joules, 4


kaolinite, 352
absorbed water layers surrounding clay particle, 353
Kastell building system, 439
Kelvin equation, 29–33, 58
kerosene, 153
Kirchoff's law, 19
Knudsen diffusion, 42
Knudsen effect, 333
Knudsen number, 17
Krete, 449
krypton, 336
Kyoto protocol, 654


lamella mats, 282
laminates, 264
large sample stores, 624
latent heat, 114
latent heat storage, 110–15, 119–20
capacity, 114–15
change of phase, 110–11
chemical potential, 111–14
latent heat, 114
materials, 119–20
phase change condition, 111
law of conservation of energy, 6–7
law of conservation of mass, 6
law of conservation of momentum, 6
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories, 466
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 331
laws of thermodynamics, 4–5
leaching, 265
lead, 165
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, 478, 480, 645
leakage, 87
learning investment, 553
Legionella, 151, 164
life cycle assessment, xxi
and environmental profiling of building materials, 175–91
brief history, 177–8
building materials, 179–82
characterisation, 180–1
characterisation example, 180
LCA data/life cycle inventory information, 181–2
methodologies and product category rules, 180
normalisation, 181
weighting, 181
weighting factors, 182
environmental labelling, 178–9
framework and declaration, 179
LCA key principles, 177
life cycle approach, 176
materials sustainability, 175–6
other issues, 189–91
healthy and safe materials, 189–90
resource management, 190
responsible sourcing, 190–1
standardisation, 182–7
European committee for standardisation, 187
inputs and influences on service life planning, 186
ISO, 183–7
suite of related international standards, 185
UK context, 187–9
Envest, 188–9
environmental profiles specification scheme, 189
Green guide to specification, 188
UK BRE environmental profiles methodology, 188
life cycle inventory data, 181–2
light, 514–15
light emitting diode, 610
light pipes, 619
light shelf, 514
light steel frame, 434–5
construction example, 436
lighting, 575–6
curfews, 571
lightweight thermal mass, 446
limestone, 694
limonene, 162
Linde Molecular Sieves, 414
linearity rule, 39
linen tow, 662
linoleum, 157, 166, 621
liquid diffusivity, 60
lithium chloride, 371, 375, 420
Living with Risk – Promoting better public space design, , 150
local turbulence intensity, 140
loft insulation, 206
London Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, 634
longwave emissivity, 493
loose-fill cellulose insulation, 244
low-profile roofs, 467–9
low temperature supercritical drying, 326
lowest predicted percentage dissatisfied, 136
3Ls principles, 441
LT Method, 580
lumped capacitance method, 12–13


Mark-Houvink-Sakurada equation, 268
mass customisation, 431
mass transfer, 4, 26–46
mass wall, 699
mats, 276
Maxwell relations, 107
mean molecular free path, 41
Mean Vote, 684
Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings, 465
mechanical ventilation
extract only, 78
supply and extract system, 78
supply only, 78
vs natural ventilation, 78–9
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, 599, 600
Medium Density Fibreboard – Hazard Assessment Document, , 165
melting, 111
Merton Rule, 637
mesophase pitch-based fibres, 415
Met, 133
metal, 409–11, 422
thermal conductivity, 407
metal alkoxides, 324
metal foams, 410
metal wick, 409, 423
heat pipes, 421
metal wools, 410, 411
photo, 411
metallic salts, 321–2
micro-combined heat and power systems, 541
microencapsulation, 387
mineral foam, 217–18
mineral insulation products, main applications, 204, 206–7
cavity wall, 204
floor insulation, 206
loft insulation, 206
pipework insulation and ducts, 207
roof insulation, 206
solid wall, 204, 206
mineral wool, 211–15, 279–80, 662
mixed-mode system, 78
mixed mode ventilation, 566, 570
Model Energy Code guidelines, 462
modern methods of construction, xxii
composite design, 449–50
human factors, 450
knowledge sharing, 450
ultra thin flexible reinforced concrete membrane, 449–50
Kastell building system, 439
offsite construction, 428–30
types, 431–40
PCMs, 445–6
advancements for buildings, 446–8
portable/re-locatable building, 432
prefabricated building units, 427–50
comfort factors in lightweight buildings, 440–1
delivering sustainable comfort, 442–4
design led materials for addressing lightweight performance issues, 441
materials led building design, 427–8
new membrane developments, 448–9
standardisation in construction, 431
thermal mass in offsite potential, 445
thin solutions, 444–5
temperature control, 443–4
volumetric building, 433
moisture, 369
moisture balance, 58
moisture buffer value, 347, 349
classification scheme, 348
experimental data graph, 348 test, 33
moisture control, 54–5
moisture conversion factor, 11
moisture mass, 371
moisture storage, 58, 60
function, 31, 351
molecular sieves, 413
monoculture crops, 512
Monsanto Chemical Co., 320
Monte Carlo method, 17
montmorillonite, 352
absorbed water layers surrounding clay particle, 353
Montreal protocol, 259
mould control, 360
Movement for Innovation, 563
mud bricks, 694


