G, G byte, and Gbyte, G, G byte, Gbyte
gallery, galleryglobal, global
game pad, game pad
game titles, formatting, Document conventions
Gantt chart, Gantt chart
gaps in content, identifying, Social Media Optimization (SMO)
garbage collection, garbage collection
garbage collector, garbage collection
gateway, gateway
GB, G, G byte, Gbyte
Gbit, Gbit
gender bias, avoiding, Bias-free communicationAnthropomorphism, Anthropomorphism
gender-neutral pronouns, Agreement
general protection fault, general protection fault
generalizations, avoiding, Language
gerunds, International considerations, Versus vs. vs.
in index entries, Versus vs. vs.
international considerations, International considerations
gestures, Gesture
Getting Over the Barriers to Wiki Adoption (Porter), Wikis
GHz, GHz
gigabit, Gbit
gigabyte, G, G byte, Gbyteglobal, gigabyte, global
gigahertz, gigahertz
given, given
global, find and replace, globalgray, grayed, gray, grayed
global content guidelines, Colloquialisms and idioms, Global English syntaxMachine translation syntax, Global English syntaxGlobal English syntax, Global English syntax, Global English syntax, Global English syntax, Global English syntax, Global English syntax, Global English syntax, Machine translation syntax, Machine translation syntax, Machine translation syntax, Terminology and word choice, Technical terms, Technical termsLatin and other non-English words, Jargon, Latin and other non-English words, Latin and other non-English words, Global art, Examples and scenariosNames and contact information, Examples and scenarios, Examples and scenarios, Time and placeWeb, software, and HTML issues, Time and place, Names and contact informationWeb, software, and HTML issues, Names and contact information, Names and contact information, Fonts, Web, software, and HTML issuesWeb, software, and HTML issues, Web, software, and HTML issues, Web, software, and HTML issues, Web, software, and HTML issues, Web, software, and HTML issues, International considerations, International considerations, MoodPlural nouns, Plural nouns, International considerations, International considerations, International considerations, Table of acronyms and other abbreviations, International considerations, instant message, IM, that vs. which, using vs. by using
abbreviations, International considerations, instant message, IM
acronyms, Table of acronyms and other abbreviations
art, Global art
by using, using vs. by using
clauses, wording for, that vs. which
coined words, International considerations
colloquialisms and idioms, Colloquialisms and idioms
contact information, Names and contact informationWeb, software, and HTML issues, Names and contact information, Web, software, and HTML issues
examples and scenarios, Examples and scenarios
fonts, Fonts
gerunds, International considerations
jargon, Technical termsLatin and other non-English words, Jargon, Latin and other non-English words
language, Global English syntax
mood, Global English syntax, MoodPlural nouns, Plural nouns
names, Time and placeWeb, software, and HTML issues, Web, software, and HTML issues
non-English words, Latin and other non-English words
numbers, International considerations
places, Examples and scenariosNames and contact information, Names and contact information
plurals, International considerations
scenarios, Examples and scenarios
syntax guidelines, Global English syntaxMachine translation syntax, Global English syntax, Machine translation syntax, Machine translation syntax, Machine translation syntax
technical terms, Technical terms
terminology use, Terminology and word choice
time formats, Time and place
voice, Global English syntax, International considerations
web, software, and HTML issues, Web, software, and HTML issuesWeb, software, and HTML issues, Web, software, and HTML issues, Web, software, and HTML issues
Global English Style Guide: Writing Clear, Translatable Documentation for a Global Market, The (Kohl), Print resources
glossary definitions, Microsoft in product and service names
product or service names in, Microsoft in product and service names
glyph, glyph
Go Global Developer Center, Table of acronyms and other abbreviations
go to, link, navigate
GP fault, GP fault
grammar, Machine translation syntax, Verbs and verb formsTransitive and intransitive verbs, Verbs and verb forms, Transitive and intransitive verbs, VoiceInternational considerations, International considerations, International considerations, MoodPlural nouns, Subjunctive mood, Plural nouns, Words ending in -ingPrepositions, Prepositions, Prepositions, Prepositions, Prefixes, Dangling and misplaced modifiersDangling and misplaced modifiers, Dangling and misplaced modifiers
modifiers, dangling and misplaced, Dangling and misplaced modifiersDangling and misplaced modifiers, Dangling and misplaced modifiers
mood, MoodPlural nouns, Subjunctive mood, Plural nouns
prefixes, Prefixes
prepositions, Prepositions
Standard English rules, Machine translation syntax
verbs and verb forms, Verbs and verb formsTransitive and intransitive verbs, Verbs and verb forms, Transitive and intransitive verbs
voice, VoiceInternational considerations, International considerations, International considerations
words ending in -ing, Words ending in -ingPrepositions, Prepositions, Prepositions
grammatical choices, Sentence structure and grammatical choicesParallelism in sentences, Parallelism in sentences
graphic, glyph
graphical, graphic, graphical, graphics
graphics, Global art, Unnamed buttons, Which verbs to use to refer to mouse actions, URLs, addresses, alt text
alt text, URLs, addresses, alt text
for mouse pointers, Which verbs to use to refer to mouse actions
of unnamed buttons, Unnamed buttons
text in, Global art
graphics adapter, graphics adapter
gray, gray, grayed
grayed, gray, grayed
graylist, graylist
grayscale, grayscale
greater, greater, better
Greek words, plural forms, International considerations
grid, text area in, Accessible graphics and design
gridline, gridline
group, group, newsgroup
group box, group boxhalf inch, group box, half inch
group boxes, Other user interface elements, Dialog box options
groupware, groupware
grow, grow
Guidelines for Bias-Free Writing (Schwartz), Do not use stereotypes of people with disabilities
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