dangling modifiers, Dangling and misplaced modifiersDangling and misplaced modifiers, Dangling and misplaced modifiers
dashes, DashesEllipses, Ellipses
data, data
data binding, data binding
data center and datacenter, data center vs. datacenter
data formats, formatting, Document conventions
data modem, data modem
data record, data record
data structures and members, formatting, Document conventions
data types, formatting, Document conventions
database, database
database names, formatting, Document conventions
datagram, datagram
dates, International considerations, DatesInternational phone numbers, International phone numbers
numerals vs. words, International considerations
datum, data
deaf or hard of hearing, deaf or hard of hearing, hard-of-hearing
debug, debug
deceptive software, deceptive software
decimal fractions, Fractions as words and decimals
decision making processes, Make the right content choices
decrement, decrement
default, default
definition update, Out-of-band release terminology, definition update
defragment, defragment
deinstall, deinstall
delete, cut, delete, purge, remove
Delete key and Del key, Key names
demilitarized zone, demilitarized zone
deprecated, deprecated
depress, depress
descriptions, text and pictures, Accessible writing
descriptive captions, Captions
descriptors, use of, Document conventions in procedures
deselect, deselect
design, Content for multiple platforms, User interface text
for multiple platforms, Content for multiple platforms
UI text and, User interface text
Designer, Designer
desire, desire
desktop, desktop
destination, destination
destination disk, destination drive, and destination file, destination disk, destination drive, destination file
determiners, Machine translation syntax
developer, application developer
development tasks, code examples for, General guidelines
device, device, peripheral, portable computer
device driver, device driver
device names, formatting, Document conventions
devices, Content for multiple platforms
dezoom, dezoom
dial-up, dial-up
dialog, dialog
dialog box, dialog
Dialog Box Launcher, Ribbons, Ribbon terminology
dialog box options, Document conventions in procedures
punctuation, Document conventions in procedures
dialog box titles, formatting, Bold formatting
dialog boxes, User interface syntax, Dialog boxes, Property sheetsHow to refer to Backstage view, How to refer to Backstage view, Which verbs to use to refer to mouse actions, Capitalization, Dialog box options, Dialog box options, group, newsgrouphalf inch, group box, half inch, list box
capitalization guidelines, Capitalization
clicking in, Which verbs to use to refer to mouse actions
formatting conventions, User interface syntax
group boxes, group, newsgrouphalf inch, group box, half inch
list boxes, list box
property sheets, Property sheetsHow to refer to Backstage view, How to refer to Backstage view
selecting options, Dialog box options
user interactions with, Dialog box options
different, different
dimensions, numerals for, Numerals vs. words
dimmed, dimmed, gray, grayed
direct address, use of, Sentence structure and grammatical choices
direct objects, Transitive and intransitive verbs
direction keys, direction keys
directional terms, Accessible writing, far-left, far-right, left, right
directives, formatting, Document conventions
directory, directory, folder
directory icon, directory icon
directory names, formatting, Bold formatting, Document conventions
disabilities, terminology for, Do not use stereotypes of people with disabilities, Do not use stereotypes of people with disabilities, Acceptable terminology
disable and disabled, disable
disc, CD, compact disc, disc
discounts, legal considerations, Legal issues with worldwide content
discreet vs. discrete, discreet vs. discrete
discussion list messages, citing, Discussion list messages and email, examples
disjoint selection, disjoint selection
disk, disk
disk cache vs. cache, cache vs. disk cache
disk resource, disk resource
disk space, disk space, storage, storage device
diskette, disk
display, display, monitor, screen
display adapter and display driver, display adapter, display driver
display name, friendly name
displays, appears, displays
disputed territories, avoiding naming, Time and place
DLL, dynamic-link library
DNS, DNSdownlevel, downlevel
Do, quick key
document, document
document conventions, Accessibility considerations, Document conventions in procedures, Supplementary information and text within procedures, Document conventions, Cloud computing style
documentation of source material, Bibliographies and citationsPage breaks, Page breaks
documents, closing, ragged right
domain, DNS
Domain Name System, DNSdownlevel, downlevel
done, done
dot-com, dot-comdrag-and-drop, drag-and-drop
dotted rectangle, dotted rectangle
double buffering, double buffering
double word, double word
double-byte text entry, supporting, Web, software, and HTML issues
double-click and double-clicking, Which verbs to use to refer to mouse actions, How to write procedure steps, double-click, double-clicking
double-tap, Keyboard procedures
Down Arrow key, Key names
downgrade, downgrade
downlevel, downlevel
download, download, download
download buttons, Webpage controls
downloads, Web, software, and HTML issues
drag, Which verbs to use to refer to mouse actions, drag
drag and drop and drag-and-drop, drag
drive, drivee-book, DVD, e-book
drive C, drive
drive name, drive
drive names, style guidelines, File names and extensions
driver, card
drives, drive
drop-down, drop-down
drop-down arrows, Other user interface elements
drop-down combo boxes, Other user interface elements
drop-down list boxes, Other user interface elements
Dumond, Val, Do not use stereotypes of people with disabilities
DVD, DVDemail, email
DWORD, double word
dynamic service capacity, dynamic service capacity
dynamic-link library, dynamic-link library
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