n-aldehydes, 156
nano insulation materials, 18
nanoclays, 261
naphthalene, 158
narrow techno-economic calculation, 559
National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory, 508
National Calculation Method, 612
National Human Activity Pattern Survey, 151
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 394
natural fibre materials, 356–7
for insulation in buildings, 229–55
natural light, 617
natural ventilation, 78, 476–8, 575, 616, 704
characteristics, 83–4
design, 90–2
basic procedures, 90–2
design criteria, 92
ventilation strategy, 91
feasibility, 86–90
airtightness, 87–8
building envelope, 87
climate, 86–7
control, 90
cooling, 88–9
evaporative cooling, 89–90
internal heat gains, 90
occupants, 88
thermal storage, 89
Ionica Building and RWE Ag Building, 479
proposed naturally ventilated middle school for Blacksburg, VA, 477
rate illustrative variation, 84
small middle school designed to celebrate rainwater harvesting, 480
vs mechanical ventilation, 78–9
net free vent area, 464
net present value, 550
new buildings
challenges facing the new build construction sector, 632–4
future trends, 645–7
legislation role, shape and trend, 634–7
materials for energy efficiency and thermal comfort, 631–47
new flats at risk of overheating in summer, 633
phase change materials, 640–3
thermal mass, 637–40
high-mass Queens Building in reducing peak temperatures in summer, 641
vegetation and reflective materials, 643–5
white painted houses on Mediterranean island, 646
night cooling, 89
with phase-change materials, 94–6
nitrogen, 258
nitrogen oxides, 508
nonenal, 156
NORDTEST Project, 347, 348, 358
normalised performance indicator, 495
normal–normal transmittance, 488, 494
notional building, 581
nucleant, 260
nucleation, 259, 260


Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 458
offgassing, xxi, 507
carbon dioxide emissions from ECG019's office types
Good Practice offices, 567
typical offices, 566
comparison of cumulative life cycle energy, 578
energy efficiency and thermal comfort, 563–70
air conditioning and natural ventilation, 568–70
good practice/typical practice, 566–7
journey to work, 567–8
lighting and artificial lighting, 568
main differences from dwellings, 563
range and 50th percentile for operational and embodied CO2, 564
situations, 563–6
dress code, 563
external design of office buildings, 565
internal design of office buildings, 565
office equipment, 564
productivity in office buildings, 565
sick building syndrome, 565–6
theory behind the PSALI system, 569
Official Journal of the European Communities, 232
offsite construction, 428–30
future trends and materials development, 440
mechanical and electrical services, 439–40
panel systems, 434–9
concrete panel, 438–9
light steel frame, 434–5
SIPs, 437–8
timber frame, 435–7
pods and room modules, 434
pods, 434
room modules, 434
types, 431–40
volumetric buildings, 432–4
park homes and caravans, 433–4
portable and relocatable buildings, 432
volumetric (modular) building systems, 432–3
oil-filled switchgear, 609
OkSolar, 474
Ondol system, 696
opaque surface emissivity, 488
opaque wall, 700
OPEC crisis, 537
open system, 4–5
optical transparency, 335
Orange Mode Solar roof, 475
Ordinance for the Change of Chemical Ordinances, 214
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 650
oriented strandboard, 437–8, 458
oxidation reactions, 163
ozone, 159
generation, 162–3
oxidation, 369
reactions, 163


