C, C++, and C#, C, C++, C#
cable, cable
cabling, cabling
cache vs. disk cache, cache vs. disk cache
calendar, calendar
calendars, in global content, Time and place
call back and callback, call back, callback
call out and callout, call out, callout
callback function, call back, callback
caller ID, caller ID
callouts, Captions, Callouts
can vs. may, can vs. may
cancel, abort
Cancel button, Cancel button
cancel the selection, cancel the selection, deselect
canceled and canceling, canceled, canceling
cancellation, canceled, canceling
capitalization guidelines, Style of toolbar names and buttons, International considerations, Gesture, SpeechHow to refer to mouse pointers, How to refer to mouse pointers, Key namesContent for multiple platforms, Content for multiple platforms, User interface formattingBold formatting, Capitalization, Capitalization, Bold formatting, Bold formatting, Dialog box options, Document conventions in procedures, Document conventions, File names and extensionsVersion identifiers, Version identifiers, Protocols, Practical issues of style, CapitalizationTitle and heading style and conventions, Capitalization of feature names and technologiesTitle capitalization, Capitalization of feature names and technologiesTitle capitalization, Capitalization of feature names and technologies, Capitalization of titles and headings, Capitalization of titles and headings, Title capitalizationCapitalization and punctuation, Title capitalization, Title capitalization, Title capitalization, Capitalization and punctuationTitle and heading style and conventions, Capitalization and punctuation, Capitalization and punctuation, Title and heading style and conventions, Title and heading style and conventions, Title and heading style and conventions, Capitalization and punctuation, Format of cross-referencesMarginal cross-references, Cross-references in “See also” sections, Marginal cross-references, Time zones, URLs, addressesTitle and heading style and conventions, Captions, Callouts, Colons, Em dash, Capitalization, Style of indexed keywords, achievement, web
achievements, achievement
callouts, Callouts
captions, Captions
colons, word following, Colons
consistent use, Practical issues of style
cross-references, Format of cross-referencesMarginal cross-references, Cross-references in “See also” sections, Marginal cross-references
em dash and, Em dash
error message text, International considerations
features, Capitalization of feature names and technologiesTitle capitalization, Title capitalization
file names and extensions, File names and extensionsVersion identifiers, Version identifiers
following user interface, Dialog box options, Document conventions in procedures, Document conventions
gesture names, Gesture
headings, Capitalization of titles and headings
index entries, Capitalization
key names, Key namesContent for multiple platforms, Content for multiple platforms
menu and command names, Capitalization
online index entries, Style of indexed keywords
protocol names, Protocols
punctuation and, Capitalization and punctuationTitle and heading style and conventions, Title and heading style and conventions
table title and column headings, Capitalization and punctuation
technologies, Capitalization of feature names and technologiesTitle capitalization, Title capitalization
time zones, Time zones
title capitalization, Title capitalizationCapitalization and punctuation, Capitalization and punctuation
titles, Capitalization of titles and headings
toolbar names and buttons, Style of toolbar names and buttons, Capitalization
URLs, Title and heading style and conventions, URLs, addressesTitle and heading style and conventions
user interface elements, User interface formattingBold formatting, Bold formatting, Bold formatting
voice commands, SpeechHow to refer to mouse pointers, How to refer to mouse pointers
web-related words, web
Caps Lock key, Key names
captions, Captions, Captions, Captions
capitalization, Captions
punctuation, Captions
card, adapter, card
carriage return/line feed, carriage return/line feed
carry out, carry out vs. run
cascading menu, cascading menu
cascading style sheets, cascading style sheets, style sheet
catalog, catalog
category axis, category axis
caution, caution
cautions, Cautions, Page breaks
CD, CD, compact disc
CD case, CD case
CD key, CD key
CD-ROMs, citing, CD-ROMs and computer programs, examples
cellular, cellular
center around, center around
chapter, chapter
chapter titles, Document conventions, Structure and style of cross-references
character set, character set, code page
character-based application, MS-DOS-based program
chart, chart
charts and graphs, Accessible graphics and design
chat, chat
check and checked, check
check box, Other user interface elements, Other user interface elements, box, check, clear
check boxes, Dialog box options, shaded, uncheck, unmark, unselect
check in, check in
check mark, check
check marks, referring to, Style of toolbar names and buttons
checked command, check
child folder, child folder
choose, chooseClose button, Close button
chunking content, Make text scannable
citations, Bibliographies and citationsPage breaks, Citing electronic information, Page breaks
class libraries, documenting, Reference documentationGeneral guidelines, Reference topic titles, What to include in a reference topic, General guidelines
