A.M., A.M., P.M.
A/B content testing method, A/B testing
abbreviations and acronyms, Machine translation syntax, Capitalization, Abbreviations of measurements, Plural nouns, Possessive nouns, Possessive nouns, Acronyms and Other AbbreviationsTable of acronyms and other abbreviations, First mentionTable of acronyms and other abbreviations, Articles and plurals, Articles and plurals, International considerations, Table of acronyms and other abbreviationsHow to use abbreviations of measurements, Table of acronyms and other abbreviations, Table of acronyms and other abbreviations, Table of acronyms and other abbreviations, Table of acronyms and other abbreviations, How to use abbreviations of measurements, Table of abbreviations of measurements, Table of abbreviations of measurementsProcess for adopting new acronyms or abbreviations, Process for adopting new acronyms or abbreviations, half inch, instant message, IM
articles preceding, Articles and plurals
capitalization, Capitalization
how to use, Acronyms and Other AbbreviationsTable of acronyms and other abbreviations, Table of acronyms and other abbreviations
in translated text, Machine translation syntax
international considerations, International considerations, half inch, instant message, IM
measurements, Abbreviations of measurements, Table of abbreviations of measurements
measurements, table of, Table of abbreviations of measurementsProcess for adopting new acronyms or abbreviations, Process for adopting new acronyms or abbreviations
possessive forms, Possessive nouns, Possessive nouns
singular or plural forms, Plural nouns, Articles and plurals
spelling out, First mentionTable of acronyms and other abbreviations, Table of acronyms and other abbreviations
table of, Table of acronyms and other abbreviationsHow to use abbreviations of measurements, Table of acronyms and other abbreviations, Table of acronyms and other abbreviations, How to use abbreviations of measurements
ability bias, avoiding, Bias-free communicationAnthropomorphism, Anthropomorphism
-able, -able, -ible
abort, abortaccess, abort, access
above, above
Abrams, Brad, Additional resources for writing code
Accelerator key, Names of keyboard “quick access” keys, accelerator key
access, accelerator keyaccessory, access key, accessory
Access key, Names of keyboard “quick access” keys
access key, access key
access privileges, access privileges
access rights, access rights
accessibility guidelines and requirements, Accessibility considerations for web content, Accessible content, Accessibility guidelines and requirements, accessible
accessible, accessible
accessible content, Accessible contentAcceptable terminology, Accessible webpages, Accessible writing, Acceptable terminology, Right angle brackets for menu items, Code examplesSecurity, Security, Tables, Cross-references in “See also” sections, right
angle bracket format and, Right angle brackets for menu items
code examples, Code examplesSecurity, Security
directional terms, right
hyperlinks, Cross-references in “See also” sections
tables, Tables
accessory, accessoryactivate, activate
accounts receivable, accounts receivable
achievement, achievement
acknowledgment, acknowledgment
Acronym Finder, Process for adopting new acronyms or abbreviations
action bar, action bar
action button, action button
actionable, actionableadapter, adapter
activate, activate
active, active player, active user
active player, active player, active user
active user, active player, active user
active voice, Sentence structure and grammatical choices, Column headings, Verbs and verb forms, Voice, Voice
for table column headings, Column headings
active window, current window
ad hoc, ad hoc
adapter, adapter
add, add
add-in and add-on, add-in, add-on
address, URLs, addresses
addresses, Names and contact information, URLs, addressesURLs, addresses, URLs, addresses, URLs, addresses
adjacent selection, adjacent selection, range selection
adjectives, Global English syntax, Capitalization of titles and headings, Words ending in -ing, Hyphens, hyphenation, -able, -ible
-able, -ible suffixes, -able, -ible
-ing words, Words ending in -ing
capitalization, Capitalization of titles and headings
placement of, Global English syntax
suspended compounds, Hyphens, hyphenation
administer, administer
administrative vulnerability, vulnerability
administrator, administrator, system administrator
Administrator program, administrator
adverbs, Precision, Global English syntax, Title capitalization
affect, affect vs. effect, impact
afterward, afterward
against, against
age bias, avoiding, Bias-free communicationAnthropomorphism, Anthropomorphism
agreement, Agreement
air gestures, Gesture
alarm, alarm
album, album
album cover, album
alert, alert
alerts, alert
align, align, aligned on, justify, justified
aligned on and aligned with, align, aligned on
all-inclusive terms, Do not use racial, cultural, sexual, and other stereotypes
allow, allow
alpha, alpha
alphabetical, alphabetical
alphabetical sort order of lists, International considerations
alphanumeric, alphanumeric
alt attribute, alt text
Alt key, Key names
alt text, Global art, Accessible webpages, URLs, addresses, Captions, alt text
alternative procedures, documenting, Content for multiple platforms
ambiguity, reducing, Precision
among, among vs. betweenand/or, and/or
ampersand (&), ampersand (&)
and so on, and so on
and/or, Slash mark, and/or
angle brackets (< >), Dialog box options, Element name formatting
anthropomorphism, avoiding, AnthropomorphismWords to watch out for, Anthropomorphism, Words to watch out for
antialiasing, antialiasing
antimalware, antimalware
antispyware, antimalware, Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware
antivirus, antimalware
API (application programming interface), function
apostrophe (’), Plural nouns, Apostrophes, Apostrophes
app, app
appears, appears, displays
appendices, appendix, appendices
appendix, appendix, appendices
applet, applet
application, application, program vs. applicationproperty sheet, property page, property sheet, property page
application developer, application developer
application features, content about, Make the right content choicesMake text scannable, Make text scannable
application file, application file
application icon, application icon
Application key, Names of keyboard “quick access” keys
application programming interface (API), Anthropomorphism, Title capitalization, function
application window, application window
arabic numerals, arabic numerals
argument vs. parameter, argument vs. parameter
arrow, arrow, scroll arrow, scroll bar, scroll box
arrow keys, Key names, Key names, arrow, direction keys
art, Global art, Cross-references in “See also” sections, Captions, Captions, Captions, Captions, Captions, Captions, Callouts, Page breaks, bitplane
alt text for, Captions
appearance and placement, Captions
bitmaps, bitplane
callouts and captions, Captions, Callouts
cross-references to, Cross-references in “See also” sections, Captions
formatting, Page breaks
global, Global art, Captions
articles (journal, magazine), citing, Citing books and printed articles
articles (parts of speech), Global English syntax, Capitalization of titles and headings, Order of entries, Articles and plurals, bot
before acronyms, Articles and plurals
before program names, bot
capitalization of, Capitalization of titles and headings
in indexes, Order of entries
optional, Global English syntax
articles (topics), article
as, as
as well as, as well as
ASCII sort order, Special characters, Order of entries
assembly language, assembly language
assistive, assistive
attitude, AttitudeParallelism in sentences, Parallelism in sentences
attributes, formatting, Document conventions, Attribute formatting
audio, Content for the web, Video content for the web, Keywords, Accessible webpages, Accessible webpages
accessibility guidelines, Accessible webpages
alternative text, Accessible webpages
pace of, Video content for the web
text descriptions of, Keywords
available memory, working memory
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