paint systems, 621–2
paints, 158, 166
palmitic acid, 386
paraffin, 384, 386, 396
effects of immersion time and PCM temperatures on PCM absorptivity, 388
Parthenocissus tricuspidata, , 644
Passiv Haus Institut, 642
passive air conditioning, 354
passive cooling, 123–4
and heating strategies, 690–6
thermal energy storage materials, 123–4
passive design, 444
Passive House standard, 639
passive infrared, 618
passive nucleants, 260
passive solar systems, 699–705
PassivHaus standard, 663
refurbishment projects, 666
PCM-gypsum wallboards, 386–9
pentachlorophenol, 158
perfluorooctane sulfonate, 166
performance assessment method, , 501
performance roofs, 467–9
perlite, 223–4, 227, 378, 662
expanded, 223–4
perm, 367
Permanent Supplementary Artificial Lighting of Interiors, 568
permeability, 87
permeability/hygroscopicity, 370
perspex, 688
pesticides, 158, 512
petroleum, 512
pets, 165
phase change materials, xxii, 94, 120, 122, 123, 124, 385, 396, 445–6, 516, 584, 640–3
active, 94–5
advancements for buildings, 446–8
airtightness, 447–8
membranes, 448
moisture control, 447
application benefits of thermal energy storage, 390–4
peak-load shifting in winter season, 392–4
thermal comfort in summer season, 390–2
computer simulation, 394–6
SUNREL software, 396–7
thermal building model, 394–6
effects of immersion time and temperatures on absorptivity, 388
full-scale testing facilities, 389–90
test room schematic plan view, 389
heat energy storage and thermal comfort in buildings, 384–97
background, 385–6
hypothetical four layers of walls in the ORD case, 395
night cooling, 94–6
passive, 94
PCM selection and PCMGW fabrication, 386–9
temperature profiles in ORD and PCM cases, 397
thermo-physical properties
mass types used in ORD case, 395
PCM used in PCM case, 395
use in buildings, 384–97
phenol-formaldehyde foams, 257
photocatalytic oxidation ionisation, 369
photometry, 493, 494
photovoltaic cells, 485, 489–90, 619–20
façade-integrated PV component with local power use, 489
photovoltaic system, 658
phthalates, 160
Pilkington Suncool, 515
pine timber, 389
pipe sections, 276
pipes, xxi
pipework insulation, 207
PIR see passive infra red
Planck's law, 18
Planning Policy Statement, 6, 571
plaster, 164
plastics, 155, 161, 166, 688
plate replicator pods, 624
platinum-cobalt-alumina aerogel, 325
pods, 434
bathroom pod, 436
installation, 435
pollen, 508
indoor-outdoor ratio, 155
WHO list, 149
polycarbonate honeycomb, 495
polyethylene, 412, 414, 688
polygonal exchanger, 402
configuration, 403
polyisocyanurate, 461
polylactide, 263
polymeric foam materials, xxi
foams classification, materials and foaming mechanism, 258–62
blowing agents, 258–9
foaming mechanism, 259–62
insulation in buildings, 257–69
abbreviations, 272–3
future trends, 269
processing technologies, 262–5
batch process, 262–3
extrusion, 263–4
injection moulding, 264–5
thermoplastic and thermosetting foams, 265–9
properties, 266–9
polymers, synthetic, 372
polyolefin, 262
polyols, 264
polystyrene, 259, 413, 461, 549
expanded, 662
extruded, 662
foams, 265
polystyrenesulfonic acid sodium salt, 372
polyurethane, 155, 276, 621, 662
rigid foams, 266
polyvinyl chloride, 689
foams, 266
light coloured, 466
porosity, 60
porous lias clay, 225–6
porous materials, xxii, 27–9, 96–7
direct and indirect evaporative cooling in buildings, 399–423
metals, 421
potential applications in buildings, 417–22
cellulose fibre air-to-air heat and mass exchanger, 420
evaporative cooling, 417–19
façade-based evaporative cooling system, 417
heat pipe with metal wick, 421
module façades for indirect evaporative cooling, 418
module façades in building application, 419
other applications, 419–22
sharp wet front analogy applied to stage 1 and stage 2 evaporative drying, 47
three phase model, 28
Portland cement, 224
positive displacement cooling, 90
post-occupancy evaluation, 632, 668–77
Creative Energy Homes, 670
distribution panels with their individual circuits power monitoring, 674
domestic energy CO2 emissions, 671
environmental monitoring sensors, 673
E.ON UK's 2016 Research House, 669
locations of sensors and occupants within the house, 675
thermal images of E.ON 2016 Research House, 676
potential heat, 106
potentiomers, 35
pouring method, 276
Predicted Mean Vote, 135–7, 144, 684
predicted percentage dissatisfied, 135–7
prefabricated building units
and modern methods of construction, 427–40
EN 14303:2009, 281
EN 14304:2009, 281
EN 14305:2009, 281
EN 14306:2009, 281
EN 14307:2009, 281
EN 14308:2009, 281
EN 14309:2009, 281
EN 14313:2009, 281
EN 14314:2009, 281
prEN 15026, 59
EN 15715:2007, 283
prEN 15732, 226
EN 15548-1:2006, 283
EN ISO 9239-1:2008, 283
PROBE series, 632
Procedures for Determining Declared and Design Thermal Values, , 350
product data sheet, 293
Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification, 190
ProLogis, 576
psychrometric chart, 371
psychrometrics, xx, 26–7
public architectural space, 541
purpose-provided openings, 84
PVL-68, 474
PVL-124, 474
PVL-136, 474
pyrogenic silicic acid, 221
pyrometry, 493