classes, formatting conventions, Document conventions
clauses, Machine translation syntax, When not to use commas, Semicolons, that vs. whichtime-out, time out, time-out, time out
clear, User interface terminology, Dialog box options, check, clear, purge
Clear key, Key names
click, User interface syntax, Ribbon terminology, Toolbars, Which verbs to use to refer to mouse actions, How to write procedure steps, choose, press, toggle
click and drag, drag
click in, click
click to remove the check mark, Style of toolbar names and buttons
clickstream, clickstream
clickthrough, clickthrough
client, client, computer
client area, desktop
client side, client side
client/server, client/server
clip art, clip art
Clipboard, Clipboard
close, close
Close button, Close button, exit
Close command, exit
closed captions, Video content for the web, Accessible webpages
cloud, Cloud computing style, cloud
Cloud Basics: Security in the Cloud, Make the right content choices
cloud computing, Document conventions, Cloud computing styleStandardization and consistency, Standardization and consistency, cloud, dynamic service capacity, hybrid cloud
terminology, Cloud computing styleStandardization and consistency, Standardization and consistency
cloud platform, Cloud terminology
cloud service, Cloud terminology
co-, co-
Code Complete (McConnell), Additional resources for writing code
code examples, What to include in a reference topicSecurity, What to include in a reference topic, General guidelines, Code formatting and naming guidelines, Code formatting and naming guidelines, Code commenting guidelines, Security, Ellipses
ellipses in, Ellipses
formatting conventions, General guidelines
code page, character set, code page
code point, code point
code sample, Referring to code examples
codec, codec
coining new words, -able, -ible, e-words
collaborate, collaboration, and collaborator, collaborate, collaboration, collaborator
collapse, expand, collapse
colloquial expressions, avoiding, Global English syntax
colons, Capitalization and punctuation, ColonsFormatting semicolons, Formatting semicolons
color map, color map
colors, Global art, Accessible graphics and design
column format, column format
combo box, combo box
combo boxes, Other user interface elements, Dialog box options
Comma character, Special character names
command, command, menu item
command button, action button, command button, command button
command buttons, Dialog boxes, Other user interface elements, Capitalization
Command key, Key names
command line, command line
command links, Other user interface elements
command names, Document conventions in procedures
command prompt, command line, MS-DOS prompt
command syntax, Security, Command syntax, Line breaks
commands, Menus, Menus, Menu terminology, Style of menu names and commands, Toolbars, Toolbar Terminology, SpeechHow to refer to mouse pointers, How to refer to mouse pointers, Capitalization, How to write procedure stepsDocument conventions in procedures, Document conventions in procedures
capitalization guidelines, Capitalization
command separators, Menus
on menus, Menus
on toolbars, Toolbars
style of, Style of menu names and commands
unavailable, Menu terminology, Toolbar Terminology
user interactions with, How to write procedure stepsDocument conventions in procedures, Document conventions in procedures
voice, SpeechHow to refer to mouse pointers, How to refer to mouse pointers
commas, Commas in numbers, CommasApostrophes, When not to use commas, Apostrophes, Style and formatting
in index page references, Style and formatting
in numbers, Commas in numbers
comment, REM statement
comments, Blogs, What to include in a reference topic, Code commenting guidelines
communication, Bias-free communicationAnthropomorphism, Anthropomorphism, Blogs, Blogs
bias free, Bias-free communicationAnthropomorphism, Anthropomorphism
with customers, Blogs, Blogs
communications port, communications port
community cloud, Cloud terminology
community of influencers, Social Media Optimization (SMO)
community, web content for, Make the right content choices
community-contributed content, Community-provided content, Wikis, Content for a worldwide audience
compact disc, compact disc
CompactFlash, CompactFlash
company names, possessive forms, Apostrophes
compare to vs. compare with, compare to vs. compare with
compile, compile
complexity, dealing with, Attitude
Component Object Model, COM
compose, comprise
compound adjectives, punctuating, Hyphens, hyphenation, Hyphens, hyphenation, En dash
compound words, capitalizing, Title capitalization
comprise, comprise
computer, client, compare to vs. compare with, machine, PC, run vs. execute
Computer icon, Computer icon
computer-based training, CBT
concept papers, Make the right content choices
conclusions, organization of, Organize your text
confirmations, ConfirmationsOther user interface elements, Confirmations, Other user interface elements
conjunctions, capitalization of, Title capitalization
connect, connect
consistency, ConsistencyParallelism in sentences, Parallelism in sentences
console, console
console applications, MS-DOS-based program
constants, formatting, Document conventions, Document conventions
construct names, Code formatting and naming guidelines
contact gestures, Gesture
contact information, including in content, Legal issues with worldwide content
