
Managing Interruptions

‘You will never reach your destination if you stop to throw stones at every dog that barks.’ – Winston Churchill

Mindfulness involves managing your attention so that it is focused and occupied with immediate experience. What usually stops you from focusing and engaging at work? Interruptions and distractions.

Interruptions arrive unexpectedly at any time of day. They come from other people in the form of questions, announcements, requests and demands, by people who need decisions made, conflicts managed and problems solved. Interruptions come in person, by phone, texts and email.

Interruptions get in the way of managing your time and your work. They disturb, delay and hinder you. Interruptions deplete your time and energy. They break your concentration and cause delays.

Because your day only has so many hours in it, a handful of small interruptions can rob you of the time you need to get on with and complete your work. Interruptions can break your focus, meaning that you have to spend time re-engaging your brain with the thought processes needed to complete your work.

Interruptions may feel like they are not in your control but they can be managed.

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