quasi-adiabatic process, 400
Quercus suber L., 242


R-values, 462
radiant barriers, 305–16
applications and assemblies, 307–9
background and definitions, 305–7
basis for thermal performance, 309–13
codes and standards, 315–16
thermal performance measurement, 313–15
radiant heaters, 576
radiation modelling, 488
radiative flux, 309
radiative heat exchange, 20
radiative heat flux, 311
rainwater harvesting system, 481, 615
Rammed Earth Design & Construction Guidelines, , 354
rammed earth walls, 354
Random Mixed Cube Model, 350
Rayleigh scattering, 335
reaction heat storage, 106, 115, 118
reeds, 246, 248
reference service life, 185
reflective materials, 305–16
applications and assemblies, 307–9
background and definitions, 305–7
basis for thermal performance, 309–13
codes and standards, 315–16
standards and specifications, 317
thermal performance measurement, 313–15
reflectivity, 488
refurbishment, 654–5
approaches to low carbon retrofit systems/technologies, 661–8
annual savings per measure for average 3-bed semi-detached house, 664–5
PassivHaus refurbishment projects for old buildings, 667
building refurbishment energy issues, 655–6
case studies, 658–61
circa 1990 CEE high-rise comprising nine storeys, 660
five-storey residential high-rise block, 659
Riga, Latvia, 659–61
St. Petersburg, Russia, 658
change of use in buildings, 656–61
City Centre Eco-Home Conversion Project, 657
factory conversion into a city centre eco house, 657–8
materials for energy efficiency and thermal comfort of existing buildings, 649–77
Creative Energy Homes, 670
distribution panels with their individual circuits power monitoring, 674
domestic energy CO2 emissions, 671
environmental monitoring sensors, 673
E.ON UK's 2016 Research House, 669
locations of sensors and occupants within the house, 675
thermal images of E.ON 2016 Research House, 676
stages, 655
the existing stock, 654–5
Regional Air Pollution, 508
regression analysis, 487
relative humidity, 102, 370
relative water content, 29
vs capillary potential, 36
residual moisture content, 33
resource management, 190
respiratory irritants, 153
responsible sourcing, 190
retail spaces
energy efficiency and thermal comfort, 570–4
environmental design, 572
freezer cabinets in supermarkets, 573
lighting and artificial lighting, 571–2
natural ventilation and air conditioning in supermarkets, 573
shopping centres and supermarkets, 571
typical construction, 573–4
rock wool, 212, 213, 662
Roger's model of new product diffusion, 555
roller shutters, 575
rolling insulation materials, 688
roof coatings, 466
solar reflectance and thermal performance
aluminium roof coats, 469
metal roofing, 471
tinted roof coating, 469
white roof coating, 468
roof construction, 458–64
common types of roof insulation, 461
decking layers, 458–61
insulation layer, 461–4
roof decks, 459
roof gardens, 467
roof heating, 689
roof insulation, 206
roof lights, 619
roof ponds, 688
roofing system, 470
demountable precast concrete hollow core roof decking, 460
design, xxii
environmentally responsive roof solutions, 457
materials, xxii
materials thermal performance, 464–6
exterior weather-protection layer, 465–6
new omni-directional venturi roof vent, 471
solar impact, 464–5
solar radiation intensities, 465
membranes, 470
natural ventilation, 476–8
rainwater harvesting, 478–80
role in building rating systems, 480–1
roof construction, 458–64
decking layers, 458–61
insulation layer, 461–4
solar integrated system, 474–6
solar reflecting characteristics of roofsite tile, 470
thatched roof structures, 456
thermal performance and environmental integration of buildings, 455–81
question of design, 455–8
vegetated system, 466–74
RoofKrete, 450
rooftop air collector, 475
room modules, 434
rotatable hot box, 314
Royal Institute of British Architects, 668
RT20, 384, 387, 396
DSC graph after a number of thermal cycles, 388
RWE Ag, 478
RWE building, 478