contain, comprise
content, Sentence structure and grammatical choices, Content for the webLegal considerations for web content, Make the right content choicesMake text scannable, Text for the web, Make text scannable, Organize your text, Organize your text, Video content for the web, Video content for the web, Wikis, Evaluate your content, Task analysis, Legal considerations for web content, Global English syntaxPrint resources, Jargon, Testing for jargon, Global art, Web, software, and HTML issues, Legal issues with worldwide content, Print resources, Accessibility guidelines and requirementsAcceptable terminology, Accessible webpages, Acceptable terminology, Content for multiple platforms, Procedures and technical contentReadme files and release notes, Cloud terminology, Cloud terminology, What to include in a reference topic, General guidelines, Readme files and release notes, Readme files and release notes, Organizational guidelines
accessible, Accessibility guidelines and requirementsAcceptable terminology, Accessible webpages, Acceptable terminology
choices, Make the right content choicesMake text scannable, Make text scannable
customer interaction with, Wikis
evaluating, Task analysis
for multiple platforms, Content for multiple platforms
for the web, Content for the webLegal considerations for web content, Text for the web, Video content for the web, Video content for the web, Evaluate your content, Legal considerations for web content
for worldwide audience, Global English syntaxPrint resources, Jargon, Testing for jargon, Global art, Web, software, and HTML issues, Legal issues with worldwide content, Print resources
key point, focusing on, Organize your text
organizational guidelines, Organize your text, Organizational guidelines
structuring, Sentence structure and grammatical choices
technical, Procedures and technical contentReadme files and release notes, Cloud terminology, Cloud terminology, What to include in a reference topic, General guidelines, Readme files and release notes, Readme files and release notes
content types, Content for the web
Contents, table of contents
context menu, context menu
context, reducing ambiguity with, Precision
context-sensitive, context-sensitive
contiguous selection, contiguous selection
contractions, Contractions
control, control
control classes, formatting, Document conventions
Control key, Key names
Control Panel, Control Panel, Control Panel, applet
control panel items, Control Panel, How to write procedure steps
control-menu box, control-menu box
controls, Webpage controls, dialog boxes, and property sheets, Dialog boxes, Confirmations, Other user interface elementsGesture, Other user interface elements, Other user interface elements, Gesture
referring to, Confirmations
conversational tone, Contractions
coordinate conjunctions, Machine translation syntax
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), Time zones
copy, copy
copyright information, Global art, Legal issues with worldwide content, Readme files and release notes
corrupted, corrupted
could, can vs. may
country/region, country/region
country/region codes, Names and contact information
crash, crash, fail
criteria, criteria
critical process monitor, critical process monitor
critical section object, critical section object
critical update, Out-of-band release terminology, critical update
cross-platform, platform
cross-references, Consistency, Use links—lots of them, Cross-referencesNotes, Cross-references, Structure and style of cross-references, Structure and style of cross-referencesFormat of cross-references, Structure and style of cross-references, Structure and style of cross-references, Structure and style of cross-references, Format of cross-references, Cross-references in “See also” sections, Cross-references in “See also” sectionsNotes, Cross-references to art, Marginal cross-references, Marginal cross-references, Notes, Notes, Captions, Cross-references in indexes
in indexes, Cross-references in indexes
marginal, Cross-references in “See also” sectionsNotes, Marginal cross-references, Notes
structure of, Consistency, Structure and style of cross-references, Structure and style of cross-references
style of, Structure and style of cross-referencesFormat of cross-references, Structure and style of cross-references, Format of cross-references
to art, Cross-references to art, Captions
Ctrl key, Key names
cultural bias, avoiding, Colloquialisms and idiomsAnthropomorphism, Do not use racial, cultural, sexual, and other stereotypes, Anthropomorphism
culturally sensitive terms, avoiding, Language
culture-specific references, avoiding, Global English syntax
curation of content, Content for a worldwide audience
current drive, current drive, drive
current folder, current folder
current vs. active, active vs. current
current window, current window
cursor, How to refer to mouse pointers, cursor, pointer, selection cursor
customer, end user, end-user
Customer Carewords: Top Task Management for Websites, Task analysis
customer feedback, Evaluate your contentHelp users find your content, A/B testing, Help users find your content
cut, cut
cut-and-paste, cutdeaf or hard of hearing, deaf or hard of hearing
Cwalina, Krzysztof, Additional resources for writing code
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