOM elements generated by the directive will directly replace the DOM element calling it. If replace is set to false , then the generated elements will be nested within the calling element.

After replace , we have the templateUrl property. The templateUrl is a path to a partial HTML template which will be generated and executed upon by the directive. There is a template property also available, to allow for inline HTML in the directive. We are going to store the testimonials template in src/app/templates/testimonials.html . As src will effectively be the root of our deployed application, we will use an absolute path to the application directory.

The controller property is next, where we pass in the $scope object. The scope in AngularJS represents the data model of the current application, or the current context of the application. The $scope model here is exclusive to this instance of the testimonials directive, and cannot be manipulated by any other part of the application. The controller code is the first to be executed when a directive is instantiated, so makes for the perfect place to gather necessary data or set scope variables for the directive to use.

Finally, we have the link function. The link function is the last code to be executed during the directive life cycle. The link function is executed immediately after the directive template has been added to the DOM, so is perfect for setting event listeners or emitters, or for interacting with third-party scripts. We pass in four variables into the link function:

  • scope: This is a reference to the $scope of the directive
  • elem: This is a reference to the rendered DOM element
  • attr: This is a reference to the attributes of the element
  • ctrl: This is a reference to the previously defined controller

The variable names are unimportant here, they can be anything, but these names are pretty standard.

This is just a skeleton of a directive. AngularJS directives have many more features and intricacies than described here, and this example is just one way of writing a directive; there are many other styles. For the purposes of this example, the form of this directive is perfect.

We want the testimonials directive to render the testimonials component. To do that, it will need a list of said testimonials. In the controller function, we can use testimonialsService to retrieve the list:

    .directive('testimonials', function(testimonialsService) {
        return {
            restrict: 'EA',
            replace: true,
            templateUrl: './app/templates/testimonials.html',
            controller: function($scope) {
                .then(function(response) {
                    $scope.testimonials = response
                    }, function(error) {
                link: function(scope, elem, attr, ctrl) {

Writing the testimonials template

In the controller function, we call testimonialsService.getTestimonials . When getTestimonials resolves, we create a scope variable, testimonials , with the value of the response. If the Promise does not resolve, we output an error to the console. With this, our directive has a list of testimonials before it renders, as the controller is the first step of the directive life cycle. Now, let's write the testimonials template.

Create src/app/templates/testimonials.html with the following content:

    <div class="myphoto-testimonial-grid animated fadeIn" data-columns>
        <div ng-repeat="testimonial in testimonials track by $index" 
        class="myphoto-testimonial-column hvr-grow-shadow hvr-sweep-to

That's it. Compare this to the hard coded version and notice the difference in the amount of HTML we wrote. So, what is going on here? Well, we took the raw HTML for the testimonial component and removed the individual testimonial elements. We then added a new attribute, ng - repeat , to the myphoto-testimonials-column div element. The ng-repeat attribute is actually an AngularJS directive itself. The ng-repeat attribute loops through the data passed to it, repeatedly adding the element which is an attribute of the DOM. We give ng-repeat the value of "testimonial in testimonials track by $index" . Simply, we are saying repeat this element for every entry in the testimonials property of the directive's scope, giving each value the reference testimonial. We are also telling ng - repeat to track each entry by $ index , which is the position of the entry in testimonials . Using track by has great performance benefits for ng-repeat . Without track by , AngularJS will only identify the entries by its own built-in unique identifier, $id . If the data used for the entries is reloaded, AngularJS will recreate each DOM element in the list again. Using track by $index allows AngularJS to just reuse the entries, as it now knows which DOM elements need to be recreated and which can be reused. One caveat with using $index for tracking is that AngularJS will expect the reloaded data to be in the same order. You can use any property of the entry with track by . For example, if each object in testimonials.json had an id property, we could use track by . Within the myphoto-testimonial-column div , we create a h6 and p element, just like the raw HTML testimonial markup. Instead of hard coding values, we use the reference to the entries in the testimonials array, testimonial , provided by ng-repeat . Using testimonial along with handlebar notation, we can access the properties of each entry as ng-repeat loops through testimonials. As we loop through, AngularJS will execute on the handlebar notation, replacing them with the correct values.

Testing the testimonial directive

Let's test the testimonials directive out. First, add testimonials.service.js and testimonials.directive.js to the head of index-angular.html :

    <script src="app/services/testimonials.service.js"></script>
    <script src="app/directives/testimonials.directive.js"></script>

Next, replace the markup for the testimonials component with the directive markup. We will use the attribute form of the testimonials directive, as an attribute of a div element:

    <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="services-testimonials">
        <div class="container">
            <div testimonials></div>


With that in place, AngularJS will replace this element with the template defined in testimonials.directive , and with the testimonials from testimonials.json , served by testimonialsService.getTestimonials . Let's check it out:

Testing the testimonial directive

Figure 9.1: The improved testimonials section, displaying testimonials dynamically

Awesome! We now have a dynamic Testimonials tab, thanks to AngularJS. Something is not right here, though. Salvatorre, the dynamic grid library we introduced in Chapter 7 Integrating Bootstrap with Third-Party Plugins does not seem to be taking effect on this component anymore.

The reason for this is simple—by the time AngularJS has rendered the testimonials component, Salvatorre has already instrumented the DOM.

Importing the Salvatorre library

We need to register the testimonials component with Salvatorre after it has rendered. We can do this through the link function. First, let's add $timeout service as a dependency:

    .directive('testimonials', function(testimonialsService, $timeout)

The $timeout service is the AngularJS wrapper for the window.setTimeout function. As you may know, AngularJS works on a digest cycle, where it uses dirty-checking techniques to see which parts of the application needs to be updated. This happens routinely, or can be forced. We can use $timeout to ensure that certain code is executed in a later digest cycle. Let's update the link function with the following:

    link: function(scope, elem, attr, ctrl) {
        $timeout(function() {
        }, 1000)

Here, we are using $timeout with two parameters. The latter parameter is a delay of 10 milliseconds, to ensure the code is executed in a later digest cycle; 1,000 milliseconds should be enough to ensure the testimonial component has completed rendering. We pass in a function as the first parameter, responsible for calling Salvatorre's registerGrid function. The registerGrid function forcibly instruments the passed element with Salvattore. We pass the first element in the elem array, which is the rendered testimonial component. With this in place, the Testimonial tab will have a dynamic grid layout.

As such, we have managed to replicate the Testimonial tab—which leverages Bootstrap, Salvattore, Hover, and Animate.css—through AngularJS services and directives, using dynamic content instead of hardcoded values. Time to move onto React.

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