Sainsbury Distribution Centre, 576
scatter phenomenon, 334
Scotchguard, 166
seasonal energy efficiency ratio, 383
sensible heat, 106
sensible heat storage, 107–10, 118–19
capacity, 109–10
materials, 118–19
specific heat and molecular structure, 109
specific heat and temperature, 108–9
sensors, 582–3
SERIRES version 1.0, 394
SF6, 609
sharp wet front theory, 37, 44
analogy applied to stage 1 and stage 2 evaporative drying, 47
sheep's wool, 245, 246
shopping centres, 571
short wave radiation, 20
sick building syndrome, 565–6
silica aerogel, 329
silica gel, 326, 372
silicon alkoxide, 324
silyation reaction, 329
Simplified Building Energy Model, 580–1, 612, 635
skin temperature, 135
smart materials, 358
social equity, 513
Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (1877), 540
Society of Environment Toxicology and Chemistry, 177
softwoods, 355
sol, 320
sol-gel process, 321–3
solar chimney, 689, 704
Solar Energy Research Institute, 394
solar gain, 96, xx
absence, 700
controlled, 690
reduction, 96
solar heating, 615
solar integrated roofing system, 474–6
annual energy savings from Solar Wall enclosure system integration, 477
OMSolar thermal solar integrated roof system schematic view, 476
UniSolar Inc. PV integrated roof system, 475
solar radiation, 390, 490, 570
solariums, 688
Solarwall, 476, 576
solid masonry construction, 536, 540, 543
solid wall, 204
solubility, 260
soot, 164
sorption, 105, 365
capacity, 31
curve, 380–1
filtration, 369
heat storage, 115–17
isotherms, 29–33
sorption-type storage, 115
sorptivity, 38
space heating, 153, 536, 652
spacer ring constructions, 297–8
spacing angle, 686
Spataru, 672
specific enthalpy, 103
specific heat, 107, 108
and molecular structure, 109
and temperature, 108–9
capacity, 487
Specified Animal Pathogens Order (2008), 604
spores, 164–5
spring-back effect, 330
spruce plywood, 356
stabilised earth materials, 354–5
stabilised rammed earth walls, 354
Standard Assessment Procedure, 635
Standard BS EN 15026, 15
standard environment, 132
Standard Guide for Documentation of Hygrothermal Models for Moisture Control Design in Building Envelopes, 63
standard temperature and pressure, 17
stearic acid, 386
Stefan-Boltzmann equation, 309
Stefan-Boltzmann law, 19
Stefan–Boltzmann constant, 490, 494
sticking coefficient, 156
Stirling Engine micro-combined heat and power unit, 658
stone wool, 212
straw bales, 249, 250
structural insulated panels, 434, 437–8
example, 438
sulphur dioxide, 155
sulphur oxides, 507
Sun, Wind and Light, , 463
SUNREL, 384, 396–7
SUNREL version 1.04, 394
super saturation, 34
supercritical drying, 326–9
principle, 327
schematic illustrating use of carbon dioxide, 328
supermarkets, 571
energy cost breakdown, 572
freezer cabinets, 573
support constructions, 297–8
surface-fluid boundary layer, 45
surface resistance, 9, 21
surface transfer, 61
sustainability, 175
Sustainability Board, 622
sustainable thermal comfort, 144–6
sweat rate, 135
synthetic polymers, 257


