Creating a SQL database

Azure portal provides a straightforward way to create a SQL database:

  1. As shown in the following screenshot, click on the Create a new database button, which will open another screen that asks you to enter the database name, target server, pricing tier, and more:
  1. Clicking on the Target server will navigate you to a different screen, which will ask you to create a new database server if one has not been created.
  2. As shown in the next screenshot, click on the Create a new server button to open the New server form, where you need to enter the details of the database server.
  1. Enter the Server name, which must be globally unique because it will create the database server in the domain.
  2. Enter data in the other fields, such as Server admin login, Password, and Locationand click on the Select button to continue. This will create the server and provision it so that you can access the hosted database server:
  1. The next screen will ask you to create a table API. You will need it to store your data to the backend. Pick the backend language from the list. You can either select Node.js or C#. Let's select Node.js here.
  2. Now, click the checkbox to acknowledge that the settings will overwrite all site contents. Click on Create TodoItem table to continue. The TodoItem table is a sample database table that the wizard will generate, but if you want to create any additional tables later, navigate to the Easy Tables settings:
  1. When it successfully generates a table inside your database, it will show you a green checkmark beside both settings, as shown in the following screenshot:

This confirms that the database has been successfully configured. Scroll down to view the third section, where it will generate the configuration settings and a sample model for you to start the integration of your application.

If you are creating the application from scratch, the CREATE A NEW APP tab will provide a sample Visual Studio project to get started with. If you have an existing application and/or you want to manually insert the API configurations, navigate to the CONNECT AN EXISTING APP tab, as shown in the following screenshot:

Note the highlighted section, which we will later need to create MobileServiceClient to integrate the mobile service in our project. The TodoItem model has also been generated for you to easily start with the development for the first time.

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