Dealing with messy data

The first thing that we need to deal with is qualitative data from the shape and description fields.

The shape field seems like a likely place to start. Let's see how many items have good data for it:

user=> (def data (m/read-data "data/ufo_awesome.tsv"))
user=> (count (remove (comp str/blank? :shape) data))
user=> (count (filter (comp str/blank? :shape) data))
user=> (count data)
user=> (float 2506/61137)

So 4 percent of the data does not have the shape field set to meaningful data. Let's see what the most popular values for that field are:

user=> (def shape-freqs
             (map str/trim
                  (map :shape
                       (remove (comp str/blank? :shape) data)))))
user=> (pprint (take 10 (reverse (sort-by second shape-freqs))))
(["light" 12202]
 ["triangle" 6082]
 ["circle" 5271]
 ["disk" 4825]
 ["other" 4593]
 ["unknown" 4490]
 ["sphere" 3637]
 ["fireball" 3452]
 ["oval" 2869]
 ["formation" 1788])

Interesting! The most frequent shape isn't a shape at all. The values other and unknown also rank pretty high. We can use the shape field, but we need to keep these things in mind.

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