Taba kana, 696
TARBASE research group, 538, 541, 554
Target Emission Rate, 581
Technical Committee TC350, 187
Teflon, 162, 166
TermoDeck panels, 639
terpenes, 157
terpentine oils, 162
tetraethoxysilane, 324
tetramethylthiuram monosulphide, 155
The Lighthouse, 498
theory of equipartition energy, 109
thermal battery, 445
thermal buffer value, 349
thermal buffering, 359
thermal building model, 394–6
thermal capacity, 487
thermal comfort, xix, xx, xxii, xxiii, 506–7
applications of design and passive technologies in modern buildings, 696–8
Baer residence, 698
Centre for Energy Studies, 697
Jeddah International Airport, 697
Patoka Interpretative Nature Centre, 698
University guest house, 698
approaches and lessons learned from traditional hot-climate architecture, 689–96
behavioural thermoregulation, thermal comfort and the adaptive model, 141–2
buildings, 127–46
climate impact on building fabric, 688–9
glazing, 688
thermal insulation, 688
thermal storage, 688–9
climate impact on urban pattern and building form and fabric, 685–7
building form, 686–7
roof form, 687
street planning, 686
definition, 127–9
design and passive technologies in buildings in hot and tropical climates, 681–705
different climates, 681–5
global criteria, 683–5
influencing parameters, 682
domestic buildings materials, 533–59
equivalent clothing index, 142–4
the comfort temperature range and temperature limits in offices, 144
high performance buildings materials, 589–625
indices, 132–7
clothing insulation values estimates, 138
comfort equation, 133
equations for components of heat balance equation, 134
Fanger, 133
heat balance, 134–5
metabolic rates estimates, 138
PMV values from Fanger, 139
predicted mean vote and predicted percentage dissatisfied, 135–7
relationship between PMV and PPD, 137
six basic parameters, 132–3
sweat rate and skin temperature for comfort, 135
terms used in predicted mean vote, 134
International Standards, 137–41
ISO 7726: thermal environment, 141
ISO 7730: moderate thermal environments, 138–41
ISO 10551: assessing the influence of thermal environment, 141
subjective scales considered in ISO 10551, 141
materials for the refurbishment of existing buildings, 649–77
measurement, 129–32
ASHRAE and Bedford scales of warmth sensation, 130
behavioural and observational measures, 131–2
subjective measures, 129–31
new buildings materials, 631–47
passive solar systems thermal performance, 699–704
mass wall, 699
trombe wall with vents, 701
wall solar chimney, 703
PCM use in buildings, 384–97
quantification, xxi
sustainable thermal comfort, 144–6
thermal index: an assessment technique, 132
traditional passive cooling and heating strategies, 690–6
city of Ghadames, Libya, 693–4
city of Marrakech, Morocco, 690
mountain dwellings of Morocco, 691
Mzab valley, Algeria, 691–2
Ondol system, 696
town of El-Oued, Algeria, 692
traditional architecture in Egypt, 694–5
traditional floor heating in Korea, China and Afghanistan, 696
underground dwellings in Libya, 692–3
values for range of adaptive opportunities, 143
Thermal Comfort, 133
thermal conduction, 8, 119
moisture-dependent, 10–11
transient, 11–14
thermal conductivity, 10, 235, 266–7, 274, 280, 333, 406
boards and mats, 290
declared values, 287–8
compression, 287
convection, 287
for joints, 287
gas exchange, 288
IR permeability, 288
temperature difference, 287
effective, 493
insulation materials
depending on apparent density and temperature, 281
depending on apparent density and thickness, 282
linear equation, 290
preformed pipe insulation material, 290
test standards
boards and mats, 282
pipe sections and tubes, 283
thermal convection, 14–18
thermal decrement factor, 23
thermal diffusivity, 11–12
thermal effusivity, 12, 347
thermal energy, 347
thermal energy storage, 101, 385, 396
application benefits, 390–4
peak-load shifting in winter season, 392–4
thermal comfort in summer season, 390–2
comparison of weekly-averaged indoor air temperatures, 392
incorporated with active cooling/heating, 124
materials, 118–22
chemical heat storage, 120–1
heat transfer in heat storage materials, 121–2
latent heat storage, 119–20
sensible heat storage, 118–19
materials for passive cooling, 123–4
operating strategies, 386
PCM use in buildings, 384–97
solar radiation and wind speed
summer readings, 390
winter readings, 393
summer ambient and indoor temperatures in two rooms, 391
winter ambient and indoor temperatures in two rooms, 393
thermal index, 132
thermal inertia, 385
thermal insulation, xx, xxi, 193, 688
Thermal Insulation – Determination of Steady State Thermal Resistance and Related Properties, , 350
thermal insulation material
claddings, 298
for building equipment, 274–303
form pieces and form parts, 296–7
form piece made of polyurethane, 297
pre-manufactured form piece, 297
insulation materials, 275–96
declaration of conformity and designation, 293–5
declared value, 287–93
employability as insulant, 279
fundamentals, 275–87
influential factors when determining thermal conductivity, 289
label for designation, 296
mineral wool insulant composition of designation code, 295
minimum and maximum service temperatures, 292
possible fire behaviour classes, 292
product data sheet, 293
quality assurance/third party control, 295–6
readily available insulation products, 277–9
symbols for properties, levels and classes for designation code, 294
temperature application ranges, 280
thermal conductivity depending on apparent density and temperature, 281
thermal conductivity of insulants depending on apparent density and thickness, 282
values for industrial installations, 291
water vapour diffusion resistance factor, 293
insulation system, 298–301
general, 298–9
properties, 299–301
operational installation heat loss, 301–3
heat transfer coefficient values of claddings, 302
national regulations, 303
required insulation layer thickness, 302–3
support and spacer ring constructions, 297–8
vapour retarder materials, 298
various surfaces emissivity, 298
thermal insulation product
life cycle key phases
end-of-life, 208
installation, 208
insulation manufacture, 207–8
packaging, 208
raw materials extraction and processing, 207
transport to retail unit, 208
use and maintenance, 208
thermal load, 135
thermal mass, 23, 347, 371, 516, 579–80, 637–40, 662
conventional, 643
high-mass Queens Building in reducing peak temperatures in summer, 641
in offsite potential, 445
principal applications, 637–8
thermal modelling software, 612
thermal performance, xxii
measurement, 313–15
thermal radiation, 18–20
thermal resistance, 9, 195, 196, 306, 308, 463, 700
calculated values for reflective air spaces, 308
dependence on distance across air space, 308
values, 458–9
thermal resistivity, 487
thermal storage, xx, 89, 516, 579, 688–9
thermal storage density, 110
thermal transmission coefficient, 194
thermal transmittance, 9
thermal zone, 394
thermodec sell, 516
thermodynamics, 106
thermoplastic foams, 265–9
properties, 266–9
density, 266
flammability, 268–9
mechanical properties, 267–8
thermal conductivity, 266–7
thermosetting foams
properties, 266–9
density, 266
flammability, 268–9
mechanical properties, 267–8
thin solutions, 444–5
timber, 355–6
timber frame, 434, 435–7, 540
closed cell panel system, 437
construction example
Innovare Systems Limited, 437
Prestoplan Limited, 437
fleet cell panel system, 436
open cell panel system, 435–6
tip speed ratio, 491
tortuosity, 41
torus, 355
total heat loss, 302
total heat transfer coefficient, 700
Toyota Prius, 511
traditional architecture
application in buildings in hot and tropical climates, 681–705
approaches and lessons learned, 689–96
climate impact on building fabric, 688–9
climate impact on urban pattern and building form and fabric, 685–7
thermal comfort in different climates, 681–5
thermal performance in passive solar systems, 699–705
application in modern buildings, 696–8
transmissivity, 488
transparent insulation, 488
impact of staining on transmissivity, 489
Transport Phenomena, , 6
Trespa, 603
tris(2-chloroisopropyl)phosphate, 160
Trombe-like system, 689
Trombe wall, 688, 701, 703
with vents, 701
tropical summer index, 685


U-value, 26, 195, 537, 549, 639
UK Building Regulations, 149, 165, 580, 606, 612, 623, 671
UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, 161
UKCIP02, 544
ultra-high throughput screening, 591, 625
robotic compound store by REMP, 625
ultra low particulate air filtration, 605
ultralow density aerogels, 336
UniSolar Inc, 474
uptake coefficient, 156
urban heat island, 512
intensity, 634
urea-formaldehyde foam, 161, 165, 257
US Department of Energy, 385, 466
US Environmental Protection Agency, 150
US Green Building Council, 478, 480
US National Renewable Energy Labs website, 474
US STD 209E, 599, 605
Usable Buildings Trust, 632


vacuum-based switchgear, 609
vacuum insulation panels, 221, 222
vacuum saturation, 28
Vales Rooms, 638
valuation See weighting
van der Waals, 29, 381
vaporised hydrogen peroxide, 603
vapour barrier, 286
vapour diffusion, 40–3
vapour permeability, 60
vapour pressure, 58
vapour retarder materials, 298
varnishes, 158
VDI 2055, 298, 300
VDI/Keymark, 295–6
vegetated roofing system, 466–74
Green Tech Inc. polyethylene modular green roof trays, 473
horizontal surface temperatures for various sunlit materials, 472
air quality and airtightness in buildings, 77–99
future trends, 97–8
feasibility of natural ventilation, 86–90
airtightness, 87–8
building envelope, 87
climate, 86–7
control, 90
cooling, 88–9
evaporative cooling, 89–90
internal heat gains, 90
occupants, 88
thermal storage, 89
Ionica Building and RWE Ag Building, 479
issues concerning materials, 92–7
adventitious leakage on balanced mechanical system, 93
adventitious leakage on natural ventilation system, 93
air quality, 97
airtightness, 92–4
night cooling with phase-change materials, 94–6
porous materials and dynamic insulation, 96–7
reducing solar gains, 96
room air temperature variations, 95
mixing ventilation, 81
natural ventilation design, 90–2
basic procedures, 90–2
design criteria, 92
ventilation strategy, 91
physical mechanisms, 81–6
air quality, 85–6
envelope flows, 81–2
flow through envelope openings, 83
internal air motion, 85
natural ventilation characteristics, 83–4
natural ventilation rate illustrative variation, 84
types of envelope openings, 84
proposed naturally ventilated middle school for Blacksburg, VA, 477
small middle school designed to celebrate rainwater harvesting, 480
system, 77–81
differences, 78–9
internal air motion, 81
low-energy ventilation systems, 79–81
types, 77–8
ventilation rate, 83
Venturi effect, 466, 478
vermiculite, 224–5, 412, 662
exfoliated, 224–5
typical composition, 225
Veterinary Medicines Directorate, 599
vinyl, 621
virtual thermal mass, 446
volatile organic compounds, 369, 372
microbial, 164
Volatile Organic Compounds in Indoor Air: A Review of Concentrations Measured in North America Since 1990, , 150
volumetric buildings, 432–4
modular building, 433
park homes and caravans, 433–4
photo of portable/re-locatable building, 432
portable and relocatable buildings, 432
volumetric (modular) building systems, 432–3
voluntary product certification, 198


wall solar chimney, 703
wall thickness, 406
warehouses, 575
energy efficiency and thermal comfort, 574–7
environmental design, 575–6
collection of heat for warm-air system and radiant heating system, 576
heating requirement and systems, 576
lighting and daylight control, 575–6
typical construction, 576–7
vernacular construction, 577
warm frame principle, 435
waste minimisation, 513
water absorption coefficient, 39
water capacity, 380–1
water course, 616
water heating, 652
water ponds, 689
water retaining capability, 406, 412
water retaining potential, 414
water vapour diffusion, 286–7
equivalent air layer thickness, 286–7
resistance factor, 41, 286, 293
water vapour flow rate, 43
water vapour permeability, 381
water vapour permeance, 43
water walls, 688
waterglass, 335
wax, 414
weather bin values, 383
weighting, 181
wet-bulb temperature, 103
wet cup/dry cup method, 42
wet cup test, 42
WHO see World Health Organisation
wind, 704
wind power turbines, 608, 616–17
wind speed, 390
wind tunnel tests, 492
wood, 157, 381–2, 696
wood chippings, 249
wood fibre, 242, 243
wooden fibres, 412
woodwool, 242
composite boards, 240
work, 4
World Heritage List of Historical Monuments, 693
WTA Guideline 6-2, , 58, 61
WUFI model, 58
WUFI software, 357


xerogel, 320


Young's modulus, 408, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415


zeolites, 372, 413–14, 422
crystalline, 413–14
natural, 413
synthetic, 372, 413
zero-carbon, 631, 636, 645
dwelling definition structure, 636
home, 671
zirconia, 325
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